NBC NETWORK Promotion: Alexander S. n> lender. vp, Length of Total Gross WGR -TV Buffalo, N. Y. 1,80n promotion; John Scuoppo, dir, prom; Peter Program Network Charge WCIV -TV Charleston, S. C. 500 M. Tintle, mgr, Mort WSOC -TV C. guest relations: 6 minutes $ 1,743.53 Charlotte, N. 1,300 Fleischmann, nigr, prom, West Coast; Sid- 10 minutes 3,281.91 WRCB -TV Chattanooga, Tenn. 600 ney H. Rechetnik, administrator, special 15 minutes 4,615.13 WLWT Cincinnati, Ohio 1,750 press contacts; Paul Mosher, mgr, prog 20 minutes 5,743.31 WBOY -TV Clarksburg, W. Va. (3) 200 merchandise. 25 minutes 6,794.45 (P) (OAI) WIIC -TV Press and Publicity: M. S. Rukeyser Jr., 30 minutes 7,691.88 KYW -TV Cleveland 2,650 vp, press & pub; Sidney Desfor, mgr, photo 45 minutes 10,153.28 WIS -TV Columbia, S. C. 600 unit; J. Alan Baker, dir, prog pubis Cor- 55 minutes 11,281.46 WLWC Columbus, Ohio 1.150 nelius K. Sullivan, mgr, administration 60 minutes 12,307.00 WLWD Dayton, Ohio 1,300 and services; Joseph Derby, dir, news WESH -TV Daytona Beach -Orlando, publ; Gene Walsh, mgr, bus & trade publ. NBC RADIO AFFILIATES Fla. 600 NBC & WWJ -TV Detroit 3,300 OWNED STATIONS NBC SPOT Executive Committee WTVD Durham -Raleigh, N. C. 1,000 SALES: Raymond W. Welpott, executive WICU -TV Erie, Pa. 650 vp in charge of NBC owned stations and Lyell Bremser. KFAB Omaha, chairman; WKJG NBC Spot Sales Div.; Dominick G. Ferrara, Thomas S. Carr, WBAL Baltimore, sec - -TV Fort Wayne, Ind. 525 dir, bus affairs; William Rubens, dir, rsch. trees: Elmo Ellis, WSB Atlanta, Ga.; WOOD -TV Grand Rapids, Mich. 1,400 Gustav K. Brandborg, vice chmn, KVOO WFBC -TV Greenville -Spartanburg, NBC Spot Sales: Richard H. Close, vp, Tulsa, Okla.; Robert Rich, WDSM Duluth, S. C. 875 NBC Spot Sales; Frederick Lyons, Jr., di- Minn.; Robert E. Kelly, KCRA Sacramento, WSVA -TV Harrisonburg, Va. (3) 300 rector, radio spot sales; Byron E. Goodell, Calif.; Rex Preis, WOAI San Antonio, (OAI) WRC -TV director, tv spot sales (for others see list- Texas; Carl E. George, WGAR Cleveland, WHNB -TV Hartford -New Britain, ing under Reps, page E -7). Ohio; Jack Link, KIDO Boise, Idaho. Conn. 600 NBC Owned Stations (for full informa- WSAZ -TV Huntington -Charleston, tion on facilities and personnel see Radio and Television Station Directories): NBC Television Network WFBM -TV Indianapolis 1,550 WNBC- AM-FM -TV: 30 Rockefeller Plaza, WFGA -TV Jacksonville, Fla. 850 New York, N. Y. 10(120. Circle 7 -8300. Television Network Administration: WJAC -TV Johnstown, Pa. 1,150 Walter D. Scott, exec vp, in charge of tv WATE -TV Knoxville, Tenn. 876 WMAQ- AM-PM -TV: Merchandise Mart. net div; Robert L. Stone, vp, gen mgr, tv WGAL -TV Lancaster- Harrisburg- Chicago 54, Superior 7 -8300. net; Mort Werner, vp, progs; Don Durgin, York, Pa. 1,500 WROV- AM -TV: 1819 Walnut St., Phila- vp, sis; Thomas W. SarnotY, vp, West Coast. WILX -TV Lansing- Onondaga, Mich 700 delphia, Locust 1 -3700. Television Network Easiness Affairs: WLEX -TV Lexington, Ky. (3) 300 KNBC(TV): Sunset Blvd. and Vine St., Nicholas C. Gilles, vp. business affairs, tv WIMA -TV Lima, Ohio (3) (P) 175 Hollywood 28, Hollywood 9 -6161. network; Edward J. Stegman, senior ad- (OAI) WKJG -TV ministrator, prog budgets and servicing; WAVE -TV Louisville, Ky. 1.550 WJAS- AM -PM: Chamber of Commerce Robert O'Connor, dir, business adminis- WCKT Miami, Fla. 1.200 Bldg., i 'i1 t slnirgh 19. Grant 1 -8600. tration tv network; Donald Carswell, mgr, WLBC -TV Muncie, Ind, (3) (P) 200 KNEE- AM -PM: Taylor and O'Farrell price and financial evaluation. (OAI) WFBM -TV Sts., San Francisco 2, Greystone 4 -8700. Television Network Sales: Don Durgin. WNBC -TV New York 9,000 WRC- AM-PM -TV: 4001 Nebraska Ave., vp, tv network sales; John M. Otter, WAVY -TV Norfolk, Va. 850 N.W., Washington 16, Emerson 2 -4000. vp. national sales; Max Buck, vp, WPTV Palm Beach, Fia. (3) 275 execu- eastern sales; James G. Hergen, director, WT3AP -TTA Parkersburg, W. Va.V NEWS: William R. McAndrew, daytime program sales; Dean 100 tive vp in charge of News Div.; Julian Shaffner, (OAI) Goodman, vo; Eugene Juster, dir, news dir, sls planning; Charles R. Abry, vp, gen WTRF -TV film; Carl Lindemann Jr., vp, sports: Don sis exec: Angus Robinson, vp central sis; WRCV -TV Philadelphia 3,900 Meany, dir news progs; James Jurist, dir Stephen A. Flynn, dir, sis sucs; Sam K. WIIC Pittsburgh, Pa. 2,350 bus affairs; Edward Stanley, dir public Maxwell Jr., dir, special program sales. WPTZ Plattsburg, N. Y.- Burlington, affairs; Irving Gitlin, exec prod, creative Television Network Programs: Mort Vt. (OAI) WRGB 500 Werner. vp, programs: Grant A. Tinker, WCSH -TV Portland, Me. 650 projects: Reuven Frank, exec prod, "Hunt- vp, tv net progs, West Coast; William F. WJAR -TV Providence, R. I. 1,560 ley- Brinkley Report "; Rex Goad, dir, Storke, vp, prog administration; Joseph WXEX -TV Richmond -Petersburg, news; Milton Brown, coord, news info; P. Cunneff, dir, nighttime programs; Rob- Va. 750 Robert Northshield, gen mgr, news. ert F. Aaron, director. daytime programs; WSLS -TV Roanoke, Va. 850 Foreign Representatives: Ross Donaldson, dir, program services: WROC -TV Rochester, N. Y. 1,000 Edwin S. Friendly, vp, special progs; David WNEM -TV Saginaw -Bay City, Mich, 1,000 2 Mansfield Street, London W.1, Joseph Tebet, vp, talent rei; Herbert S. Schlosser, (OAI) WWJ -TV Harsch, Kenneth Bernstein. VP. talent and prog administration; Donald WSAV -TV Savannah, Ga. 4011 17 Avenue Maligon. Paris, Bernard .B._Hyatt. dir, special projects; Felix Jack- WRGB Schenectady, N'. Y. 1.625 Frizell, Paul Archinard. son. vp, NBC Productions. WNDIJ-TV South Bend- Elkhart, Kurfuerstandamm -26 -A, Berlin, Gary Operations and Engineering: William Ind. 175 Stindt, Welles Hangen. Trevarthen, vp. WWLP Springfield- Holyoke, Mass 600 Piazza Grazioli 18, Apt. 13, Rome. Irving Greenfield Mass. (WRLP -TV) # R. Levine. NEC-TV AFFILIATES WSYR -TV Syracuse. N. Y. 1,300 Foreign Correspondents Club, 114-2 - Elmira N. Y. (WSYE-TV) # Chome, Marunouchi Chiyodaku, Tokyo, Board of Delegates WFLA -TV Tampa-St. Petersburg, John Rich. A. Louis Fla 1,100 Read. WDSU -TV New Orleans, WPBN -TV 112 Lt Po Chun Chambers Des Voeux chmn; Otto P. Brandt, vice chmn: KING - Traverse City, Mich. (3) 300 Road, C. Hong Kong, James G. Robinson. TV Seattle; David M. Baltimore, vice (OAI) WOOD -TV or WNEN -TV St. George Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon. Ar- chairman WBRE -TV Wilkes- Barre, Pa.; Cheboygan, Mich. (WTOM -TV) # naldo Laeagnina. Charles A. Batson, WIS -TV Columbia. WKTV Utica, N. Y. 600 NBC South Asia News Bureau. New S. C.: George Comte, sec -tress WTMJ -TV, WRC -TV Washington 1,850 Delhi, Piers Anderton. Milwaukee: Gordon Gray. WKTV Utica, WITN -TV Washington-Greenville, Arenales 3891, 20, Buenos Aires, Ed N.Y.; Owen Saddler, KMTV Omaha: James N. C. 550 Arnow. Schiavone, WWJ -TV Detroit; Willard WTRF -TV Wheeling, W. Va. 750 Rio Branco 311 -Room 610, Rio de Jan- Schroeder, WOOD -TV Grand Rapids, WBRE -TV Wilkes- Barre -Scranton, eiro, Wilson Hall. Mich.; Robert W. Ferguson, WTRF -TV Pa. 100 85 Range Rd.. Apt. 1008, Ottawa, Canada, Wheeling, W. Va.; Irving C. Waugh, WSM- WECT Wilmington, N. C. 360 Leif Eid. TV, Nashville, Tenn. WSJS -TV Winston- Salem -Greens- boro, N. C. 900 NBC -TV NETWORK RATES WFMJ -TV Youngstown, Ohio 500 NBC Radio Network WHIZ -TV Zanesville, Ohio (3) (P) 120 Class A time Is Mon. through Sun., 6 -11 (OAI) WLWC p.m., local NEC RADIO NETWORK: William K. time. Central-80 Stations Rate McDaniel, exec vp in charge of radio net- Class C time (50% of Class A rates) is (Associated Stations # included) work division; Robert G. Baal, dir, sales all periods except those listed for Class A and D. KXAB -TV Aberdeen, S. D. (3) (P),.S 100 David A. Engles, sis mgr, central office D C. Holter, sis mgr, western office Class time (40% of Class A rates) (OAI) WDAY -TV Paul Mon. through Fri., 7 -11 a.m. local time for KRBC -TV Abilene, Tex. 326 Howard G. Gardner. mgr sls, eastern office Eastern Time Zone Stations; Mon. through San Angelo (KACB-TV) # Robert C. Hitchins, dir, sis planning Fri. 7 -10 a.m. local time for Central and KCMT Alexandria, Minn. (3) 225 Ludwig W. Simmel, mgr, sis service and Pacific traffic; Robert Wogan, vp, progs; Marion Time Zone stations; Mon. through KALB -TV Alexandria. La. (3) 275 Stephenson, vp, administration; Robert Fri., 7 -9 a.m., local time for Mountain KGNC -TV Amarillo, Tex 425 exec Time Zone stations. KXII -TV Ardmore. Okla. (3) (P) 150 Maurer, prod, "Monitor." Fractional periods of less than one hour (OAI) WBAP TV NBC affiliates as of Oct. 1, 1964: 196. are priced at these percentages of the ap- KTEC -TV Austin. Tex. 575 plicable hour rate: 45 minutes, 80%; 30 WBRZ Baton Rouge, La. 625 NBC RADIO NETWORK RATES minutes, 60 %: 20 minutes, 50 %; 15 min- KPAC -TV Beaumont -Port Arthur, utes, 40 %; 10 minutes 35%; 5 minutes, Tex. 510 Gross costs of participations, full net- 25 %. WAPI -TV Birmingham, Ala. work, follow: 1,250 STATIONS KFYR -TV Bismarck, N. D. (3) (P) 175 Participation Weekday BY TIME ZONE (OAI) WDAY-TV WCHU -TV Champaign, Ill. (P) (3) 175 or Segment "MONITOR" Programming Eastern -72 Stations Rate (OAI) WIGS 5 minutes (Associated Stations # included) Danville Ill. (WICD) # (news) $1,530 ,,,, WALB -TV Albany, Ga. S 476 WMAQ -TV Chicago 4 1"O 5 minutes (other WSB-TV Atlanta, Ga. 1.511^ KOMU -TV Columbia.
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