32 WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 2008 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ON OTHER FRONTS 7 Dispatch / By Andrew Higgins VOL. XXVI NO. 126 WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 2008 Œ2.90 Œ2.90 China weighs new curbs as Turkey battles issue: What would Ataturk do? - Spain 7 - France pollution threatens Games Ankara, Turkey signs of this, he says, are the woes of NEWS IN DEPTH | PAGES 14-15 Sk 100 Œ3.20 Trade summit collapses HE Ataturk Thought As- his group. sociation,zealousguard- The governing party’s own claim - Slovakia ian of the secular creed of allegiance to Ataturk only demon- - Finland Merrill Lynch fire sale may Food-tariffs impasse that guides Turkey, stratesitsdeviousness,saysMr.Kara- Œ3 never thought it would man. When Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Dkr 22 burn fingers on Wall Street leaves Doha Round Tcome to this. now Turkey’s prime minister, - Portugal MONEY & INVESTING | PAGE 17 Its chairman, a retired four-star launched the AK Party in 2001, he did dead in the water - Denmark general, is in jail. Its offices—plas- so in a hall bedecked with a giant por- Zl 10.50 tered with portraits of modern Tur- traitofAtaturk.Theeventbeganwith By John W. Miller Kc 110 key’sfoundingfather,MustafaKemal a minute’s silence in Ataturk’s mem- - Poland Ataturk—have been raided by police. ory. “All fake,” huffs Mr. Karaman. GENEVA—A marathon trade Several of its computer hard drives Suat Kiniklioglu, an AK Party leg- Nkr 27 summit aimed at closing the so- have been seized by investigators. islator, says he has “no problems at What’s News— called Doha Round of global trade - Czech Republic They’re hunting for evidence of plots all” with “Ataturk’s principles” but - Norway negotiations collapsed Tuesday, af- 7 Business&Finance World-Wide 7 byhard-lineseculariststotoppleTur- the key issue is “how we interpret Œ2.90 ter a standoff over food tariffs ex- key’s mildly Islamic government. them.” Ataturk’s “true genius,” he HRK 20 Alcatel-Lucent CEO Russo and A global trade summit aimed posed a dramatic shift in the inter- The assault, declares Suay Kara- says, was his “ability to adapt to Chairman Tchuruk plan to step at closing the Doha Round of ests and influence of trading power- man, a land surveyer now filling in change.” Clinging to details from - Croatia down, ending a painful first trade talks collapsed, after a houses China, India and Brazil. - Netherlands for the Thought Association’s im- the 1920s, he says, “will not work.” chapter for the trans-Atlantic standoff over food tariffs ex- The failure by negotiators from Œ2.90 prisoned chairman, shows that Secularism a la Ataturk is not a Dh 24 telecom-equipment company posed a shift in the interests and more than 30 countries and blocs at “there is no such thing as moderate simple formula. Unlike America’s they created two years ago as influence of China, India and Bra- the World Trade Organization in - Belgium £1.40 it struggles with a slowdown zil. The failure could also signal Islam.” Raids in Ankara and Istanbul founding fathers, who separated - Morocco Geneva leaves the Doha Round dead came in the weeks before the coun- church and state, Ataturk did not so Œ3 in global spending. Page 1 an end to 60 years of expansion in the water for some time to come. Œ2.90 of global free-trade deals. Page 1 try’s Constitutional Court on Mon- much split Islam from the state as n British Airways and Iberia are It could also signal an end to some Associated Press - Austria Alcatel-Lucent’s CEO Patricia Russo said she would leave the company by the end day began considering the secular- subordinate it to the state. He abol- in talks over a potential $6.3 bil- n Karadzic supporters pro- 60 years of relentless expansion of ists’ own offensive: a suit to outlaw ished the post of Caliph and placed global free-trade deals, trade diplo- of the year along with Chairman Serge Tchuruk. – United Kingdom lion merger and plan to apply for tested in Belgrade in a show of - Luxembourg the governing party for violating all mosques and Muslim clerics un- $2 mats and experts said. Lk 370.00 permission to create a joint ven- strength by nationalist parties secular mandates Ataturk en- der a government department. At ture with AMR’s American. Page 1 against Serbia’s turn toward co- After nine days of often bitter ne- shrined in 1923. A final battle looms the same time, he purged religion L£ 4000 operation with the West. Page 2 gotiations, trade diplomats to decide whether Turkey remains a from other state agencies. n BP turned up the heat in its emerged exhausted in Geneva Tues- n Turkish planes attacked Alcatel leaders to depart secular republic faithful to Ataturk, Ataturk, a very stylish dresser battle over its Russian venture, Kurd- day to trade blame over who had col- - Lebanon Associated Press Associated as its chief said it will use “all says Mr. Karaman, or instead “be- himself,clearly didn’t liketraditional - U.S. Military (Eur) ish rebels in northern Iraq, kill- lapsed a seven year round of trade comes like Saudi Arabia.” Islamicgarb, viewing it as an emblem Œ2.90 legal means” in the dispute ing dozens of guerrillas, Turkey’s negotiations whose original goal Warnings of the demise of Atat- Pro-secular demonstrators, one of them holding a portrait of modern Turkey's founder, during a protest in Istanbul this month. of backwardness. His best-known with its partners. Page 2 military said. A militant spokes- had been to benefit farmers in poor - Italy YTL 4.25 amid losses, merger woes urk’s legacy have been around al- comments on the dress question n Siemens will seek financial man said no rebels were killed. countries by giving them greater ac- Œ2.90 By Leila Abboud mostsincehedied70yearsago.A re- camein1925whenhedeclared“inter- damages from 11 former top ex- n Israel’s defense minister said cess to wealthy markets. matter. lentless modernizer, hearty drinker the Caliph, Islam’s supreme leader. an affront to secular traditions. Mao Zedong, embalmed in Tianan- national”—that is, Western—dress - Turkey ecutives amid a bribes-for-busi- he told U.S. officials Israel won’t “In the face of the global food cri- In an interview, Ms. Russo said she and fan of the fox trot, the founder of Yet Ataturk’s way prevailed for de- The Constitutional Court quickly men Square, has slipped from his as “very important and appropriate ness scandal. Page 3 rule out a military strike against sis, it’s unconscionable that this Patricia Russo and Serge Tchuruk, had reached her decision to leave the cades. putastoptothat,andthechiefprose- pedestal: The Chinese Communist for our nation. We shall wear it.” S£ 150 came down to how much countries architects of the merger that created company over the past couple of the Turkish Republic—his name - Ireland (Rep.) Iran. The U.S.’s Rice called Iran’s means“fatherofthe Turks”—hadis- Now, says Mr. Karaman, it faces cutor, an ardent secularist, filed suit Party’s official view of him is 70% Legislation he introduced, n Oil’s meteoric rise is burn- could raise their barriers to imports Alcatel-Lucent SA in 2006, an- months because she felt her mandate - Syria latest response to diplomatic Ft 530 ing out, some traders and ana- sues with Islam. He shut down Is- grave peril. In February, Turkey’s in March, asserting that the govern- good, 30% bad. knownastheHatLaw,didnotexplic- overtures a disappointment. of food,” U.S. trade representative nounced their resignations on Tues- to stitch together the U.S. and French lamic schools, banned Islamic garb elected government—led by obser- ing party poses a “clear and present” Ataturk, revered for defeating in- itly prohibit veils or headscarves lysts say, weeks after specula- Susan Schwab said in an interview, day, a move some saw as an acknowl- companies was drawing to a close. and opened a German brewery in his vant Muslims whose wives mostly dangerand mustbestoppedbeforeit vading British, French and Greek and focused instead on banning fez- SF 4.80 tion that crude could climb to n U.S. Sen. McCain’s pledge to referring to positions taken by edgement of the executives’ failed ef- “The most difficult period of the - Hungary new capital, Ankara. His was hardly wear headscarves—moved to let pi- imposes Islamic law. Outlawing the forces, is untouchable. His mauso- zes and turbans for men. The ban on more than $150 a barrel. Page 3 eject Russia from the G-8 could Please turn to page 31 forts to create a profitable global tele- merger is behind us,” Ms. Russo said. the path of least resistance in a land ous female students cover their hair Justice and Development, or AK, leum in Ankara drew more than 12 headscarves in colleges dates not Œ2.90 n European stocks followed eventually lead to a breakdown com equipment giant out of two trans- “Last year was really tough, but since in U.S.-Russian relations, a senior that is 99% Muslim, once ruled on university campuses, something Party could rock its leaders—and the million visitors last year, up by four from Ataturk, say its opponents, but - Switzerland Wall Street’s lead, with shares Atlantic rivals. we put in place the turnaround plan - Greece Page 3 Meccaandwasforcenturieshometo that had been banned for years as country—politically, though they million from 2006. The constitution from a 1980 coup by the military, on both sides of the Atlantic Russian diplomat warned. Two years after the merger, Alca- in the fall, we’ve made concrete, posi- Œ3 kr 27 likely could reorganize under an- bans all deviation from the “re- which also tried, in vain, to crack climbing on robust earnings n Richard Perle, an early Penta- tel has posted six consecutive quar- tive progress.” other banner without giving up forms and principles” of “the immor- down on miniskirts.
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