I^^to^, VOL. XLV-NO. '23. MASON, MICH. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1903. WHOLE NO.-3215. |luj)ham(!J0tmtn|TcWi 4 Mayor's Call-4th of July ^ BiimroddlHifil'oslnllloB.MiiHOii, ikHdooouU-cliiuKinitUur Al the request of many citi- The Great Wall Paper Sale I'ubllsheJ Every Tliurnclny by zpus, I hereby request tlie busi­ ness men and others interested Memorial Day Exercises were OF to meet at the common council Have Decided Upon Monday, Held at Opera House, TSTHJZa joiiin tomorrow (Friday) even­ July 20th On* ytir, 11.00; fix nionlh>,60c*iil«; IhrM ing, June 5, to arrange foi- a monthi, 35 c6nU—in idvince '^ patriotic celebralioii, July 4, STR0UO & McO©NflLO AOVERTIBING RATES. OnntitvertlHlDKrutoNmaileltnownAlotnae FAIR SIZED AUDIENCE ;g E. CuLVKK, Mayor. FliininoHNoitrilNSl a lino per yenr. AS THE DAY TO VOTE CONTINUES FOR ONE WEEK. BiiHlnoHHloaaUilvooeatRperllne eaoband overy liiHertlon. M»rrliii?o,l)lrlh,an<l doiitli notloeH free, And 'lis n tirciit pleasure when yon have such Obituary nnllooH, roKolutlons of reHpeol Mklt! I tit llin A<l.'lraN<inN of lli« a biinni'r -, We have some great bargains left. Come and AsihiillaK of our nation, ilie llag of our irpon KHINIIIK Olin.OOO lo ('Oliiplrln ardHoflUanlcH eto.,nve ceDtaaUne. VitrloiiN n|ti*nk«irN. choice. VoHrl lloiiNH III Areortlniice willi The llau tliat throuKh sorrow iiinUus us re­ OrlKliiMl I'IniiN. see them. joice. Itiisiiioss CanlN. How measured the trend of the Steel llrotlicrs The ooltl day and cloudy sky kept I'osI, iiiosl (if llie people, exceplliig the old And llie McKernaii boys loo, as yon all hall had better adopt sueli plans and spoollleallons ATTOKNKYN. The adjourned session of the lioard as would enable lliu coiiuty, II tliey deiiiu to .soldk'i'tt will) tlieir raiiiilleH, I'rorn par- the cdlorii, proceed with the work on a basis of 810,000, or W. F. UAIRNS. WIMi ilie boys who went sonlh to show unto of superviHors convened at the armory iroceeil oil llio bails adouted by other eoun- tlcl|)atliiK ill the Mi'iiiorliti Hcrvices Spain • TTOliN'KV .ANDCOaN.SKI.OH AT LAW. which were held in ^^liS()ll litHt Satur­ in this city yesterday afternoon. tlus for (he erection of a butler biilldliit!'llian Laughlin Olll(!o (Ivor .MuUrosrtuii'.s pliuriimcy, iMa- What II luoant, to blow up the i;ood old ship ' Tlie lirsl business was Ihe election could liooblaliied for llie sum of 810,000, In­ fiii.iA, Mluli. day urtenioun. At two o'clock a fair Malnii; deed, the board biui'tmii Nnllsdeil thai In coii' .sl/.id iiudit'iicc )>iilhere(l at the opera Wllh yiiu, all honor and Klory wo lay, ofa chairinan aiitl Asa [. Barlier was Kt:i|uuiicu of tho rapid adviineumeiit of all LAWTON T. HEMANS, And iriisl w« may all (iliiiur and Ki'cei yon chosen liy a strictly party vote of 11? to liiiilding inalcrliil and labor that Iho StO.OOO Fountain hiiu»u to llHltiii to the program which On iiiaiiy imiro ol these saereil diiys— tvoiild nnl he adnijuale lo erect such a iiiilld- ATTOKNICV AND OOUNSKLOK AT hail been arraii^cd. The houHe liad Tlie lino s.-icri!il day, llio Otid Klveii day, V2, U|ion motion the vote was made Ing as seemed lo be iieO'lLit by lliocnniity,aHd rV law. Olllce over b'lrHl Stale and .Sav- Tills day on which our Irlbiite we |)ay. unanimous. 111 Dbodlenee lo the deniands ol the people, InKHtiHiiki VlaHOM, Mich, liKi'ii prt'llily dueoruted with rfd, .'Some of yon, cninraileH.nre liieblo iiiul old. Tlie question of raising more money and (or the reiMiii thai It seemed lo he lli.e whitiMiiid blue liuiillii^, llii};s and the judgnionl of the board of supervisors, we are Pen f 11. MCAIlTllUR, Alloriiuy at Law, JIa- liaiiners of ihedilleieni ordfit*connect­ You have grown Kray with Ihe last lleothiK to uoiiiplete lbe«new court luiuse in nndert'iklin; now to eruet a bulMIng In keep IJ* Nnii, MIcli, llino. ISTHE PEER OF rttL ed with llie U. A. K ; mid a white Imti- linttlKiunli still, In tills woild your imislor accordance with Ihe original plan of lug wllh Ihu deininilH of lliu eouiily as well the architect, was at once taken up as lu kitopliig Willi the kind and eliaraeler of PENS AND HAS NO K.S'SMlJltl!;. K. A. Htlnrnnyal. law, OIIIOPI iivr, oil which weie the putriollc wordx, roll NliiirieiiH, llic biiildlniis llial are being eroded In olhur Willi I^. li. .McArUiur, ovor KaniiurK' We Idiow II urott.s lniii{ In a hapjilcr cllini'; and after the matter had been EQUAL ANVV/HERE. D "One country, one limniiaKe, one li'it;,'" iSooii, all hero-ashCMililcd iiiiisl camp over counties. l*!^ , wa-i hui.K aurosii llie fntiil of the stHK''- there thoroughly <liscusse(i tlie following Tlierel'oro, II will readily occur lo tho new A. HERGMHERGMAN^ , AITOIIN'KV A^'l)COl;N• And leave all we have for the ferryman's toll. resiiliitiou was adopted: nioinliei's who have takmi ihidr seals on Mils fINEST GHADi] HK. The pronruin wan opt'iied by a welec- hoard since Die coiilriicl was llrst let, as well A. SlOI.OiHHI.Oil AT LAW, MaHon, MlciiMlcii , tlon from the MUH'III li:ind, followed Bill never llll then can lliey make us surrend­ Whereas, at the .lanuary, 11)1!!. session of er tills boai'il a resoliillnii was passed by ihls as the oldiir nionibors of Ibis board, that It GOLD PliN LKKKD AI.LKN;. Lawyer, Ollluu wllh liy a sliorl addrivH nl' welcome ly May­ Tins einlilem ofpiii ity tli.itsways on that pole; lioaril siiliinlltliiK lo Ilia rinalllleil einoiors of will ba iieenssary lo submit Ibo i|iiusiloii of A. Oidmly UlorU, Ma.«OTi or Culver, in wliicli lie Htaled the reas­ The tilood-piiieliahed banner, the hlglily- tills comity, the proposition to borrow on the ratslni; .siillleieiit funds lo properly coinplclo prizeil liaiiner, fiiltli and uredll of tl^e cnnnly, tliusnmof tills hnllulng. Yourt CHOI(;E OF THESE T7\ S. AVKKV, atloriii-yiillaw. OlIlRiiop- on '>f the olMervaiice of Memorial J)ay, TliChiar hpaiigled banner that gave u« con­ There can no no donbl that In point of diir- TWO POPULAR STYLES FOR (10,000, as provided In said rcsolutliii', tlie ahlllty.airangoiiieiit and aiipearaiiee Ingham Qi. poslla lludsiiu liniiNu, LaiiHiiiK, Mivti. to payju.Ht tribute to tliedeud MoldierH— trol. Name lo lie used for the purpose ol creeling a J ONLY counly Is eiiillled to and should have a tiullil- thai only lliul iiaiion \>i great wlilcli Ilnw true we can nay 'tis the hand of ourliot suitable bnlUllns; lor a county conn bouse Ing that will ooinpare favorably with Urn fllTKIUIANN. and county ndlce bnlUllne. on the site men- remembers the liravery of its Holdiers, Tbatillreels In all. battles of freedom and tliMied In sa'd rcsolullon, and oUier cnnnly court lionso buildings through­ 67H. FREELANDrM. 67 He tlien read a brief Hkelcli of theser- rliihl. Whereas, as appear,') by the vole taken In out the stale. This coinnilllee has not only vIcuH of IIIH father and liiij brnlhers in 'Tls ours to adore Him, and give Illm the pursuance lo )>ald rwoliition, Iho <|iialllle<l endeavored to Invosllgiiio as far as possible I'UV.SIOIAN AN!) iSlJItOHON, Hours 8to praise. eliclorsof said county,at the annnal spring the feelings and wishosof as many elllzeiu as II. in., 1 loll, and 7 to 8 p. in. tlie Civil War. Invocation followed Wesliould make Him our /mifi;!'Inall Ihe eloetlon bad on the llrsl Monday In April, A. c>>uld be reached, but has coiisiilled very liy J{ev. W. J. WilHon, after wliicli grual llghiN, I), 190i, voted In lavor of the loan menlloned freely wllh iiiosi of lliu niuinbcrsoflho hoard G. E. MANN. And ever be ready His standard to raise. and the opinion of all soeins to bo thai llio Mr. W J. Adain.i made an expiaua- The reward li a crown thai all lieiemiiy wear; In i.ald rusolnllon, and proper lliliig lo bu done would ho to submit UOMKOl'ATll I'llY.SlOlAN & .SUKQKON. tion re):ur(liii)r the ulisence of the Mis uraco Is Milllelent. Mils banner to bear— Wliproas, us appears by the proceedings »f the proposition In a viituol llio puople. .Spodal iillunlUin ijlvun to Hyo, l-Iar, NDKO school ciiildren, wlioiii, he stated, liad The blood-ruduenied banner, Ihe sinil saving tills board, aconiraet has been lei t'ortnecon- Allliu lime of the laying of lliu corner stone "111 Tlu'oal Dl.siiit.suH; dlKeaacH of VV'oniun banner, Mlriiellon of said ooniity court house and on Ihe Oth day of May last, iieooie from uvury lid Itiiclal DIscitKUH. been invited .to attend the exercises in The banner that hides away all of our care, comity ollicu building, and that the same Is a body. He then read the general or­ now under cnnstruclion, and township and portion of the county In eou- SrPEniOa TO OTHER JKF1CI5 IS NH.VH III.IC, IIH.S. 1 lofi.tTlo llp.m. The audience next listened to a Whereas, it appears lo tills hoiril that the shlerablo niiinliors wuro present and In all llDuiiiM at U. W. Ilrowiiu'x ruHlilon.!<). ders of tile commander-in-chief of tlie sum of JIU,00ll, 80 voted as aforesaid is lusnf- ihstancus.so farasyour coinmltteo could as- MAKES AT $3 department ot !Micliii;Hii, as to tlie oli- short address liy Kev, W. H-Simmons, Ilclenllo properly and siiltalily coniplole said curtain, and so far as opinions were piibllclv who expressed his sympathy with Ihe given, Nucli opinions wore in but one direc- 3ERTRU0E O.
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