Spring MarchNew 23-27,Meeting Orleans 2003 American Chemical Society DIVISION OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY NEWSLETTER SPRING 2003 EDITION SPECIAL ISSUE Division of Analytical Chemistry Newsletter Spring 2003 In 2001, the Division was awarded a Chemluminary Award by the ACS for service to our members. The Division of Analytical Chemistry •Funds and organizes analytical symposia at ACS meetings. •Funds and administers grants for outstanding students in Chemistry. •Recognizes professional excellence of analytical chemists. •Offers analytical chemists networking opportunities. •Advices the ACS on professional matters. Thanks Newsletter Starting Paperless to our corporate Edition in 2004 sponsors Publishing the newsletter consumes close //center.acs.org/applications/addrupdate/ to 6% of the annual Division of Analytical addrchange.cfm). 2002 Sponsors Chemistry’s budget. Mirroring general societal trends, we are seeking more cost- If you are unable to receive the newslet- Dekker Foundation•Waters effective solutions to our communication ter electronically and would like a hard Corporation•The Dow Chemi- needs by using electronic publishing copy, please contact the newsletter editor cal Foundation•Eli Lilly means. or any of your offi cers at the addresses included on this issue. Corporation•E.I. Dupont de As a pilot and starting next year, we will Nemours•Merck Corporation publish one of the two annual newsletters We welcome your comments on this and •Procter&Gamble•Eastman in electronic pdf paperless format. By any other subject. Chemical•Johnson and Johnson moving to electronic editions of the Pharmaceutical •Pfi zer Inc Re- newsletter, we can save in excess of search and Development•Society $8,000 per issue, which then we can of Analytical Chemists of apply to fund our scientifi c and grant Pittsburgh•Corporation programs. Associates•Division Activities Committee. An analysis of the membership roster Special showed that 80% of our membership has already shared their e-mail addresses Issue of the Spring 2003 with the ACS. These members will be Mtg Sponsors alerted via e-mail of when the newsletter Newsletter is available for downloading. If you Arvin H.Smith•Isis do not supply your e-mail address, you This is a special issue of the newsletter. Pharmaceutical•Ther- can check the Division’s website for It includes reference information about moFinnigan•Applied publication details. the Division. The information used to be published every 3 years in the discontin- Biosystems•IonSpec Corporation• To receive future publication ued Division Directory, last published in Waters Corporation•Bruker• notifi cation, please update your e-mail 1997. The editor thanks the contribuiting AB/MDS Sciex Instruments•ABB address at the ACS web site (http: authors. Extrel• Bruker-Daltonics 2 Division of Analytical Chemistry Newsletter Spring 2003 New Orleans Analytical Division Sessions March 23-27,2003 Division of Analytical Chemistry ANYL Division of Analytical Chemistry ANYL (continued) J. D. Pinkston,ProgramChair J. D. Pinkston,ProgramChair Convention Center S M Tu W Th Convention Center S M Tu W Th Advances in Techniques for Analytical E valuation of C olumn Performance in C haracterization in Fuel C hemistry* Preparative C hromatography* (B I O T ) A (FUE L ) A ChemistryandLawofDriving-While- Function-B ased and O ther N ovel I ntoxicated Prosecution* (C H AL ) D A pproaches to Sensors for H omeland C hromatography Advances* (BI O T ) P Defense** D A nalytical C hemistry Workforce of the MALDIandESIMassSpectrometry 21st Century** P Techniques for Polymers* (PM SE ) D D NovelBioanalysesUsingLab-on-aChip Synchrotron-Based Analytical Techniques Technologies* (BI OT ) P for N uclear and E nvironmental Sciences* (N UC L ) D P E ncouraging D isadvantaged Students into C areers in the C hemical Sciences T hat•ll N ever Work: Analytical C hemists H onoring I siah M . Warner** P Doingthe Perceived Impossible P M icroscale Biosensors for E nvironmental A nalytical Posters E Monitoring*(ENVR) P Undergraduate Research Poster Session: A nalytical C hemistry in N uclear A nalytical C hemistry* (C H E D ) A Technology* (N UCL) P D D M acromolecules to B ioparticles: A nalyses Sci-M ix E with Field-Flow Fractionation** A I nstrument M iniaturization for H ome- Present and Future Technologies in land D efense: Progress and C hallenges A C hemical I nstrumentation** A Fundamentals of Electrospray Ionization D N M R Spectroscopy of Polymers* (PO LY ) D D D C hromatography Award Symposium HonoringWilliamS.Hancock P N M R Spectroscopy of Polymers* (PO LY ) E FromSensorstoFunctionalInstruments A H onoring R ichard D. Smith (AC S Award in A nalytical C hemistry) and Jesse L . B eauchamp (Field & Franklin Award) D Size-E xclusion C hromatography with MultipleDetectionTechniques** P Invitation E nvironmental M anagement Science All Division members are invited to ProgramSymposium*(EN V R ) PE D attend the executive committee Process Analytical C hemistry** A meeting in New Orleans on Saturday, Capitalizingon Data Diversity A March 22, 2003, from 1:00-5:00 pm. RadiochemistryatRIA*(NUCL) D E. Morial Convention Center Room 274 M icroelectrochemical Systems andArrays P 3 Division of Analytical Chemistry Newsletter Spring 2003 The Division of Analytical Chemistry Dinner at the New Orleans Meeting The dinner will be held on Monday evening March 24th, at the Palace Cafe, with cocktail hour at 6:00 PM and dinner at 7:00 PM. Menu: Crabmeat Cheesecake•Werlein Salad •Andouille Crusted Fish •Palace Cafe Pecan Pie•Coffee, Tea Price, including tax and gratuity, $42. The Palace Cafe is located at 605 Canal Street, between Chartres and Royal Streets - at the entrance to the French Quarter, within walking distance of downtown. Please make reservations when you register for the meeting! Homeland Defense, a Nobel Laureate, and Chemists Performing “Impossible” Feats: Highlights of The New Orleans Mtg. by David Pinkston, ANYL Chair. Come join your colleagues in the and Franklin Award. Isiah Warner take an entertaining look at the Division of Analytical Chemistry for will be honored as the recipient of recent past, while future challenges the 225th National ACS Meeting in the ACS Award for Encouraging will be the topic in “Present and New Orleans. The Division’s pro- Disadvantaged Students into Careers Future Technologies in Chemical gram will feature a Nobel Laureate in the Chemical Sciences. William Instrumentation”. “Analytical and Award Symposia for the recipi- Hancock will receive the ACS Award Chemistry Workforce of the 21st ents of 4 ACS National Awards. In in Chromatography. Century” will also take a glimpse at addition to these giants of science, •Analytical chemistry is a critical the future. a variety of symposia will cover component of Homeland Defense. •The Separations Subdivision of the cutting-edge science. Here’s a sum- Advances in “function-based” and Division has contributed two sympo- mary of the highlights: other novel sensors for Homeland sia dealing with separations of mac- •Nobel Laureate John Fenn will be Defense will be discussed in one romolecules and particles. One will featured in a full-day symposium on symposium, while another will focus primarily on field-flow frac- the “Fundamentals of Electrospray treat instrument miniaturization. tionation, the other on size-exclusion Ionization”. Complementing these topics will be chromatography. •The fundamentals and applications a symposium featuring the practical •Other symposia will deal with excit- of mass spectrometry will also be aspects of turning sensors into func- ing advances in process analytical in the spotlight in a joint sympo- tional instruments. chemistry, in microelectrochemical sium in honor of Richard Smith, •In “That’ll Never Work – Analytical systems, and in the interface area of recipient of the ACS Award in Chemists Doing the Perceived informatics and measurements. Analytical Chemistry, and of Jesse Impossible”, a group of world- Beauchamp, recipient of the Field renowned analytical chemists will 4 Division of Analytical Chemistry Newsletter Spring 2003 Of Flying Elephants & Pride Treasurer’s Report disappointed that it didn’t involve By Carolyn Ribes. “real” elephants. But this analogy, The Division of Analytical Chemistry stolen from the title of one of Prof. had a very successful year, from the Fenn’s talks at the upcoming ACS financial perspective. Approximately National Meeting in New Orleans, half of our income is obtained from is a good one in light of what these external sources, and we are extreme- three scientists and their colleagues ly grateful to our sponsors who accomplished in the 1980’s and generously support our programs. 90’s. Without their support, the Division Awards, Graduate Fellowships, and I hope you’ll pay special attention Graduate Travel grants would not to this edition of the Division’s be possible. Many sponsors provide By David Pinkston, ANYL Chair newsletter, your newsletter. Roland financial support for special sym- Hirsch, Councilor, and Al Ribes, posia at National Meetings. Since Did you hear it? I think I did. In Newsletter Editor, have included a we had a cash surplus in 2002, we fact, I was one of the participants. special section on the history and plan on expanding our program- I’m talking about the collective by-laws of the Division and of the ming efforts in 2003 to include more cheer that went up from analyti- Subdivision of Chromatography. As symposia at National Meetings and cal chemists around the world on I looked through this section, I was enhanced programming at some October 9, 2002. That’s when it amazed at the tremendous volunteer Regional Meetings. We hope to was announced that John B. Fenn, effort and foresight that have made attract internationally-known ana- Koichi Tanaka, and Kurt Wüthrich our Division what it is, one of the lytical chemists as invited speakers. would be awarded the Nobel Prize largest and healthiest in the ACS. We are supporting the 2003 Gordon in Chemistry “for the development Great thanks to all our current and Research Conference on Analytical of methods for identification and former volunteers for their diligent Chemistry.
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