November/December 2019 Cape Camera CAPE CAMERA November/December 2019 Official Newsletter CAPE TOWN PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY 1 Cape Town Photographic Society Cape Camera November/December 2019 CAPE CAMERA WHAT’S INSIDE Editorial Team Editor: Anna Engelhardt Design & Layout: Andre Mouton Competitions: Lesley Parolis Council/Outings: Richard Goldschmidt E & D: Kim Stevens Facebook: Steff Hughes PSSA: Nicol du Toit Snapshot: Andre Mouton Contributions for Cape Camera are wel- comed. Please let us know what you want to see in your newsletter. Please submit any contributions to editor Anna Engelhardt at email [email protected]. The CTPS Council 31 President: Richardt Goldschmidt Vice-president: Ken Woods NEWS FROM THE COUNCIL...............................................................................2 Treasurer: Nicol du Toit FAREWELL TO TWO MEMBERS..........................................................................2 Secretary:. Margaret Collins Competitions: Lesley Parolis THEMES FOR 2020................................................................................................3 E & D: Kim Stevens NEWS ITEMS..............................................................................................................4 Outings: Richard Goldschmidt CTPS CELEBRATES A YEAR OF GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS..........................6 Venues: Detlef Basel Publications: Anna Engelhardt REGIONAL NEWS FROM THE WESTERN CAPE...........................................11 Webmaster: Andre Mouton E & D 2020 PROGRAMME....................................................................................13 Public relations: Mike de Villiers AV Matters: Ken Woods NOVEMBER CLUB OUTING...............................................................................14 Refer to website for contact details. A NEW MEMBER...................................................................................................15 A MEMBER’S PROFILE..........................................................................................16 CTPS Contact details A MEMBER’S TRAVELOGUE...............................................................................18 Email: [email protected] NOVEMBER WINNING IMAGES..........................................................................21 Website: www.ctps.co.za OTHER HIGH-SCORING IMAGES FROM NOVEMBER...........................25 DECEMBER WINNING IMAGES............................................................................28 OTHER HIGH-SCORING IMAGES FROM DECEMBER...............................32 On the cover Our front cover image "Rock pool" by Jacoba van Zyl was one of the excellent images entered in our September 2019 competition. It was taken close to the site of the well- known ‘Cauldron’ in Arniston. “I like to visit Arniston during winter and particularly in August because of the very good chances of getting dramatic, stormy skies and also some misty mornings or evenings, which provide so many exciting and moody photographic opportunities. “I was there again this past August and was particularly challenged to find new composi- tions and different locations other than the famous cauldron, which I feel has become over-exposed as a photographic subject - not that I want to take anything away from its appealing beauty. It is also one of my favourite places and I have photographed it many times. “However, this time I looked elsewhere and found these rocks nearby and liked the com- bination of a round rock pool and an attractive rocky background. After a few test shots I decided to use a 30 second exposure to smooth the water as much as possible as the textures on the rocks would have made the image seem quite busy,” explains Jacoba. Cape Town Photographic Society 1 November/December 2019 Cape Camera News from the Council So we come to the last Cape Camera for 2019 with all our photo- I announced the sad and sudden graphic events of the past year behind us. I think we had a good passing of Arthur Fitt at our last year, with well supported meetings and activities. In addition, meeting, only to be informed a we can be proud that we won the Interclub competition. We day or so later of the passing of have progressed with our salon entries, as well as our support John Cross. The editor has put for congresses and the PSSA monthly competitions. In other tributes to these two members words we are competing and communicating much more with below. other photographers outside of our club, which is healthy. On a happier note, elsewhere in The judging of our monthly competition engendered much de- Cape Camera is a report on our bate at our last Council meeting. In the end we decided that we recent Awards Evening Cocktail would keep to what we were doing but would disqualify a mem- party. I think we were pleasantly ber’s image from the annual competition, should that member caught by surprise by the number raise an objection with the judge’s marks or comments on the of members who came along. We had wine over, but the food evening. Please do not put our judges in an awkward position disappeared rather rapidly – it was not meant to be an evening by talking to them about your, or anybody else’s image. Opin- meal, but obviously it was treated as such by many. The lesson ions will always vary between people. There is only a small pool learnt was that we need many more eats if we are ever to have from which we can get judges for our competitions. Whilst on another cocktail party! competitions, we are now entering the monthly PSSA competi- And so on to 2020. The last edition of Cape Camera carried all tion where each club is allowed to send in one senior member the competition themes for each month for the next year. Out- and one junior member image. I am proud to announce that ings are being arranged, and in addition, I would like to encour- Nicholas Moschides has won the best junior image in South Af- age members to once again support the Cape Photographers rica for November with his Maasai Skies – Congratulations! Congress from the 11th to the 14th of May at Cape St Francis. As at the end of November I did an analysis of our various funds Let us try and arrange collective transportation and accom- the Society is invested in on the Allan Gray platform, compar- modation perhaps? A visit to Addo on the way? My personal ing our position over the past year, which has been a very bad goal is to hold an exhibition or two at a shopping centre of our year economically speaking. We achieved a return of 9.7% on prints. This will surely bring us new members. Likewise I would our investments overall, with our two pure stock market funds like to hire a studio and models for a day to let you all have doing the worst at 5.8% , our balanced funds averaging 8.7% turns in playing with lighting. Mike de Villiers also wants to kick and our overseas funds returning 16.3%. It is difficult to deter- off an instructional programme for beginners, and to this end mine how much of each fund is invested overseas, but I estimate you will receive a questionnaire shortly. The Cape Photogra- that at least 25% of our money is overseas. So we beat inflation phers Forum also wishes to do instructional events for all pho- of 4.5%, lived well off our profit, and grew our investment – a tographers and they will be sending out a separate survey to healthy situation. We will maintain our position, as who knows, find out the support. Please support both projects where they 2020 may bring the best return from our equity funds? We are are applicable to you. invested for the long term. Richard Goldschmidt President Farewell to two CTPS members In November, we received the sad news that two of our mem- There were no half measures for Arthur when he got inter- bers – Arthur Fitt and John Cross - had passed away on the ested in a particular field of photograph. For instance, hav- 4th and 19th November respectively. ing always had an interest in astronomy, he decided in 2002 John had joined CTPS in June 2011 together with his daugh- to photograph the total eclipse of the sun which was visible ter, Penny, who later emigrated in 2015 and resigned as a in the north of Limpopo close to the Kruger Park. However, member. John stayed on but over the last few years his visits by the time he had arrived there it was clouding over with became irregular. He was particularly fond of AVs; and Joy the result that he got only one shot of a partial eclipse. In- Wellbeloved, who used to meet up with him often twice a stead of waiting for the next one visible in South Africa in month, remembers him winning a particular year-end com- 2030, he went to Turkey in 2006 where one took place and petition, but only after she had coaxed him into taking part managed to finally fulfil one of his ambitions. and finding the images to suit a Laurika Rauch – Bloouberg He started experimenting with water drops in 2009 and Strand song. We will always remember him as a very friendly to achieve a higher success rate he taught himself about and happy person who was a very soft spoken gentleman electronics to allow him a better with a love for photography. control of timing. This led to ex- Arthur, who died after an operation perimenting with paint splashes on 4th November, will be especially and using sound through speak- remembered for his exceptional talent ers to ‘make them dance’. Another in water drop photography ever since area of interest of his was photo- he joined us in October 2016 – having micrography, which is magnifica- been a long-standing member of the tion higher than 1:1 - but without Knysna Photographic
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