THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 189& "miscellaneous expenses" or "refresh- CffrWrfElMERSX KrerWrfEIMERysT SmfWnBHOTS THE BENCH ments." zsmmimz Mr. Elliott spent J1S0 JO in the campaign and $10 of It was for "cigars and liquors." M A. F. Rait, alderman, spent $1): J. W. rnu,3,3cqfwr&. muy,C,3ayttv& X3D ATTOBM3V WttSi.Sta! Fn.K Miers, alderman. $1G"; H. W. Beardsley, To-da- a PtS SI1LDLV SCUHKU. alderman. $J3J: S B. Houghland. alder- Kansas City, Mo. April 12. Testerday's temperature: Max 62; mln.. 33. y we look for the weather to be fair4 The Spirit Spring man, spent of $3 was for "en- ' of 'i, which and warmer in the afternoon. tertainment of friends." ftxly Were Old Friend but III Out impels womankind to adornment. Pleasant experiences 2. n Old Hill Went to TO ARGUE 0NEM0RE CASE. Otrr and We going sell the Un-Jud- Ee Said TUer Act- are to remnants at this store impel womankind of Kansas Gty to repair to John n. Walter 1 ill Then Turn Ilia ed "Lite Children." odds and ends of our stocks in Bernheimers' with the purpose so easily may it be ac- Office Over to Major Bargain Friday. M Warner. several departments to-d- ay (Friday) of or a. difference of 1 in settling a complished making the spring wardrobe replete with 80 Bcmu'c United States District Attorney John R. Or: bill Mel IT. Hudson, m.inager of the Coites Walker and Major William Warner, who for a price. Some stocks we will reduce the price one-thir- d, others one-ha- lf and still others all that is essential to politeness of attire at passingly pleas vu e. tlie wealthy office, opera hou-- an Frank Titu. is shortly to succeed him in that held house-cleanin- 5 - morning and ar- two-third- s. This is what might be called an early g, but we have had a ing prices. The items' below will appeal to you. D attomo. fell out and ijuarrclcd. ending a a conference jesterdaj- Major Warner 2-- friendship that had eslned Detwecn rangements were made for last three months, leaving many odds and ends and broken lines which nairn to take charge of his new po-lti- tho lat- tremendous trade the them for twenty jean-- , making thera hit- part of next week. The delaj- - was ter - sale, for find causing them to go to law caused hj- some litigation that is to be we will not duplicate this year. It will surely pay you to attend this you may ter enemies, heard Ixfore Judge Adams in chambers A end pile up costs and expenses that hae at Ft. Louis next Tuesday with which Mr. exactly what you want at the price you wish to pay. At least, it is worth your time to Great Waist was 100 Walker is thorough familiar, and he already amounted to times the tize of to con-tir- therefore asked bj Major Warner to-da- y lines odds ends in office and handle it at that time come to the Store (Friday) and look over the broken and and we forS3-o- may be had from that new line of the Ji in dispute office When Mr. Walker lirst came into all-si- lk - handsome, fancy Titus otined a vacant lot opposite the four car- ago there was a tuit pending are going to sell out quickly. and Roman striped opera bouse and Hudson leased it against an organization at Sedalia known taffeta Waists, yoke and two-bo- x pleat back, Toates as the Sedalfa Coupon and Investment for it a month. After twenty-thre- e months: Companv. It was proceeded against by Mr. yoke front and shirt up Mr. Hudson by tele- Walker as illegal, and an order was made as long as Mr. Titus called prohibiting it Irom using the mails. The sleeves; they phone and said he would like to hae a companv brought an action at Sedalia to LACES. EflBROIDERIES. compel the po"tmacter there to deliver the settlement. Hudson answered for him to to if. $3.00 Hud-eo- n mail sent to It. Mr. Walker demurred 6,ooo yards short length of come up to the theater. Titus went. the petition and held that an order from Remnants or short lengths of said the bill board haa dot- - him no department at Washington left the Oriental Laces.cream and white, Just received, a lot to for JS2 Titus the Nainsook and Cambric Edges, Food and he iwhed "ittle postmaster no discretion in the matter and to-da- demanded JS2. the full rent for twentj-thre- e the court could not interfere when the will go on sale 10c and bought from a manufacturer of of black silk taffeta months. Finally, after a heated argument. department had made an order after exam- laces will be, Waists, tucked back Titus agreed to take off H because the bill ination. Judge Philips held the contention 12c fine Embroideries; short lengths board had blown down and lain idle a of Mr. Walker good. Then proceedings per yard Jj of fine Embroideries, and front, side pleat- bill "paid" and men in the com- worth 35c, month. Titus marked the were irstituted- agairt the of Hudson wrote a cheik for &S, and handed pany and the- were beaten in a hearing be- Another big assortment of 50c and 65c per yard, and are 4, ing, tucked collar fore Judge Philips. The company then re- It to Titus with the remark. 6 and 8 inches wide, same and shirt sleeve laV "I'll pay it but I feel like I am being organized as it believed and began business wide widths, 4J yards to piece, take vour I feel like jou're putting your nside the lines of the decision of the court choice of the entire lot beginning to-da- y, with tucked cuff. Full assortment of sizes robbed. jun aomg miri- and worth 25c and 30c QJC 14 hand in m pocket and robbing me." as Jhey understood it. It Is now from 32 to 44; a magnificent value for the This made Titus angrj. H had the ness under another name and in a modified per yard, will be, per yard, AJL for, per yard fJj form. The officers are in trouble with the money CT check between his fingers but he tore it they m Q AsfatV federal authorities in Iowa, where In two and threw the pieces into Hudson's were indicttd. 1 ily.. qjtJ.VVW face. Rently for some reason the postmaster Boys Department. Kid Gloves $1.50 for 75c Bargain Friday. Chiffoniers. They Co to C. Gross, withheld at Boonville. Mr. E the 2"Aird loor Bargain Friday. By spending sevcntj'-fi- v e 1olay Third Floor. "If that'." the way jou feel about it I'll mall of the company from tran-missi- and i will save ou much do owe the companj's attornejs went into the fed- 30 cents jou "I. C." Corsets at about Just sue and see how jou .Middy cents. The Glovo LOOK OUT OUR BIG BLACK me." Titus said, and he went out and sued eral court at Jefferson Citj and asked for 5 half. FOR compelling Suits, section is filled with the S3 50, $92. The case was tried in a. a mandatory injunction the 1 Gloves-j- ust "Lenox," black, was Hudson for com-pan- j's 2 7 or 7 hook court, and judgment was git en postmaster to forward and deliver the of button for 32.0 Justice mail. Judge Adams, who wa-s-, hold- brown the glove for this time !n favor of Titus for JS but the costs of of v ear sizes and colors Sizes IS to 26, except 19 GOODS He ap- ing court there for Judge Philips, aj.. he and 21. DRESS SALE NEXT WEEK. the ruit were taxed against him. would the arguments in the in gray are broken and though the and pealed to the circuit court and the case was hear cae GIov e should sell for Jl "iO a "66n," drab, white and chambers at St. Louis on Tuelav and Mr. mixed J3G0, tried ieterdav before Judge Scarritt. Walker is now busily engaged in getting pair, to-d- in the Bargain black, was for... $1.98 t'kuMy Mtutt The costs in the case by this time, in ad- Friday sale will be of- 18 26, except 21. ready for the argument. It is an import- -- i- andcas- - it Sizes to dition to attomejs' fee. had run up to necessary an inter- Js iw fered for 75C dollars. Hudson was repre- - ant case and will render simcreb, "Eglantine." white, was Royal Worcester hundreds of pretation of a section of the postal ltws brond- - J4 00, now. Si.o8 cSfegaV iy Attorney i'ratt. uana it uiacK. will be of great importance. The time Too Many Ties. -- enti v.as represented by Albert Young. that tloth A complete line of La- Sizes 21 to 30. Iirus was quite too short for Major Warner to and stfSvTniiivasL When Mr. Titus took the witness chair post up on argue with jus- dles' Club and "Windsor "17." misses', and the cast and it 2T drab Corsets Attorney Dana, behind whom Mr. Hudson tice to himself and he asked that Mr. Wal- tache Ties and Bow0, worth white, was $175, now.... oSc sat. asked mm: ker handle it for the government. each, will be Bargain Fri- Sizes 18 to 23. old von?" trimmed (to-da- oc How are The cae has been so thoroughly litigated collar, day I after 18 months' thorough trial This was a clear cae of shaking a red in federal courts for the past four 5 flap face, and all the the - pleated drawer Oak Chiffonier, in a bull's attornes years that it is important at anv- stage of sleeves, That Muslin made with brass handles on have convinced us that there is very Sire sitting listening knew the question was Department.
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