The Indiana Bildor TM Official Publication Produced for Members of the Indiana Builders Association, Inc. The Only Statewide News Coverage of Residential/Light Commercial Construction July, 2007 www.BuildIndiana.org Volume 43, No. 7 Indiana Housing Leaders Visit Congressmen in Washington, DC U.S. Congressman Steve Buyer (center), representing District 4, met with housing leaders from Indiana during the recent NAHB Legislative Conference. Housing leaders from Indiana visited with U.S. Congressman Mike Pence (seventh from right) at the United States Capitol. Pence represents District 6. Members of Indiana’s housing delegation met with U.S. Congressman Joe Donnelly (third from left), (District 2), while in Washington, DC, for the NAHB Legislative Conference. Pictured are (left to right): IBA CEO Rick Wajda; NAHB Build-PAC Trustee Heath VanNatter; Donnelly; NAHB Build-PAC Trustee Dale DeVon; IBA President Stephen Robinson, GMB, CGB, CGR, CAPS; and Indiana’s State Representative to NAHB Tom U.S. Congressman Peter Visclosky (center) met with constituents and housing leaders (left Mullen, MIRM. to right): Dale DeVon; Brooke Burtnett; Visclosky; Tim Henderlong, CGB; and Dennis Henderlong, CGB. Visclosky represents Indiana’s 1st District. A large number of housing leaders from Indiana met with U.S. Congressman Mark Souder (center), in Washington, DC. Souder represents Indiana’s District 3. U.S. Congressman Brad Ellsworth (third from left) met with his constituents and IBA leaders (left to right): Jeff Happe, LeAnn Happe, Ellsworth, Doug Dillion, Tom Slater, Indiana to Debut Revised Mary Pedtke, and Bill Pedtke. Ellsworth is from Evansville and represents Indiana’s 8th Certified Aging-In-Place District. Courses July 24th to 26th PAID IBA to Host Trip to Cincinnati Reds Game embers from Indiana attending PRSRT STD th US POSTAGE - NAHB Build-PAC Fundraiser Set for July 26 - the upcoming Certified Aging- PERMIT NO.279 In-Place Specialist (CAPS) INDIANAPOLIS, IN embers of the Indiana Builders Rick Wajda, IBA’s CEO. “Proceeds from M th th courses on July 24 to 26 will Association are lining up to the outing will benefit the NAHB Build- receive the latest up-to-date in- M spend a day at the old ball park PAC, the national PAC fund that supports formation as the courses have recently been th on Thursday, July 26 , to watch pro-housing candidates in Congress.” revised by the National Association of Home the Cincinnati Reds take on the Milwau- For a minimum contribution of $250 to Builders (NAHB) University of Housing. kee Brewers. The opening pitch is set for NAHB Build-PAC, participants will receive The courses will debut in Indiana at the 12:35 pm at the Great American one ticket to the game, refreshments, and Indiana Housing Center in Indianapolis be- Ball Park in Cincinnati, Ohio. transportation to and from Indianapolis. ginning with “Working With & Marketing Timberland Lumber Contributions or gifts to NAHB Build-PAC to Older Adults” instructed by Greg Company’s luxury motor are not tax deductible for federal income Miedema, CGR, CGB, CAPS, on July 24th. coach bus will depart from tax purposes and must be made by personal Mike Weiss, CGR, CGB, GMB, CAPS, will downtown Indianapolis at the or non-corporate check or credit card. instruct the revised “Home Modifications” Indiana Housing Center Reserve your spot today by completing course on July 25th. parking lot at 10:00 am. and faxing the registration form on page 5 Jud Motsenbocker, CGR, CAPS, will teach “It promises to be a or by calling the IBA office at (800)377- the Business Management for Building Pro- day of fun and net- 6334. fessionals course on July 26th. working for a great Event Sponsor For more information and to register see cause,” comments page 3 or call IBA at (800)377-6334. Indiana Builders Association 44670 Box P.O. Indianapolis, IN 46244-0670 Page 2, The Indiana Bildor July, 2007 The Indiana Stay on the Cutting Edge with ‘Green’ and ‘CAPS’ Bildor s always, my attendance at the re- and aging-in-place are not fads; they will cent National Association of Home President’s not be going away. Americans will not get Official publication of the Builders (NAHB) Legislative Con- younger. The energy crisis and cost of fuel Indiana Builders Association, Inc. A Message ference and Spring Board meetings will not roll back under $50 dollars a barrel street address rewarded me with insight that will benefit By Stephen or $2 dollars a gallon. 1011 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St., me professionally and personally. It was Robinson, The good news is that many of us are al- Ste. 100, Indianapolis, IN 46202 interesting sharing with our brothers and GMB, CGB, CGR, CAPS, ready doing home modifications and Green mailing address sisters across the country on what is hap- New Castle practices without realizing it. Your poten- P.O. Box 44670 pening nationwide. Some areas of the coun- President, tial clients might not realize it either. Indianapolis, IN 46244-0670 try are slower than others. There were dif- Indiana Builders Association The better news is that you have the tools 1-800-377-6334 * (317) 236-6334 ferent reasons for the success or failure of at your disposal right here in Indiana for FAX (317) 236-6342 www.BuildIndiana.org markets and marketing strategies in differ- ride this wave or be buried by those that you to get a leg up on both of these sub- [email protected] ent areas. There were a couple areas that are. Facts are facts. I encourage you to go jects. The IBA is hosting two more CAPS Published monthly. seem to be carrying builders, developers, online and see if you can get through a week sessions this year in Indianapolis. The Advertising rates available upon request. and remodelers across the nation. These or even a day of television, radio, news- newly revised CAPS classes will debut July This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement that is in vio- two areas are “home building and remodel- print or MSN and not see something about 24th to 26th and will be offered again Octo- lation of the law. Inclusion of an advertisement and/or article does NOT st nd indicate approval or endorsement of the product, service, or opinion by ing for the 50+ Market” and “Green Build- either one of these topics. ber 31 to November 2 . See page 3 for Indiana Builders Association. ing and Remodeling”. AARP said that they hope for our industry complete details. Senior Officers Throughout the conference and sessions, to have 5,000 Certified Aging-In-Place Spe- IBA will also be offering the new Green President Vice President the topics that were constantly being dis- cialists (CAPS) in the next five years. This is Building two-day course on October 25th Stephen Robinson, GMB, CGR David Compton th R.E. Construction CGB, CAPS R.N. Thompson & Assn. cussed were “aging-in-place universal de- a designation that is available through the and 26 in Indianapolis with yours truly as 170 N. C.R. 400 W. 13378 Silverstone Dr. sign,” and “green”. Indiana Builders Association (IBA) in con- the instructor. See page 20 for details. New Castle, IN 47362 Fishers, IN 46037 The meeting room for the Green Building junction with the NAHB. AARP is commit- I strongly encourage you to take advan- (765) 533-6413 (317) 281-4177 FAX (765) 533-4297 [email protected] Task Force was packed. Over 18 states had ted to continuing to encourage their mem- tage of these opportunities. The IBA Board [email protected] some kind of legislation that was introduced bers to do business with a CAPS trained pro- of Directors and Senior Officers team are this year about Green standards or mandates, fessional. Visit their website at www.aarp.org. dedicated to providing every member the Treasurer Secretary INCLUDING INDIANA. The NAHB Board Do a search and you will find links that will tools necessary to sustain your companies Dennis Spidel, GMB, CGB, CGR Andy Place, Sr. Dennis Spidel Custom Homes Place Builders, Inc. approved $2.4 million dollars to spearhead place a member with a CAPS graduate. This and keep our membership on the cutting 613 W. Maumee St. 1620 N. Ironwood Green research and marketing. is the fastest growing segment of the popula- edge. Angola, IN 46703 South Bend, IN 46635 I talked to builders in Michigan who were tion with the largest pool of discretionary Thank you for your time and dedication (260) 665-1599 (574) 259-4858 FAX (260) 665-3828 FAX (574) 259-5020 using a combination of the over 50 market- cash in the history of the world. We are talk- to this great industry that I am privileged to [email protected] [email protected] ing and modifications and green design and ing trillions here. represent on your behalf. marketing and said they were having one I was on MSN while in DC and noticed Please pause now and then and count National Rep. NAHB Area 9 VP Tom Mullen, MIRM Loren Swanson of their best years. Remember, that was in there is something about Green almost daily. your many blessings. May the Lord con- Thomas E. Mullen & As. Southern Michigan Htg. Michigan. From Oprah to Save the Planet Live Earth tinue to Bless You and Yours. 6251 Behner Way 1508 First Street Okay Stephen, we know that you like these Concerts to Al Gore. It is everywhere. Green - Sincerely, Stephen Indianapolis, IN46250 Jackson, MI 49203 two subjects – but what does it all mean? (317) 845-8467 (517)784-9125 FAX (317) 849-2122 FAX (517)784-9133 The tide is swelling.
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