US 2006O262876A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0262876 A1 LaDue (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 23, 2006 (54) WAVE MATRIX MECHANICS METHOD & Related U.S. Application Data APPARATUS (60) Provisional application No. 60/605,273, filed on Aug. (76) Inventor: Christoph Karl LaDue, Brighton 26, 2004. Beach (AU) Publication Classification Correspondence Address: (51) Int. C. BLAKELY SOKOLOFFTAYLOR & ZAFMAN H04L 27/00 (2006.01) 124OO WILSHIRE BOULEVARD (52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 375/295 SEVENTH FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CA 90025-1030 (US) (57) ABSTRACT Means, methods and apparatus that enables the accurate (21) Appl. No.: 11/211,209 recording, and re-transmission of audio visual information from a three dimensional source, using holophasec 3D wave (22) Filed: Aug. 24, 2005 modeling protocols, processes and procedures. Holophasec 29b. PSP Rodion Conne 124 11 8. Electmagnetic N-Dimensional PSP FOe Angle U 9C Antenno Posimo Apertures of Somptes ve Phase Space Perception. O31 iew 23bWave(s) -3 5DANs s Porticle a Centre SSasal 5 N Sys,22,AXX86a).3AéRN-2 Base *Yes/ZESZ36/Z- 147b; \5/Z2- 13c. 2 Nowe Matrix éS3 U 2 12 1 2 Wave Matrix v. 12OC Electromagnetic PSp Posmo M PSP 24 Wowe Motrix Phase Space Rab Samples 129d 12Oe J40 Channels 12Od S Aperture of Aggie 11.9b Rodion Space 13Ob Wowe 123d uperposition Geometric Porticle 1215 Solic 32 Wiew 13 Constellotion Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 1 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 |Z |Z OZ |Z Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 2 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 80 900dSesoudC]º |auud?OKuw 30ods auO Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 3 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 4 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 lojamónnasjo|6a|6uyasoud WJoz)\uºuuo.WC552QuºLuo Gl +------<-------------? Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 5 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 S.1949uuoupN spuooºsoupN |7 — Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 6 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 DuuSO|-} eoodsasoua aoodsasoud pasoudopoH Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 7 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 KuopuooºS x?J?OWN?AONA Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 8 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 9 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 |Z SJOQO||3SO?AONA QasoudKodOw ?a NISdKuv|G7 asoudoIOH OÇ 96(6) Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 10 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 q36)o1 300punS |36Jol 300,InS Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 11 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 D06 eooyunS Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 12 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 13 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 9| Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 14 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 X[…]DW uê|MOJO 16%.GS.) Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 15 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 O) O CS O C) E O 5 n O c to C (/) d 5 ) o s Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 16 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 ***„”---------*** |- |- •» Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 17 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 300]uns Patent Application Publiicat ion Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 18 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 |ZZ Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 19 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 20 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 21 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 SBdQÇ09Soudo|OH09-09 Patent Application Publication Nov. 23, 2006 Sheet 22 of 22 US 2006/0262876 A1 900) ?QC3C]|000- peg><?F oQ9—57))(709|| US 2006/026287.6 A1 Nov. 23, 2006 WAVE MATRIX MECHANICS METHOD & ducing Continuous Discrete State (CDS) 3D Logic into the APPARATUS framework of all forthcoming technological structures. The 0001. This application claims the benefit of provisional ideas that provide the framework for the invention challenge Application No. 60/605,273, entitled Wave Matrix Mechan the fundamental concepts that comprise Information Theory, ics Method and Apparatus, filed Aug. 26, 2004. General Relativity, Special Relativity, Doubly Special Rela tivity and Quantum Mechanics. The major missing key in all BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION these disciplines is what the invention has to offer, a com 0002) 1. Field of the Invention pletely different means and method of observing and codi fying natural systems and synthetic systems. The invention 0003. The present invention relates to three dimensional provides a new conduit that leads to crucial breakthrough in 3D continuous discrete state (CDS) logic that is the quali terms of how we observe our experience, define our expe tative mechanical function of Wave Matrix Mechanics that rience, and how we bracket pieces of our experience that provides practical and stable Qualitative Mechanical Logic relate to technology creation. This eye opening process (QML) protocol, processes and procedures that enable com reveals and leads us to discovering the ability to expand our pletely novel self adaptive qualitative communications, perceptual experience through the augmentation of our qualitative computation, and efficient quantitative utilization perceptual presence through technological means. This tech that enables a plurality of technological apparatus, instru nology means is expressed in terms of instrumentality and mentality, dynamic formative communication topologies apparatus that can truly augment our three-dimensional and applications. spatial experience with respect to how we communicate 0004 2. Description of Related Art information across time and space. 0005 Chaos Theory. A branch of science pioneered by 0008. The invention applies a radically different means MIT meteorologist Edward Lorenz in the 1960s, searches and method of technological formation and function by for order in natural and synthetic processes that seem to introducing the concept of Holophasec 3D Magnetic appear random. Chaotic systems are common in nature for Moment. The invention redefines how we create carrier reasons that most researchers do not fully understand. Con signals that are based upon the utilization of all three-spatial ventional understanding sees chaotic systems as predictable dimensions that occupy the space and time that exists in the short term and unpredictable in the long term for one between any selected transceiver-emitter/exciter array sets fundamental reason. The central focus of those involved in that are constituent technological elements that exist within the development of ideas in Science and solutions in Tech the channel topology of any communications network. The nology views the world from a rather narrow viewpoint. Holophasec 3D Modulated Magnetic Moment quantises into Today conventional instrumentality and apparatus is variable electromagnetic fields that are comprised a poten designed to quantify phenomenon from a one-dimensional tially massive simultaneously nested population of periodic point of view, i.e., one perspective, one direction or frame of wave structures that completely populate the electromag reference at a time. Another component of Chaos Theory is netic topology of a communications channel from emission Complexity Theory; the study of systems on the edge of point to excitation point which is defined as electromagnetic Chaos that are orderly while being extremely flexible and space and time. The invention provides a Holophasec 3D adaptive. Other related work such as General Systems Radian Space model that defines a cogent framework for the Theory developed originally after World War II in parallel near infinite symbolic state bounds that can be derived from with Cybernetic modalities has influenced many ideas about the Holophasec 3D Modulated Magnetic Moment. The heuristic self-adaptive systems from a pure theoretical point invention provides a tri-cycling continuous base band 3D of view yet nothing truly practical has been gleaned from analogue carrier signal, which is a carrier sinusoid that these salient theories. transports the information signal over the airwaves in the 0006. Many others who are focused on the understanding case of radio transmission or though wires, bus logic chan of recursive protocols that relate complex self-adaptive nels of microchip transistor topology, or optical fibres in the systems have integrated Claude Shannon's salient work in case of telephony or computer communication. Information Theory into the underpinings of all system that 0009. The 3D carrier base band signal is an analogue are essentially pyramidal in structure. This developmental Wave Matrix that occupies a complete 3D electromagnetic path has been necessary, yet it has ultimately led to a dead field that completely populates 3D radian vector space and end simply because Information Theory is founded upon time. The invention creates the transmission path whose viewing and utilizing the modulated magnetic moment from parameters are manipulated in order to convey the Discrete only one point of view at a time. This narrow perspective is State (CDS) 3D geometric-harmonic logic in the three a sort of quasi quantum mechanical myopic perspective. spatial dimensions. This approach produces a revolution in Natural systems are by definition simultaneously both ana propagating base band data. In this particular case the logue and discrete and much more. Nature is fundamentally invention creates a 3D base band data that is unique for it is ambiguous and technological systems need to reflect what is three-dimensional spatial data. Technology has always been key to our potential perceptual acuity. Technology needs to viewed as a component of our spatial dimensional experi move a way from the primitive dogma that constructs a ence, yet our collective perspectives, with reference to how reality of a dualistic universe. This dualistic reality has set we tend to design what we design, form, stablise, duplicate, the template for our perceptual experience, for all of our deploy and utilize in terms of any conventional apparatus technological systems tend to reflect the inherent limits of and instrumentality.
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