FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1922. THE AMERICUS TIME3-RECORDER. PAGE FIVE Mack Harris, assault with intent i has been awarded a commission in of the sad death of Mrs. Mollie Law to 3 MURDER CASES murder an dcarrying concealed the army reserve corps, in recogni- on May 15, at her home near Mt. weapons ( two EUGENE MEYER counts); misdemeanor. tion of the high quality of his work Zion church. Thedford Childs, assault with in- in the Tech R. O. T. C. His com- Miss Hattie Tissue and Mr. and IF mission is as in QUALITY IS WHAT SET FOR HEARING tent to murder. second lieutenant Mrs. C. C. Laramore children GEORGIA VISITOR the Motor Transport, all and Laura Brown, assault with intent of the com- missions awarded to student officers/ visited Mrs. Z. H. Young recently. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Negro Killings to murder. has On Court Calen- Head Os War Finance Corpora- being as second lieutenants. Little Pauline Stantford been dar For Trial Monday And ,Geo. Williams, having liquor. Many of the student officers train- ; very ill recently, and is not much tion Speaks To State Bankers better at this writing. Tuesday Thoms.# Harris, giaking liquor and cd in the Tech R. O. T. C. have been If Cleanliness attracts you having liquor. In Atlanta able to win promotions to higher Mrs. Hubert Varnum and baby spent Thursday night with her More than a week is expected to Sip Newsome, making liquor and rank by reason of the thorough train- If Saving 20 Per Cent on Each Dollar will help ATLANTA, May 26.—Eugene mother; Mrs. Camp. be consumed in having liquor. ing given in the Tech regiment. The S. B. Superior court try- Meyer, Jr., managing director of the Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Laramore had you—then Caies For Wednesday, May 31. Tech R. O. T. C. is officially rated ing criminal cases, beginning next War corporation, arrived as their guests Sunday « Thos. J. Hurley, J. Bart- Finance one of the best in the South, and Mrs. J. L. Monday. negro alias L. night family. Three murder eases lett, larceny here last toOttend the annual gives training leading to reserve Tissue and fpom' the house. of the Georgia are on the calendar, two for the first Judge Taylor, selling liquor. convention Bankers corps commissions in many branches Mi. and Mrs. Calm Stantford, of association. of near Leslie, was a visitor day and one for the second, and there Alf Brown, making liquor. the service. in this He was one guests at community Sunday. are many other cases. The case of Sherman assault with in- of the honor Tucker, the association’s Mrs. Ike Hart Tom Harris, aged white moonshiner, tent to murder, carrying concealed banquet last night RIFT and children, of the set at the Capital City club, "nd was Mt. Zion community, visited Mrs. is for Tuesday, well down on the weapons (two counts), and disturb- A number of the farmers are busy QQsSEjQSS scheduled to address the bankers this Hubert Varnum Sunday. calendar. Several defendants nam- ing divine worship. gathering their grain. morning, and this to Several from around went t» in indictments returned this WeC Son Dorsey and Chas. Howard, afternoon ad- The community here dress representatives of the cotton learns with regret Americus Saturday afternoon. have not been apprehended and their ali&s Few Clothes, burglary. growers co-operative association of •edeases therefore have not been as- Jim Cooper, misdemeanor. Georgia, Mississippi, Oklahoma and IS THE PLACE! signd. Following is the criminal cal- Joe Wiggins, shooting /at an- endar; other. Texas. Mr. Meyer’s visit to Georgia under Cases For Monday, May 29. Hehemiah Gerwin, assault with Don’t Forget To Buy Georgia Prodcts the auspices of the bankers conven- Clyde Kemp, murder. intent to murder. tion is generally a Will Dowdell, murder. Herschell Lee Bartlett, assault regarded here as FINE JEWELRY This Week most hopeful sign of returning pros- AT COST Early Wilson, assault with intent with intent to murder and carrying ' perity in the South. He has demon- to murder. concealed weapons (two counts). strated his interest in the agricultural your%ar front of Piggly Wiggly. Montgomery, making Cases For Thursdoy, June 1 Drive in Jim and hav- and financial affairs the ing liquor. Clifford Harvey, seduction. of South in I offer Come in and make your selections. We will Jerry numerous substantial ways, and is now to sell any Era Willis, making and having li- Gervin, having liquor. generally Coleman Cain, seduction. regarded as one of the place all heavy groceries in your car. quor. South’s best friends in high authority Ed Brooks, burglary. Jim Roberson, carrying concealed article of the Griffin • in the government. weapons (two counts). Wallace Jenkins, burglary; felony James S. Floyd, vice president of Below you will find a few of the Thousand and simple Ben Denson, larceny after trust. larceny. the Atlanta National Bank, and chair- Eldridge Pruit, Alonzo Brown, Burglary. handsome Wiggly. Save as you Jack carrying concealed man of the Georgia-Florida agency Bargains at Piggly weapons Charlie Welburn, (two counts), and misde- Jr., and Sol of the War Finance corporation, Jackson, gaming. stock of spend. meanor. with a large reception committee, Jewelry ab- Friday, C. E. Underwood, having and Cases For June 2 Mt. Meyer party Carter, met and his at the keeping liquor. Lizzie assault with intent last night and to train showed them dis- solutely at cost. Call C. B. McGowan, assault with in- murder. tinguished throughout liquor attentions their Ballard’s Obelisk Flour (M tent to murder. Sammie Patterson, sojourn here. at 90 Lottie Green, assault with intent (two counts). the store and in- 24 tPIuLJ to murder. Eddie Harris, misdemeanor. Lfis Walter Harris, misdemeanor. GEORGIA ELKS TO MEET Lottie Green, assault with intent IN ATLANTA NEXT YEAR spect at to murder. Tom Coleman, assault with intent once. Flour, Rising. to murder. Wesson's Oil A*) Brown’s Self Robert Davis, having whisky. SAVANNAH, May 26.—Atlanta $1.25 Value John Holman, carrying concealed Isaac Knighton and Emmett Bat- Qt Can; 60c Value.... sl,lO was unanimously selected as the next • v weapons (tow counts). tle, larceny from the house. 24 Lbs annual meeting place of the Elks of Pure Lard; 10 Lbs Net; ¦ Cases For Tunesday, May 30 Georgia, closing their annual J. E. D. SHIPP, con- $1.75 Value 4Q Snowdrift No. 10 o*l 90 Wade Monroe, murder. vention here last night with a great James Jonec and Charlie Will social affair. l- or Pail, $1.50 Value Sims, felony. ODDFELLOWSGO Officers elected were: Succeeding Receiver. James Jones, alias Soap Brown, J. S. McClelland as president, Harry misdemeanor. G. Butler, Savannah; first vice presi- % Juite, Value Charlie Will Sims, misdemeanor. BACK TO MACON dent, H. B. Parks, LaGrange; second Welch’s Grape 75c CQz> Robert Lawrence, making and vice president, J. G. Erhlich, Albany; Bottle having liquor. third vice president, Quart Americus Fails To Land Next Samuel Little, —’gwcwN——a—¦» Neely, making having li- 7 here s a K?OGE r>L» Dan and Meeting Atlanta; secretary-treasurer, T. B. ifVr quor. Os Grand Lamar, Columbus. Lodge Pepsodent Tooth Fletcher’s Castoria Henry Tison, making liquor. Reports indicated the order in bet- 9Q p OQc ter shape numerically Paste, 50c Value Only 40c Value, only MACON, May 26.—Selecting Ma- and financially than ever. The Atlanta band accom- We are open all day Sunday. con as their nevt meeting place in panying the big body of Elks liM-Wlivrv Sah «>fa< h ?n Is a Certnhdy Drive by in your car and get brick 1922, and adopting resolutions of from twiimtmmria Prophylactic Tooth Mavis Face Powder the Capital City supplied no end of 44c any day in appreciation the courtesies shown Brushes, 50c Value .... 50c Value, only of ice cream for dinner for entertainment an damusement the the delegates while here, the Grand in the week or Sunday or phone 645. boat ride yesterday afternoon and Lodge of Georgia Odd Fellows closed Pint We deliver anywhere in the city. in the jubilee festivities extending Can OO its annual session yesterday after- Americus Ice Cream Co., 215 Cotton until past midnight— on— the beach noon. and in the Tybee pavilions. Syrup of Pepsin v QQp Ave.—(s) Matters especial importance WESSON OIL of to Zt $1.25 Value Cure* Malaria, Chill* Odd Fellows resulting from the meet- AMERICUS LAD ing recommendation to the WINS ¦ a Bilious Fever, were the Fever, Sovereign Grand Lodge that the age TECH R. O. T. C. HONOR Cold* and LaGrippe. limit for admission to the order be Octagon Soap; 5 Large Campbell’s Pork and Beans; ATLANTA, May reduced to 18 years, instead of 21, 26. Gerald J C Cakes; 40c 15c Value Creighton, of Ji)C as it always has been. This matter Americus, a student at 50c‘value Value 31c Only 10c Nothing sweeter than Brown s the Georgia came to the Georgia convention of School of Technology, • Try a sack. 24-fit » elf-Rising Flour. the request of the Odd Fellows at Lemon Soap Spaghetti; Beechnut in Sovereign Grand Lodge, seeking in- I£n formation from the different Grand 8c Value only Cans; 20c Value Lodges of the world. Final aciton I Pound Can Calumet will be taken by the Sovereign Grand Saturday O/J Lodge next September in Detroit, ! Baking Powder —< V Breakfast Bacon, Sliced, Mich. I The Grand Lodge yesterday af- . Specials I Per Lb ternoon approved a graduation scale I !.¦¦¦—¦ I i TIES of initiatory fees, according to the French’s Castor French I following ages: 21, $5; 45, $7.50; GEORGIA 14r» •I**' Libby’s Jelly 50, $12.50, and 60, $22.50.
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