L jzed by tfiWTTOrnet Archive T 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation : AEMT. * i^re THE EVACUATION OF NOETH RUSSIA^ 1919. Majesty. Presented to Parliament by Command of His M$^i^ LONDON PUBLISHED BY fflS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICK To be puiclKiBtiil thiough any Bookseller or directly from II. M. STATIONhlliV OFFICE at the following addresses: IMI'EKIAL HovsE, KiN'^swAY, LONDu.N, W.C. 2, and 28, Abi.vudon Strket, Londin, 3.W. 1 37, I'ETEu Sr.acKT, Manchesjkr; 1, St. Andiikw's Crkbcknt, Cardiff; 23. Fdkth Street, EDi.siaKGH; or from E. PONSONBY, Ltu., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1920. Price Is. &d. net. [CuJ. 818.] : ;; GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS (with the i»TCter»«nentien<?d exceptions) can be purchased in the mannfer inrficftted on tte first page of this wrapper. Hydrographical Publications ol the Admiralty are aolfl "by J. I). Potter, 145, MinorieB, Lcr.don, E.l. Patent Office PubUcations are sold at The Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildirgf, Chancery Lane, Loridcc. 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Vote of Ceemt Appeopbiation Account, 1917-1'918. Kepobt of the Comptroller and Auditor-General upon the Appropriation Account of the Vote of Credit in the year ended March 31, 1918 :—Outtonie of the Accotmt ; Total Expenditure, 1914-15 to 1917-18 ; Raw Materials controlled by the Army Cotmcil ; Wool, Kips and Raw Hides ; Leather, Tanning Material,. Flax and Flax Seed, Jute and Manila Hemp ; Raw Materials, &c., controlled by the Ministry of Munitions ; Fltx Supplies Account, Pyrites Account, Superphosphates Account, Lands Cultivation ; Loans to Dominions, Allied Powers, in &c. ; Loan to Navy and Army Canteen Board ; Relief to British Prisoners of War, &c., Enemy Countries Executive Com.mittees ; Timber Food Supplies ; Meat, Rabbits, Cheese ; Railway Agreements—Pajm.ents to Ccimrol Supplies ; Canals, Compensation ; Flax Production ; Food Prcducticn (Scotland) ; Central Board (Liquor Traffic) ; Sugar Supply ; Purchase and Sale of Wheat and other Cereals ; Delay in furnishing Accounts, Australian Wheat, Bread Subsidy ; Restriction of Enemy Supplies Departn.ent, Loss on Dulcli Potatoes,. Liabilities Trading Accovmts of Restriction of Enemy Supply Schemes ; Grants under Civil Scheme Admin- istered by the Military Service (Civil Liabilities) Departn.ent ; Relation of Increased Separation Allowance to Grants, Notification by Regimental Payn;asters of Casualties affecting Grants, Grants to Men sers-ing in Canteens, Non-recovery of Advances to Officers a\\arded Grants ; Coal and Oil Trading Account ; Oversea Preservation, Prize Disposal Committee ; Ministry of Food ; Trading Accoimts, Tea Section, Loss on Vegetable Sales on behalf of other Departments, Central Live Stock Food ; Ministry of Information ; Food Production Department ; Agricultural Executive Committees, Operations imdertaken by the Focd Production Depart- ment, Motor Tractor Ploughing, Purchases from Salaried Officers of the Dcpartm.ent, Re-sale of Motor Tractors to Contractors, Horse PIcughing Scheme, Loss on Seed Potatoes (1917), Loss on Superphosphate Transac- tions ; Services not hitherto specified ; Chartering of Detained Ships (Coal) ; War Risks Insurance ; Marine Supplies; Nickel; Board of Agi'iculture and Fisheries. Special Services (Wheat, &c.) ; Rotiii anian Grain-, Subsidies in the Middle East ; Extra Receipts. H.C. 97 of Session 1919. Price 4d. {bid.). Vote of (CreditJ Appropriation Account, 1918-1919. Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General upon the Appropriation Account of the Vote of Credit for the year ended March 31, 1919 :— Outcom.e of the Accoimt ; Expenditure charged to Vote of Credit, 1918-19 ; Receipts arising on Vote of Credit Services, 1918-19; Total Expenditure, 1914-16 to 1918-19; Method of General : Military Utilizing certain Receipts arising out of Vote of Credit Services ; Trading Accounts— Lands Cultivation, Mercury Reserve Stock Account, Shipbuilding Suspense Accoimts, Asbestos Pool Beard, Detained Fertilisers, Ships ; Raw Materials and other Services controlled by the Ministry of Munitions ; Flax Supplies, Cultivation of Lands, Boring for Oil, Kjps and Raw Hides, Leather and Tanning Materials, Cotton and Cotton Fabrics, Chemicals and Drugs, Focd Containers, Wool, Flax and Flax Seed, Raw Jute, Manila Hemp ; Loans " " to Dominions, Allied Powers, &c. (net) ; Laurentic Gold ; Halifax Relief Fund (Govenunent Contribution) " " Caucasus Military Agency ; Dependants of Danish Seamen ; S.S. Konigin Regentes ; Detention and Diversion of of ; Refugees'from Russia Food- Ships ; Destruction Roumanian Oilfields ; Relief of Prisoners of War, &c. ; stuffs for Northern Russia ; Arab Bureau; Advances to General Al exit ff ; Polish National Conmiittce ; Refugees from Vladivostock ; Russian Bank Control Schem^e and Financial Assistance to the South Eastern Confederacy ; Italian Roun anian Grain ; Han-adim Board of Control ; Propaganda Abroad—Expenses incurred in ; Oranges ; Railway Agieen>ent8, &c.'—^Payn^.ents to Executive Com.mittees ; Investn ent in Irish CoMieiries Railways ; Loan to General LighthouEe Fund ; Loan to River Wear Commissioners ; Nickel ; Investn.ents in Turkish Petroleum Ctnpany ; Canals, Cm pensaticn ; War Risks Insurance ; Marine Supplies ; Feed Supplies (Administered by the Beard of ; ; Pool Board Trade) Zinc Concentrates ; Siberian Supplies ; Tin ber Supplies (Petroleum Supi)lies) ; FJax Prcducticn ; Feed Prcducticn (Scotland); Department of National Service, Ireland Additional ; Allowances to Old Age Pensions ; War Trade Department ; Diug Supplies ; Sugar Supply ; Purchase and Sale of Wheat and other Cereals ; Restricticn of Enemy Supplies Departm.ent ; Ministry of Pen- sions ; Coal and Oil Trading Account ; 0\-ersea Prize Disposal Committee ; Ministiy of Food ; Focd Production : ARMI. THE EVACUATION OF NOETH RUSSIA, 1919. Majesty. Presented to Pcerliament by Command of His \ LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HTS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through anv Bookseller or directly from H M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses S.W. London, W.C. 2, and 28, Abingdon Street, London, 1; iNi 1 RIAL House, Kingsway, Crescent, Cardiff; 37, Peter Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andrew's 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh; Dublin. or from K PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, 1920. Price Is. 6d. net. [Cmd. 818.] .. .. .. .. .. .. .. V it<\ ''^^'--°-L^°'.S^ CONTENTS. m 1 01 • w u I 979067' PAGE I. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for War . 3 • II. Memorandum by the Chief of the Imperial Genei-al Staff . • . 5 III. Narrative . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 IV. Attached Papers A to V (see list below) . 19 LIST OP ATTACHED PAPERS. A.—Note by the Chief of the Imperial General Staff to the Secretary of the War Caljinet on the situation in North Russia, pointing out the necessity for sending administrative reinforcements and pres.sing for a definite policy. (2nd January, 1919.) B. —Note by the General Staff drawing attention to the unsatisfactory position of our troops in North Russia, and pointing out the need for administrative reinforcements, &c. (31st January, 1919.) C.—Appreciation of the situation on the Archangel Front by the General Staff, emphasizing the necessity of despatching reinforcements to Russia. (4th February, 1919.) D, — Minute by the Director of Military Operations on the situation in North Russia, drawing attention to the dangerous situation existing at Archangel. (27th March, 1919.) E.—Telegram from General Maynard to the War Office asking for 400 reinforcements in consequence of dangerous situation due to unrest in the Finnish Legion. (31st March, 1919.) P. —Telegram from the War Office to Generals Ironside and Maynard announcing that all troops who had spent the winter in North Russia should return to England by the autumn. (4th April, 1919.) G.—General Staff Paper on the situation in North Russia, discussing measures already taken to deal with the situation and making proposals for further action, (loth April, 1919.) H.—Telegram from General Maynard to the War Office on operations in the vicinity of Urozero and discussing the possibility of advancing to the northern end of Lake Onega. (17th April, 1919.) I. —^Telegram from General Maynard Co the War Office asking for permission to carry out further operations with the object of capturing Medvyejii Gora and Povyenetz. (25th April 1919.) J. —Telegram from the War Office to General Maynard sanctioning an advance to the northern end of Lake Onega at his discretion. (29.th April, 1919.) K.—Telegram from the War Office to General Ironside authorizing him to make preparations for an offensive in the direction of Kotlas. (4th May, 1919.) L.—Telegram from
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