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A61K 8/23 See application file for complete search history. * cited by examiner (56) References Cited Primary Examiner — Benjamin Packard (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Wilson, Sonsini, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Goodrich & Rosati 3,236,730 A 2f1966 Galin 6,348,508 B1 2/2002 Denick, Jr. et al. (57) ABSTRACT 7,288,259 B2 10/2007 Sanders et al. 8.449,928 B2 5, 2013 Gilbard et al. Described herein are compositions and methods for the 8,455,016 B2 6, 2013 Maskin treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction. Said composi 2004/O192647 A1 9/2004 Babizhayev tions and methods comprise keratolytic agents, such as 2005. O197614 A1 9, 2005 Pritchard et al. salicylic acid, selenium disulfide, or the like. Topical admin 2006/0188471 A1* 8/2006 Podolsky ............. A61K9/0031 istration of said compositions to the eyelid margin or Sur 424,85.1 2007, 0166402 A1 7/2007 Friedlaender et al. rounding areas provides therapeutic benefit to patients Suf 2008. O103376 A1 5, 2008 Felder fering from meibomian gland dysfunction. 2010.0034870 A1 2/2010 Sim et al. 2010, O256552 A1 10, 2010 Korb et al. 27 Claims, No Drawings US 9,463,201 B2 1. 2 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR THE comprising topically administering to the patient a compo TREATMENT OF MEBOMAN GLAND sition that reaches the eyelid margin of the patient, wherein DYSFUNCTION the composition consists of a therapeutically-effective amount of a keratolytic agent in an ophthalmically-accept CROSS REFERENCE able carrier. In some embodiments, the keratolytic agent is salicylic acid or selenium disulfide. In some embodiments, This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional the keratolytic agent is selenium disulfide. In some embodi Application No. 62/065,716, filed Oct. 19, 2014, which is ments, the concentration of the selenium disulfide in the incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. composition is between about 0.1% to about 10%. In some 10 embodiments, the administration of the composition results BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION in enhanced meibum production. In some embodiments, the Meibomian gland dysfunction, or MGD, is a leading composition for topical administration is homogenous. In contributor of dry eye syndrome and is often characterized Some embodiments, the composition for topical administra by a keratinized obstruction of the terminal duct of the 15 tion is a dispersion. In some embodiments, the composition meibomian gland. for topical administration is hydrophilic. In some embodi ments, the composition for topical administration has an SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION oleaginous base. In some embodiments, the ophthalmically acceptable carrier comprises at least one ophthalmically Prior to the methods and formulations described herein, acceptable excipient. there were no pharmacological agents useful for the treat In one embodiment are methods for treating MGD by ment of MGD., including for the removal of the keratinized administering a meibomian gland opening pharmacological obstruction of the meibomian gland, or for the prevention of agent which allows for the opening of the meibomian gland further keratinized obstruction of the meibomian gland. (at least in part), the passage of the keratinized obstruction Current technology for removing keratinized obstruction of 25 (at least in part), and/or the prevention of Subsequent keratin the meibomian gland is limited to physical removal meth obstructions (at least to the extent that such obstructions lead ods, some of which are quite painful to the patient. to meibomian gland dysfunction) within the meibomian As such, described herein, are methods and formulations gland. In one embodiment, the formulation comprises a for treating MGD. In one embodiment is provided a method therapeutically-effective amount of the meibomian gland for treating meibomian gland dysfunction in a patient in 30 opening pharmacological agent. In one further or alternative need thereof, comprising topically administering to the embodiment, the formulation comprises an additional thera patient a composition that reaches the eyelid margin of the peutic agent that is not a meibomian gland opening phar patient, wherein the composition comprises a therapeuti macological agent. In one further or alternative embodiment, cally-effective amount of at least one keratolytic agent in an the formulation comprises an additional meibomian gland ophthalmically-acceptable carrier. In some embodiments, 35 opening pharmacological agent. In one alternative embodi the keratolytic agent is benzoyl peroxide, coal tar, dithranol, ment, the formulation does not include any additional thera salicylic acid, selenium disulfide, alpha-hydroxy acid, urea, peutic agents other than an additional meibomian gland lactic acid, Sodium thioglycolate, Zinc pyrithione, or Zinc opening pharmacological agent. In one alternative embodi L-pyrrolidone carboxylate. In some embodiments, the kera ment, the formulation consists only of a single meibomian tolytic agent is salicylic acid or selenium disulfide. In some 40 gland opening pharmacological agent and no other thera embodiments, the keratolytic agent is selenium disulfide. In peutic agents. In any of the aforementioned embodiments, Some embodiments, the concentration of the selenium dis the formulation optionally comprises an ophthalmically ulfide in the composition is between about 0.1% to about acceptable carrier. In one further embodiment, the ophthal 10%. In some embodiments, the keratolytic agent is salicylic mically-acceptable carrier comprises an ophthalmically-ac acid. In some embodiments, the composition is topically 45 ceptable excipient. administered to the patient until the keratinized obstruction In one aspect, the methods and formulations described is relieved. In some embodiments, the composition is topi herein include pharmacological agents that are useful for the cally administered to the patient periodically after relieving treatment of MGD in a subject in need. In some embodi the keratinized obstruction. In some embodiments, the topi ments, the formulations described herein are applied to the cal administration is a single administration. In some 50 eyelid margin of a patient in need. In some embodiments, embodiments, the topical administration is a periodic admin multiple applications of the formulations are required. istration. In some embodiments, the periodic administration In some embodiments, the eye is shielded, at least in part, is once a day. In some embodiments, periodic administration to prevent the pharmacological agents from contacting the is two times a day. In some embodiments, the composition eye of the subject in need. Further described are kits for topical administration is a semi-solid. In some embodi 55 comprising a formulation described herein along with a ments, the composition for topical administration is homog device that shields the eye from contact with the formula enous. In some embodiments, the composition for topical tion. administration is a dispersion.
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