Proposed Route March / CBM acitivty by CAPF from 13.03.2021 to 19.03.2021 Paschim Medinipur district Polling No. of Place of Route March No of Station Vulnerable Total Sections Nos to be hamlets to Distance Naka planned covered be covered planned to points Time to be under by the District be covered (BSF/CRPF) deployed Route Route Sub-Division Route march From Via To Police Station to be deployed Coy Team wise (CRPF/BSF) etc (CRPF/BSF) Date of planned March March Block/ Municipality Type of force planned Pingl 200/201/2 Eralchak Panchgeria Makarda 8 Km 1 Platoon 1 1st KGP team a 02 Pingl 202/212/2 Gobordha 1st Shift 1st knageria Barai Gourangachak 10 Km 1 Platoon 1 2nd KGP team a 13 npur,Baris Pingl Raghunathc 203/204/2 ha,Dujipu Chahat Sangar 9 Km 1 Platoon 2 1st r KGP team a hak 05 Pingl Dhaneswar Dhaneswarpur 207/208/2 Paschimbarh 10 Km 1 Platoon 2 2ndShift CompanyCRPF-A-31 2nd KGP team a pur paikan 09/210 Pingl 252/253/2 Pingla Saharda Dandasitra Kultapara 11 Km 1 Platoon 3 1st KGP team a 54 13.03.2021 Pingl 252/251/2 Gobordha PaschimMedinipur 1st Shift 1st Kunjapur Dangalsa Bardamodar 9 Km 1 Platoon 1 2nd KGP team a 52 npur,Baris Pingl Gobardhanpur 262/263/2 ha,Dujipu Dangalsa Harm 10 Km 1 Platoon 2 1st r KGP team a uttarpally 64 Pingl Gobardhan 259/260/2 Sitibinda Bar damodar 11 Km 1 Platoon 2ndShift 2nd CompanyCRPF-A-237 KGP team a pur 61 Pingl 173/174/1 Tulshichak Khanbichak Chhotokhelna 09 Km 1 Platoon 2 1st KGP team a 75/176 Pingl 180/181/1 Gobordha 1st Shift 1st Maligram Kalapunja Naya MSK 10 Km 1 Platoon 1 2nd KGP team a 82/183 npur,Baris Pingl 163/164/1 ha,Dujipu Sahara Khirinda High Khirinda Pry 10 Km 1 Platoon 1 1st r KGP team a 68/169 Pingl 170/171/1 Routchak Dujipur Belar 10 Km 1 Platoon 1 2ndShift CompanyCRPF-A-31 2nd KGP team a 72 Pingl Panchthubi JR 184/185/1 Gobordha Naya Pry Panchthubi 10 Km 1 Platoon 2 Pingla 1st npur,Baris KGP team a school 86/187 A-237 14.03.2021 ha,Dujipu CRPF- Pingl Maligram 1 Maligram 188/189/1 Company 1st Shift 1st Maligram Basi 09 Km 1 Platoon 1 r PaschimMedinipur 2nd KGP team a Pry Maktab 91/192 Pingl Radhakrishna 173/174/1 Asti Gopinathpur 10 Km 1 Platoon 1 1st KGP team a pur 75 196/197/1 Pingl Jamna Pry Hatmolida Sutchhara Pry 11 Km 1 Platoon 65/166/16 2 2ndShift 2nd KGP team a 7 Pingl 171/172/1 Handol Shibmandir Ghusumpukur 8 Km 1 Platoon 1 1st KGP team a 77/178 PM Gobordha 8 AM to 12AM8 to npur,Baris ha,Dujipu r CompanyCRPF-A-31 Pingla 15.03.2021 PaschimMedinipur Polling No. of Place of Route March No of Station Vulnerable Total Sections Nos to be hamlets to Distance Naka planned covered be covered planned to points Time to be under by the District be covered (BSF/CRPF) deployed Route Route Sub-Division Route march From Via To Police Station to be deployed Coy Team wise (CRPF/BSF) etc (CRPF/BSF) Date of planned March March Block/ Municipality Type of force planned PM Pingl 179/190/5 Gobordha Maligram Keleara Agarara 10 Km 1 Platoon 2 2nd KGP 8 AM to 12AM8 to team a 1930194 npur,Baris Pingl Kusumda 176/177/1 ha,Dujipu Shibtala Bajpur 9 Km 1 Platoon 1 1st r KGP team a Pry 78 PM Pingl Mundamary Fatepur, Masjid 179/180/1 Barpalshpur 10 Km 1 Platoon 2 CompanyCRPF-A-31 4 PM to 8PM4 to 2nd KGP team a Pry Para 81 Pingl 195/196/1 Lakhipari Gholbarisha Noongadar 11 Km 1 Platoon 2 Pingla 1st KGP team a 99/201 15.03.2021 Pingl 202/203/2 1st Shift 1st Uttarbarh Maitypara Beluria 9 Km 1 Platoon 2 Gobordha PaschimMedinipur 2nd KGP team a 04 npur,Baris Pingl Barpalshpu Purnagram, 181/182/1 Rajballav 10 Km 1 Platoon 1 ha,Dujipu 1st KGP team a r Mohanpur 83/184 r Pingl Ratrapur Das 246/247/2 Pratapchak Ratrapur 11 Km 1 Platoon 1 2ndShift 2nd CompanyCRPF-A-237 KGP team a para, Pry School 48 241/242/2 Pingl Mmaligram 1st team Naya Inder 03 KM 1 Platoon 43/244/24 1 KGP a GP- 5 5 1st Shift Pingl Mmaligram 3,4,9,10,11, Gobordha Company 2nd team Tungur Naya 03 KM 1 Platoon 0 16.03.2 KGP a GP- 5 12 npur,Baris Pingla CRPF -A- 021 ha,Dujipu 31 Pingl 214/215/2 r 1st team Tetulmuri Madhyajhetha Karkai 10 Km 1 Platoon 2 2nd Shift KGP a 16/218 PaschimMedinipur Pingl 217/219/2 2nd team Nakpura Karkai pry Amodchak 9 Km 1 Platoon 1 KGP a 20 Pingl 281/282/2 1st team Chandipur Chakchandi Upalda 11 Km 1 Platoon 1 KGP a 80 1st Shift Pingl 277/278/2 2nd team Pindrui Pindrui Bazar Purbapara 8 Km 1 Platoon 1 KGP a 79 Gobordha Company 16.03.2 npur,Baris Pingla CRPF -A- 021 ha,Dujipu 237 Pingl 274/275/2 1st team Abdulla Namsudrapara Nandabarh 10 Km 1 Platoon 1 r KGP a 76 PaschimMedinipur 2nd Shift Polling No. of Place of Route March No of Station Vulnerable Total Sections Nos to be hamlets to Distance GobordhaNaka Company planned covered be covered 16.03.2 planned to npur,Barispoints Pingla CRPF -A- Time to be under by the District 021 be covered ha,Dujipu 237 (BSF/CRPF) deployed Route Route Sub-Division Route march From Via To Police Station to be deployed r Coy Team wise (CRPF/BSF) etc (CRPF/BSF) Date of planned March March Block/ Municipality Type of force planned PaschimMedinipur 2nd Shift Pingl 255/256/2 2nd team Ragpur Banamalipara Padima 11 Km 1 Platoon 2 KGP a 57/258 113, 113A, Pingl 1st team Maligram Maligram Basi Ghusumpukur 12 KM 1 Platoon 114, 114A, 1 KGP a 115, 115A, 1st Shift 125, 125A, Pingl 2nd team Maligram Maligram 1 Pry Tantigosti 13 KM 1 Platoon 126,127, 2 Gobordha Company KGP a 128, 129 npur,Baris CRPF -A- ha,Dujipu 31 Kalikakundu Pingl Kalikakund Kalikakundu r 1st team Uttar Basti, 11 Km 1 Platoon 225/224 3 KGP a u Mmajhar Gholtungur 2nd Shift Pingl Barkhelna Barkhelna 2nd team Barkhelna Village 10 Km 1 Platoon 227/2228 2 17.03.2 KGP a Bazar Parymari Pingla 021 229/230/2 Pingl 1st team Purba Khiri Majher Basti Khirai S.S I 11 Km 1 Platoon 31/232/23 2 KGP a 3 PaschimMedinipur 1st Shift Pingl Simulia Paschim Khirai, 234/235/2 2nd team Darra 9 Km 1 Platoon 4 Gobordha Company KGP a Dagar Bulakichak, 36/237 npur,Baris CRPF -A- ha,Dujipu 237 Pingl 238/239/2 1st team Rampura Suratchak Paikchak 10 Km 1 Platoon 1 r KGP a 40 2nd Shift 241/242/2 Pingl 2nd team Mirupur Kantapukur Jasorajpur 11 Km 1 Platoon 43/244/24 1 KGP a 5 Pingl 296,297,29 1st team Borageria Kalikakundu 1 Kalikakundu 2 15 KM 1 Platoon 2 KGP a 8, 301,302 1st Shift 239,240,24 Pingl Karkai Gobordha Company 2nd team Madhyajhetha Nakapura 10 KM 1 Platoon 1,242,243,2 0 KGP a Bazar npur,Baris CRPF -A- 43A ha,Dujipu 31 Pingl 252/253/2 1st team Saharda Dandasitra Kultapara 11 Km 1 Platoon 3 r KGP a 54 2nd Shift Pingl 252/251/2 2nd team Kunjapur Dangalsa Bardamodar 9 Km 1 Platoon 1 KGP a 52 18.03.2 Pingla 021 PaschimMedinipur Polling No. of Place of Route March No of Station Vulnerable Total Sections Nos to be hamlets to Distance Naka planned covered be covered planned to points Time to be under by the District be covered (BSF/CRPF) deployed Route Route Sub-Division Route march From Via To Police Station to be deployed Coy Team wise (CRPF/BSF) etc (CRPF/BSF) Date of planned March March Block/ Municipality Type of force planned 18.03.2 Pingla Pingl Raghunathc 203/204/2 021 1st team Chahat Sangar 9 Km 1 Platoon 2 KGP a hak 05 1st Shift PaschimMedinipur Pingl Dhaneswar Dhaneswarpur 207/208/2 Gobordha Company 2nd team Paschimbarh 10 Km 1 Platoon 2 KGP a pur paikan 09/210 npur,Baris CRPF -A- ha,Dujipu 237 Pingl Gobardhanpur 262/263/2 r 1st team Dangalsa Harm 10 Km 1 Platoon 2 KGP a uttarpally 64 2nd Shift Pingl Gobardhan 259/260/2 2nd team Sitibinda Bar damodar 11 Km 1 Platoon KGP a pur 61 Pingl 173/174/1 1st team Tulshichak Khanbichak Chhotokhelna 09 Km 1 Platoon 2 KGP a 75/176 1st Shift Pingl 180/181/1 2nd team Maligram Kalapunja Naya MSK 10 Km 1 Platoon 1 Gobordha Company KGP a 82/183 npur,Baris CRPF -A- ha,Dujipu 31 Pingl Panchthubi JR 184/185/1 1st team Naya Pry Panchthubi 10 Km 1 Platoon 2 r KGP a school 86/187 2nd Shift Pingl Maligram 1 Maligram 188/189/1 19.03.2 2nd team Maligram Basi 09 Km 1 Platoon 1 Pingla KGP a Pry Maktab 91/192 021 Pingl 163/164/1 1st team Sahara Khirinda High Khirinda Pry 10 Km 1 Platoon 1 KGP a 68/169 PaschimMedinipur 1st Shift Pingl 170/171/1 2nd team Routchak Dujipur Belar 10 Km 1 Platoon 1 Gobordha Company KGP a 72 npur,Baris CRPF -A- ha,Dujipu 237 Pingl Radhakrishna 173/174/1 1st team Asti Gopinathpur 10 Km 1 Platoon 1 r KGP a pur 75 2nd Shift 196/197/1 Pingl 2nd team Jamna Pry Hatmolida Sutchhara Pry 11 Km 1 Platoon 65/166/16 2 KGP a 7 Churka, Saba Krishnapali, 34,35,35A, Barchara Malpar 06 KM 1 platoon 1 KGP ng Chakgopinath, 36,37,38,39 1st team 1st Haripura 1st Shift 1st Dehati Bridge ( 1/2 Sec.
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