2014 world directory 2 - Copia omaggio € ââÊ`ÊV«iÀÌ>Ê > Suppliers’ Profiles > Suppliers’ Products & ÊÊ°ÊÓÇÉäÓÉÓää{ÊcÊ{È®Ê>ÀÌ°Ê£]ÊV>Ê£ÊÊ Ê>ÊÊÊUÊÊÊ*Ài Yellow Pages Silk screen printing solutions from single machine to complete automated lines Turnkey projects | Fully & Semi-automatic machines | Ir & Uv Dryers | Handling And Transportation > Glassworks’ Addresses ÌÌ]Ê*ÃÌiÊÌ>>iÊ-«>ÊÊ-«i`°ÊÊ>°Ê«°ÊÊ °°ÊÎxÎÉÓääÎÊ­VÛ° AVAILABLE IN INTERACTIVE VERSIONS TOO }ÞÊÌiÀ>Ì>]Ê->ÀÌiiÀ}ÞÊ-°À°°]Ê À°Ê,ië°Ê>ÀVÊ*i DESKTOP IPAD/IPHONE CUGHER GLASS S.r.l. Milan (ITALY) ~ Tel. +39.02.66207762 [email protected] ~ www.cugher.com -Õ««iiÌÊÊ>Ê°Ê£ÎnÊÊ>ÀV É«ÀÊÊ°ÊÓÉÓä£{Ê`Ê>ÃÃ/iV ANDROID DEVICES www.glassonline.com IR medium wave twin tubes emitters for: iÃÊÌ>µÕ>ÀÌâÊ>ÃÊ«À`ÕViÃÊ } ÞÊ Ê UÊ >>Ì}Êià >««ÀiV>Ìi`Ê iµÕ«iÌÊ vÀÊ Ì iÊ }>ÃÃÊ Ê UÊ ÀÀÀ}Êià industry such as manual and au- Ê UÊ `ÀÞÊÃVÀiiÊ«ÀÌ}Êià tomatic tin side detectors and UV polymerization units. IR medium wave single tube emitters for: Ê UÊ Li`}ÊvÕÀ>ViÃ Ê UÊ vÕÃÊvÕÀ>Vi IR fast medium wave twin tube emitters for: Ê UÊ >>Ìi`Ê}>ÃÃÊVÕÌÌ}Ê>V ià Helios Italquartz Srl Viale delle Industrie 103/A - 20040 Cambiago (MI) - Italy Tel.: +39-02-95349318 - Fax: +39+02-95345085 www.heliositalquartz.com - [email protected] Fast. A new generation. Some say, it is a milestone in insulating glass manufacturing. Others say, it is the Formula 1 of triple I.G. production. So what do you think you will say? Quality, technical standards, fl exibility and reliability are always associated with the cycle time. Those who are effi cient and fast will close the deal. Be inspired by our new speed’line. www.bystronic-glass.com/speedline DOUBLE EDGING MACHINES Glass is very fragile, yet the machinery for handling glass must be extremely rugged...carefully and deliberately engineered with working muscle to spare. Glass working machinery is subject to a constant spray of water and grit, yet it must deliver reliable COSTRUZIONI MECCANICHE BESANA S.p.A. power and precision and be designed for Plant: Strada Comunale Mombello - 21033 Cittiglio (Va) - Italy Tel. +39 0332 626203 - Fax +39 0332 626243 dependable around-the-clock operation. Office: Via Appiani, 9 - 20121 Milano Tel. +39 02 6554888 - Fax: +39 02 6595679 You can afford to break a piece of glass but you www.cmbesana.com - e-mail: [email protected] can’t afford machinery breakdown. USA Branch: BESANA - LOVATI Inc.: 2570 Viceroy Drive Winston - Salem, N.C. 27103 USA Besana Machinery delivers on all these counts...and Tel. + 1 336 7685504 - Fax. + 1 336 7687549 e-mail: [email protected] - www.besanalovati.com West Coast: Tel. + 1 562 6963607 - Fax. + 1 562 6961678 does it with muscle to spare. www.optima.it For 20 years, Worldwide Competence Leader in the Flat Glass Integrated years Software Market Share our pride Optima started making its history of success 20 years ago, E\LQWURGXFLQJFUHDWLYLW\DQGWKHIRUFHRIWHFKQRORJ\LQWKHÁDW glass software sector. Our company has been founded on two key words: vitality and innovation. In twenty years of business we have done much to improve the quality of the product we offer. 20 years is an important milestone and a reason to feel proud, for which we would like to thank all the people who we have had the pleasure to meet and work with during this long period of time: clients, suppliers, collaborators, salesmen and institutions. These are people we have always learned something from and with their knowledge have contributed to our ideas and have helped us to make them become solid projects. These are the people that have participated and contributed to make our dream come true. Thank you all from the bottom of our heart. Optima S.r.l. Via A. Vespucci, 4 40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) Italia Tel. +39 051 82.63.36 Fax +39 051 82.51.82 www.optima.it [email protected] hi-way in glass software solutions Optima Software S.L. Optima North America Inc. Optima Software (Tianjin) Co., Ltd Spain Canada China www.optimaiberica.es www.optima-america.com www.optima-software.cn contents - sommaire - inhalt - sumario - sommario 9 ADVERTISERS INDEX Index des annonceurs, Inserentenverzeichnis, Índice de anunciantes, Indice degli inserzionisti First annual edition 158 SUBSCRIPTION TO OUR PUBLICATIONS Abonnement aux notres publications, Abonnement auf unsere Fachzeitschriften, EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE Abonamiento a nuestras publicaciones, Via Antonio Gramsci, 57 Abbonamento alle nostre pubblicazioni 20032 Cormano (Milano) - Italy Tel.: +39 - 02 - 66306866 Fax:: +39 - 02 - 66305510 E-mail: [email protected] 160 WWW.GLASSONLINE.COM www.glassonline.com PUBLISHER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Marco Pinetti ........................... [email protected] ASSOCIATE EDITOR suppliers to the glass industry Valerie Anne Scott .................... [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITOR &/52.)33%523$%,).$5342)%$56%22%s,)%&%2!.4%.$%2',!3).$5342)% Jennifer Pressman 02/6%%$/2%3$%,!).$5342)!$%,6)$2)/s&/2.)4/2)$%,,).$5342)!$%,6%42/ ADVERTISING ITALY Maurizio Lozza ................... [email protected] 11 WORLDWIDE ALPHABETICAL INDEX Luciano Molina .................. [email protected] Liste alphabétique, Alphabetisches Verzeichnis, Lista alfabética, Indice alfabetico GRAPHIC DESIGN & PAGINATION 74 Sonia Previato ..................... [email protected] YELLOW PAGES PRINTED BY Pages Jaunes, Gelbe Seiten, Páginas Amarillas, Pagine Gialle Tipografica Derthona Srl Strada Vicinale Ribrocca 6/5 15057 Tortona (AL) - Italy SINGLE COPIES € 30 air mail included Italy: € 20 glassworks Entire contents © 2014 by Smartenergy S.r.l. All rights reserved. The entire contents of this Directory are world copyrighted. Reproduction, even partially, 6%22%2)%3s',!3(%234%,,%2s6)$2%2)!3s6%42%2)% by any means, is strictly prohibited unless written permission has first been obtained from the Publishers. Although elaborate efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of information in this guide, the Publishers do not accept responsibility for any omissions or inaccuracies or for any consequences 81 arising from the information contained in this Directory. ALPHABETICAL INDEX Liste alphabétique, Alphabetisches Verzeichnis, Índice alfabético, Indice alfabetico COVER ADVERTISER: CUGHER GLASS S.R.L. Milan (Italy) Silk screen printing solutions from single machine to complete automated lines Tel. +39.02.66207762 Turnkey projects | Fully & Semi-automatic machines | Ir & Uv Dryers | Handling And Transportation [email protected] www.cugher.com CUGHER GLASS S.r.l. Milan (ITALY) ~ Tel. +39.02.66207762 [email protected] ~ www.cugher.com PUBLISHED BY Via Antonio Gramsci, 57 - 20032 Cormano (Milano) - Italy Tel.: +39 - 02 - 66306866, Fax: +39 - 02 - 66305510 E-mail: [email protected] www.glassonline.com Multi-roller coating machine for the enamelling and design printing of float glass sheets. ROLLMAC a division of GEMATA - Via Postale Vecchia, 77 - 36070 Trissino (VI) Italy Tel. +39.0445.490618 - Fax +39.0445.490639 - E-mail: [email protected] - www.rollmac.it ADVERTISERS INDEX ).$%8$%3!../.#%523s).3%2%.4%.6%2:%)#(.)3 ).$)#%$%!.5.#)!.4%3s).$)#%$%',)).3%2:)/.)34) Company Company Profile ADS Avertisers Profile ADS Avertisers 12-13 ADELIO LATTUADA 40-41 ITALMATIC 14-15 AYROX 42-43 LANZETTA 16-17 BOVONE DIAMOND TOOLS 44-45 LEMA 18-19 First page BYSTRONIC GLASS 46-47 LEYBOLD OPTICS 20-2 14 C.M.B. 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