ZIbe Gomentan MORAVIAN COLLEGE STUDENT WEEKLY Volume LXIX Bethlehem, Pa., Friday, September 24, 1965 Number 2 James Boren Highwaymen To Appear Personal Inv For Homecoming Weekend In Foreign A constructive, living relationship between ourselves and the people of Latin America is "limited only by imagination," James H. Boren told a Foreign Policy Association meeting here Thursday night, September 16. An audience of 75 heard the director of the Partners of the Alliance speak of "a great revolutionary program for progress which must have your Loan active participation." Fund Boren explained that he had or¬ ganized the Partners of the Al¬ liance to bring the people of North Recognized and South America together for Moravian's Amrhein Loan Fund work and understanding, "but its received national recognition this success cannot be measured mere¬ summer as a "Student Finance ly in terms of the increase in the Company Making Grade in Loan Gross National Product." Field." Burroughs Clearing House, "It must be measured in the a linance publication, described human terms of hope, opportun¬ the background and growth of the ity, and personal involvement," organization in a two-page article he said, "It is not enough for us which appeared in June. to be 'amigos' in the passive Created in 1964 with a $10,000 sense." donation from college trustee Irv¬ The stocky, dark-haired Texan ing S. Amrhein, the loan fund's stated that in less than two years, primary purpose is to give busi¬ ness students the Alliance has grown to include a working know¬ 26 states of the United States, ledge of finance. In addition, $22,- 000 was loaned corresponding with 2 6 areas of to 170 applicants Latin America. in the first year of operation. Under the loan program, stu¬ "This is not a charity program dents may borrow up to nor is it an 'adoption' program. $100, fac¬ The Alumni Association and the Social Activities Committee will co-sponsor a concert on Fri¬ The Partners of the Alliance fo¬ ulty members and administration as much as $500. Most often all day, October 1 5 of Homecoming Weekend. The concert, to be held in Johnston Hall, will feature cuses on helping those who are that is The helping themselves," he said. necessary for the transac¬ Highwaymen, Ullett and Hendra (British Comedians), and The Southampton Dixie Racing tion is one dollar for the applica¬ and Clambake Society Jazz Band. Pennsylvania's partner is Bahia tion fee and a signature. Students The in Brazil. Boren described the Highwaymen, a group of may even suggest their own repay¬ area as slightly larger than young men under the musical ment plan to fit their individual direction of David France, with a population of about needs. Student loans have been Fisher, who Lehigh Art Allianc 7 million. The land is rich in min¬ granted for such expenses as tui¬ founded the group, along with erals, fruit, chocolate, and tobac¬ tion costs, books, dances, frater¬ their manager Ken Greengrass, Works of Local co. But the land is troubled often nity dues, automobile repairs and have made their own by floods and droughts.. Historical¬ style of folk Moravian income taxes. College will be host to the 30th Annual Juried Ex¬ ly, it is the site of the first Euro¬ music internationally famous. hibition of the Art Alliance on Dan Harris, this year's presi¬ Lehigh starting September 26 pean landing in South America, They hold the distinction of hit¬ dent of the and continuing through October 1 7. This art exhibition will in¬ he added. Lehigh University and organization, spoke of ting the jackpot with their very one problem clude Muhlenberg College have each associated with a stu¬ paintings, sculptures, mosaics, and other meria done by dent loan fund. first recording, "Michael", an agreed to sponsor a student from Lehigh Valley artists. old This is the fourth consecutive Bahia, he said, "but the problem "A basic problem to overcome original version of the spirit¬ is to find the qualified students." is the popular image the average ual, which sold over 1,000,000 year that Moravian students will Blackfriars student has of a have the opportunity to view local Boren told of the progress of loan company. records. The mere term talent. The Art Alliance is com¬ other states in the program, men¬ conjures up a vis¬ For those who prefer jazz to To Produce ion of an unscrupulous group posed of artists ranging from pro¬ tioning twelve educators from folk music, there will be the sev- fessional to amateur talent, from Costa Rica upgrading the teach¬ sporting a lean and hungry look, e n - m a n Southampton Society, all walks of life. ing of Spanish in twelve Oregon offering only high interest rates and red playing real Dixie Land Jazz. A reception will be held in the Operatic Spoof school districts. tape for the borrower's confidence. In most cases this is The British comedy team of Ul¬ CUB lounge on September 26 from The musical LITTLE MARY High school science classes in entirely unfounded in 2 to 5 p.m. It will be held under an suc¬ Colorado will be assisted with fact, and lett and Hendra will add sophisti¬ SUNSHINE, off-Broadway it is this idea that we of Amrhein the direction of Mrs. F. N. Breid- cess by Rick Besoyan, will be pre¬ mineral samples provided by the cated humor to the evening's pro¬ Loan Fund are enthal, hospitality chairman, and sented in Prosser Auditorium on Partners committee in Minas Ger- working to dis¬ gram. They have appeared fre¬ credit." the College Union Art Committee. October 28, 29, and 30 at 8:30 ais, Brazil. Also, "An outstanding quently on the Johnny Carson The public is invited to attend. p.m. The Blackfriars and the collection of 58 Venezuelan paint¬ Student 1o a n information is Show. The hostesses will be Mrs. John Music Department are cooperating ings valued at $100,000 will arrive available at the College Union McConnell, Miss Esther Scheirer, to present this gentle spoof of the in Tensessee, where they will be Building, room 4, from 11:30 to Proceeds of the concert will Mrs. Quentin Smith, Mrs. Fred old-style operetta. shown in seven galleries over a 1 p.m. benefit the Alumni Scholarship Schaeffer, Mrs. Robert Horn, and Set in the Colorado period of nine months," he said. Fund. Tickets for the concert may Rockies, Mrs. Charles Goldsmith. "A collection of Incan gold the plot includes a group of dash¬ be obtained at the CUB desk. Re¬ Mr. Jack Eagle, Exhibition ing from Peru will be shown in Texas to contact Philip Berman, a mem¬ young forest rangers; a de¬ served seats are being sold for Chairman, has announced that Dr. later this year," he added, "It's ber of the executive committee of lightful collection of young ladies Harold Mantz of Kutztown State $4.00, reserved section for $3.00, from an give and take. The State Depart¬ the Pennsylvania Partners, if they Eastern finishing school; College and Mr. James Waldron, the Hero ment is acting just as the ca¬ wish to become an active member and general admission tickets for who is brave; the Hero¬ curator of painting at the Reading ine who is talyst." in the Alliance's drive for prog¬ $2.00. pure; and a dastardly Art Museum, will be the judges Indian Boren cited the most important ress. villain, plus other strange for the exhibition. The presenta¬ and assorted characters who wan¬ driving force of the alliance as Later speakers scheduled to ap¬ Ed. note: Miss Michael's tion of awards will be made at der into and "the people dedicated to the cause pear before the through the moun¬ Foreign Policy 4:00 present faculty position is p.m. on Sunday, September tain scenery. of hemispheric progress," and Association are the Secretary of that of Assistant Professor 26. added, "through your partnership Embassy for Permanent Mission A cast of seven principle and of English, and not Instruc¬ you may give hope to a mother to France on October 7, and the supporting roles with a female tor of English as previously Current subscribers: in the slums who dares to dream former ambassador to the U. N. chorus (the young ladies) and reported. We regret this Please notify us promptly if of a better life for her children." from South Vietnam. male chorus (the Rangers) is in- error. you change your address. The speaker urged his listeners (See picture on page 3) (Cont. on p. 3, col. 3) THE COMENIAN September 24, 1965 Page 2 Editorials: Letter to the Editor |ncjia_pa|<istan Hill Feud: Ed. note: The editorial TEKE Loss Cause staff of the Comenian wish¬ Mahatfields vs. es to encourage all students Macayubs who would like to air their Moravian College has lost one of its greatest assets, a fraternity. by Eric Shimer wants, likes, gripes, or views That it was justified does not alter the problems it has caused. concerning either events on Pakistan and India are at each other's throats again, this time to For the next three years there will be a group of students unable this campus, the surround¬ see who ends up with Kashmir. Trouble has been brewing since 1947 to participate in organized campus fraternity life and the benefits ing area, the nation, or the when the British found it advisable to divide the Indian subcontinent such life affords. world to do so in this week¬ to satify the strongly nationalistic religious groups. The Hindus got ly column. All "Letters to India, the Moslems, Pakistan, but Kashmir was caught in the middle.
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