mumm MI* mmrwimr tnmm vivnr IN UNION COUNTY FtlbiMurt WESTFIELD, HEW JOU3EY, THURSDAY, APBIL 13, 1950 •vwr Thuridair. amaques Park Court LWrves III Wellington Via Cookie Safe. 4th Ward Race T6| School Botrd • ' ,-• • ~ - - - -zt* Expansion Passed Suit Decision Feature Election" Jitdgrtlfeve E»d* ouncil Approves 2-Day TmUnoay Schreiber Gted In Court Hotue All Campaigners County Content* a Developoent By Exchangite* A eaclsion on which ef two con tracting Irms should receive tae Quiet In Borough Prause Slight er Recreation heating and ventilating coatrac Honored At for WMtfteU't new HflMflW high Prioary Interest school yesterday awaited the Bub- Four Seek Two expansion of Tamaques Park Tuesday mission ef brief a to Superior Cour Council Vacancies i recreation center was voted Judgt frank L. deary. With virtually no major , tid*y night by the Town Coun- Police Chief John R. leartiWr In other local and county i Twe days of complicated test! MOUNTAINSIDE —There has t-hen it approved the construc- was honored at a special "Ichreib- Republican voters In tae feMta mony in the suit ended Tuesday been no out-and-out active cam- i of two tennia courta there, «r Nifht" meeting of the Ex- ward will draw the priie «<M at change Club of Westfteld Tu*»d«y efteriMwn in the Courthouse, Klis- paigning in the race for the two Tuesday's primary election, «Mi brt Gumbert, chairman of the abeta. It is expected that Judge Council positions open in next pertinent of Public Works corn- nigrht at the Orchard Inn, Spring- three candidates, Donald H. 1M- field. Cleary will be ready to decide the Tuesday^ primary. Each of the g«r, Willaid R. Bull and C, Alt* lie, said that it wag hoped over four candidates seeking election Club President Paul Fuha in- case in about two weeks, Phillips, the incumbent, eeek jjeriod of time to develop the for the two open seats for three troduced Chief Sehreiber and told The Arace Arm, represented b; the post of Town Councilman. M much as originally planned, year terms has declined to issue a of "the club's appreciation of his Richard V. Stein, claims that th. Although they have Krve as a center for varied publibi c statement. sincere help and interest in the Elisabeth company should he gi All are Repub- public statements linec the , mil. The construction of the en the contract because Its bid o licans. nil courts and the exteniion of projteta put on by the Exchange of their petitions in January |lM,Ttl—using the equipment ot Lawrence Ruf, who holds first macadam roadway MO feet, Club." He thanked the Chief fo February; the three men apaawtl' the Trane Co.—ws§ lowest. The position on the ballot for this of- Ich was also approved, ia etti- his "invaluable" help in staging and spoke at the candidate! amt- , defendants argue that Mr. Stew- fice, Is a newcomer who hsB taken «d to cost $9,000. Hearing on the club's Children's Christma ing, sponsored by three local !•• art should get the job because hi an active interest in civic affairs enabling ordinance waa set for party in December and the more publican clubs, on April 4. Mk bid of U»8,»78 wss lowest usim and previously has announced that Mr. Phillips, who has served tarn next meeting: on April 24. recent Crime Prevention Week, the equipment of the John J, Net his platform Is "co-operative govr terms on the council, and Mr. Balk, Other improvement ordinances, sponsored by the national organ- bit Co., the type preferred by th eminent for the good of the bor- former councilman for fear ' Itk hearings alao set for April isation. "His door is always open board and Its architects, Eppel ough as a whole." termi from 193S to 1841, taw , provide for the improvement of for advice and guidance for such netneil "akwri''ara WnttaM •••!« Ultl KM. wka Ml T,rmi,y r»r n hmr-dnr trip i» W«i'iii,vi«il!"ii. C. and Seaman, of Newark. ' Both Incumbents, Albert Har- said that they will stand on their: •action of the Boulevard from problems that arise when a ytung service club, such as ours, gets In the course of the teatimony tung and Charles Carson have recordi. Mr, Bagger, RepuMlean , Mwiy terrace to Clover street, been bracketed on the ballot and county committeeman and a >MMg i Plains avenue from Shack- started," declared President Fuhs. the case was reduced to an argU' Borough Sanitation In recognition of Chief Schreib- ment on the respective merits ol age standing on their, record, Har- newcomer to the political scene. Bixon drive to Shadowlawn 55 Sr. Girl Scouts has declared that he ii> fralUnr er's work, his name, Mr. Fuhs said, the equipment manufactured b; Hearing Tonight tung is seeking bis third term and •ive, and Wells street from St. with both the north and Mtrtfc < will be regiatered in the "Book of the two firms. Joseph Arace o: Carson his second. , arks avenue to Harding street, tides of town and feels that IM Golden Deeds" at national Ex MOUNTAINSIDE — First Fabian Vincent, who was de- id the construction of a sani- reading of the revised sanl- knowj the viewpoint! of cltiatM change headquarters In Toledo, (CoaUnued en Pagt I) On Washington Trip feat 'for re-election in last year's ty sewer in a section of Wells tatlon code for the Borough In both aections, , - Ohio, The Chief will receive an primaries by John Ferguson, is net. Kstl mated coats of these of' Mountainside will be held inscribed, scroll stating the '.'act. Fifty-five Senior Girl Scouts, chaperoned by seven icaders, left seeking a return to the council, njects is $46,000,. part of which by the Board of Health to- Councilmanic candidates in oth- Legion To Hear Tuesday morning in two chartered buses for Washington, D. C, where and has merely stated "the beat ill be financed with state road After dinner the police head nighf at 8 p. ra. In the Bor- er warda and Mayor CharUt t. ,' they will spend four days at Camp Rockwood, a. national Girl Scout man will get In." d 'funds. spoke of juvenile problems in town ough Hall. This coiie has been Bailey are unopposed. Arthur Minnich, who was re- and what his department is doing camp,at Rockville, Md. Tuesday evening after arrival, the girls went in the process of revision for Interest in county GOP clrttte • An ordinance providing for the R J. Kostkos cently appointed °to the council for to help them. He also arranged to; the Lincoln Memo'rjal, the Jefferson Memorial, the Tidal Basin more than a year and it is ex- centers mainly in the contest fer, nitructlon of a guard rail on the, one-year unexpired term of for the showing of two sound films and Haines Point to see the cherry pected that second hearing the office of sheriff between pres- •born avenue over the Central Joseph Komich, who stepped up to on the subject. An open discus- blossoms. will be held on April 27, ent Under Sheriff Alex Campbell ailroad tracks at a cost of $2,- To Dncril^ TV the office of mayor in the last elec- sion followed. B. And P. Women To • Yesterday morning tho Seouta of Scotch Plains and Stanley {red- 0 was approved on final read- tion, la seeking public verification Relay Methods met Rep. Clifford P. Case, who ar- linski of Elizabeth, lilted on the f. Also receiving final approval Hear Jean M. Lucat of that office and has ho opponents. ranged for them to visit the Capi- ballot as a "David vi. Goliath u an ordinance vacating Rich- There is no oppoBiton either to tho Henry J. Kostkos of Bell Tele- tol, Library of Congress, and have Dealers Support Legal Education Veteran." Mr. avenue, Norfolk avenue and St. Paul's Pushes A, dinner meeting of the Bus; one-year term for tax collector phone Laboratories will be gues an interview with Mrs. Harry S. Campbell, who has alternated in aHimore avenue,'all map streets. ness and Professional Women being sought by Elmer Hoffurth, speaker at the Tuesday meeting Truman at Blair House. After a the office for many term* with The request of the Terra Nova Club will be held Tuesday at 6:3C Antiques Show also recently appointed to fill the of Martin Wallberg Post, 3, Amer. box lunch, the girls visited Smith' Sheriff Charles Ayers of West- Mitruction Co. for establish- Fund Drive Plans lean Legion, at the WestlUld Arm- p. m. at the YMCA. unexpired term of Wilton F. Lan- Held, has met stiff opposition from sonian Institute, the Federal Bu- ning, who resigned* ed of a business zone at Clover oryy at 9 p. m. Mr. Kostkos, The program Will be under the reau of Investigation and Bureau Exhibitors Plan his opponent at Republican candi- Itet and Central avenue, in or- The advance gifts and memorial l tm aid f WiUld direjtkm of ,Mra. Louiae Johnson, Both Republican County Conv dates' meetings throughout tha committee, one of ttveral organ- lonK time reaident of WeatiUld, U of Jrinting and Engraving. The a that stores might be erected an/eieetrJcat t~'-^-'^-^'^ -' who Mi arranted to have Mi»s group then had dinner in Wash-, Unusual Displays iriitteeman Walter Haupt and county. John L. Banyaia el Oar- IsU' »iM»a) •» »Ws Cawth : wood ir unopnaaed. for the MiaV. !tcrve residents of fche StepKen- per visor in the l' Jei)i.' M,' Liicai, executive secre- ington and attended^ "band con- County Comrinfyeew<NnW.,,li,«<- %\.
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