2012 ANNUAL REPORT Vision A world where people can achieve the workplace skills they need to prosper and find fulfilment. Mission To promote and facilitate through cooperative action a worldwide awareness of the essential contribution that skills and high standards of competence make to the achievement of economic success and personal fulfilment. Objectives t 'BDJMJUBUFTLJMMTDPNQFUJUJPOTBOEFWFOUT t &OHBHF.FNCFST 1BSUOFSTBOETUBLFIPMEFSTJO the vision and mission t 1SPNPUFBOETVQQPSUTLJMMTJOJUJBUJWFTXPSMEXJEF t 1SPWJEFBTVTUBJOBCMFQMBUGPSNGPSUIFTLJMMT .PWFNFOU 1 %FBS'SJFOETBOE$PMMFBHVFT %FBS%FMFHBUFTBOE4UBLFIPMEFST This past year has come and gone so quickly it is 5IF(FOFSBM"TTFNCMZJO,PSFBXBTBLFZNJMFTUPOF difficult to believe we are doing another annual GPS8PSME4LJMMTBTUIF.FNCFSTSBUJmFEUIF review. "DUJPO1MBOXIJDIEFUBJMTUIFBDUJPOHPBMTGPSBDIJFWJOH 7JTJPO5IF"DUJPO1MBOGPDVTFTPOJNQSPWJOHUIF 8JUIUIF(FOFSBM"TTFNCMZIFMEJO+FKV ,PSFB $PNQFUJUJPOFYQFSJFODF EFWFMPQJOHNPSFQBSUOFSTIJQT CFJOHPVSQSJODJQBMFWFOUJO JUIBTCFFO BOEFYQBOEJOHUIFSFBDIPGUIF8PSME4LJMMTCSBOEJO another successful year. Alongside the General order to promote the WorldSkills mission of gaining a Assembly we held our fourth WorldSkills Youth greater appreciation of skills around the world. 'PSVNBOEB8PSME4LJMMT-FBEFST'PSVN XIFSF 8PSME4LJMMT$IBNQJPOTDBNFUPHFUIFSUPTIBSF WorldSkills has begun the process of changing their insights with Delegates and invited Guests. from an organization to a movement. We started 5IF-FBEFST'PSVNTFUJONPUJPOUIFQPTTJCJMJUZ looking beyond our internal borders and venturing of increasing the sharing of best practice among JOUPUIFHSFBUCFZPOE#ZDPODFOUSBUJOHPOCSBOEJOH .FNCFSTBOEJTTPNFUIJOHXFQMBOUPDPOUJOVFUP marketing and communications we are increasing our encourage on a much greater scale in the future. SFBDI DPMMBCPSBUJPOBOEBXBSFOFTTHMPCBMMZ5ISPVHI UIF.BSLFUJOHBOE$PNNVOJDBUJPOT8PSLJOH(SPVQ As we work towards achieving our Vision 2020 BOEUIF+PJOU.BS$PN4UFFSJOH$PNNJUUFF XFBSF growth continues around the world. I would like HFUUJOH.FNCFST TUBLFIPMEFST GVUVSFFWFOUIPTUT to take this opportunity to welcome seven new 8PSME4LJMMT'PVOEBUJPOBOE8PSME4LJMMT*OUFSOBUJPOBM $PVOUSJFTXIPCFDBNF8PSME4LJMMT.FNCFSTJO in one place to collectively work towards achieving "SNFOJB %PNJOJDBO3FQVCMJD (FPSHJB ,VXBJU UIFSFMBUFE"DUJPO1MBOHPBMT 3VTTJB 4SJ-BOLBBOE5SJOJEBEBOE5PCBHP5XPNBKPS NVMUJOBUJPOBMDPSQPSBUJPOT .BOE%FSNBMPHJDB BMTP 0OBUFDIOJDBMTJEF XFBSFXPSLJOHXJUIMFBEJOH joined us as our tenth and eleventh Global Industry industry partners and educators to make our skills 1BSUOFST BEEJOHUIFJSFYQFSUJTFJOQFSTPOBMTBGFUZBOE more relevant by continuing to incorporate emerging QSPGFTTJPOBMTLJODBSFUPPVSFMJUFHSPVQPG1BSUOFST UFDIOPMPHJFT EFWFMPQJOHTLJMMTUBOEBSETQFDJmDBUJPOT updating assessment specifications and improving the We continue to forge and foster relationships PWFSBMMDPNQFUJUJPOFYQFSJFODF8FBSFTUSJWJOHUPXBSET XJUINBOZJOUFSOBUJPOBMMJLFNJOEFEPSHBOJ[BUJPOT BNPSFFOWJSPONFOUBMMZGSJFOEMZ$PNQFUJUJPOXJUI JODMVEJOHUIF0SHBOJ[BUJPOGPS&DPOPNJD QJMPUJOHQBQFSMFTTNBSLJOH XFCCBTFEUPPMT BOECFUUFS $PPQFSBUJPOBOE%FWFMPQNFOU 0&$% UIF systems for managing infrastructure. In partnership International Skills Standards Organization XJUIUIF8PSME4LJMMT'PVOEBUJPOBOE8PSME4LJMMT-FJQ[JH */440 BOEUIF6OJUFE/BUJPOT*OEVTUSJBM XFBSFTVQQPSUJOHQSPKFDUTUIBUSFVTFBOEHJWF %FWFMPQNFOU0SHBOJ[BUJPO 6/*%0 BMJGFUPUIFNBUFSJBMTVTFEBUUIF$PNQFUJUJPOUPIFMQ As one of our main goals is to build on our strength communities foster and grow. BOEJODSFBTFPVSBXBSFOFTT *XPVMEMJLFUPUBLFUIJT 8JUI.FNCFSDPVOUSJFTSFHJPOT JUJTNPSF PQQPSUVOJUZUPUIBOLBMMPVSWPMVOUFFST TVQQPSUFST important than ever that we work together to reach participants and sponsors -without your dedication UIF7JTJPOBOEUIF"DUJPO1MBO8F and commitment WorldSkills would not be where we BSFFOHBHJOHBOEJOWPMWJOH.FNCFST $PNQFUJUJPO are today. We honour your contributions and with 0SHBOJ[FSTBOE1BSUOFSTFWFSZTUFQPGUIFXBZBOE* your help launch WorldSkills to the World. would like to thank you for your support and efforts. /FYUZFBSJTTIBQJOHVQUPCFBHSFBUZFBSXJUIPVS CEO’S REPORT %BWJE)PFZ $&0 OE8PSME4LJMMT$PNQFUJUJPOCFJOHIFMEJO-FJQ[JH (FSNBOZ GSPN+VMZ $POHSBUVMBUJPOTUPZPVBMMGPSNBLJOH8PSME4LJMMTUIF success that it is today. PRESIDENT’S REPORT 4JNPO#BSUMFZ 1SFTJEFOU 2 4JNPO#BSUMFZ 6OJUFE,JOHEPN o1SFTJEFOUBOE$IBJS of the Board of Directors +PTEF(PFZ /FUIFSMBOET o7JDF1SFTJEFOU4USBUFHJD "GGBJSTBOE$IBJS4USBUFHZ$PNNJUUFF 4UFGBO1SBTDIM "VTUSJB o JOUFSJN 7JDF1SFTJEFOU 5FDIOJDBM"GGBJSTBOE$IBJS5FDIOJDBM$PNNJUUFF 3PCFSUP4QBEB #SB[JM o7JDF1SFTJEFOU4QFDJBM"GGBJST 5FSSZ$PPLF $BOBEB o5SFBTVSFS 4BO2VFJ-JO $IJOFTF5BJQFJ o7JDF$IBJS4USBUFHZ $PNNJUUFF .JDIBFM'VOH )POH,POH $IJOB o JOUFSJN 7JDF $IBJS5FDIOJDBM$PNNJUUFF &Mm,MVNQQ (FSNBOZ o&YPGmDJP8PSME4LJMMT-FJQ[JH 3BGBFM-VDDIFTJ #SB[JM o&YPGmDJP8PSME4LJMMT4ÍP 1BVMP Note: John Shiel (Australia) was Vice President Technical Affairs/Chair Technical Committee until November 2012. Stefan Praschl (Vice Chair Technical Committee) then became Vice President Technical Affairs/Chair Technical Committee. Michael Fung (Hong Kong, China) was voted onto the Board in BOARD OF DIRECTORS January 2013. 2012 Board of Directors $VSSFOU#PBSEPG%JSFDUPST #BDLSPX MFGUUPSJHIU .JDIBFM'VOH 4BO2VFJ-JO &Mm,MVNQQ 'SPOUSPX MFGUUPSJHIU 3PCFSUP4QBEB +PTEF(PFZ 4JNPO#BSUMFZ 4UFGBO1SBTDIM 5FSSZ$PPLF .JTTJOH3BGBFM-VDDIFTJ 3 WorldSkills General Assembly in Korea 5IF(FOFSBM"TTFNCMZIFMEGSPN.BZ JO+FKV ,PSFB BOEHSBDJPVTMZIPTUFECZ)VNBO 3FTPVSDFT%FWFMPQNFOU,PSFB XBTBXFFLPGGPDVTFE EJTDVTTJPO EZOBNJDQSFTFOUBUJPOTBOEDBUBMZUJD OFUXPSLJOH5IFNFFUJOHXFMDPNFEBQQSPYJNBUFMZ SFQSFTFOUBUJWFTGSPN.FNCFSTUPFOHBHFJOB deep and intentional look at the future of WorldSkills. 5ISPVHIPVUUIFXFFL %FMFHBUFTNFUCPUIJO general session and in their respective Technical and 4USBUFHZ$PNNJUUFFT5IFJSGPDVTXBTPODPOUJOVPVT JNQSPWFNFOUPGTLJMMDPNQFUJUJPOT JOOPWBUJWFBOE TVTUBJOBCMFHSPXUI BDIJFWJOHUIF7JTJPOBOE on ways in which to narrow the skills gap between EFWFMPQFEBOEEFWFMPQJOHDPVOUSJFT5IJTIBSEXPSL enriched with opportunities for the group to share in both the beauty of Jeju and the generous hospitality PGPVS,PSFBOIPTUTSFTVMUFEJOBGPSNBM%FMFHBUF XJEFDPNNJUNFOUUPTIBSJOHBOEHSPXJOHoOPUPOMZ BTBHMPCBMNFNCFSTIJQPSHBOJ[BUJPO CVUBMTPBTB global skills movement. The 2012 General Assembly DPODMVEFEXJUIUIFTJHOJOHPGUIF+FKV%FDMBSBUJPO a compelling pledge to apply collective best efforts to enhance the potential of skills and technologies BSPVOEUIFXPSMEJOPSEFSUPJNQSPWFFDPOPNJFT societies and the lives of our world citizens. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 4 WorldSkills Youth Forum in Korea A$IBNQJPO OPVO 8BSSJPS0OFXIPTIPXTNBSLFE TVQFSJPSJUZ0S BTEFmOFECZUIFQBTU$PNQFUJUPST GSPNDPVOUSJFTXIPQBSUJDJQBUFEJOUIF.BZ 8PSME4LJMMT:PVUI'PSVN i$IBNQJPOTwBSFBOZPOFXIP IBTDPNQFUFEBUB8PSME4LJMMT$PNQFUJUJPO SFHBSEMFTT of their medal standing. With support from WorldSkills International and IPTUDPVOUSZ,PSFB UIFTFZPVOHFTUTUBLFIPMEFSTJO WorldSkills worked hard; enjoyed some good times; and took a great deal of time to network with and inform the participants in the General Assembly as to what UIFZCFMJFWFXJMMFOTVSFUIFTVTUBJOBCJMJUZ JODSFBTFUIF WJTJCJMJUZBOEFYUFOEUIFJNQBDUPG8PSME4LJMMTBSPVOE UIFXPSME:PVUI'PSVNQBSUJDJQBOUTCSPLFJOUPXPSLJOH groups to tackle ideas and challenges and to address UIFPQQPSUVOJUJFTGBDJOH8PSME4LJMMTBOE.FNCFS organizations. Working with four facilitators drawn WorldSkills Leaders Forum in Korea GSPNQBTU$PNQFUJUPSTBOE84*TUBGG PVS$IBNQJPOT captured bright ideas and compiled and distilled them “What does it mean to succeed?” This is the down to a series of sound recommendations they question that was asked and addressed from multiple presented at the close of the 2012 General Assembly. perspectives by the Official Delegates and Technical %FMFHBUFT (MPCBM*OEVTUSZ1BSUOFST ,PSFBIPTU The well-thought out and professionally-presented PSHBOJ[BUJPOMFBEFSTIJQ 8PSME4LJMMT$IBNQJPOT recommendations included initiatives such as a and stakeholders participating in the 2012 WorldSkills HMPCBMi$IBNQJPO"NCBTTBEPS1SPHSBNNFw B -FBEFST'PSVN)FMEJO.BZJODPOKVODUJPOXJUI mobile app to tally the popular appeal of specific UIF(FOFSBM"TTFNCMZ UIF'PSVNXBTGPDVTFE TLJMMBSFBT DFSUJmFEUSBOTMBUPST BOBMVNOJOFUXPSL POUPQJDTJEFOUJmFECZ.FNCFSTBTCPUISFMFWBOU BOEBi8PSME4LJMMT$POOFDUwQSPHSBNNFMJOLJOH BOEVSHFOU5IFUIFNFTPGUIF'PSVNDFOUSFE $PNQFUJUPST (MPCBM*OEVTUSZ1BSUOFST BOE8PSME4LJMMT BSPVOEUIFEFmOJUJPO FWJEFODF NFUSJDT BOEMFHBDZ in a “win-win-win” triad of strategic planning and PGTVDDFTToGPSUIFZPVOH$IBNQJPOTQBSUJDJQBUJOH programme implementation. These and others of JODPNQFUJUJPOTUIFHPWFSONFOUBM FEVDBUJPOBOE their recommendations were well received and will CVTJOFTTFTJOEVTUSJFTFOHBHFEUFDIOJDBMWPDBUJPOBM be factored into planning as WorldSkills International programmes in-country and globally; and for the NPWFTGPSXBSEPOJNQMFNFOUBUJPOPGJUT"DUJPO1MBO many organizations and individuals invested in the future of the global skills movement. 'PSBSFDBQPGUIF8PSME4LJMMT:PVUI'PSVN WJTJU 5IFMFTTPOMFBSOFEUISPVHIUIF'PSVNo www.worldskillsyouthforum.com. Watch the BOEUIFPQQPSUVOJUZGPSBMMUIBUUIF'PSVNQSFTFOUFE WJEFPBOEFYQFSJFODFUIFFOFSHZUIBUXBTUIFESJWJOH oXBTUIBUUIFSFJTOPTJOHMFADPSSFDUBOTXFSUP GPSDFPGUIF'PSVN-JTUFODBSFGVMMZBOEZPVDBOIFBS UIJTRVFTUJPOPGEFmOJOHTVDDFTT3BUIFS TVDDFTT MZSJDTPGUIFCBDLHSPVOENVTJD iyGFFMTPDMPTFUP DBOCFSFDPHOJ[FEBOEDFMFCSBUFE TIBSFEBOE ZPVywBOEiyUIFSFTOPTUPQQJOHVTSJHIUOPXyw distributed through the powerful connections and &WFSZPOFXIPUPPLQBSUJOUIF'PSVNPSXIPDBNFJO communications so well embodied in the WorldSkills contact with its participants came away feeling close International network and community.

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