A Newspaper Devoted Complete News ..Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Qearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Published Every Thursday VOL. XX—NO. 22 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1958 At 18 Green Street, "Woodbrldge. N. J. PRICE TEN CENTS Town, st Victims to New Start Amboy Jacobson mm Bicker WOODBRIDGE — Wood- bridge and Perth Amboy offi- ^K^W^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^^^'J^?^^-!^'''-^ cials are definitely at logger- 7-Point clill route the proposed east-west heads over the route of the proposed east-west freeway &'•*. between Middlesex and Somer- SSI set Counties should take. Tuesday night, the Town Committee to Protest of E. Committee passed a resolution introduced by Committeeman ^^KwSiiwP^'^ ^ R. Richard Krauss, rejecting Service Road ClosiJiff I Decision the so-called Oliver plan pro- posed by Perth Amboy and WOODBRIDGE — Cooper- urging the State Highway De- ation in efforts to regain use partment to adopted the route of service roads leading in and recommended a year ago byout of the Garden State Park- Monday: Mayor Hugh. B. Quigley and way were promised to repre- Mayor James J. Flynn, Perth sentatives of developments in WOODBRIDGE — Board Amboy. Colonia by the Town Commit- of Education members Mon- Yesterday morning:, the tee Tuesday night. day will be asked to vote on a Perth Amboy City Commiss- On the grounds that their seven-point program advoca- ioners went on record as urg-use by local traffic constituted ted by Commissioner Lewis S. ing the adoption of the Oliver a hazard, the gates of the set- Jacobson. plan. , vice roads behind gas stations Each member has been gi- Walter M. Oliver, consulting closed about a month ago. The ven a copy of the resolution by engineer for the neighboring roads were used particularly Mr. Jacobson and has been re- city, drew up the plan which by residents of the Oak Ridge quested to study it thoroughly Heights and Lynn Oaks Es- before Monday's session. s bears his name. It was advan- ced by the city commissioners tates development. As a result The program, which the au- INDEPENDENT-LEADER LENDS HELPING HAND: Above, Mr. and Mrs. George Ryan, Avenel, whose home was after no action was taken by area residents have been for- thor says is needed for -the destroyed in an explosion last May, are shewn receiving- a check for 12,159.25 raised through the Independent-Leader. the State on the Quigley-Flynn ced to travel an extra mile to Board to "property and ade- Shown in the photograph are members of Sea' Explorer Ship, 237, Woodbridge, Boy Scouts of America, who con- plan, which called for termi- the Route 27 entrance. quately discharge its responsi- ducted a house-to-house canvas raising over $1,000, and a few of the neighbors who assisted. First row, left to nation of the Freeway at Fay- Committeeman R. Richard bilities", advocates the revi- right, Steven Ozl, Miss Ruth Wolk, of the editorial staff of The Independent-Leader who served as treasurer of the ette Street, Perth Amboy. Krauss expressed annoyance sion of the teachers' salary with the Parkway officials schedule; instilling into stud- fund, Lewis Javornicky, Mrs. Ryan, Diane Ryan, Mr. Ryan and Edward Moran. Scouts, directed by Mr. Trautman, Perth Amboy Commissioners ONE WAY. OF SPENDING THE SUMMER: These two are Kenneth Fetsko, Jerry Jacobi, Anthony Mastrovich, Donald Sepanski, Louis Toth, Warren Jensen, Richard Smith, have expressed fear that the pointing out they "built an ents respect for parents, teach- overhead bridge in another youngsters are busy counting money which they raised ers and the law; a re-evalua- William Taggart, Jack Trautman. Missing from the picture are Richard Hansen, Lorren Livingston and Richard mayors' plan will not be eligi- for the*.Folio Fund by selling cold drinks to practically tion for early change of cur- Simun. ble for 90 per cent federal aid county for the convenience of as the route would not consti- golf players" tout make local everyone in Sewaren for a very nominal sum. The pennies ricula; setting up "rules and AVENEL — At a simple cer- by Miss Ruth Wolk, of the ed- pects her second child in tute an interstate link. motorists go a mile out of their and niekles totalled the grand sum of $2.32. Pictured above regulations for all employes; emony early Monday evening, itorial staff of The Indepen- September, said she "can't Town Rejects Plan way. at The Independent-Leader Recreation Room are Lor- establishing symposiums to in- The Independent-Leader pre- dent-Leader, in the presence wait" to get started on the There seemed to be a possi- "It's about time we stopped raine Umansky, Carteret and Denise Fenick, Sewaren form the public of current sented a check for $2,159.25 to of friends and neighbors. new home. Looking over the bility Woodbridge 5 might ac- (Continued on Page 8) Avenue, Sewaren. Denise is Dr. Fenick's niece. school problems; engaging Mr. and Mrs. George Ryan, Mr. Ryan, who was badly debris—all that is left of hercept the Oliver plan if it maintenance crews for preven_ whose home was destroyed by burned about the face and house—she murmured, "It just j*"couldn't get anything bet- tive measures rather than re- a still-unexplained explosion arms and still shows the re-doesn't seem possible." ter" tout that was ruled out by placement and more class- last May. sults of the ordeal, said he Speaking for his family Mr. Tuesday night's resolution Daughter ^ Family in Iraq, rooms for the tax dollar in any The money was raised thru hoped to rebuild bis home, Ryan declared: "I can't thank which stated "The Township further architectural plans. contributions sent to' The In-perhaps do some of the work these kind folks too much. It Committee can do nothing but Mr. Jacobson's resolution, in dependent-Leader by its read- himself. However, he said, the has been a lift for us and itreject the Oliver plan." full, reads as follows: " Where r ers and through the efforts of hisurance company still has makes us feel better to know The committee noted "under as, it is necessary that a Board Sea Explorer Ship 237, Wood- not reached an agreement- on we have friends." the Oliver plan we would lose Mrs* Naylor Waits for Word of Education have a definite tlse ii_r ur&nce.. ' (Picture on Page Z) program as its aim to properly bridge, sponsored by Americus The money will be used to our entrance,on New Bruns- WOODBRIDGE — The NEW BRUNSWICK —, ACraftsmen's Club, Woodbridge. IVlrs. Ryan who vra s also in - pay hospital expenses and to wick 'Avenue and- exit to the and adequately dscharge ' its revolt in; Iracf'aTid the mount- responsibilities"; and recommendation that the ten The presentation was made jur'-d m the blast, and who ex. get started on the new home. Parkway and -Route 9. We ing tension in Lebanon has a Raises? Truck Purchase Colonia Women, who blocked would also be blessed with a deep personal meaning to Mrs. "Whereas, the attendant Inman Avenue in an ill-advis- new elevation, which would foeMabel Naylor, Grove Avenue, building program .consumes ed attempt to win school bus detrimental to some of the for her daughter, son-in-law Questioned by Jacobson such a great deal of time; and transportation for their child- Library Board homes in Laurel Acres. and two grandchildren are at "Whereas, in addition to the ren, should apologize to "the "This elevation must be able present living in Baghdad. She WOODBRIDGE — Vincent building- -program there are policemen whom they so Names Woman to bridge the present Route 9 last heard from them two J. McDonnell, supervisor of other aspects of the education-- shamefully treated and the ci- and the Parkway. We feel it weeks ago. maintenance was granted a Al system that requires consid- tizens who were inconvenien- WOODBRIDGE — Mrs. is in the best interests of the salary increase of $500 by theToxic Solution eration so that they may not ced by their action", was made Peter J. Urban, 755 Ridgedale people of Perth Amboy and the Mrs. Naylor's daughter, Board of Education Monday, be neglected. in a letter by the May term of Avenue, was named a member (Continued on Page 8) Claire, who graduated from with Lewis Jacobson voting in : Sprayed on Two "Be it, and it is hereby re- the Grand Jury to Superior WOODBRIDGE —The completed, Mr. Rody said and of the Barran Library Board Woodbridge High School .and the negative. The raise gives solved, that the following sec- Court Judge Bernard W. Vogel. Community Planning Associ- Gordon -Geis, a member of the at a meeting held last Thurs- Duke University, met her hus-Mr. McDonnell a salary of WOODBRIDGE — Two em-tions of this resolution be and ates this week reported it was firm is checking up on last- day. With Mrs. Uf ban's ap- band, Walter Morgenthaler, $6,100. ployes at Metal Thermit Lab- are hereby designated as the In their findings the Grand while studying as an exchange Jury scolded the women ahead of schedule on the com- minute details. pointment the Board is now In casting a negative vote, oratories at Rahway and Ran- program, aim and target date prehensive master plan it is "Each piece of property in made up of its full'roster of Continue student in Switzerland. The dolph Avenues, Avenel, were for this Board of Education, to harshly but did not indict Morgenthalers after their Mr. Jacobson explained he them. preparing for the Township.
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