THE NEWARK LEADER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1942 GERMAN ADVANCE INTO RUSSIA —AS PRISONERS 9 Business Women McGregor to In Two Programs Address Townsend The Business and Professional Meeting Sunday Women’s club celebrated Nation­ al Business Week with two pro­ Congressman J. Harry Mc­ grams. At a dinner Sunday, Oct. FRIDAY Gregor will address a meeting of 4 % > 11, Miss Olive Huston of Xe 'uu. WbW WJZ president of the Ohio Federal Townsend club No. 1 in Republi­ 6:00 News 6:15 Aon Winslow Newsroom Don AVinslow was the honored guest and spea­ can headquarters Sunday after­ 6:30 jum & Abner Canteen Girl Milt Herth Trio ker. Her topic was on the Four noon at 2:30 p. m., according to 6:45 Lowell Thomas Fronts, namely the battle of 7:00 Fred Waring Fred Waring Scramble an announcement made this week. 7:15 * ideas, battle for production, 7:30 buulxme Ranger community offensive, and battle Another meeting will be held 7:45 Lou Lone Ranger at 7:30 in the evening with 8:00 Earl Godwin for peace. state representative Win. W. 8:15 Juffy's Tavern Special guests of the club were Mooney of Columbus, as the 8:30 Mrs. Ila Kohl, district d’«* -tor 8:45 and president of the Mt. Vernon speaker. Lunch will be served 9:00 Valtz Time Waltz Time Gang Busters club; Miss Winnifred Vogt, between sessions and everyone 9:15 A’altz Time Waltz Time Gang Busters 9:30 ’lantation Party Spotlight Banda Zanesville, state finance chair­ interested is invited to attend. Spotlight Bands 9:45 ’lantation Party man, and Lulu Beeney, state BUY U S. WAR BONDS AND STAMPS ------------------ SATURDAY- program chairman, and chair­ 6:00 Newn Funny Money Man News man of the dinner committee. 6:11 News Thursday, Oct. 15, members SHAVING STEEL FOR 6 :3( Walter Van Kirk Ella Fitzgerald VICTORY 6:41 Truly American News of the club enjoyed an “Emblem 7:0( Inside Radio To be announc'd Message of Isreal Breakfast” in Hull Place, with 7:11 Carroll D. Alcott To be announced Message of Isreal 7 :3( To be announced Ellery Queen President Mrs. Lucille Neldon, 7:41 Boone Co. Jamboree AVar in the Air leading the devotions. Other % Irish Rose Abies Irish Rose Earl Godwin ■HL 8:0( Abie's members participated in the p ju- ip 8:11 Abie's Irish Rose Abies Irish Rose Gibbs and Finney 8 :3( Boone Co. Jamboree Truth - ConsequenceDanny Thomas Show gram explaining the emblem or 8:41 Boone Co.. Jamboree_ Truth - Consequence Danny Thomas Show USSR—A long line of Nazi soldiers, now prisoners of war, march into captivity under guard of armed So­ the organization. 9:0( Barn Dance Barn Dance ”The” Green" ”Hornet ’ viet Soldiers, These are some of the many prisoners of war taken by the Soviet soldiers in bitter fight­ The local club is sponsoring 9:1! Barn Dance Barn Dance The Green Hornet ing on the southern front in and around Stalingrad, / ' ,. __ 9:3( Can You Top This Can You Top This the War Stamp and Bond sales 9:4t Can You -Top This Can You Top This Spotlight Bands booth at the Midland theater this week. -------------------------------- SUNDAY tional,—in fact ,to use his own Local Man Wins .State Deputy BUY U. S.WAR BONDS AND STAMPS Tune in “The Country Editors Chair” Program at 9:30 A. M.—WBNS words, he “sizzled” through one 1:00 ........Phil “Brito —"People ’ ’ ’ ”Horace Heidt~ "■ Talks to K. of t\ hour and 20 minutes so fast his Award For Tool 1:30 Your Easy Chair Music Horace Heidt audience did not realize the Glenn Vanscoy Wins 2:00 Boys Town Sammy Kaye Chaplain Jim Processing Idea | 2:30 Round Table Round Table Blue Barron The Newark council Knights seats were hard or how fast the 3:00 Music for Neighbors News time had flown. Bond and Medal 3:30 Army Show The Army Hour Wake Up America of Columbus, observed Columbus- A “Certificate of Individual A specially designed silver me­ 3:45 Army Show The Army Hour Sunday Vespers Day with a dinner and program BUY U. S.WAR BONDS AND STAMPS Production” merit has been vot­ dal and a $25 War Bond will be 4 4:00 Army Show We Believe Easy Listening 4:30 Views in News Symphony Moylan Sisters in the Elks club Monday night. ed to Guy W. Lewis, Newark awarded to Glenn Vanscoy, New-** 5:00 Music Symphony Musical Steelmakers Rev. Father John J. Slattery, Newark Labor Stove company employe, by the ark, O., at a dinner to be held 5:30 Fountain of Fun Catholic Hour brew Parsons Thursday, Oct. 15 at the Van 6:30 Great Gildersleeve Great Gildersleeve Nathan Scott chaplain of the council asked the Board of Individual Awards of 7:00 Jack Benny Jack Benny Wi'bur Evans blessing. The 115 guests were To Get Out Vote Cleve Hotel, Dayton, O., honor­ 7:30 Truth or Conse. Fitch Bandwagon Quiz Kids the War Production Drive com- ing his selection as War Bond 8:00 Charlie McCarthy Charlie McCarthy News addressed by James Lavey of 8:30 One Man's Family One Man’s Family Inner Sanctum Milan, state deputy of the During the regular meeting of mitte in Washington. Champion for Region 5 of Ohio 9:00 Walter AVinchell Merry-Go-Round AVinchell Knights of Columbus. District the Newark Federation of Labor Mr. Lewis developed a plan to for September. 9:30 Jimmy Fidler Familiar Music Jimmy Fidler Deputy and Mrs. Rhodes of Co­ Wednesday night, Marcel A. re-use certain worn-out tools 5 M.oung t.ic "V iur Victory” sign , im n m n a v lumbus were also present. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Kenney, international represen­ through an entirely original pro­ Estate of Ella Norman, Deceas­ Mark Love is showing Stewardess- 6:00 Isews Funny Money Man News Anton Mathey, grand knight Wilma Poore how the finest cut­ cess, thus keeping local pro­ ed. Notice is hereby given that 6:1! )on Winslow News Don AVinslow of the council served as toast­ tative of the Hotel and Restaur­ duction from shutting down due Albert Norman of 95 Hoover street, lery steel can be conserved for war 6:31 Jeacon Moore Music Song Clinic ant Employes’ International Al­ Newark, Ohio, has been duly ap­ purposes if men and women will re­ 6:4! joweil Thomas Sport News Lowell Thomas master. to tool shortage. pointed Administrator of the Es­ 7:01 ''red Waring Fred AVaring Andrini Continental* Mayor and Mrs. Arthur D. liance and Bartenders’ Interna­ Actual tests of Lewis- process­ sharpen razor blades on a new and 7:1! lews News Republican Camp, tate of Ella Norman, deceased, late inexpensive sharpener known as Lockwood were introduced to ed tools have surpassed new of Licking' County, Ohio. Dated 7:3( lystereis of Life Al Roth Fiesta Time tional League of America, spoke this 10th day of October, 1942. SPEE-D-HONE, a product of the 7:41 I. V. Kaltenborn H. A’. Kaltenborn Diane Courtney the guests. to the delegates for a few min­ ones. Mr. Lewis started to work HENRY C. ASHCRAFT, 8:0( lavaleade of AmericaCavaleade of Amer. News Following the dinner ;and with the Wehrle company . in war industry being made from sur­ 8:11 avalcade of America Cavalcade of Amer. Lum & Abner utes in regard to reorganization Probate Judge of said County. plus supplies of an abrasive powder 8 ;3( ’oice of Firestone Aroice of Firestone True or False speaking cards were played. of the union1 in Newark. He will 1906 as an apprentice machinist. Oct. 15-22-29. which .was developed for use in 8:41 oiee of Firestone Voice of Firestone True or False BUY U. S. WAR BONDS AND STAMPS remain here with headquarters grinding precision parts for air­ 9:0( 'elephone Hour Telephone Hour Country Spy plane engines. It is estimated that, 9:11 'elephone Hour Telephone Hour Country Spy in Labor hall. 9:3( >r. I. Q. Dr. I. Q. Spotlight Bands A report was made that In­ if only one-half of American shav­ 9:41 >r. I. Q. Dr. I. Q. Spotlight Bands Elmer ‘‘Sizzles” ers re-honed their blades getting dustrial and Ordinary Life In­ thirty shaves per blade instead of TUESDAYX U A-J *□ XJ X 1 III 1 . Through Speech surance salesmen in Newark Your INCOME Is throwing them away after using 6:0! lews Funny Money Man News have formed an organization and 6:11 )on AVinslow News Don AVinslow received their charter from the them only once or twice, 10,000 tons 6:31 ,um & Abner Hollywood News Milt Herth Trio Elmer Wheeler, humorist, psy­ of steel can be saved annually and 6:4! .owell Thomas Sport News Lowell Thomas chologist, sales consultant and American Federation of Labor. IMPORTANT this will also help to solve the ex-! 7:01 '’red Waring Fred AVaring Easy Aces Miss Joel Jones reported the isting razor blade shortage. e 7:11 larroll Alcott News Lost Persons sloganeer, kept approximately splendid work that the. Com­ 7:3i Ainah Shore Al Roth Lone Ranger If disability stops it .. our policy will 7:4! kaltenborn H. V. Kaltenborn Lone Ranger 700 listeners sizzling on the edge munity House is dojng in rela­ 8:0 lohnny Presents Johnny Presents News of their seats in the high school tion to recreation for children. pay your medical bills and replace your 8:1 lohnny Presents Johnny Presents Luin & Abner auditorium Wednesday night as A Wnotion was passed that all CALENDAR OF 8:3i iorace Heidt Horace Heidt Duffy’s Tavern * lost income.
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