T 7 ? ‘ - A_ Idaho^s Largest Evening Newspaper ....... .......... ......... ..________________ - t ___ 69th y ea r, 8 2 n d issue ■ ^ ■■■ ■ - TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1972 ^•nlMslor <Wlv*rv . Viets hit r r ^ Irish McGovern Saigon (UPI)-Political allies inauguration". of President Nguyen Van Thieu “ I think he certainly will hot and some of his most outspoken be elected—that’s all we can critics said Saturday they hope,” said Do, who served as vehemently oppose Democratic i nieu s personal envoy last tall presidential candidate George during talks with North Viet­ McGovern. namese Paris peace” delegate But menibers of-” South’ XuanThuy. Vietnam's vocal war protest But Father Chan Tin, Roiiian- ___movenient___sgi:___thia___hope. CathoUc publisher of the anti- government iiiagazine "Com ’ rnnbi^nn’ ^ it' would be a catastrophe not points he (McGovern) made in only (or Vietnam but for ail the his a(H;tiptaiu;« speech are. good nations.liKe VitUM^Lin South-, 4 *Br«ign i»«i«>in8od lagtjB jfetni Miniater Tran van Do. a six-Qionth Jail term for Do, 69, an adviser to Thieu publishing*’ an article in his personnel carriers (APC) now and delegate to the 19M Geneva magazine favorably^describing escape a mounting wave of being used. progress in all areas Inside Conference, muted that McGov­ violence in Northern Ireland. An army spqkeanian said a ern promised to go to Hanoi if North Vietnam. He Is free on The death toll in the last two patrol at SUverrldge foi^nd the necessary to help end the w a', uppeal. days rose to 11 when i British booby-trapped bomb on a road The priest also met with to stop the U.S. bombing of army explosives expert was about one mile from the. border McGovern‘ tn-September when North Vietnam and to “withdraw blown to bits while trying to with the Irish RepubUo. While all. American troops from thQ candidate paid a three-day dfifufleabomh. an atmy-explqslvet «xpert^«M ■ Vietnam "within 90 days of my vliit to Vietnam. During the Thi Irish Republican Army attemptiDjg to dismantle It the meeting jylth McGovern at was reported using mortara as hnmh PTplmteil,— killing him Tin’s Redemptorlst church, a well as rockets to iMttle the Instantly. tiro bomb was thrown into th r CKOuOHING Scottish troops attempt to flush British army. HeavUy-armored - He was the sixth army bomb ■building. out an Irish sniper In one of a secies of gun- Saraceen tanks were being expert killed In Northern Chess "The war is- enskvlng the battles and bombings that have pushed Noi^ shipped to Northern Ireland to Ireland. country," said Tin. "If he them Ireland to the brink of what British counter the threat of the IRA Soldiers In Londonderry said ' (McGovern) is elected there Under fire Defense Secretary Lord Carrington termed ■ pockets, BrttlBh arm y sniirrr.s they >cffl8d~onr gannanp^BXl^ will be changes in American said. Injured another following an n nlics^ soctetyT^ begun. (Story at right) (UP!) Since the collapse of the attack on the Masonic Point In Vietram he will be useful. cease-fire six days ago, 31 army post. He «>ill end the war and stop ' Tjersonshave-di®*-^ civilians, In Belfast, troops claimed one the bombing, which is now irksome 19- soldiers and one member of gunman hit In the Lenadoon destroying the nation's resour­ the reserve Ulster Defense area, the district seized by ces Regiment. It was one of the soldiers ThuradBy^rlday In a RPYKJAVK (UPI) - Bobby ^ in e U.S. officials in Viet­ Foods Halts phoL*!^ bloodiest weeks in Ulster's night-long battle with snipers. Fischer may have helped the nam who have been carrying current troubles. sales of chess sets in the United oi^t Nixon's policies are dis- 'I’he overall death toll lo the States but in Iceland! where -maycd . at. the prospect of^ /■ nonopol^e^----------- — thrM years of cAmage reached cheM islaKen P io u s ly , he has McGovern's being elected. cloaimp 139. ThousaridsTftore have Ijeen if any friends left. One official said the war can ——In- contpast -Russian world flies . it wounded or. injured In shootings TO7J- HONOLULU (UPn - In a mator ruUng a champion Boris Spassky has -The____1972 Tlmei.Ni.»« elected and — OOP that Martlyn A4ort- federal Judge has declared Illegal the 1967 never before been more popui&r <pnigren edition iiu iie e in o lil people have the tenacity and roe died. General Telephone and Electronics -Corp. with Iceland's 210,(KW chess In Belfast, the British army o a t . A n nnexpectedly Ugh the will. If McGoveifn wins, it WASHINGTON (UPI) - I ’he purchase oi the Hawaiian Telephone Co. mad inhabitants. said the IRA was now using demand has exceeded the large ]vili be, a whole new ball- Health Educatiom and Welfare Federal Judge Martin Pence said Friday that Icelanders are beginning to mortars against security forces. num ber of extra coplea printed. game,he saici. Department announced Satur­ It is “ reasonably-probable” the nation will end ask ■ themselves why they Tr.oops'^found an unexploded People who have tlie ir copies Radio Hdnoi, monitored in day It will try' to enlist up with Just two giant telephone systein^H-the----- bothered to bid for the "chess "iBm eniHdjrm ortar sheU near sfaonid Ireep tiiem as coUw tD r’s consumer help to crack down GTE acquisitions are “ not only cut off now but match of the century," as the Saigon, broadcast ne\^s of Kennedy an army observation post in tlie Kerns. Others should keqi a McGovern's nomination without on widespread unsanitary con-' hi some measure rolled hac|i.” Fischer-Spassky world cham­ _£flJttlQUc__ BflUymurphy— area__ sharp eye mit fnr n«iTt comment Friday. dltlqns found in food processing He ordered -GT& ta-<Hvc«tHtself uf thir~~ pionship match has baenhilled. Saturday and said It luld been e d itio n , which Is-already being 'plaants. Hawallans' stock on grounds that the purchase ----- we had kliown BObhy~~ fired at them Friday night assembled. ,The department advised Con­ kidnap had violated state and federal anti-tnist laws. Fischer well enough we might IPIA gunners were reported to gress it agreed coiflpletely with ! Pence Indicated he will order GTE to divest have though twi^e.^ before have fh-ed bazooka-type rockets the findings of a General Itself of other acqi|lsltlons because they created bidding for the match," said at British troops during heavy Cyclist AcsQuntintOfflce.iilADJ invea- foiled an “ Internal monopolistic program." ........... one official of the Icelandic fighting Thursday night -juid tigator’s report that brought the Pence also sharply criticized the Public Chess F e d e r a t io n .----------------- Friday morning. Reds get situation to light. ATHENS (U P D -G reek au­ Utilities Commission for what he called a lack of When the temperamental The British army sources killed ■'This report has already thorities Saturday announced study before approvhig the merger. the' arrests -of 12 -personsi the second game Thursday and useful to FDA (the P’ood and including eight Greeks in one suicide the judge announced from the Drug Administration, HEW the gang and fouc West Germans in stage that he had forfeited the in crash Congress, the food industries another, on charges of plotting game, the spectators rose and and consumers," the HEW to ki^ap John F. Kennedy Jr., orders applauded. STANLEY — A young statement said. GAO is a the U-year-old son of the late "Send him back to the United Montana man died Saturday congressional watchdog agency. American President. TF fund drive set States," shouted one voice in morning of injuries received in SAIGON (U PI)—AUied offic­ HEW said it cortcurred with A 22-page statement issued F.nglish tfOTOtheaallecv, - a car-bicycle accident Friday. ers sald-^ Saturday tluit 1,1100 mne r'^omirtert'aatiiolU maae p o lice - t h ^ o - gangs Iceland's five daily news­ John C. Chilcott, 20, by the investigators, including « for senior cehler papers, which were gearing up Stevensville. Mont., was injured the stone walls of the Qiiang nhniit 9 p m In a rnllisinh at Itm- a more effetUve govy>rnmPnt other Kidnapinga. a s . Trl-Citadel fortress have been to c ovar thair biggast story in as use of consumer (Wiplalnts. An robberies and bom- TWIN FALLS - A drive-to ordered to until deiatfi^ years, have also turned on the RedCsh turnoff on U.S. High-* bings. equipped with a Wtchien to serve automated data system for agahist South Vietnamese 29-year-old American. way M about four and a half The four West Germans were raise $2,000 for the down meals. recordihg complaints Is being forces trying to recapture the "The chtes scandal of the miles south of Stanley. identified by authorities as payment of a Twin Falls Senior A previous attempt at implemented on a nationwide provincial capital. century," said the Timinn, one CJiilcott was reportedly riding members of the terrorist " 20th Citizens (Denter will begin here providing meals for senior basis to provide FDA field The officers, based at Army of the leading newspapers. his bicycle when he collided October Movement" while the this week. citizens for several months managers "with the informa­ corps headquarters at Hue, also with a car driven by an other gang was comprised Mrs. H.F. Waggoner, failed in May when the facilities tion needed to follow up on said that the Communists have unidentiried driver -antir oly -of G reeks inspif od l»y chairman of the Twin Falls usfd wpre-withdraiim__________ TnmptamtsTeferrefftfl state's or al least 2,500 fresh He died at 11 a m .
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