the Observer The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Volume 44 : Issue 65 Tuesday, december 8, 2009 ndsmcobserver.com 24,000 employees affected by data breach Personal information exposed on the Internet, University working to minimize future threats ed by the data breach, said he By SARAH MERVOSH did not feel sure he was safe News Writer from identity theft. “It’s not possible to determine Important personal informa- if somebody managed to down- tion, such as social security load that information before it numbers, names and zip codes, was taken down,” he said. “The of many Notre Dame employees logs show that the information was exposed to the Internet had been out there for awhile.” after the University accidentally Gresik said he is concerned his placed the information in a pub- information could be out there licly accessible location. still. The data breach affected “That’s the current threat,” he about 24,000 employees, includ- said. “That information might be ing some students who work for sitting on somebody’s hard drive the University, Gordon Wishon, or it may have been posted to a associate vice president of infor- bulletin board or whatever mation technology and the places identity thieves post University’s chief information information.” officer, said. Those affected by the data The personal information that breach were informed in a let- was exposed will no longer be ter, which was received on Nov. accessible because the 20. University immediately removed “I nearly didn’t read it because it from the Internet and secured it was one of those copies of a it, he said. group letter, except my attention There was no evidence the to it was that it was addressed information was inappropriately dear Sabine, my first name,” used, Wishon said. Sabine MacCormack, a professor But chair of Faculty Senate Thomas Gresik, who was affect- see IDENTITY/page 4 BLAIR CHEMIDLIN | Observer Graphic Voting begins for Senior Legacy gift CAMPUS LIFE COUNCIL Student Development Proposal By ADRIANA PRATT Committee, said the choices News Writer were made based on senior input. looks to The Senior Legacy will donate “These are all senior ideas and to a graduate school and job visi- once we narrowed them down, tation/interview fund, we got in contact with the vari- International Studies, the ous departments to see what add alum Hesburgh Memorial Library or they need and if it’s feasible,” an area of greatest need at the she said. end of the year. Ian Secviar, the Student to council Voting for the Senior Legacy Development Committee’s other gift will end on Dec. 18 at 11:59 co-chair, said Notre Dame’s level p.m. By LIZ O’DONNELL Emily Everett, co-chair of the see LEGACY/page 4 BLAIR CHEMIDLIN | Observer Graphic News Writer The Campus Life Council (CLC) passed a resolution to propose the addition of a mem- Learning Tree provides teaching resources ber from the Alumni Association to the council in its The Learning Tree provides final meeting of the semester By ALICIA SMITH games and learning materials Monday evening. News Writer that can be borrowed or pur- The newly created Task chased for a low cost. Force on Alumni Student Recently relocated to a new According to Fogle, the Relations drafted and pro- facility on the first floor of Learning Tree was started by a posed the resolution to the Madeleva Hall, the Learning group of teachers in the 1970s council in hopes of ultimately Tree offers a variety of as a South Bend school pro- receiving the approval from Fr. resources for students, teach- gram. The program was moved Mark Poorman in the Office of ers within the community and to Saint Mary’s College in 2001. Student Affairs for the new the general public. This fall, the facility was relo- member. “Our new location offers a cated from the third floor of Bridget Bredemann, the larger workspace. It’s much Madeleva Hall to the present chairman of the committee, brighter and cheerier. It’s a location on the first floor of said the addition of a member ALICIA SMITH/The Observer good working environment,” Madeleva Hall. from the Alumni Association to Senior Annie Busillo leans down to find an Ellison die cut mold Jayne Fogle, director of the at The Learning Tree’s new facilities in Madeleva Hall. Learning Tree, said. see LEARNING/page 4 see CLC/page 4 INSIDE TODAY ’S PAPER SGA approves sponsorships page 3 N Best and worst study spots on campus page 10 N Clausen, Tate to go to NFL draft page 20 N Viewpoint page 8 page 2 The Observer N PAGE 2 Tuesday, December 8, 2009 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: HOW DID YOU FEEL ABOUT THE SNOW? Movie stars and music Pretty much since there have been movie stars, there have been movie stars making music. And it needs to stop. It Allison Jeter Anh-Ton Tran Christie Ahn Kathleen Bracke Theresa Lai nearly never turns out well for anyone involved. freshman freshman freshman freshman freshman Let’s take, for a Pangborn Keenan Lewis Pangborn Pangborn moment, the classic example of Scarlett Johansson, who “I’m from South “It’s delicious.” “Let it Snow!” “Hypothetically, if “There should be seems to be the Bend, so I’m over snow is white and enough to cancel poster child of disap- it.” white is the finals.” pointing celebrity releases. Her prob- absence of color, lem seems to stem theoretically, snow from the fact that is nothing, therefore due to her celebrity, Coleman Collins she manages to get it doesnt exist.” herself in the most Scene ridiculously precari- Writer ous situations ever Have an idea for Question of the Day? E-mail [email protected] when it comes to making music. Her first album — as in, the very first record she ever recorded ever — was a collec- IN BRIEF tion of Tom Waits covers produced by the imitable David Andrew Sitek (of TV Daily Mass will be held in on The Radio fame), which featured two the Basillica of the Sacred of the three members of the Yeah Yeah Heart at 11:30 p.m. and 5:15 Yeahs, a couple of members of TV on the p.m. today. Radio and two guest vocal tracks by David Bowie. For all intents and purpos- A lecture titled es, it should have been the most awe- “Coordinating among some album to come out that year as far Opposition Parties in as anyone who has ever read Pitchfork Authoritarian Elections” will is concerned. be held in C-103 Hesburg But it wasn’t. And worse than that, the Center. The lecture will begin biggest problem with it was the suppos- at 12:30 p.m. today. edly central player: Scarlett. Even worse than that, she was actually kind of good. The lunchtime workshop But therein lies the problem: to make an series “The Secrets to album that reflected the caliber of her (Academic) Success and collaborators and influences, the album Making Your (Academic) Life that everyone was expecting (and Easier” will be be holding the deserved) she would had to be of the discussion “Getting a Good same caliber. Kind of good does not cut Start Next Semester” today it when you have David Bowie popping at 12:30 p.m. The series will in for a guest vocal. be held in Madeleva Hall at She managed a repeat offense earlier Saint Mary’s College. this fall when she released her second album, which was an album of duets GRACE KENESEY/The Observer “In Situ Raman with Pete Yorn inspired by Serge St. Edward’s has a Christmas tree where students can donate $10 to place a bulb Spectroscopy Study of Gainsbourg and Brigitte Bardot’s duet on the tree, as well as help purchase a “welcome basket” for a newborn baby and Oxidation of Nanostructured albums from the 60’s. What a good idea! mother at the Women Care Center in South Bend. Carbons” will begin at 3:30 What a disappointing execution. p.m. today. The lecture will In short (partially for all of those read- be held in 138 DeBartolo ers who I totally lost in the dozen musi- Hall. cians I recently referenced), she uses her celebrity to make these amazing OFFBEAT Bible Study will be held in projects happen with some really amaz- the Student Center Resource ing talent, and then cannot cash the Texas homeowner dresses calling Big Spring city more than 100 mph. Room at Saint Mary’s College check that her ambition wrote. Couldn’t David as scantily-clad Santa officials saying their chil- Authorities say the pur- today. It will begin at 6 p.m. write a check that was cashable by her BIG SPRING, Texas — A dren were asking why suit started around 9:30 skills? Cash any checks at a bank that Texas homeowner who Santa was naked. a.m. Monday when troop- Mass will be held in Regina wasn’t hers? I lost myself in that adorned his front lawn “I just like to shock ers saw a driver weaving Chapel at Saint Mary’s College metaphor there, but I think you get the with Michelangelo’s people to make them in and out of her lane on to celebrate the Immaculate picture. “David” as a scantily clad laugh, kind of break the Interstate 81 in Swatara Conception today at 9 p.m. Basically, it comes down to this: if you Santa got more than just monotony around here,” Township. didn’t get famous for your music, it’s jolly laughs from his said McBee, who has all Police say the driver A colloquium titled “Rare very unlikely that you can manage to neighbors.
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