Thi Hmt ForValat-ShopTheAd, TIM Urfut And Bwt SfcofM An* S*rvie«t la TIM Art* Ar« Ow Atortiam. Patraalu CARTERET? N. ,J., FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1947 PRICB THBH& CENtB Spirit of Cooperation in the Domestic Science Clati Sweetness Memorial Tress' Soap Box Derb AND Day Plans Light Are Pushed To be Run on July 26i E. GREGOMf Walter Wailink Named Chairman of May !IO i,,,tii.Min» to weaken Celebration Here ,„ my advocacy of Winner to Go to Akron! ,1 irjimbling. • CARTERET -Cartcret veterans' groups advanced this week plans tor the Meitioria! Diiy observance told m« a to be held here May 30. Carteret Sodalists Will Take Aid of Lions ( |U|,. ago that I ^M Following the rotation, Cartcret t( ^HiiowlsidorGrMn- Post, American Lesion will super- Again is Promised- „„„,,, along with a CARTERET—Daily learnln* at the Oartcret Hl«h School Includes practice In domestic science. vise this year's festivities with the Part in Union Crowning Fete A» the above picture «h«ws, some of the boys arc showing a cooperative spirit In <he class by trtvini assistance of Star Landlns Post, CARTERET—A number of Cur.; Kathleen Schuck, Ruth LaunVn- Uu flrto » hand. HUh School students Ret an up-to-date course In cooking, Members of the class Veterans of Foreign Wars, belonging to the various, i fKor und Dorothy Dumansky, of For Big Race H< {\\ logic (FlagBtalf have prepared Home of the most delicious cakes and crinkle*. Domestic science is one of the many Walter Wadlak, vlre-command- sodalities of the Roman Catholic which make* toe caunwg offered at the High School here in an effort to meet the needs of the community. er of the legion has been named Joseph's; Misses Anisla Kolibas, churches will take part in lh< CARTERET — Once Again .,l ,,| my own jfldg- Chairman of arrangements, with crowning of the Amboy District.' Mary Onyos. of Sacred Heart and Patrick DeSantls of the V. F. W. year. The CARTERET PM88, l{l,ih senator Toolan Sodality Union to be held Sunday Misses Helen Bnk and Ann Faze- tilt as co-chairmun, Mrs. Harry Glecfc- at 3 P. M. at the Waters Stadium kns, of the Holy Family Church. Ahcr with 133 papers «... (jrcenspan are real- Spring Is the Time of the Year ner heads the Legion Auxiliary • | , while I, a» the 14 Boro Women in Perth Amboy. Miss Antoinette Petolettl of St. the country, will sponsor ft t unkf rs celebration committee and Mrs. Acting as honor attendants win •Cecelia Parish Sodality, Iselln, Box Derby In conjunction With thfj ,,, „„<•.• told me, grope Schoen is chairman for the V. F. be' Miss Angelina Lauffenbcrger,! president of tW union, will have For Little Willie to Be Careful W. Auxiliary. Chevrolet Motor Company and Its' , ttith my eyes filled Get Pins From flf St. Joseph's Church, Miss Mar- j the honor of bfyns crowner. Other CARTERET - Spring means, The chief feels that the respon- According to present plans, the gnret Yanvary of 8t. Elizabeth's; nfflcejrs of the unlari, Misses Marion local dealer, the Economy Garage. 1 ,t:irH^t. It is no novelty chlldren playlns baseball, riding ' slbllity belongs, to the parents and observance will start with the us- Miss Dorothy Yapczenskl of the 't of Our lady of Peac.e The Carteret Lions Club which last., ||r(n iir wrong, as some ual solemn ritual at the water- Holy Family and Miss Thomaslna j iv already have bicycles, roller skating, playing | motorist*. Children at play will Elks Auxiliary Jvice president; Louise Pan- year was of such tremendous help nll mi kick the can. hitching rides—all forget about cars, Sheridan said, front in ifppe,r Roosevelt Avenue. Slplak of the Sacred Heart Church, i :oe of St. Mary's, this city, treas- In planning the race and its at- u.1,,,1 imd the number In the streets. but parents can contribute much A parade will follow through the Carteret Sodalists taking part. In m, und Miss Helen Wllu.'i of which this has It means little Willie running by keeping their children out of Mrs. Vulentine Gleckner main section of the town, disband- the Living Sodality which will be ^icrod Heart, South Amboy, secre- tendant details, will co-operate. across the street to see a pal, and | the streets and the alleys. Ing at the Overholt Stadium for' one of the features are: Misses El- tary, will be her immediate attend- The date chosen for the local 1 has grown BO And Mrs. Mary Little l'ii tin foi-Retting about the cars and Motorlst'" ' s can .help even more the exerclfces. The program at the iva YuhaK, Irmn Paul and Anne ants. Nancy Burgisser of Iselin race is Saturday, July 26, and is years have ad- trucks. ;,! thais tm addiny g one more by knowing where children are Top Membership Roll stadium Is now beins shipped into Fiegcl. of St. Elizabeth's; Misses will be crown bearer. being announced this far In ad- It means playing around spots likely to be playing and driving shape and will be in charge of vance so that the youngsters who ihc list will hardly with no one around to watch them. accordingly. Thomas Jakeway. John Sidun will wish to compete In the event will It means one perpetual headache CARTERET—Thirty-two mem- be chairman of the paradr. have plenty of opportunity to pre- i,, ih,. (jrand total. The all-important factor is the bers of the Ladles' Auxiliary to for police. cooperation of children, parents, At the conclusion of the pro- Red Cross Drive School Children pare their cars. The winner of the [i|r cririispan kindly of- Rahway Lodge of Elks, including gram, the veterans will entertain Carteret nice will then go to Ak- Pcllce Chief George Sheridan Jr. I teachers, —an d motorists,, Sherida„n„ fourteen from Carteret, have been ,,,,11,, take me to a hospital lists chasing balls that go Into the; indicated. If this could be achieved, presented gold pins for member- about 70 Oold Star Mothers nt a ron, Ohio for the national finals .(.(injr i,, Newark last Wed- street and running across In the j the police personnel might be able j ship of twenty-five years or more, luncheon in the Ukrainian Pavilion Here Fell Behind Being Vaccinated where the winner receives ft $2,000 . middle of the block as two most; some spring day to say, "The.ver- and afterwards the veterans and scholarship. ,,I:U'\V1KMI he discovered at ceremonies held in Rahway auxiliaries, their wives and sweet- on thumbing difficult factors In controlling ac- nal season? Well, what d'ya know; | Saturday, Only 50 Per Cent of Slate Suggests Pupils Representatives of this newspa- I'ilS 1» cidents among children. it is!" hearts will hold get-together social. per, the Econpmy Garage and the till.'. so the occasion There arej,hree who have been Mr. Wadiak said committees for Goal Contributed in Be Immunized Against Lions Club will have a meeting tcresting on two members for thirty-three years the Memorial Day celebration will soon at which time the rules of the and are charter members, having Carteret, Gruhin Says Inarned something be named this week by the respec- Smallpox in Carteret contest will be announced. The Lacks $356 Fine; State Educator joined when the auxiliary was tive posts. He expressed the hope local rsce, as last year, will be run nt., over th cou e on I also formed. Those who were unable to that a large number of borough CARTERET -,- While the Red CARTERET-Most of Carterefs| . « « Pmhtag Ave- mt hospitals and about attend the weekend presentation organizations will be in line in this Iross Fund Appeal for 1947 was school children are expected to be nue, between Roosevelt Avenue and Irued somethinT h"a t gwas Is Sent to Jail To Speak Here of awards will receive them by per- year's parade. oversubscribed In the Nation by vacclnated aaalnst small pox it Harris Street. It was here in 1946 Th"t sonal delivery .Exalted Ruler Harry "Let's make this year's Inde- 25.5 per cent, Carteret gave only was learned today. that Daniel Kasha, Jr. flashed his coincidence, in i B. Colvln was presented a gold pen trim little blue racer over the finish pendence Day celebration the big- half of its quota, Max Gruhin, • George S. Ooodell, supervising uise 1 always had a CARTERET-Unable to pay aj CARTERET - An interesting and pencil set'by the auxiliary! gest ever," pleaded Wadiak. line first to ga(n the distinction of fine of »350 for a motor vehicle ! Program is being assembled for the chairman of this year's campaign principal of the Carteret schools, the back of Carteret members honored were; said he had received word from representing Carteret at Derby violation, Edward Prokop, Jr., of i "I Am An American Day" exercises revealed today. it maybe the For 31 years, Mrs. Mary Little the State Department of Educa- Downs In Akron. There he was the 131 Jersey Street, this borough. t° be held at the High School and Mrs. Valentine 'Gleckner; 29 Mr. Gruhfn said he was at a tion suggesting all school pupils guest of the Chevrolet Motor Com- is could be joined was sentenced to 75 days in the Auditorium on Sundaf, May 18. years. Mrs. William Casey Sr.; 27 Holy Family Plans loss to understand, why Carteret be vaccinated. pany, living and eating in a hotel Inmtiin benefit—the hos- County Jail by Police Recorder) Listed as the principal speaker years„,„, ltlvMrs3 .
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