©iTOH Academy of Music + SEASON OF ©HOTHSTHA ^9°-9- ARTHUR NIKISCH, - - Conductor. Third Concert, Wednesday Evening, January 14, At 8 o'clock. PROGRAMME. Goldmark - Overture, "Prometheus V Raff Song with Orchestra, " The Dream King and his Love Schubert - Symphony in B minor (Unfinished) / Allegro con brio. Andante con moto. Songs with Piano: / (*) Schubert - _______ Erlkoenig S (£) Jensen ___ _____ £m XJfer des Manzanares */ (c) Goldmark ----------- Die QueUe / Mendelssohn - Overture, Scherzo, Notturno, and Wedding March, from v "Midsummer-Night's Dream " Soloist, Mrs. ARTHUR NIKISCH. THE PIANO USED IS A STEINWAY. Fourth Concert, Wednesday Evening, February 25, at Eight. Soloist, Mr. VLADIMIR DE PACHMANN. Historical and Descriptive Notes prepared by G. H. WILSON. W. H. BONER & CO., 1102 Chestnut Street, Have just published SIGNOR DEL PUENTE'S charming waltz, GIOVENTU (THE YOUTH). Piano copy, price, 75 cts.; Orchestral parts, 75 cts. Also just issued CRAMER'S arrangement for piano of airs from FAUST UP TO DATE. Price, 85 cents. Copies of the above for sale at all music stores. / BLAIR k CRAWFORD, DECKERBROTHERS^ 1 PIANOS Are the Best now made in this country or 804 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Europe. DIAMONDS, Among Philadelphians who have purchased them for their own use are : WATCHES, W. W. Gilchrist, Milton Pine, Richard Zeckwar, Thos. A'Becket, Chas. M. Schmitz, Henry A. Schneider, A. G. Emerick.l Leonard E. Auty, JEWELRY. Samuel T. Strang, G. Guhlman, D. D. Wood, T. von Westernhagen. Before making your purchases for the BECAUSE coming Holidays, we invite you to call and of touch. i. Unequalled for absolute evenness examine our goods. 2. Matchless in tone. 3. Incomparable. Our prices will be found the lowest for 4. A fulness combined with elasticity of tone. quality and style. SEE " LISZT 0B&A.N COLLECTION." WATCH REPAIRING WM. G. FISCHER, Is a special branch of our business and 1221 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. receives our close attention. LADIKS, YOU WANT Jn^h KID GLOVES. HELMBOLD'S 103 South 15th Street, JELLY OF GLYCERINE AND ROSES. Second door below Chestnut Street. For- For rendering the SKIN SOFT and SMOOTH, merly 1418 Chestnut Street. and allaying Smarting caused by Sunburn, and ROUGHNESS resulting from Cold Winds and ALL GLOVES FITTED IMPURE SOAPS. IN THE STORE. BEWARE OF IMITATORS. Gloves CLEANED in 24 Hours. Ask for HELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER ERSKINE & CO., Sent on Receipt of Price, 25 Cents. 103 SOUTH FIFTEENTH ST., Philadelphia, January 15, 1885. I have much pleasure in recommending Helm- Second door below Chestnut. bold's " Jelly of Glycerine and Roses." I have tried it for some time, and am thoroughly satisfied with its effects. LADIES' BOOTS, SHOES, AND SLIPPERS. Special Attention to Wedding and Stage Shoes. Sold by all Druggists. (2) Overture, " Prometheus Bound." Goldmark. The two overtures, "Spring," Op. 38, and "Prometheus Bound," are the latest published compositions, in the larger forms, from the pen of the com- poser of "The Queen of Sheba." Prometheus, perhaps as frequently as any character in mythology, has attracted the attention of the musician, composers as far apart as Beethoven and Liszt having each given the legend a musical setting, more or less serious. In Grecian mythology, Prometheus is the son of Japetus and Clymene, brother of Atlas, Mencetius, and Epimetheus. According to Hesiod, gods and men were in a dispute at Mecone in regard to what portion of the ani- mal should be offered in sacrifice. Prometheus, as the tutelary represen- tative of man, divided a bull into two parts, one consisting of the flesh and intestines wrapped in the skin, and the other of the bones covered up by the white fat. Jupiter, having been asked which of the two he would choose, decided for the latter ; and, as the choice could not be revoked, those parts alone were thereafter offered on his altar. Indignant at the deception, he withheld fire from mortals, but Prometheus stole fire from heaven in the hollow of a tube. Jupiter now sent Pandora to earth with her box of evils, and fastened Prometheus to a pillar, where he remained for many generations, an eagle every day feeding upon his liver, which every night grew again. At length Hercules was permitted to kill the eagle and free the prisoner. Historians tell us the most celebrated drama founded upon this myth is the trilogy of ./Eschylus, of which " Prometheus Bound " and a few frag- ments of " Prometheus Loosed " are extant. In ./Eschylus, Prometheus appears not only as a protector of the human race against the superior might of the gods, but as its teacher and benefactor. Through his assist- ance, Jupiter overcomes the Titans ; but, when Prometheus frustrates the design of destroying mankind, he is chained to a rock in Scythia. Here he is visited by the Oceanids and by Io, to whom he foretells her long wanderings. He is in possession of knowledge which it is essential to the safety of Jupiter to gain ; but he bids defiance to his persecutor, and refuses to make known the secret. He is hurled into Tartarus, and afterward reappears chained to Mount Caucasus, to undergo fresh torments. From this condition he can only be freed when some other god shall voluntarily Note.— Goldmark, who is said to love the children of his brain with a truly fatherly affection, and never to lose an opportunity of seeing how they are treated, was once trav- elling to hear a performance of his opera, " The Queen of Sheba," and in the train got in conversation with a lady, in whom he became much interested. He longed to make him- " self known to his fair companion, and at last ventured to say : I suppose, madame, you do not know who lam?" " No, sir, I do not," replied the lady. " Well, then, I am Carl Goldmark, the composer of 'The Queen of Sheba.'" "Oh, indeed!" was the lady's " reply; "and is that a very good situation ? (3) — : + LETTERS FROM THE WORLD'S GREATEST PIANISTS. * VON BULOW. D'ALBERT BOTH DECLARE THE KNABE the BEST PIANOS it AMERICA. Dr. HANS VON BULOW'S LETTER, EUGEN D'ALBERT'S LETTER — AFTER — TO — Concert Tour, 1890. Wm. Knabe & Co. TRANSLATION. To Wm. Knabe, Esq., Baltimore Dear Sir,— My renewed, and by more During my sojourn here I had frequent use — under aggravating circumstances, as opportunities to make myself acquainted bad health and tiresome travelling — en- larged experience of your Pianos this (sec- with the Knabe Pianos, and from fullest ond and last Trans-Atlantic) season has conviction I declare them to be the best throughout confirmed myself in the opinion I expressed last year ; viz., that sound and instruments of America. Should I return touch of the Knabe Pianos are more sympa- here for artistic purposes, which may be thetic to my ears and hands than sound and — touch of any other pianos in the United States. the case very soon,— I shall most certainly As I met with frequent opportunities of this celebrated establishing comparisons between the use the pianos of make. Knabe Pianos and instruments of rivalling, I give this testimonial with pleasure, vol- or would-be rivalling, producers, I dare now untarily, entirely unsolicited the add that I declare them the absolutely best and by in America. house of Knabe. With sincere regards, yours truly, EUGEN D'ALBERT. Dr. HANS VON BULOW. Hamburg, 27th May, 1890. New York, May 16, 1890. SOLD ONLY BY F. A. NORTH & CO., 1 308 Chestnut Street. 4 ; ; ; ; go into Tartarus for him, which finally happened when Chiron, wounded by Hercules, sought permission to go into Hades. Another account says that Jupiter himself agreed to reveal the prophecy, according to which, if he were married to Thetes, she would give birth to a son greater than himself. A clew to Goldmark's thought when composing the overture played to-day is found on the title-page, which is inscribed, " Overture zum Ge- fesselten Prometheus des ^Eschylos." Further than this, the composer vouchsafes no "programme." Nor will we attempt to establish one; for the picturesque and earnest work, in which is apparent a higher dramatic quality than any of its predecessors, will spur the imagination to various interpretations of its moods. Goldmark is always a vivid colorist ; and this new work, which preserves the overture form, shows no loss of the cunning which painted the " Sakuntala " and the " Penthesilea." The overture is scored for full modern orchestra, with increased brass and tympani. 1 The Dream-king and his Love " (Song:, with Orchestra). Raff. Sweet slumbers the maiden in bower of peace, On snowy, soft pillow reclining Upon her the June night balmily breathes, With perfume its coolness entwining. Yon casement blossoms with roses bedight, The lindens exhale their fragrance Scarce through the leaves can moonbeams win, With all their gold, an entrance. But, sudden, balmier grows the air, Fireflies their flambeaux are swinging The leaves are astir, and vocal the breeze With softly melodious singing. " Sweet love ! sweet love ! and hush thee to sleep, 'Neath midnight's silent pinions ; Dream-king will be thy lover brave, Dream-king from elves' dominions." Then shakes the sprite his raven locks, His arms to the maiden advances ; And brightly on his royal crown Full many a gem glances. Then bends he him soft o'er the slumbering fair, Fond kisses enjoying and craving And moves his golden enchanting wand, His circles airily waving. But these as he wider extends, the room Grows wide as a palace's spaces, Where, girt about with resplendent array, Dream-king his love embraces. The pillows of purple that swell the couch, They yield but soft resistance ; Twin pages kneel at their bridal bed, The lamp glows mild at a distance.
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