The Glenville Mercury Number 8 Glenville State College, Glenville, West Virginia Friday, October 19 , 1979 Registrar Announces Band To Play December Graduates Get your feet ready for some The following is a list of those Wells, Parkersburg, Elem. 1-6, lang­ foot stomp in' music! Bluegrass lovers students who will be graduating uage Arts 4-8, Social Studies 4-8; beware! The Plum Hollow Band December 21,1979. Those students Nancy Elizabeth Cox Wells, Penns­ is a musical experience that is taking who are not on this list but should boro, Elementary 1-6; Kathleen Ann the country by surprise. The band be, or those who are on it and Harper White, Pennsboro, Elem./ is planning a concert here, at the should not be, should contact Mrs. Early Educ. N-K-6; Kim Elaine White, college auditorium, Nov. I at 8 p.m. Jean Spurgeon in the Registrar's Weston, Social Studies Comp. 7-12; Office as soon as possible. Wilbert Jay Zirkle, Buckhannon, The five man bluegrass band hails Gregory Oliver Arnette, Char· Phys. Educ. K-12, Safety Educ. 7-12. from Nortll Carolina, and has played lottesville, VA, Physical Education gigs from North Carolina to Mon­ K-12, Health Education K·12; Ad· Gary Frank Bonnett, Troy, Ac­ tana. The band, wh ich has been to­ rian Douglas Bailey , J r., Rich wood, counting, Management; John RuSsell gether three years, has been on stage Music K-12; Teresa Lynn Barnett, Caldwell, Hannibal, OH, Marketing with such notable names as: "Nitty Kenna, Elem. 1-6, Mental Retard­ and Retailing; John Charles Caltrider, Science Series To Be Presented Gritty Dirt Band," "Pablo Cruise," ation Spec. K·12; Daniel Drew Bus· Parkersburg, Computer Science; Jon Elvin Bishop, and Alicia Bridges. kirk, Parkersburg, Elem . 1-6, Soc­ Lewis Elzey, Parkersburg, Finance; Glenville State College will pre­ amine the topic of "Air" from The songlist of Plum Hollow in­ ial Studies 4-8; Steven Scot Casto, Larry J. Frye, Cox's Mill, Accounting, sent four series of Science Activ­ 6-9:30 p.m. in room 107 Science cludes "Orange Blossom Special," Weston, Social Studies Comp. 7-12; Finance, Economics; Wayne Gerard ities for elementary-aged students. Hall on the following Thursdays: Linda Sue Clifton, Little Birch , EI· <;Iherke, Grantsville, Accounting, Each series will consist of six meet­ Oct. 25; Nov I, 8, IS, 29; and Rockie Top," and several songs ementary 1-6, Art 4·8 ; Lois Ann ings to be held during Oct., Nov ., Dec. 6. written by the band itself. The Cummings, Spencer, Elementary 1-6, Management; Roger Hamilton, and Dec. The activities will be Fifth and sixth grade students songs depict bluegrass, yet, span the \lathematics 4·8; Larry Alan Cundiff, Grantsville, Management; William directed by college students enrolled will examine the topic of "Light" generation gap to make the atmos­ Charleston, Phys. Ed. K·12, Safety Andrew Parker, Alum Bridge, Man­ in the "Science for Elementary from 6-9:30 p.m. in room 102 phere seem personal and intimate. Teachers" course. The program Educ. 7·12, Health Educ. K-12; <\&ement, Economics, Political Sci­ Science Hall on the following Thurs­ Tickets are on sale at the Bookstore will be under the supervision of Angela Jean Griffith Cunningham, ence; George Wayne Persinger, Burns­ days : Oel. 25; Nov. I , 8, 15 , and the Office of Student Affairs. Parkersburg, Elem. 1-6; Teresa E· ville, Management; Oifford Ottman Dr. Joe Evans. 29; and Dec. 6. The price is $ 1 per person. Tickets laine Deem, Harrisville, Art 7·12, Roberts, Glenville, Accounting; Ruth Second grade students will ex­ All interested students are in­ amine the topic of "Water" from will also be on sale at the door. Biological Science 7 ·12; Priscilla M~· Ann Scott. Glenville, Finance, Econ­ vited to apply for participation in Chesney Dobies, Parkersburg, Elem. omics; Anita Lajune Sheppard,Stuart, 6-9 p.m. in room 107 Science Hall the program. However, only the 1-6; Sheila Gaye Drennen, Oak Hill , F1, Management, Marketing and Re­ on the following Tuesdays: Oct.23, fmt fifteen names submitted for Elem./Early Educ. N-K-6 , Math 4·8; tailing, Economics; Mark Daniel 30; Nov. 6, 13, 27; and Dec. 4. each series will be accepted. There Roberts Named Connie Ga,il Via Fletcher, Parkers­ Sheppard, Parkersburg, Management; Third grade students will exam­ is no charge for participation. burg, Elem. 1-6; Darlene Morgan Richard Andrew Worsham, Wash­ ine the topic of "Matter" from Those interested may obtain add­ Mr. William S. Roberts, Director F1oyd, Vienna, Elem. 1-6, Language ington, Accounting, Finance. 6-9 p.m. in room 102 Science Hall itional information and/or make ap­ ao<l Assistant professor of Social on the following Tuesdays: Oct. Arts 4-8. plication for participation by con­ Work "t Glenville State College, has 23 , 30; Nov. 6, 13, 27 ; and Dec. 4. Dale Richard Thrasher, Glenville, tactingJoe Evans (462-7361 ext. 294). been named a member of the social James Charles Freitas, Olean, NY, Fourth grade students will ex- Elem. 1-6; Michael Wayne George, Biology, Math; Mary Kathryn Bird, Services Advisory Committee of the Parkersburg, Social Work, Sociology; Charleston, Music Compo K·12; West Virginia Department of~e lfare. Kenneth Lee Conley, Spencer, Linda Koski Hall, Vienna, Elem. He was appointed by Welfare Social Work, Sociology; Pamela 1-6, Language Arts 4-8, Math. 4-8; New Policy Announced Commissioner Leon H. Ginsberg, Margie C. Hanna, Summersville, Eng­ Dawn Scott Elzey, Parkersburg, Soc­ ial Work; Constance K. Hill Jones, who has the task of providing counsel lish 7·12, Social Services and Attend· The Office of Academic Affairs changed the policy mainly because Parkersburg, Social Work ; Patricia and advice through this organization. ance K-12; Brenda Kay Heatherly, would like to announce tha t the so many students complained that Von Lothes, Montrose, Social Work, The Committee is composed of 35 Buckhannon, Math . 7·12, Safety Ed­ new policy for withdrawing from they did not really know where Sociology; Kathy Johnston Pettit, uC. 7-12; Allan Dana Johnson, Park­ classes is now in effect. The policy they stood in a course when only citizens, who voluntarily give their Sutton, Social Work, Political Sci­ ersburg, Phys. Educ. K-12, Safety states that students may withdraw five weeks had passed. time and efforts toward the im­ ence, Sociology; Marcia Ann Rada­ Educ. 7:12; Nelson Childers Linger, from classes any time during the The Committee believes that provement of quality and effective­ baugh, Five Forks, Social Work, Weston, Biological Science 7·12, first nine weeks of classes with everyone should know whether or ness of the Social Services in West Psychology, Sociology; Sadie B. Rey­ Safety Educ. 7-12; Marsha Leanne a "W." A grade of "W" does not they want to continue in a Virginia. All members of this coun­ nolds, Lexington, KY, Social Work ; McHugh, Parkersburg, Elem. 1-6, not affect a student's grade point class by mid-semester and the nine John Ed ward Voloski, Bradley, Soc­ cil are appointed to a three year Language Arts 4·8; Mary Margaret average one way or another. week period will give students an ial Work, Sociology; Brenda Kay term. McLaughlin, Weston, Elem./Early lltis policy replaces the old pol­ opportunity to drop after they have Weaver, Weston, Social Work. Educ. N·K-6; Vickie Sue Martin, Eliz· icy which gave students only five taken mid~emester exams. abeth, Elem./Early Educ. N·K-6; weeks to withdraw with a "W." All students should be advised Mark James MehJbaum, St. Marys, Charles Edward Ash, Parkersburg, The Committee on Academic Affairs that the Office of Academic Affairs Trip Planned Elem. 1-6, Social Studies 4·8; Daysi Regents BA; James Richard Book­ Melo, Leisure City, FL, General man, Parkersburg, Regents BA ; Rich­ Would you like to spend three ard Arnold Cain, Waverly , Regents days and two nights in New York Science 7-12, Math 7-9; Robert 31 Bruce Milier, Parkersburg, Math.7·12, BA; Larry Veon Crawford, Cairo, Student Rights ProteCtir' City? Regents BA; Edward Allen Hend­ Safety Educ. 7-12; George Baker A studen t's address is his own will complain that he was not kept Twenty-four people can during Neal, Jr., Mineral Wells, Health Educ. rickson, St. Marys, Regents BA; personal .business, according to the informed about the state of his the week of Jan. 7, 1980. Once K-12, Phys. Educ. K·12, Safety Ed­ Oovis Drexell Ice, Grantsville, Reg­ Federal Rights and Privacy Act, and academic affairs. again GSC students are being of­ uC. 7·12; Doreen May Olenkiewicz, ents BA; Lucretia Sruith Yoak, the Registrar attempts to protect The Registrar realizes that stu­ fered the opportuni ty of traveling that right. Student addresses are Vienna, Elem. 1-6, General Science Spencer, Regents BA. dents either do not know what to New York to view some of the never released without the consent their local address will be at the cultural events that the city offers. 4·8; Cheryl Dee Pugh, Parkersburg, of the student. However, it is Elem. 1-6, Math. 4-8; Debra Kay Jayne Ellen Humphrey, Vienna, time of registration, or that stu­ $119.00 apiece will cover hotel imperative that your friendly Reg­ den ts move during the course of Pyles, Parkersburg, Elem. 1-6. Administrative Science; Sandra Ellen cost, and tickets for theatre and Matheny, Elkview, Crafts Designer­ istrar be kept informed of your the semester. But students should whereabouts. opera performances. Transporta­ Barbara Jean Quinn, Atwater, Direotor; Charlotte Jo Robinson make an effort to keep their ad­ Situations arise on a daily basis tion will be provided by the col­ OH, Health Educ.
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