rrsqwzrwfiftq{rqftre NationalCouncil for TeacherEducation (AStatutory Body of theGovernment of lndia)- (qr{d{r<rR i5r q6' Ae-€ €sri) SoutheinRegional Committee qQurqHq qnR $?I€g5-dcr em NCTE F.SRO/NCTE/ApS09669/8.Ed/Ap/201 6814s- Date:\O TO BE PUBLISHEDIN GAZETTEOF INDIAPART III SEGTION 4 CORRIGENDUM With referenceto this officeorder No. F.SRO/APSO9669lB.EdlAP12Q15164506dated13.05.2015 wherein a revised recognitionorder was issuedto PalnaduCollege of Education,Sy No. 158/94, 158/1081,1SBI1'|B, 1Sgt12B, Narayanapuram,Dachepalli Village, Guntur District-522414,Andhra Pradesh the followinqcorriqendum is Sl.No. INSTEADOF WORDS MAY BE READ AS Page 1 AND WHEREAS,the institutionPalnadu Cottege AND WHEREAS,the institutionPalnadu Cottege of -2 Para of Education, Sy No. 158/9A, 158/10B1, Education, Sy No. '158/9A,158/1081, 158/118, '158112B, 15An1B, 1581128,Narayanapuram, Dachepa i Narayanapuram, Dachepalli liltage, Village, Guntur District522414, A,ndhra Guntur District-522414,Andhra Pradesh has by Pradesh has by affidavit consentedto come affidavitconsented to come underNew Regulationi underNew Regulationsand soughtfor two basic andsought for one basicunit in B.Ed. unitsin B.Ed.,which require additional facilities Page 1 I AND WHEREAS,it has been decided to permit AND WHEREAS,it has beendecided to permitthe Para 4 I institutionto have two basic units of 50 studentsei institutionto haveone basicunit of 50 studentseach i suhjecitc th: inoti:ut:cirfuif;l:ing f,.rI-J*i;g cci.:d:ii I namety, namery, I | (D. The institutionshall submit revalidated FDRS (i). The institutionshall submitrevalidated FDRS of I of the enhancedvalues, in jointaccount with the enhancedvalues, in joint accountwith the I the SRC before30 June,2015 faitingwhich SRC before 30 June, 2015 failing which the I the recognitionwill be withdrawn. recognitionwill be withdrawn. I (ii). The institutionshall create additionat facitities I that include(a) additionalbuitt-up area, (b) I additionalinfrastructure, (c) additional staff as I per Regulations,2014 and informRegional Committees with required documents by october3'1 , 2015. (iii).The applicant-institutionfor additionat unjt witl be required to submit the required documents such as land documents, EncumbranceCertificate(Ec), Land Use Certificate(Luc)and the Buildingptan (Bp) and the Approved Staff List in the specified proformaavailable on the websiteto the Regional Commjttee in proof of having provided additionalfacilities before October 31, 20'15. BuildingComptetion Certificate (BCC) may be given atong with other ] documentsif availabte,otheMise it can also I be givento the Visitingteam at the time of I . insnection (iv). The RegionalCommittees shall anange for I verificationof documents,inspection of these I premisesand check adherenceto these I conditionsby 20 Feb,2016. lf if is foundby I the RegionalCommittee that the institutionI fails to complywith these requiiements,the I institutionsshall not be permittedto admit I studentsfor the academicyear 2016-2017. i Contd...P NTT'TTfr+E-q ts, flTRql.fr, Jnana BharathiCampus Road,Opp. National Law School, -,-.-,,-l. -l- TIFTTVFIFT RI---.: q€,- q{?Ir{-\---.5_ - qqo O\9Q Nagarabhaii, Bangalore- 560 072. Phone: O8O-23185669n0n2Fax: O8O-23185673 E"mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Website : httD://www.srcncte, in - ,/ ,/ ,/. -2- '1 Page NOW THEREFORE,in the tightof the above in the light above in -5 and Para in terms of Section 14(3) (a) of NCTEAoIand in terms of Section 14(3) (a) of NCTEACIand jn accordance with the Regulations, 2014, the accordancewith the Reguiations,2014, the Southern Southern Regional Committee,NCTE hereby RegionalCommittee, NCTE hereby grants recognition grants recognition Palnadu College of to Palnadu College of Education,Sy No, 1Sg/9A, Education,Sy No. 158/9A,158/1081, i58/118, 't58/128, 158/10B1, 15811'lB, 1581428, Narayanapuram, -NarayanapuramrDachepa i Village, DachepalliVillage, cuntur District-5224,14,Andhra Guntur District-522414,Andhra pradesh for Pradesh for conductingB.Ed programmeof two conductingB.Ed programmeof two years years duration with an annual intake of 50 for duration with an annual intake of 100 for one basic unitfrom ihe academicsession 2015-.16 two basic units of 50 studentseach from the subjectto submission,of revalidatedFDRS of the academicsession 2015-16 subject to submissionenhancedvalue in joint accountwith the SRC before of revalidatedFDRs of the enhancedvalue in joint 30 June, 2015 and fulfillmentof the conditions accountwith the SRC before30 June,2015 and mentionedat ll & Ill hereinbefore 31.10.20is fulflllmentof the conditionsmentioned at ll & lll hereinbefore 31.1 0.201 5 6',-order, ? ,U,_..4A tz4d_ (Dr.P.Revathi Reddy) \ RegionalDirector. To, The Principal, PalnaduCollege of Education, '158/94, Sy No. 158/'1081,1SBI11B,1SB|12B, Narayanapuram,Dachepalli Village, GunturDistrict-52241 4, AndhraPradesh. Copyto: l The Secretary,Dept. of Schoo-lEducation and Literacy,Ministry of Human ResourceDevelopment, Govt. of India,Shastri Bhavan, New Dethi - 1i OOO1. 'J' 2. The EducationSecretary incharge of HigherEducation, Department, Block,3'd Floor, Secretariat building, Hyderabad-500022,Andhra pradesh. 3. TheRegistrar, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjunanagar, Guntur District, Andhrapradesh. 4. Ttre...secrelary/correspondent ushodaya R;side;tiit schoiot committee, D. No. C-268, Main Roao, Nadikudi,Dachepalty-5224j4, cuntur District,Andhra pradesh 5:- The Uedefsecretary (cS), NationaslCouncil for Teacher .110 Education,Hans Bhawan, Wing-ll, 1, Bahadurshah ZafatMarg, New Delhi - 002. 6. OfficeOrder fiie/institution file. .
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