OMAHA WORLD-HERALD LIVING MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2014 • 5E BRIDGE L.A. Times crossword puzzle is running in today’s Classifi eds. BY TANNAH HIRSCH AND BOB JONES DAILY CROSSWORD TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY Q 1 — Neither vulnerable, as South, you ACROSS hold: ♠KQ 10 8 nK 10 4 oA 8 7 6 pA 6 1Waltz or twist The bidding: 6Dishonest waytomakemoney NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST 10 __ for;chooses 1o Pass 1♠ Pass 14 Bubbling away on the stove 1NT Pass ? 15 Summon with abeeper What call would you make? A — You are too good to simply raise to 16 Blaze three no trumP without showing your dia- 17 Poke;elbow mond fi t, and a jumP to three diamonds 18 Wrought-__ fence would not be forcing. The answer is to bid two clubs, the “new minor,” and continue 19 Move along smoothly with three diamonds next. That sequence 20 Mississippi riverboats is forcing. 22 Breakfast nook, for example Q 2 — North-South vulnerable, as South, 24 City in Nevada you hold: 25 __ over;moved just abit ♠-A 7 6 3 nQ 9 4 2 oK Q 8 7 p7 Partner opens one heart and right-hand 26 “Alice __ Live Here Anymore” opponent passes. What call would you 29 Take illegally make? 30 Climbing plant A — Bid four clubs. We encourage all our readers, if they haven’t done so already, 31 Musical speed to adopt splinter bids. They are simple to 33 Semicircular roofs use and very effective. This bid shows a 37 Swerve game-force with four or more trumps and shortness in the bid suit. Perfect! 39 Provide with fresh weapons 41 Talk wildly Q 3 — East-West vulnerable, as South, SUDOKU you hold: 42 Bestow ♠A 10 9 8 3 nVoid oK 4 pQ J 9 8 6 4 44 Pinnacles As dealer, what call would you make? 46 Barbie’sbeau A — This hand is well worth an opening 47 Entire bid, and even better, it is an easy hand to describe. Open one club, planning to 49 Rely 3Arthritic swelling 34 Create bid and re-bid spades if you get two more 51 Depresses 4Stogies 35 Level; smooth chances to bid. 54 British noble 5Periodic table listing 36 Transmit Q 4 — Both vulnerable, as South, you 55 Hair braids 6VPAgnew 38 Most boisterous hold: 7Automobiles 40 Purple Heart, for one ♠J 4 n5 3 oA K 6 3 pA Q J 8 2 56 Trustworthy As dealer, what call would you make? 60 Vex 8Long __; in the distant past 43 Sharpen A — Opening one no trumP with 2-2 in 61 Water jug 9TV’s“Dennis the __” 45 Soap operas the majors is usually a bad idea, and you 63 Once more 10 Risqué 48 Beginnings are not strong enough to reverse. With a strong four-card diamond suit, we like 64 Highest cards 11 Aviator 50 Epidemic opening one diamond and re-bidding two 65 Bangkok native 12 Treasure __; valuable cache 51 “Jack __ could eat no fat...” clubs. This shows at least nine cards in 66 Enticed 13 Stitched 52 Wonderland girl the minors. 67 SAT, for one 21 Go into 53 Valleys Q 5 — Neither vulnerable, as South, you 23 Washerful 54 Creepy hold: 68 Shoe bottom ♠K Q 5 nAQ 10 6 4 oJ 7 2 p10 9 69 Grains sown 25 Wild weather condition 56 Authentic The bidding: 26 Headfirst plunge 57 Uncovered NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST DOWN 27 Cooking chamber 58 Fibbed o n 1 Pass 1 Pass 1Blocker and Rather 28 Observed 59 Finishes p 2 Pass ? 29 Part of NASA 62 Which person What call would you make? 2Lie next to A — With at least nine cards in the 32 Breakfast, lunch &dinner minors, partner is unlikely to hold three hearts. Even if he does, three no trump All puzzle solutions are on Page 2E. might be best. Bid three no trump. Q 6 — North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold: ♠K 10 3 nK J 4 oQ pAQJ 10 9 8 The bidding: SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST CREATIVE CAPTIONS HOROSCOPE 1p Pass 1n Pass UP NEXT BY JACQUELINE BIGAR ? What call would you make? Write a caption KING FEATURES SYNDICATE for the photo at A — The trumP support and distribution Note: Bigar’s Stars is based on the degree of your sun at are perfect for a raise with only three-card left. We print a birth. The sign name is simply a label astrologers put on a support, but the hand is too strong for new photo each two hearts and you need four to jumP set of degrees for convenience. For best results, readers Monday and its should refer to the dates following each sign. raise. Bid three clubs. best captions the A baby born today has a Sun in Gemini and a Moon in Libra Contact the writer: [email protected] following Monday. Entries, including if born before 8:38 a.m. Afterward, the Moon will be in your name and Scorpio. city, are due by Happy birthday for Monday, June 9, 2014: noon Friday. This year one might be hard-pressed to recognize the HISTORY Send to: evanescent Gemini. You indulge and become more tuned in creativecaptions to your intuitive or psychic abilities. You also enjoy learning @owh.com or more about this facet of your personality. Communication “It is impossible to Creative Captions, fl ourishes this year. If you are single, you could date a lot, Omaha World- but you will know when you meet the right person. If you are make anything foolproof Herald, 1314 attached, you will test out your seemingly new intuitive ability Douglas St., Suite on your sweetie. You could have a lot of fun with experiment- because fools are so 700, Omaha, NE ing with this. Scorpio might be hard to work with. 68102. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; ingenious.” 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult Corollary to “Murphy’s Law” ARIES (March 21-April 19) #### — Communication fl our- ishes with a roommate or family member. You will want to THE ASSOCIATED PRESS THE ASSOCIATED PRESS have a discussion about what you want from your home life. Pun fans had a fi eld “Get closer, they can’t Share some of your desires openly. You might be surprised June 9, 1954: During the Senate-Army at how fast one wish could be realized. Tonight: Dinner for Hearings, Army special counsel Joseph day with the photo of hear me.” two. N. Welch berated Sen. Joseph R. a dog at a fast food Tom Hansen, Omaha McCarthy, R-Wis., for verbally attacking drive-thru. There were TAURUS (April 20-May 20) #### — You could be pulled in a member of Welch’s law fi rm, Fred lots of plays on the “I’ll have two bones and a two different directions. Though you often are aware of your Fisher, asking McCarthy: “Have you expressions “doggy bag” doggy bag, please.” similarities with others, right now you’ll see the differenc- no sense of decency, sir? At long last, and “hot dog.” But Dick Millie Iske, es. Share more of your thoughts, as you might want some have you left no sense of decency?” Schell of Omaha had a Springfield, Nebraska feedback. Tonight: Differences will become less important A.D. 68: The Roman Emperor Nero slightly different take, soon enough. committed suicide, ending a 13-year “Just give me a dawg to writing “I said a bagel, GEMINI (May 21-June 20) #### — If you listen to your reign. go and hold the mustard.” not a beagle.” Other sub- sixth sense, you will get ahead both fi nancially and in your Jim Muxen, Omaha 1870: Author Charles Dickens died in missions: daily/work life. You intuitively seem to know which way to go Gad’s Hill Place, England. “Excuse me, could you and what to do. A boss might have a great idea, but the fol- 1911: Carrie A. Nation, the hatch- “I’d like a quarter tell me where the dogs low-through seems to be conflicted. Tonight: Relax at home. et-wielding temperance crusader, died hounder with fl eas and a ##### in Leavenworth, Kansas, at age 64. park?” CANCER (June 21-July 22) — What you feel might Barques root beer.” be more important than what you think today. You need to 1934: John Balkovic, Omaha The fi rst Walt Disney animated Don Wells Jr., Omaha “OK, guys. Do you want “Do you have a canine act spontaneously. You will understand the dynamics of your cartoon featuring Donald Duck, “The A fi rst in drive-thru Wise Little Hen,” was released. “… and one McBone to me to order something menu?” actions later. Following through on an established plan might for you, too?” Kathy Oberg, Bellevue history: The order-taker not go as planned. Tonight: Is someone working against 1940: During World War II, Norway go, please.” James Swanson, and customer understand you? decided to surrender to the Nazis, Judy Hesson, Omaha Fido stops at the Dog ’n’ effective at midnight. Kearney each other perfectly. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ### — Work at home or make your “What’s your cat of the Suds for a hot dog. Richard Thies, Omaha 1943: The federal government began “I’ll have the 10 percent office more comfortable. You will thrive in this environment day?” Mike Messina, Omaha and relax more easily. A partner might be acting in an odd withholding income tax from pay- discount on the all-the- “So many choices, so Dawna Pitts Nelson, way as he or she follows his or her intuition.
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