Walker Art Center Exhibition Chronology Title Opening date Closing date Living Minnesota Artists 7/15/1938 8/31/1938 Stanford Fenelle 1/1/1940 ?/?/1940 Grandma’s Dolls 1/1/1940 ?/?/1940 Parallels in Art 1/4/1940 ?/?/1940 Trends in Contemporary Painting 1/4/1940 ?/?/1940 Time-Off 1/4/1940 1/1/1940 Ways to Art: toward an intelligent understanding 1/4/1940 ?/?/1940 Letters, Words and Books 2/28/1940 4/25/1940 Elof Wedin 3/1/1940 ?/?/1940 Frontiers of American Art 3/16/1940 4/16/1940 Artistry in Glass from Dynastic Egypt to the Twentieth Century 3/27/1940 6/2/1940 Syd Fossum 4/9/1940 5/12/1940 Answers to Questions 5/8/1940 7/1/1940 Edwin Holm 5/14/1940 6/18/1940 Josephine Lutz 6/1/1940 ?/?/1940 Exhibition of Student Work 6/1/1940 ?/?/1940 Käthe Kollwitz 6/1/1940 ?/?/1940 Walker Art Center Exhibition Chronology Title Opening date Closing date Paintings by Greek Children 6/1/1940 ?/?/1940 Jewelry from 1940 B.C. to 1940 A.D. 6/27/1940 7/15/1940 Cameron Booth 7/1/1940 ?/?/1940 George Constant 7/1/1940 7/30/1940 Robert Brown 7/1/1940 ?/?/1940 Portraits of Indians and their Arts 7/15/1940 8/15/1940 Mac Le Sueur 9/1/1940 ?/?/1940 Paintings and their X-Rays 9/1/1940 10/15/1940 Paintings by Vincent Van Gogh 9/24/1940 10/14/1940 Walter Kuhlman 10/1/1940 ?/?/1940 Marsden Hartley 11/1/1940 11/30/1940 Clara Mairs 11/1/1940 ?/?/1940 Meet the Artist 11/1/1940 ?/?/1940 Unpopular Art 11/7/1940 12/29/1940 National Art Week 11/25/1940 12/5/1940 Art of the Nation 12/1/1940 12/31/1940 Anne Wright 1/1/1941 ?/?/1941 Walker Art Center Exhibition Chronology Title Opening date Closing date Children’s Portraits 1/1/1941 ?/?/1941 American Houses Today 1/6/1941 3/7/1941 Art of the Print 1/7/1941 2/20/1941 Minnesota and the Nation 2/1/1941 2/28/1941 What is Ceramics? 3/27/1941 5/1/1941 City Planning 3/27/1941 5/1/1941 Three Women Sculptors 4/1/1941 4/4/1941 Clement Haupers 5/1/1941 6/15/1941 Accessories for the House 5/15/1941 7/5/1941 Idea House I 6/1/1941 12/1/1941 Mary Gale Hobbs 6/1/1941 ?/?/1941 Exhibition of Student Work 6/1/1941 ?/?/1941 Gopher Camera Club 6/3/1941 6/29/1941 Christian Art 6/18/1941 7/18/1941 John Huseby 7/1/1941 ?/?/1941 Terry and the Pirates 8/1/1941 ?/?/1941 Jane Seybold 8/1/1941 ?/?/1941 Walker Art Center Exhibition Chronology Title Opening date Closing date William Saltzman 9/1/1941 ?/?/1941 America Builds for Defense 9/3/1941 10/8/1941 Egypt, Greece and Rome 9/3/1941 10/14/1941 Photographs of the Times 9/17/1941 10/7/1941 L. G. Le Sueur “Modern Illustrations for Mother Goose” 10/1/1941 ?/?/1941 Bertrand Old 10/1/1941 ?/?/1941 Little Giants 10/22/1941 12/10/1941 National Art Week 11/17/1941 11/24/1941 Medals for Dishonor 11/27/1941 12/18/1941 Children’s Hobbies 11/30/1941 1/8/1942 Henry Bannarn 12/1/1941 ?/?/1941 Christmas Table Settings 12/9/1941 12/26/1941 Children’s Theater 12/21/1941 1/1/1942 Miriam Ibling 1/1/1942 ?/?/1942 Art of the Print 1/7/1942 2/20/1942 June Corwine 3/1/1942 ?/?/1942 Chinese Paintings 3/17/1942 5/4/1942 Walker Art Center Exhibition Chronology Title Opening date Closing date Franz Marc’s Blue Horses 3/26/1942 12/31/1942 Faculty and Student Show 6/1/1942 ?/?/1942 2nd Annual Gopher Camera Club Salon 6/3/1942 6/29/1942 Refugee Masterpieces 6/5/1942 8/20/1942 (aka Refugee Paintings) aka Refugee Art) Camouflage 6/15/1942 8/31/1942 Indian Portraits 7/10/1942 8/31/1942 Pottery Comparisons 7/15/1942 8/31/1942 From the Halls of Montezuma 9/9/1942 10/20/1942 Blitz Over London 9/20/1942 10/20/1942 Russian War Posters 9/27/1942 10/27/1942 Art in Miniatures 1/1/1943 ?/?/1943 Wings for American Fighters 1/10/1943 2/10/1943 Local Artists 2/1/1943 ?/?/1943 Britain, #1 in series Know Your Allies 2/10/1943 3/25/1943 Ancient Weapons 2/10/1943 5/20/1943 92 Artists 6/3/1943 7/1/1943 (aka 92 American Artists) 3rd Annual Gopher Camera Club Salon 6/3/1943 6/29/1943 Walker Art Center Exhibition Chronology Title Opening date Closing date Definitions 9/1/1943 10/1/1943 Medical Fantasies 1/11/1944 2/1/1944 Advertising Art 2/6/1944 2/27/1944 Watercolor Drawings of American Ship Figureheads 3/7/1944 3/31/1944 Works of Nils Dardel 4/5/1944 4/30/1944 First Annual Minnesota Sculpture Exhibition 6/15/1944 7/15/1944 Le Sueur So Far 7/20/1944 9/11/1944 110 American Painters of Today 8/18/1944 9/11/1944 Exhibition of Student Work 8/20/1944 9/10/1944 LIFE’s War Art 9/15/1944 10/4/1944 American Architecture 11/1/1944 11/15/1944 The New Spirit: Le Corbusier -- Architect, Painter, Writer 12/14/1944 2/20/1945 Modern Drawings 1/3/1945 1/21/1945 American Watercolor and Winslow Homer 2/28/1945 3/23/1945 Silk Screen Portraits of 13 Artists by Harry Sternberg 4/1/1945 5/13/1945 Reproductions: Own Your Favorite Painting 4/29/1945 6/10/1945 Original Illustrations for Saturday Evening Post 5/17/1945 6/3/1945 Walker Art Center Exhibition Chronology Title Opening date Closing date Watercolors by Children of Uzbekistan 6/6/1945 7/1/1945 Second Annual Regional Sculpture Exhibition 7/17/1945 8/15/1945 Advertising Art 7/24/1945 9/2/1945 Eleanor Harris 9/7/1945 10/21/1945 Paintings by Marsden Hartley 9/16/1945 10/14/1945 The Story of Jade 10/1/1945 ?/?/1945 Reproductions of Modern Paintings 10/1/1945 12/31/1945 Introduction to Modern Painting 11/1/1945 11/30/1945 Races of Mankind 11/24/1945 12/9/1945 The Bronze Doors of Benevento 12/1/1945 ?/?/1945 Paintings by Philip Evergood 12/4/1945 12/30/1945 Moscow: Capitol of the U.S.S.R 12/16/1945 12/22/1945 Man and Clay 1/1/1946 10/13/1946 Recent Purchases and Gifts 1/1/1946 10/13/1946 Ideas For Better Living 1/9/1946 3/10/1946 Paintings by Milwaukee Artists Group 1/13/1946 1/31/1946 Alonzo Hauser 2/24/1946 4/7/1946 Walker Art Center Exhibition Chronology Title Opening date Closing date Painting, Sculpture and Craftwork by Members of Delta Phi Delta 3/6/1946 3/31/1946 Furniture and Fabrics 3/26/1946 5/19/1946 Nine Minnesota Painters 4/7/1946 5/5/1946 Watercolor - U.S.A. 4/24/1946 5/8/1946 (aka: Acuarela - EE.UU., Watercolor - U.S.A., Aquarela - EE.UU.) Paintings by June Corwine 5/7/1946 6/2/1946 New Materials 5/10/1946 5/31/1946 Elements of Design 5/28/1946 6/23/1946 Annual Walker Art School Student Show 5/31/1946 6/23/1946 5 Minnesota Painters 6/11/1946 7/7/1946 Minnesota Artists Association Paintings 6/30/1946 7/28/1946 Contemporary Ceramics 7/2/1946 8/4/1946 Third Annual Regional Sculpture Exhibition 7/2/1946 8/4/1946 40 Photos and Work by the Minneapolis Photographic Society 7/9/1946 8/4/1946 Paintings by Fridtjof Schroder 8/20/1946 9/22/1946 If You Want to Build a House 8/22/1946 10/15/1946 136 American Painters 8/25/1946 9/22/1946 Sculpture by Dustin Rice 9/12/1946 10/20/1946 Walker Art Center Exhibition Chronology Title Opening date Closing date Hibbing Art Center Paintings 9/24/1946 10/20/1946 Painting by Lenore Erik-Alt 10/22/1946 11/24/1946 Useful Gifts 10/22/1946 1/7/1947 Painting by Agnes Sims 11/3/1946 12/8/1946 Craftwork by Joseph Danyish 11/26/1946 12/29/1946 Photographs by Clarence Laughlin 12/15/1946 1/12/1947 Lithographs by William Norman 1/5/1947 2/2/1947 Modern Textile Design 1/9/1947 2/25/1947 Pepsi-Cola Paintings of the Year: Third Annual Art Competition 1/15/1947 2/16/1947 Ethel Schochet 2/9/1947 3/9/1947 Vanguard Group 2/20/1947 3/16/1947 Delta Phi Delta 2/25/1947 3/23/1947 Sectional Furniture 3/4/1947 4/22/1947 Arthur Kerrick 3/11/1947 4/6/1947 Warsaw Lives Again 4/2/1947 4/20/1947 Four Abstract Painters 4/8/1947 5/4/1947 The Incas 4/12/1947 5/11/1947 Walker Art Center Exhibition Chronology Title Opening date Closing date Made in Scandinavia 4/29/1947 6/1/1947 John Marin: A Retrospective Exhibition 5/1/1947 6/15/1947 Paintings by Everet McNear 5/6/1947 6/1/1947 Paintings by William Saltzman 6/3/1947 7/6/1947 18 Paintings by Pedro Figari 6/5/1947 6/22/1947 Plastics in the Home 6/24/1947 8/1/1947 Fourth Annual Six-State Sculpture Exhibition 7/8/1947 8/3/1947 Drawings by Sculptors 7/8/1947 8/3/1947 First Biennial Exhibition of Paintings and Prints 8/21/1947 9/28/1947 Photographs by Erling Larsen 8/26/1947 9/21/1947 Idea House II 9/8/1947 ?/?/48 82 Drawings by William Bushman 9/23/1947 11/2/1947 13 Marins from the Keith Warner Collection 9/30/1947 10/19/1947 Designs for Idea Houses III Through VIII 9/30/1947 11/16/1947 La Tausca Art Exhibition - 1947 10/26/1947 11/16/1947 Christmas Exhibition 11/11/1947 12/21/1947 Useful Gifts 11/23/1947 1/25/1948 Walker Art Center Exhibition Chronology Title Opening date Closing date Painting Toward Architecture: 45 Abstract Paintings and Sculptures from 1/20/1948 2/22/1948 the Miller Company Collection Modern Jewelry Under Fifty Dollars 2/15/1948 4/4/1948 Sculpture by Evelyn Raymond 2/20/1948 3/14/1948 Delta Phi Delta Exhibition 3/2/1948 3/23/1948 Recent Paintings by Josephine Lutz Rollins 3/25/1948 5/1/1948 Taliesen West 4/8/1948 4/25/1948 Children’s Fair 5/2/1948 5/30/1948 Paintings to Know and Buy 5/25/1948 7/11/1948 aka: New Paintings to Know and Buy aka: Paintings to Know -- An Exhibition Twelfthaka: 4th Ceramic Purchase National Exhibition Exhibition 6/11/1948 7/4/1948 Man and Clay 6/11/1948 7/4/1948 New Sculpture 6/17/1948 8/22/1948 Everyday Art Outdoors 7/15/1948 10/17/1948 New Paintings by Younger Minnesota Artists 9/9/1948 10/31/1948 Paintings by Martin Bloch 9/15/1948 10/10/1948 The Artist in Social Communication 10/21/1948 11/14/1948 Second Christmas Exhibition Sale 11/7/1948 1/2/1949 Useful Gifts 11/16/1948 1/15/1949 Walker Art Center Exhibition Chronology Title Opening date Closing date Modern Art in Advertising: Designs for Container Corporation of America 11/18/1948 1/16/1949 Guests From Wisconsin 1/6/1949 2/27/1949 Modern Textiles 1/23/1949 3/13/1949 A New Direction in Intaglio 1/30/1949 3/13/1949 Delta Phi Delta Exhibition 3/1/1949 4/3/1949 Recent Paintings by Cameron Booth 3/3/1949 5/1/1949 Modern Painting in Minnesota 4/3/1949 7/30/1949 Lamps and Lighting 4/5/1949 5/29/1949 Max Weber Retrospective Exhibition 4/17/1949 5/29/1949 Photographs by John Szarkowski 5/5/1949 7/3/1949 John T.
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