Washington State Washington ^ - Mandalay Bay Events Center (Las Vegas, Nev.) ^ -MandalayBayEventsCenter(LasVegas, * -Pac-12ConferenceGame 4-7 Pac-12 Tournament 4-7 Pac-12 March 28 Washington* 21 Utah* State* 19 Colorado* Arizona 14 at Arizona* Cal* TBA 12 at TBA * 7 Southern TBA 5 UCLA TBA February TBA TBA 31 Stanford* 29 California* TBA 24 Oregon* at OregonState* 22 at UCLA* 17 at TBA 15 TBA at SouthernCal* State* 10 Arizona* TBA TBA Colorado* 8 Arizona Utah* 3 at TBA 1 at TBA TBA January TBA TBA TBA 22 Eastern Washington Washington 22 Eastern p.m. 12 21 Oregon* 19 Oregon State* 13 Idaho Washington* 11 at 60-52 California* a.m. 8 11 W, 6 at 2Stanford* No. vs. p.m. 12 p.m. December 6:30 PPD PPD Rankings: AP Top-25 /WBCACoachesPoll Rankings: APTop-25 All timeslistedarePacifi All homegamesareplayedatBeasleyColiseum Schedule Krystal $ Home: 0-0 | Away: 1-0 | Neutral: 0-0 1-0|Neutral: Away: 0-0| Home: Leger-Walker -- 109|Streak: 2019-20 FINALRPI: Overall: 1-0 | Pac-12: 1-0 1-0|Pac-12: Overall: c Time andsubjecttochange c Time @0@0-21 Washington State Women’s Basketball Game Notes - Game 2 Notes-Game Game Basketball Women’s State @0@0-21 Washington Assists //3.0A Boards //6.0B 3P% //50.0%3 FG% //42.9%F //8.0 Points P // G% o P oa ss int % i r ^ s ds s TBA t // // s // Results // 42. // 50 8 6 3. 0 . 9 0 Charlisse % Leger-Walker are an even 1-1 in home openers under head coach Kamie Ethridge after last season’s 85-48 win over Pepperdine. 85-48winover 1-1inhomeopenersunderheadcoachKamieEthridgeafterlastseason’s are aneven WSU is28-9inhomeopeners State. Washington asthe2020-21homeopenerfor willalsoserve BattleofthePalouse >> Sunday’s berth. Tournament tileandNCAA Tournament That vic Nevada. ChampionshipGameinReno, Tournament inthe2018BigSky 91-69, as herNorthernColoradoteamdefeatedIdaho, Herlast matchup Conference team. BigSky afellow 5-2againstIdaho, Ethridgewent tenureatNorthernColorado, her four-year fi beher won’t it Washington State, onIdahoat rsttimethatheadcoachKamieEthridge will take Though thiswillbethefi >> andholdsa26-13edgeintheall-timeseries. Vandals, the gamesover two-straight WSU haswon Idaho. 53-50 victoryinMoscow, 14, The lastmeetingcameonDec. oneanother. played schools have tothedatesincetwo ithasbeenalmost12years apart, basketball women’s Vandal theCougarand between matchupwillbethe40thinstallmentofBattlePalouse >> Sunday’s St Washington pointsintheir toscore20-or-more thelast10years isalsothesixthfreshmanover Leger-Walker 2001. 21, Dec. McCurtainalsotallied20pointsagainst debut. WSU freshmanintheirPac-12 a McCurtainforthemostpointsscoredby Francine The 20-poi StatedebutthispastFriday. Washington 20pointsinher collectedanimpressive CharlisseLeger-Walker >> Freshman UWinSeattle. wins over years t rsttimein45 thefi Era–post1981-82seasonandmarked theHuskiesinNCAA three-game roadwinningstreakover thispast Washington fresh-offa60-52season-openingvictoryat BattleofthePalouse StatecomesintoSunday’s Washington >> 12/05/01 Idaho Moscow, Wash. 02/27/03 Pullman, Idaho W L 12/20/03 Moscow, Wash. L 11/28/07 Pullman, Idaho Score W 82-53 12/14/08 Moscow, 89-72 (OT) Result W Date Location 72-57 67-49 53-50 Current WSU Streak Last NeutralLoss Last RoadLoss Last HomeLoss Last Loss Win Last Neutral Win Last Road Win Last Home Last Win Games inSeattle Games inPullman Series Record Games vs. IDAHO vs. Assists //3.0A Boards //7.0B 3P% //0.0%3 FG% //29.4%F //20.0 Points P G% o P oa ss int % Previous Five Meetings Five Previous i r s ds Game 2 s t // // s // // Series History 2 // 0 Live Stats: WSUCougars.com Stats: Live AM WSUCougars.com //1150 Stream//Listen: StateLive Washington Watch: Coliseum //Beasley Wash. PT//Pullman, 2020//6:30p.m. 13, Dec. Sunday, State Washington 67-49 on Dec. 20, 2003inMoscow 20, 67-49 onDec. 2008inMoscow 14, 53-50 onDec. 74-45 Dec. 9, 1989inSpokane 9, 74-45 Dec. !5 Ula Motuga Projected Starters 67-49 on Nov. 28, 2007 28, 67-49 onNov. 86-79 on Dec. 8, 1998 8, 86-79 onDec. Steals //2.0 Boards //7.0 3P% //66.7% FG% //71.4% //16.0 Points 26-13 The OpeningFive Same Same 11-6 12-7 W-2 N/A (1-0, 1-0) 39 Women’s Basketball Women’s vs. @1 Johanna Teder IDAHO +1.0 10.0 20.0 88.2 16.7 23.8 33.3 37.7 52.0 60.0 1-0 8.0 8.0 38 (2-1) Team Comparisons Assists //1.0Ass Boards //5.0Boa 3P% //20.0%3 FG% //20.0% //3.0 Points Po P int Rebounds Per Game Rebounds Per % Turnovers Per Game Per Turnovers Rebounding Margin Opp. Field GoalPct. Field Opp. i r s ds Assists Per Game Assists Per s Opp. 3-Point Pct. 3-Point Opp. Blocks Per Game Blocks Per t Steals Per Game Steals Per Points Per Game Per Points // // s Free Throw Throw Free Pct. // Opp. Per Game Per Opp. Overall Record Overall Field GoalPct. Field // 2 2 // Category 3-Point Pct. 3-Point 3 0 0 1. 5 . 0 . 0% 0% 0 0 vs. rst go-around against the Vandals. During During Vandals. rst go-aroundagainstthe ate debut. against the Vandals was a memorable one, amemorableone, was Vandals against the 2008, when Washington State claimed a Stateclaimeda Washington when 2008, the Huskies in her fi rst Pac-12 game back on Pac-12 gamebackon rst theHuskiesinherfi %5 Bella with nt performance tiesLeger-Walker hat WSU has picked up three-consecutive upthree-consecutive WSU haspicked hat Friday. The win gave the Cougs their fi rst rst theCougstheirfi The wingave Friday. programs. Despite just being eight miles Despitejustbeingeightmiles programs. tory earned UNC its fi rst-ever Big Sky BigSky rst-ever tory earnedUNCitsfi BellaBeBelllla MurekateteMuMurerekakatetetet Idaho Murekatete The Cougs era. NCAA in theprogram’s +11.7 12.0 13.3 56.0 64.4 29.3 29.1 38.4 37.0 7.20 75.0 2-1 3.3 5.7 Blocks //3.0Bl Steals //0.0S Boards //7.0B FG% //37.5%F //6.0 Points P G% o t oa oc ea int r k l ds s s s // / / Washington State Women’s Basketball Game Notes Game @: Idaho Quick Facts The Cougs The University LOCATION: PULLMAN, WASH. AFFILIATION: NCAA DIVISION I CONFERENCE: PAC-12 MASCOT: COUGARS COLORS: CRIMSON & GRAY PRESIDENT: KIRK H. SCHULZ DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS: PAT CHUN SWA: ANNE MCCOY FACUALTY ATHLETICS REP: NANCY SWAGNER WSU Women’s Basketball Info 2019-20 RECORD: 11-20 2019-20 PAC-12 RECORD: 4-14 POSTSEASON: N/A LETTERWINNERS RETURNING/LOST: 9/4 STARTERS RETURNING/LOST: 3/2 NEWCOMERS: 4 (1 SOPHOMORE, 3 FRESHMEN) HEAD COACH: KAMIE ETHRIDGE (3RD SEASON) ASSOCIATE HEAD COACH: LAURIE KOEHN FRONT ROW: Celena Molina, Ula Motuga, Grace Sarver; MIDDLE ROW: Bella Murekatete, Emma Nakervis, Michaela Jones, Ekin Celikdemir; BACK ROW: Charlisse Leger-Walker, Shir ASSISTANTS: JASON CHAINEY, CAMILLE WILLIAMS Levy, Krystal Leger-Walker, Johanna Teder, Cherilyn Molina, Jessica Clarke COORDINATOR OF OPERATIONS: KATE WERNER No. Name POS HT YR EXP Hometown (Previous School) VIDEO COORDINATOR: KIANNA WILLIAMS 2 Michaela Jones G 5-9 R-So. 1V Wymore, Neb. (Beatrice HS) HOME ARENA: BEASLEY COLISEUM (11,671) 3 Emma Nankervis C 6-3 So. 1V Mount Eliza, Australia 4 Krystal Leger-Walker G 5-9 Sr. TR Waikato, New Zealand (Northern Colorado) Athletic Communications 5 Charlisse Leger-Walker G 5-10 Fr. HS Waikato, New Zealand (St. Peter’s Cambridge) ASSOCIATE ATHLETIC DIRECTOR: BILL STEVENS 10 Ekin Celikdemir G 5-10 Fr. HS Istanbul, Turkey (The Tilton School) WBB CONTACT: CHRIS CASKEY 13 Shir Levy G 5-9 Jr. 2V Ness Ziona, Isreal (Gimnasia-Yealit) E-MAIL: [email protected] 14 Jessica Clarke C 6-3 Fr. HS North Vancouver, Canada (St. Thomas Aquinas) PHONE: 606-207-7481 (C) 15 Ula Motuga F 6-0 Jr. 2V Logan, Australia (Canterbury College) ATHLETIC WEBSITE: WSUCOUGARS.COM 20 Grace Sarver G 5-8 So. 1V Seattle, Wash. (West Seattle HS) TWITTER: @WSUCOUGARSWBB 21 Johanna Teder G 5-10 So. TR Tartu, Estonia (South Plains College) INSTAGRAM: @WSUCOUGARSWBB 22 Celena Molina G 5-9 R-Jr. 2V Kailua Kona, Hawai’i (Konawaena HS) FACEBOOK: /WSUCOUGARSWBB 33 Cherilyn Molina G 5-6 Jr. 2V Kailua Kona, Hawai’i (Konawaena HS) Program History 55 Bella Murekatete C 6-5 So. 1V Butare Huye, Rwanda (Genesis Prep Academy) ALL-TIME RECORD: 545-814 (.401) HEAD COACH: Kamie Ethridge - 3rd Season - Texas, ‘85 BEASLEY COLISEUM RECORD: ASSOCIATE HEAD COACH: Laurie Kohen - 3rd Season - Kansas St. ‘05 ALL-TIME CONFERENCE RECORD: 242-528 (.313) ASSISTANT COACH: Jason Chainey - 2nd Season - Yeronga Institute of Tafe - ‘96 ALL-TIME PAC-10/12 TOURNY RECORD: 7-19 ASSISTANT COACH: Camille Williams - 2nd Season - Wisconsin ‘96 POSTSEASON APPEARANCES: 5 Polls POSTSEASON RECORD: 4-6 Pronunciation Associated Press Top 25 NCAA TOURNAMENT APPEARANCES: 1 EKIN CELIKDEMIR: (Eck-In, Che-lick-Dim-er) Dec. 6 LAST NCAA TOURNAMENT APPEARANCE: 1991 1) Stanford (24)* 14) Maryland LAST POSTSEASON APPEARANCE: 2017 (WNIT) CHARLISSE LEGER-WALKER: (CHAR-Lease, Ledger) 2) Louisville (2) T-15) Indiana KRYSTAL LEGER-WALKER: (Ledger) 3) Connecticut (2) T-15) Oregon State* MEDIA AVAILABILITY SHIR LEVY: (Sheer, Leh-Vee) 4) NC State (2) 17) Northwestern Player and coach media availability depends on class 5) South Carolina 18) Ohio State schedules. Coach Ethridge will have a weekly press ULA MOTUGA: (OO-Luh, Moe-Two-Guh) 6) Arizona* 19) Michigan conference on Tuesdays throughout the season. Please contact Chris Caskey early in the week to confrim BELLA MUREKATETE: (Mur-UH-kuh-TET-ay) 7) Baylor 20) Syracuse practice times and availability. Media request should be EMMA NANKERVIS: (Nan-Ker-Vis) 8) Oregon* 21) Missouri State made 24 hours in advance. 9) Kentucky 22) South Dakota State JOHANNA TEDER: (Yo-Ha-Nuh, Two-DAR) 10) Texas A&M 23) Texas CREDENTIALS 11) UCLA* 24) DePaul Credential requests for both home and road games 12) Mississippi State 25) Gonzaga must be made 24 hours prior to game time by emailing Pac-12 Standings 13) Arkansas *WSU Opponent [email protected] TEAM Pac-12 Record Record Streak CREDENTIAL PICKUP 6/6 Arizona 3-0 -- 4-0 W-4 Usa Today-Wbca coaches Top 25 Credentials can be picked up on game day at the media Dec.
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