.♦ii,y . V^.-* -y. lUMilllllililiilNUM llllllllllllllllllllllllll IlfHimil^llllMWIfMfl^ iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iHiHuinuifinnfttnf . / MERCHANTS’ WEEK ■ ' i / iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim *•' •- NET PRESS BUN XHH.WJfiATHBR . "7* AVERAGE DAILX CIRCULATION PorocMt kr 0. A WMlhot Barcaa, Mow Moooa for the Month of April, 1920 - Fair today; showers, tomorrow 5 , 3 4 4 w y Jleaibers of tke Andlt Boreav of a ttr b p B lP r afternoon or night. ClrenlatloBO EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLIIL, NO. 177. (Classified AdTertlsing on Page 10) SOUTH MANCHESTfeR, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1929. * <®> 100 MOTORISTS PRAY; PAY-AS-YOU-CO TIRES ALL GO FLAT. Clubs Begin Battle Ended With Guns -4- Indianapolis, May 11.— Nearly EXPECT ARREST SOON 100 motorists who attended a PLANFEATURQ) prayer meeting emerged from the Brlghtwood M. E. church here to find every one of their automobile tires flat! O U R ^ E M B IY Some one had inflated each IN WINDSOR MURDER and every tire on more than 100 ■<?> cars during the church services. Hand air pumps were brought Was Most Noteworthy Act lato play and several hundred Detective Hickey Finally Confesses That Suicide Theory^ persons took turns at manning WROMISE the pumps. There were many of Session Just Conclud­ strained backs, tired arms and Was Dodge to Loll Slayer Into False Sense of Seenri- ruptured tempers. REACHED ON ed— Resume of Other Mischevlous boys were blamed for the prank. It was estimat­ ty— Woman’s Handkerchief Found in Victim’s Pockrt^ ed that more than 12000 pounds Work Accomplished. of air were let out of the tires. T A W BILL and Woman’s Footprints Discovered Near Scene -<v v^. ' X - Crime— Doctors Find That Student’s Body Had Been By CLARENCE G. WILLARD Leaders Plan to Vote on Sep­ Without question the most note­ HOSPITAL INVITES Slashed With Knife— Think Jealous Rival Discovered -‘vl worthy feature of the Connecticut '' '^1 MU arate Items to Prevent ■ /I General Assembly of 1929 which PUBLIC TOMORROW Couple and Fired Fatal Shot. adjourned sine die on Wednesday, The police ban on communist demonstrations in Berlin on May Day, brought twp days of rioting in Combine of Democrats following the customary final day which 24 persons were killed and hundreds injured Here you see a patrol of police charging on reds who of gaiety and gift presenting, was had gathered at Oldenburg street in the Moabit district. The officers are carrying^ clubs, but the riots Windsor, May 11.— “ We expect field swept throught the town but and Western Republicans it could not be seen from the road­ the fact that it was successful in Nightingale Anniversary and ended in shooting, Post mortem examinations showed that 17 of the 24 victims were killed by police to jnake an arrest very soon.” bullets. way who was with him. He turned adhering to the well blazed trail of This cryptic disclosure, made to the corner and shot off to the Its immediate predecessors in keep­ Mothers Day Selected for International News Service early to­ northwest. Soon after it became ing the state financial policy on a Washington, May 11— A com- day, followed a three-hour confer­ known that there were lights in strict pay-as-you-go basis. promsie under which additional the county building in Hartford and This was accomplished without Demonstration of Work. tariff barriers will be raised for ence between detectives attempting to solve the mysterious slay ng of shortly before 1 o’clock it wai resort to increased taxation of any PRESIDENT NOW FACING BIG REEPTION both the Industrial east and the Walter Treadway Huntington and learned that Charles A. Huntington kind, and with an actual reduction agricultural south may emerge members and friends of the youth­ a cousin of the murdered man wat by a quarter of a million dollars Partly because of her extraor­ from the battle being waged in the ful Harvard student’s family. being questioned by the detectives. in the state tax on town property. dinary executive faculties, com­ GIVEN HERE TO An out-and-out admission that This led to a statement being issu­ The general appropriations bill and House over the New Hrwley tariff ed early today by the county detec­ bined with a passion for the relief NEW FIGHT IN CONGRESS Huntington’s death wound was not the supplemental appropriations bill, it appeared today. self-inflicted, as had been intimated tive that the investigation would be bill passed during the week call of suffering, and partly because Republican leaders of the House by County Detective Edward J. continued. This was an altogethei for the expenditure for the various the social position of her family LODGE_LEADER have abandoned all hope of passing Hickey to newspapermen, was different statement than that given financial requirements of the state made it possible for her to achieve the bill as it came from the commlt- made after the conference. Hickey out yesterday when it i^as announc­ Leaders Fear That Demo- F A U OF CANTON ed by Mr. Hickey that as far as the during the two-year period begin­ what could never have been accom­ te» and instead were working out bad hinted at a suicide theory be ning July 1 of $40,027,964. This plani today to defeat a threatened state was concerned the case wai plished by a person of less notable said, to lull the murderer into a entire amount will come from cur­ cradc'Insnrgent Coalition Mrs. Adele Morgan Bantly, coalition between Republicans and false sense of security. one of suicide. rent state income. No increased standing, but wholly on account of SOON EXPECTED Democrats from the west and south Startling Revelations. Another Qnestioned taxes will be necessary to meet it, the tremendous results she ob­ Recentfy Elected Grand to riddle the whole measure. Startling revelatoins followed There were many present when ■/I and the Democratic resolution de­ tained, tfije name of Florence Night­ Will Seek to Wreck All Final Vote June 1 in close order shortly before the the first man brought in was ques­ tioned, but the deputies in the case f manding that $10,000,000 worth ingale has, for the greater part of The optimistic predictions qf conference got under way with of bonds be issued to increase ap­ a century, been more Intimately Royal Matron of Amar­ Claire KfnnelVy, family chauffeur, returned to their homes so it wai His Farm Relief Programs Foreigners in Chinese City House leaders that the bill would supposed tbat the work for the propriations was voted down by the identified with hospitalization and be passed by the House within ten and Chester Clark Huntington, the ^1 Republican majority, so that Con­ the development of the art of nurs­ slain youth’s brother, present. The night over over. But at 2:45 anoth­ -I days also were knocked into a er man, accompanied by. Deputy 'r| necticut will remain unburdened ing than that of any other human anth of State, Is Honored. conference broke just before uawn. Washington, May 11.— The Sen­ Advised to Leave; Insnr- cocked hat. They have now set Sheriffs Tucker and Greer' showed with obligations of that type. being. She came into the world to May 23 as a tentative date for a From the evidence now before 'A find the sick and the injured al­ ate having twice rebuffed Presi­ the investigators it is believed that up at the county building. 'There The total appropriation figure final vote but expect that this will was no time for snap 'shots as the does not vary greatly with the most universally victims of either dent Hopver in the farm battle, ad­ gents Advance on 3 Sides. Chapman Court No. 10, Order of be moved up to about June 1. young Huntington, while keeping a love tryst with a young woman, was photographers had considered the budget submitted to the Assembly utter neglect or blundering. Ignor­ Amaranth, royally entertained Demande of the east for revision ant and injuries methods of care. ministration forces today were beaten, in a desperate struggle with night's work over and the strangeri by the Board of Finance and Con­ 0? the bill centered around boots, She left it, after ninety years of rallying their ranks to save the more than 360 members of various a male assailant who terminated who. was wearing a bine overcoit, trol at the start of the session. This London, May 11— A critical situ­ Masonic org^izations Jast night at shoes and leather goods while the pulled.it up, over his head and rush­ life, revolutionized In hospital and new Hoover-approved farm relief ation prevails at Canton, China Farm Bloc is prop* sing sharp In- the fight by flriii’i a .32 caliber p’s- ;>J board, created upon the recommen­ nursing systems. a reception ■ and dance given in tol at Huntlng'on at short range. ed Into 'the building. dation of Governor Trumbull by bill from further modification at where flghtlog between ':!ajtona«e cteases In duties on nine schedules. Tomorrow, National Hospital honor of Mrs. Adele Morgan Bant- Woman’s Foolprints. The last man brought in was said ’i\ the 1927 Legislature, furnished the hands of a Democratic-Insur­ troops (Nationalist supporters) and Including live cattle, casein, hides, to be Clair Kennelley, a former day. Is to be celebrated as Hospi­ Kwangsi rebels is reported on the ly of Manchester, who was recent­ tapioca and sago, potato starch, This evidence consists of a .32 0 this year’s session with the most tal Day, the 109th anniversary of gent coalition. ly elected grand royal matron of chauffeur for the Huntington fami­ 4.
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