mi a i i u n ,EULLEmr, FRISKY, KJlt Y, lTZ n custody. He had beenv hold for action REVIVAL OF AMERICAN HUIOR OF THE DAY BUMPER POTATO CTED by the federal grand jury and it is ex- INTEREST CROP PiD plained that when a jury fails to find IS AERIAL GLIDER "Any luck on your fishing trip, Old a true bill no entry is made in the case man?7" New York, July 13. 'Revival of Amer- go acboola of a person awaiting action and the ican " "Mighty little. If fish in person interest in the aerial WHATEVER IS, IS BESf, eeem to be playing truant or is usually given freedom. This which dropped from prominence Vhen they aiways Chicago, is done so there will he. no entry of rec- have a holiday when I go after them." i July 13. Immense production - the Wright Brothers produced their first ord in the court against a person- who Transcript. - - motor - -- Boston , . apples and potatoes In the United com- driven plane, was predicted by I kiiow,v grows older- ; ; ' ATTCEMPTS StJICIDE AFTER . may have been held by a .federal the as piy life "I've been trying for years to learn th ' Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce 5tites this season Is according as of form,' Jury - " expetjted, SHOOIISO HIS WIFE missioner, a matter for of America today,, in announcing And my eyes have clearer Sight, "; correct pronunciation of 'lingerie'. :o ; .: that prob- statements Issued here today by the action. three young - Americans will sail for "The merchants have solved the V. Tuieral bureau agriculture econocics. Meriden, Conn., July ,13. William France Saturday with their newly de- ; That under each rank wrong somewhere. .', lems for you." . - Potato production indicated- - is the Anderson, 35 of 51 South. Broad .street, CLAIM DE VALEKA signed glider to part in the first ' ' "How so?" - take ;. ndet-thlnga'-." largest sinc piano .salesman, wife- and - There lies the roqtf right; 'dainty the bumper crop of 1817. shot his Ida, . IN, SOUTHERN IRELAND international gliding contests to- be held "They're advertislns The home O. d. total commercial crop o apples is himslf at the of Rudolph in August at Clermond-Ferran- d. , . sorrow purpose, ; Birmingham 24 That each has:its estimated at 31.413.000 barrels, compar-E- fl Strauss, South Broad street, this Dublin, July .13 (By the A. P.) The The trio Edmund T. Allen. Chicago? Mr. Profiteer Out ot the J with 21.204.000 in 1921. noon and both were rushed to the Mer- press, By 6ft unguessedj :;"V.:'. barrels . Harry the sorrowing ' ' ' evening section of the which has C. Karcher, Mansfield, O., and Ot- made during the war, my poor dear, The estimated total of potatoes this iden hospital. The couple, who have been urging the speedy Summoning of to C. Koppen, Mamaroneek, N. T., half left. yta'r is 428,67.000 bushels, two Ander- - That, as sure as the suri brings morning, ,' have exactly a dollar and a as ageinst children, had . separated and parliament, has accepted the announce- built their- glider at the Massachusetts - lesson 146,55:3,000 ' Mr. Profiteer Let that be bushels in. 1921. The output son is said to have gone, to the Strauss ment of postponement of the' opening Irisitute of Technology, are , .? Z - where they , Whatever is. is best. , to you for the next time. Journal of the five leading states in '1922 is.cal- home, to plead for a reconciliation. He 5fie- - announce- Student nf ivATtniitira t. ' -I. session as inevitable. Amusant. snlated as follows: Minnesota, 42,905,000 fired a bullet from a-- 32 calibre revolver ment of the new military 'appointments On June 12 Allen tested It out at Ins- - F, ; Michigan, . bushels-- ; ' 1 "i ; of gossip about ush!s 35,516,000 into Mrs. Anderson's breast and shot is welcomed, newspapers be- wich, r 1 . i r i i "I heard a delicious bit Kew - warmly the rising from a elevation in -- it York, 34,712.000 bushels; "Wiscon- himself in about the same place. At lieving, proves determination Of a i Know eacn smrui acuon, Alice at the reception." sin 34.5351.000 - it the head wind. Altogether five jnat .' Maine, 25,575,- thought was the room." bushels; the hospital the bullet was removed the government to end the conflict speed- successful flights were made. reach- r" "I ebe there in 100 bushels. It As sure as the night brings; shade, i, I - ''Oh. yes, w sing." v. from Mrs. Anderson and her condition ily. - I ed a maximum elevation of twenty test P bat ased her to was considered less grave than Ander j sympathy of population in : Is sometimes' J'', Boston Transcript. " That. the the and advanced a maximum distance, somewhere punished, v son s. ' i ' government shown by the one flight, "Girls bave changed a whole lot ainos is with the is of .200 feet. "- - - fact, according to the government organ, As the" result of these trials, the - Though the hour be iong delayed, the time they used to retire to put powier tvnaAS DRIVER HELD. Free State, that men and women froin young men, with the assistance of other 1 on their noses," exclaimed JohnBon. How know that the soul is aided 'They i" agreed Thorn to Banish fob superior court ail sections are volunteering informatidn aeronautical students at Cambridge, re- tm iiavt p. "I, on the location and movements of snip- designed the glider into what they be- Sometimes by the heart's unrest, ; called on Miss Saillie last Eight and aae ; New fiaven. Conn., July 13. Miss ers. .. : ''.'-- '! lieve, is the most efficient type yet pro- sent word down by her maid that she re- And to grow means oft to suffer;--- ' painted yet, Margaret Butier, of Wailingford, school Suspension of the sittings bf the duced. The .frail little aircraft has. a wasn't but would be" right lies teacher and driver of a motor cat, publican supreme court has been ordered span of 24 feet, a chord, or wing width But whatever is, is best. aown."-f-Buffa- lo Commercial. waived examination today and was held by the government. AH cases were ad- of four feet, nine Inches and measures "Yonr husband Is quite enthusiastic 6v- -' rbonsandt Bless Dr. Leonlmrdt. the superior in $1,000 for al journed today. f sixteen feet ' over ail. - It is of spruce er to the. soil tflfta," Ph7-icJaj- for the court this remarted hm Discovered - i bk leged operation of her car which De noW and fabric construction and- weighs but 1 the neighbor woman. reckless Friends of Eamonn Valera know are no errors ; ComuiOM tnM Remedy. in Jtilling of Mrs. Francis of ; eighty pounds. The most successful of that there "Yes," snapped his wife; "but onhr' resulted the say that he is In the outh Ireland. ' the If you think that the surgeon's knife Carr. She gave, bonds through ., the famous German gliders weighs 149 In great ; chance John ever will have of getting Is the only method of escape ' the eternal plan,V from the ''-- i pounds. Yet the Cambridge craft has be' under- - misery of piiea. it's because you haven't .'! ' ' ' back to the soil will when the MUST SPEND' TWO NIGHTS a farctor of safety of four. And that all things work together . taker takes him there!" Brooklyn retuc' of the new treatment known as Lester Hawiey "whose truck - fatally ' HEM-ROI- ' : on June was held in IX HIS HORSE'S STALL "The entrance of the United States .' Eagle... ; trThe doctor's treatment is internal. hurt John Perrie t For the final good of man.- - . J2500 superior court on a charge into the international competition in doing, T - By experimenting for years he discov-te- t' for the 13. "What are you Marjory Maiflenf. Mass.A July A sftritencie I V- of France," said the chamber's statement, - - the- exact cause cf piles and then of reckless operation the machine. And know when my soul. speeds onward 'Tse writing a letter to Lily Smif." . stall, e j to spend two nights in his horse's "marks a new-phas- in the development you wei.t furtlier and compounded a remedy ' ' - "But, darling, don't know how to, that would remove the cause. while the- horse is turned out. Jto pas- - t of American aeronautics. Germany, de- - In its grand eternal quest, r ; EMPLOYE imposed upon Rayi find s write." Dr. Lnhardt wants every sufferer OFFICE ture. was prived of the privilege of orthodox engi- - i I I That's no difference, mamma. ; Lily U benefit by his discovery and so that FROM CUSTODY Putnam, of Wakefield, in the district shall say, as look back earthward, : , will be no doubting or delay Lea RELEASED neering, after the( armistice, turned to don't know-- how to read." Detroit there today. Putnam was charged ' court here motorlesa airplanes, and at a competi- . is, is ' 4 Osgood and all druggists are author- ' to provide proper Whatever best. ized to sell HE.M-ROI- D with guarantee Hartford, Conn.,1 July 13. Clarence with having failed tion last fall, distances as great as 15 porter horse. Judge Ethel "Stella, carries ber age welt'." that It will do as stated or money Adams, of New Haven, who was a food and shelter for his miles were traversed ty gliders.- France ' bsck. if the horse showed im- doesn't SheT . ' in" the Hartford post office and was Riley said that, was quick to arrange for general con- . suf-fei- er a Deadrlck On that honorable basis every May charged delaying provement the end of two week? h$ Nannie Betts' Clara "Yes.
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