Join us on Twitter @TheCalaisAdv Like us on Facebook VOL. 183, NO. 20 MAY 17, 2018 © 2018 The Calais Advertiser Inc. $1.50 (tax included) Nie’s Boutique and Bake Shop Opens in Baring By Lura Jackson and pies, Bridges is offering not a consignment shop, per everything from homemade se, and adds that they are cur- Folks traveling north of Cal- cinnamon rolls to cookies and rently not accepting clothing ais will soon have many reasons bundt cakes. “Whatever I feel for display – but she invites to stop in Baring as the com- like baking that day is what I’m the public to ask her about it as munity is steadily building up baking, but I have to stick with possibilities are always open its attractions. Among the local cinnamon rolls and danishes be- down the line. businesses owners working cause they seem to be the thing Just as Knock on Wood did, to offer new and exciting fare that people really look forward Nie’s Boutique and Bake Shop for the area is Candy Bridges, to.” The response has been continues to offer crafted Maine owner of Nie’s Boutique and hugely enthusiastic, Bridges wine and beer, along with sou- Bake Shop – a new business said, describing how she’s sold venirs for tourists. Unlike the located where Knock on Wood out of her baked goods every former enterprise, the new once was. After a winter of re- single day since she opened. store does not focus on gifts but modeling, the business opened The bakery, which offers rather on a mixture of goods. its doors to the public on Thurs- indoor seating, is only one “We just decided we would do day, May 3rd. half of the new enterprise. The something that was selling for As the shop’s new name sug- other is the boutique portion, us, that we knew was success- gests, it hasn’t abandoned one offering new and gently used ful,” Bridges said. of Knock on Wood’s primary fine clothing, including prom Bridges runs the shop with goods: the fudge. Along with gowns and formal wear. The her daughter, Brittney Drew. the enduring favorite, how- items have mainly been brought The women are accompanied Welcoming customers to Nie's Boutique and Bake Shop are (left ever, Bridges has embraced her in by Bridges’s girlfriends, by Drew’s sons, Mason (who to right) Candy Bridges, Mason, Brittney Drew, and Weston. The childhood passion of baking though there has since been a turns 4 in July) and Weston family-based business now offers baked goods and new and gently and expanded the edible selec- steady stream of people offer- (who is 9 months old), adding used clothing items, with more plans in the works. (Photo by John tion vastly. Aside from staples ing to bring in additional items. (continued on page 2) Jackson) such as freshly baked bread Bridges explains that they are Haley Donovan Accepted to Air Force Academy By Lura Jackson elor of Science and an officer van will be among a growing position in the Air Force. population of females serving One of the most selective Donovan became interested as officers in the Air Force. The military programs in the coun- in the military in her freshman Air Force Academy opened to try – the United States Air Force year at CMHS. By the time she women in 1976, and every year Academy – is about to receive was a junior, she had her sights more and more have graduated. a graduate from Calais Middle set on the Air Force, and she The 2016 graduating class had High School [CMHS]. Ha- began working toward being the highest percentage of women ley “Boosta” Donovan will be admitted to the officer training officers yet at 25 percent. among the cadets at the elite academy. “I knew from the very Donovan credits her family academy when classes start beginning that I wanted to be an and school advisors for sup- at the end of June. After four officer,” Donovan said. She is porting her in her quest to join years, if she is among the ap- aiming to specialize in the Civil the academy. “My parents have proximately 1,000 students that Engineering field, drawing from been extremely supportive and successfully graduate each year, her strengths in math. she will be awarded with a Bach- As a young woman, Dono- (continued on page 4) Ken Clark Formally Appointed as Accepted to the highly selective Air Force Academy to undergo officer training is Calais High School's own Haley Donovan. (Sub- Calais Fire/EMS Chief mitted Photo) By Kaileigh Deacon Clark has been a firefighter rated. for 41 years and, over the “We’ve been lucky as a On Thursday, May 10th, the course of those years, he has community to have so many Calais City Council filled the held every position within good chiefs along the line and Coastal Glass to Celebrate 1st Year.....................................3 position of full time chief for the department. In addition this is just another example Boies Graduates as Valedictorian of Thomas College..........5 the Calais Fire/EMS. The po- to being a firefighter, Clark of what our tradition is,” said sition, which was previously is a certified CPR and EMT Councilor Artie Mingo. CHS Annual Spring Concert..............................6 vacated by Robert Posick, was instructor and a State-level With the presence of the Down East Spring Birding Festival......................7 filled in the interim by Ken fire instructor. According to Fire/EMT staff, the council Clark. At Thursday’s meeting, City Manager Jim Porter, with also ratified the Ambulance Author Kimberly Ridley Visits WES....................9 the council appointed Clark Clark’s appointment, he will and Fire Union contract. The WCCC Students Named to All-Maine Academic Team ......24 as the permanent Fire/EMS become the 30th Fire Chief ratification was unanimous and Sarah’s House Benefit a Success.....................................28 Chief for the City of Calais. since the city was incorpo- (continued on page 2) The Dead River Company Off-Season Savings Event Get Establish a new residential, automatic delivery propane account with up to150 Dead River Company and get your first fill FREE.* We meet/beat ANY competitor’s ad price! propane gallons Learn more at DeadRiver.com/OffSeasonSavings or call Call 1-855-317-4837 Free* * Offer available through August 31, 2018. Applies to one propane tank per single family residence. Free propane gallons (up to 150) based upon amount of product the tank will Plus $100 account credit and free tank set.* take at first fill. Terms and conditions apply. Please contact us for full details. Check out prattcars.com US Route 1, Calais • 207-454-0600 PAGE 2 amounts of money on while Ken Clark others were concerned with (continued from page 1) the deer eating the plants that Porter thanked both unions for provided a bit of privacy to their hard work. their yard. The council rec- The council was presented ommended the issue to the with three acquired properties Public Safety committee for that had been sent out to bid review and recommendation. but received no bids in the The public is welcome to at- process. After consideration tend and express any concerns and discussion, the council they might have and hear the agreed to put the three prop- options being considered. erties out to bid again with At this time, no date for this some changes in the process. meeting has been set. For Two would see a reduction in more information contact the price while the third would go city building. out without a minimum bid With a unanimous vote, the requirement. council authorized the pur- The council approved an chase of an early 1980s grader abatement request for the by the Public Works Depart- former Tourist Information ment. The grader would allow building in the amount of for the department to take $2,169. The cause of the issue better care of the build up on seemed to be a pipe that had the roads in the winter and to frozen and broken and gone maintain the dump road. The unnoticed. The council was council authorized $15,500 assured at the meeting that to come from the undesig- issue had been resolved. nated fund balance. Public During roundtable, sev- Works Director Skeet Seelye eral citizens expressed their said that the grader would concern with the large deer require a little bit of minor population within city limits. maintenance, but that is all. Most of the concern centered The grader is located in New City Manager Jim Porter congratulates new full-time Fire Chief Ken Clark on his appointment. Several around the deer eating the Hampshire and will have to be members of the Calais Fire/EMS crew were there to support him. (Photo by Kaileigh Deacon) plants in people’s yards. Many transported to Calais. had plants they spent large The City Council will hold a budget meeting on Wednesday evening, May 16 at 6 p.m. at hearing on a $1,100,000 bond any increase to the Waste the City Building. The next for a Palmer Street water and Water Budget or increase the council meeting will be held sewer project. The council was rates. The public is encour- on May 24 at 6 p.m., during assured that at this meeting aged to attend and ask ques- which there will be a public this project would not cause tions or voice concerns. Nie’s Boutique (continued from page 1) a potent family appeal to the store. “I think people like to Gardeco Mulch Black Gold come in and see the family-type Potting Mix atmosphere in here,” Bridges said.
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