![Oct. 2.] Rhe NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 2551](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
OcT. 2.] rHE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 2551 408058 Hemmingsen, Arnot Lewis, Carpenter, 83 Teviot St, Inver- 002900 Keach, Charles Fra,ncis, Mine Labourer, Start St, Kai- cargill. tangata. _ _ 285474 Henderson, Alfred Gordon, Farm Hand, Mandeville. 270844 Kean, Francis Michael Edward, Farmer, Owaka Rural 428651 Henderson, Arthur Stanley, Labourer, Mandeville. · Delivery. · 409548 Henderson, Gordon, Farm Hand, Otapiri, Southland. 270845 Kean, Frederick James, Farmer, Owaka Rural Delivery. 044530 Henderson, Robert Bruce, 5 Elizabeth St, West Gore. 231040 Kelly, Collin Maxwell, Cabinetmaker, I06 Tweed St, 298322 Henderson, Victor Robert, 197 Bamborough St, Invercargill. Invercargill. 294756 Henderson, Walter Wilfred, Farm Hand, Forest Hill, 298483 Kelly, Edward Joseph, Labourer, Tanner St, Grassmere. Section 7, Invercargill, Glencoe Rural Delivery. 231070 Kempton, Patrick- Bernard, Timber-yard Labourer, 217 268781 Henderson, William John, Ice-cream-factory Hand, 100 Teviot St, Invercargill. · Clyde St, Invercargill. 275122 Kendall, Arthur Hurdet, care of J. S. Paterson, Box 54, 315218 Henderson, William Stephen, Farm Hand, Mandeville Ohai. Southland. 411201 Kennard, Walter Mcindoe, Carpenter, Elderlee St, Milton. 404702 Hewitt, Victor James, Exchange Clerk (P. and T.), Winton, 262238 Kennedy, Douglas Raymond, Bread-carter, 109 Leet St, Southland. Invercargill. 279031 Hickey, Edward Clement, Farm Hand, Balfour, Southland. 418305 Kennedy, Thomas Duncan, Trimmer, Charlotte St, Balclutha. 290972 Hickey, John Egmont, Teacher, Key, via Lumsden, South­ 273507 Kennedy, William Gibbon, Farmer, Wrights Bush, Glad- land. field Rural Delivery, Invercargill. 060491 Rickford, Edward Reginald Hames, Cadet, Awarua Radio, 275857 Keown, Hugh Neill, Sheep-farming, Waipounamu. Invercargill. 391490 Keown, James Thomas, Shepherd, Balfour. 399127 Hill, Andrew Stanley, Tunneller, Homer Tunnel, Southland. 267345 Keown, Stanley Shirley, .Farmer, Rox 14, Balfour, Southland. 374680 Hillis, John Alexander, Farm Hand, care of Mrs. R. Hillis, 284858 Keppel, James Joseph, Salesman, 217 '.l.'weed St, Inver- Seaward Downs. cargill. 292857 Hillis, John Stewart, Cabinetmaker, Fire-station, Esk St, 260904 Kerr, Colin Galloway, Farm Hand, Conical Hills Rural Invercargill. Delivery, Gore. 202026 Hislop, Edric John, General Labourer, 307 Yarrow St, 426711 Kerr, Marcus Lionel, Shepherd, care of G. Pinckney, Invercargill. Glenavy Station, Waikaia. 235945 Hoddinott, Albert Simon, Farmer, Section 2, Otara Rural 260636 Kerr, Richard John, Storeman, 10 Traford St, Gore. Delivery. 260346 Kerr, William George, Mill Hand, 17 Crewe St, Gore. 406802 Hogan, William John, Clerk, Roxburgh. 295267 Kidd, Robert Alexander, School-teacher, 281 Elles Rd, 287189 Holder, Charles Vivian, Hospital Engineer, Southland Invercargill. Hospital Board, Invercargill. 253906 Kidd, Thomas, Technical Instructor, 8 Halton St, Gore. 249985 Holland, James John, Farm Hand, Mokorito. 268784 Kileen, Michael, Labourer, Waimatua. 285122 Holland, James Patrick, Brickmaker, 20 Surrey St, Gore, 249366 Killeen, Patrick, Bush-tram Worker, Progress Valley, Southland. Southland. 265078 Holmes, Archibald Campbell, Porter, Post-office, Roxburgh. 312375 King, Edward Charles, Farmer, Richard St, Riverton. 417814 Holms, William Turnbull, Farmer, Waimahaka. 313953 King, Harwick, Drain-laying, 43 Bowmont St, lnvercargill. 231137 Holroyd, Frederick Ernest, Farmer, Wright's Bush, Gladfield 279483 King, Lawrence, Farmer, care of W. E. Hunt, Section 2, Rural Delivery. lnvercargill-Otara Rural Delivery. 231163 Homer, Andrew William, Gold-miner, Waitahuna. 298884 King, Phillip Edward, Farmer, Section 4, Invercargill­ 274342 Hood, James, Grader-driver, P.O. Box 80, Queenstown. Glencoe Rural Delivery. 275108 · Horner, John Learmonth Bell, Trucker, P.O. Box 92, Ohai, 298872 King, William, Farm Hand, Section 4, Glencoe Rural · Southland. Delivery, Invercargill. 268447 Horrell, John Arthur, Farmer, Te Tua, Riverton, Tuatapere 301145 Kirk, Cargill James, Farmer, Kelso. Rural Delivery. 054638 Kirk, Thoma-s, Sheep-farmer, " Bushyvale," Tapanui. 268965 Horrell, Stanley George, Farm Hand, Riverton, Tuatapere 285271 Kirkness, James Henry, Labourer, The Hill, Stirling. · Rural Delivery. 426995 Kirkwood, Jack Eric, Painter, City Hotel, Invercargill. 054636 Howat, Desmond Hugh, Farming," ll-filrig," Tapanui, Otago. 282000 Kitto, Andrew Miller, Miner, care of Bridge Hotel, 250079 Howe, Andrew Hunter, Farm-manager, P.O. Box 40, Kaitangata. Wyndham. 383064 Kitto, Frank James, Labourer, Winton. 113301 Howells, Roy Humphrey, Medical Practitioner, 136 Spey St, 207232 Kreft, Leo Joseph, Chamberhand, Burns St, Milton. Invercargill. 415988 Laing, Henry Lancelot, " Kainga," Otautau, Southland. 251684 Howie, Finlay, Farmer, Moneymore, Milton. 244391 Lake, John, Dipton, Southland. 290811 Howorth, Denis Hurst, 19 Duke St, Invercargill. 288688 Lamb, Clifford George, Labourer, Wendon Valley Rural 297054 Rubber, John Robert Nicholas, Electrician, Main St, Gore. Delivery, Waihaka. 288572 Hudson, Arthur Charles, Farm Labourer, Gore, Waikaka 162663 Lamb, Robert John, Farmer, Quarry Hills, Invercargill, Rural Delivery. Waikawa Rural Delivery. 280375 Hudson, John Wilson, Riverton, Tuatapere Rural Delivery, 201660 Langford, William, Sawyer, 36 Biggar St, Invercargill. Southland. 426716 Langham, Thrimas James, Farm Labourer, care of S. J. 228232 Hughes, John James, Telegraphist (P. and T.), Awarua Collie, W airio, Southland. Radio, Invercargill. 231042 Larsen, Robert, Builder, Elgin St, Invercargill. 284591 Hughes, Thomas James Hansford, Miner, Clyde Terrace, 060071 Latimer, Robert, Farm Hand, Tuapeka Mouth. Kaitangata. 268445 Laurie, Andrew Glendinning, Butcher, Tuatapere. 264250 Hunt, Cecil Francis, Coal-miner, Nightcaps, Southland. 414824 Lawrence, John Buchanan, Farm Labourer, Winton, 399284 Hunter, John Alexander, Farm Hand, Springhills, Section 6, Otapiri Rural Delivery. Glencoe Rural Delivery, Invercargill. 172622 Lawrence, Ronald John, Coal-miner, Lawstaft St, Balclutha. 268537-Hunter, Norman Thomas, Sheep-farmer, Redan, Wyndham. 426719 Laws, Henry Edwards, Labourer, 86 Venus St, Invercargi!l. 418206 Hurley, Frederick William, Farmer, P.O. Box 134, 268426 Lawson, Harry Alexander, Farm Worker, Clifden, Tuatapere Invercargill. Rural Delivery. 243868 Hurst, John Bannerman, Sheep-farmer, ... Silver Peak," 298455 Leonard, James Joseph, Oyster-opener, 30 Teviot St, Clinton. Invercargill. 206975 Hutton, William Maughan, Labourer and Shepherd, Rose- 235964 Leask, Thomas Alfred, Labourer, 201 Nith St, Invercargill. bank, Balclutha. 229900 Leck, Eric Rowan, Painter and Paperhanger, 252 Bowmont 283805 Hyne, James William John, 45 Andwick St, Gore. St, Invercargill. 262224 Insall, Leonard Allen, Plumber, 21 Princes St, Invercargill. 283879 Ledingham, Patrick William Gerard, Labourer, Otautau. · 398027 Irwin, John Bell, Teacher, care of Mr. G. Irwin, Mataura, 404461 Lee, Andrew _James, Casual Labourer, 21 William St, Southland. Invercargill. 298032 Iversen, Mons Ernest, Rabbiter, P.O. Box 47, Clyde. 180964 Liddicoat, Arthur Ritchie, Farm Hand, care of W. J. 260817 Jack, James, Sheep-farmer, Arthurton, Conical Hill Rural McKenzie, Gore-Waikaka Rural Delivery. Delivery, Gore. 408886 Liggett, Albert George Henry, Sheep-farmer, Ryal Bush, 269376 Jackson, Alfred Thomas, School-teacher, Taumata School, Inveroargill. Clinton. 293438 Lilley, Walter, Motor-body Builder, 173 Clyde St, Invercar- 296427 Jenkin, Noel Stanley, Technician, 69 Elles Rd, Invercargill. gill. 377271 Jenkins, John, Farm Hand, South Hillend Rural Delivery, 281324 Lindsay, Allan, Drummond, Southland. Winton. 281323 Lindsay, Anderson, Master Farmer, Drummond, Southland. 424044 Jennings, Edward, Seasonal Farm Worker, Glenham, 313303 Lindsay, David, Farm Hand, Wright's Bush, Gladfield Southland. Rural Delivery. 262253 Jensen, Cairn George, Mechanic, Public Works Department, Milford Sound. 294795 Lindsay, James Lindsay, Motor Mechanic, 25 Ayr St, 260239 Johnston, William John, Farm Labourer, Flodden, Tapanui. Invercargill. 402868 Johnstone, John, Warepa, South Ota.go. 267203 Lindsay, Richard Oswald, Farmer, Waianiwa ,Southland. 424046 Jolly, David Craig, Bridge-constructor, Wallacetown. 408973 Livingstone, Gordon Stanley, Farm Hand, Hokonui, South­ 298420 Jukes, Henry Keith, Hedgehope, Invercargill. land. .
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