MEIDII €II NI A AItüEßO ( ESTABLISH EE f{ellotorhip Wb* @pa$ Sst€*rsä Reeogniscd by thc United Nadons Peace Unit'crsity constituted t Established as per 1962 Alma Ata Declaralion, accorded ialernational of The Democratic Socialist RePublic of Sri Lanka on 25th Merch 198E, @h, §enate urü thr $narb r DIETER thn $ell otuxhliy of J pn leslimong tofuereuf, thn n is \ewin 6[uirry Sntror pate' Colombo November, 1993 II AülltYA lt Nr §Tl|fftu,, 1962 AT ALMA-ATA) TG stüosre[ ffigtibss#tfp 'ader U.N. Resolution No. 35lSSlS\XII\A of August lsth igEA. ccognition, and recognised, by authority of His Excellency Thc president as an indepcndent, pri»ately funded The Open Interwtional University, lf pxanr inerx tywehg confer on WETTIG fleltcinu Alternutitru r8[ rf .dtebicinu $lternatiuu uffixeü. No. tr.qs,czs §§§E *P§N HN€'§H,HATE*NAL UNTY§R§§?'Y ? F"'&§ § C*IVgPT§MEF§ä-A&Y IV§§ffiECffi§§ Tfr t-Y' a\i CHARTER OF MEDICINIT\ AI.'IäRNII\IIVA (ALMA ATA DECLARATION 1962) Reply to: 28, International Buddhist Centre Road, Colombo 6, Sri Lanka. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I certiff that MR. DIETER WETTIG, M'D., M.B.B.S. completed 170 Hours of clinical acupuncture training at the Institute of Acupuncture, Colombo South Governrnent General University Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila, Sri Lanka from 01.10.1982to 31.10. 1982, and passed the Examination successfully. He is an excellent practitioner. I wish Mr. Dieter Wettig well for the future. Pandit Prof. Dr Sir Anton JayasuriYa ,tMDrr Dfrl :Ror. M!{non r ry t ettvu consultort Rhryiert a,lr,rtu" Colembo r) u,';,i South Gocrnmart Gcnt*l t:atrltal Xolubcwile, Srt lantke REPLY TO FAX NO. 0094 - I - 584148 LORD PANDIT PROF DR. SIR ANTON JAYASURIYA (Chairman, Medicina Altemativa) Clinical Studies and Internships Colombo South Govemment General University Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila, Medicina Altemativa Clinic Library and Lecture Theatres BAIHUI Centre, 13413, S. de S. Jayasinghe Mawatha, Nugegoda Student Ilostel and Residence 19/5, Piyaratanarama Road, Dehiwala. "HAUS CHANDRA" Hotel Students Residence,37, Beach Road, Mt. Lavinia, Sri Lanka. Tel. No. 0094-1-732755 or 0094-1-730236 Fax: 0094-l-733173 "HOTEL BRIDGEON THE RIVER KWAI", Kitulgala. Telephone/Fax : 0094-368'7575,0094-3681574 University Secretariat Please address all correspondence to Registrar O.I.U.C.M., 28, Intemational Buddhist Centre Road, Colombo 6, Sri Lanka. Telephone:94-1-585242 Telex:23039LINKCEor23261LINKCE. FaxNo:0094-l-584148or0094-1-583337or0094-1-503575 Intemational DirectDial No:0094-722-43567 orN94722-435'70 orC[94-72244559 orW4-722-43580 (Colombo), E-Mail: [email protected]. , medalta@eureka-lk [email protected] Bankers Prof. A. Jayasuriya, RFC Account No. 10165, American Express Bank Ltd., C/o 28, International Buddhist Centre Road, Colombo 6, Sri Lanka. Printers Chandrakanthi Press Intemational (Pvt) Ltd., Kalubowila, Sri Lanka. TI{E OPEN INTERNATIGNAL IJNTYER§ITY FOR COMPLEMENTAR Y MEDICIN§,S CHARTER OF ,!\TDICINA ATIERNAIIVA (ALMA ATA DECLARATION 1962) Reply to: 28, International Buddhist n r.r{,. .W-P-8t-99. Centre Road, o ot .*71rffi...19.99.. Colombo 6, Sri Lanka. " fhig i-e to eertify that F{R.DI§PER tdE[?IG f,roa Gernaay has successfuJ,ly passed tbe exasiratioa at the Iateruatlonal Aeupu.Bcture t?ainiag Gentre of litedicina ß,ltenrativa. llho roeult ie ae follorsl- CliuicaL §eet 91 OraL teet tfrittea test Pandit ,IN§IT PROF. DR. §TT]Z§rON &IYISANU Consubadt Rttq*bbt lk lcupuncturlst Coleabo &uth Gcvcntnent Gcnirel iitpttel Kslubowila, Srt Ia *a REPLY TO FAX NO. 0094 - I - 584148 LORD PANDI PROF DR. SIR ANTON JAYASURIYA (Chairman, Medicina Alternativa) Clinical Studies and Internships Colombo South Govemment General University Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila, Medicina Altemativa Ctnic Library and l,ecture Theatres BAIHUI Centre, 134/3, S. de S. Jayasinghe Mawatha, Nugegoda Stualent Hostel anil Residence 19/5, Piyaratanarama Road, Dehiwala. "HAUS CHANDRA" Hotel Students Residence,37, Beach Road, Mt. Lavinia, Sri Lanka. Tel. No. 0094-l-732755 or CfD4-l-73O236 Fax: 009,4-1-733173 "HOTEL BRIDGEON THE RMR KWAI", Kitulgala. Telephone/Fax : 0@4-3687575,m94-3687574 Universi§ Secretariat Please address all correspondence to Registrar O.I.U.C.M., 28, Intemational Buddhist Centre Road, Colombo 6, Sri Lanka. Telephone: 94-1-585242 Telex: 23039 LINK CE or 23261 LINK CE. Fax No: 0094-l-584148 or 0094-1-583337 or 0094-l-503575 Intemalional Direct Dial No: 00921-722-43567 or N9a.72243570 u C094-72244559 or N9{722-43580 (Colombo), BMail: [email protected]. , medalta@eureka"lk or [email protected] or hup://www.medicina-altemativa-com. Bankers Prof. A. Jayasuriya, RFC Account No. 10165, American Express Bank Ltd., C/o 28, Intemational Buddhist Centre Road, Colombo 6, Sri Lanka. Printers Chandrakaathi Press Intemational (Pvt) Ltd., Kalubowila, Sri Lanka. TEäE OFEN INTERNATäONAL I.JNIYER§E §"8 a FOR I COMFH,EMENTAITY -MET}ICINES CHARTER OT }AEDIqINA AIIERNATIVA (ALMA ATA DECLARATION 1962) Rep$ to: 28, International Buddhist Ref. No. Centre Road, Colombo 6, Sri Lanka. o u" ........77.t.9ß.;-. -1.ffi. TSAEEI}I§ PBOGRAT{ME rcB GEEI{AI' DOCBORS. Ihis iE to certify that I{R.§IEIER Ug[fIG of Goraaay hes successfully aceoupli"shcd the above neotl.oaed prograueo f,roa 01110.1982 to J1.1A.1982.Albfu fotal atad5r hotrei 1f0 bouro. Iprd Fsndit Frof.Dr.Sir Antoa ,TGN ,&N§TT }TOE DE, T,',Y.1§:IRIF, {ansukaat &.i.::'.'; :.: ; : Kelubowita, Sri Lati,.a REPLY TO FAX NO.0094 - I - 584143 LORD PANDIT PROF DR. SIR ANTON JAYASURIYA (Chairman- Medicina Altemativa) Clinical §tudies and Internships Colombo South Govemment General University Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila, Medicina Altemativa Clinic Library and Lecture Theatres BAIHUI Centre, 13413. S. de S. Jayasinghe Mawatha, Nugegoda Student Hostel and Residence l9l5, Piyaratanarama Road, Dehiwala. "HAUS CHANDRA" Hotel Studerts Residence,37, Beach Road, Mt. Lavinia, Sri Lanka- Tel. No. 0094-l-7327 55 or 0O94-l-73O236 Fax: O09.4-l :731173 "HOTEL BRIDGEON THE RMR KWAI", Kitulgala. Telephone/Fax :0094-3687575,0094-3687574 Universi§ Secretariat Please address all correspondence to Registrar O.I.U.C.M., 28, International Buddhist Centre Road, Colombo 6, Sri Lanka" Telephone:94-l-585242Telex:23039LINKCEor2326lLINKCE. FaxNo:0094-l-584148or0094-l-583337or0094-1-503575 IntemmionalDirectDialNo:0094-722-43567 otB9{72243570uN9$72244559orD4722-43580(Colombo), E-Mail : [email protected]. , medalta@eureka-lk or [email protected] or http:/lwww.medicina-altemativa-com. Bankers Prof. A. Jayasuriya, R,FC Account No. 10165, American Express Bank Ltd., C/o 28, International Buddhist Centre Road, Colombo 6, Sri Lanka- Printers Chandrakanthi Press Intemational (Pvt) Ltd., Kalubowila, Sri Lanka. Ref No, P C. C. 24110 ' t t''r , +-.lrk ifu =\4 nRD WORLD CONGRESS OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES.POST CONGRESS COURSE, HELD UNDER J rsr ausRtces oF THE woRLD HEALTH oRGANtzATtoN. THE MlNlsrRY oF HEALTH THE T,IINISTRY OF INDIGENOUS MEDICINE, SRI LANKA, MEDICINA ALTERNATIVA AND THE ACADEMY OF CHINESE TSADITIONAL MEDICINE, BEUING, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA % ,r- 6,*et,/ Euo,n,o,* ,/ .'%o,t%rlo'rrr,**,brza/6"1@"/,Mr'ruraofdoeez *. l,/',-l%/* r»*,Mnb otz,a*:ua $^'$"d"",,M........''.......... t),,, lo*,r'"kot /-) "*,,,)lo,r--4r st '. J)i, ,*bo*, o*, /-*/, /*, ...i..1..'...:....,.....'....'...da/ "/"G-+ . ' '"""' ""'rgo? -t u.-r-) \(oKefl ) , P-**-*I L^d"") r/*r 76 , %"*{n aurro f/oraa / 6o /bgu' J, /ro"$t a/*oZ ßz a.üoo*/o;/*/o gs I z;" @*,/*t, W*ro/.o4, -p*oro/ ,9?*-t** "/ €r*Z*o 'l'hi, rorificorp entitles the holder to rv tl," *ni*.1..:...1..:...4..r... ctt{; i)tit(t pt.),tesstoilal |oustrdiilts and ethics of each re§on Anil country, ;: ]E -] AT CC,L':I'BO, SRI LANKA, llE:;ISI.]:RED ADDßESs: INSTITUTE OF ACUPUNCTURE, COLOMBO SOUTH GENERAL HOSPITAL, KALUBWILA, SRI LANKA. DIIG]NIA AITTEtsNIATIIVA II NI§TII TUÜtr ,', i.i,r.,ii,*. ä V :, {il,\}tr @$ir llnttrßn fonal, 0Hnfher$ftp R.@ird*A by ib Ad.t Ndliet Pw Urnanty @nttlw.d vi&t U.N. Rcabtua No. 3il5515//fl1$ of ltqß l'rh 19E8. .: . Enablith..l B pq 1 2 Aln lu bloob4 @tM lrüandtMl rcocrn br, ül te@gnlgd, by @thorily of Eb Ex.rlLrcy 718 Pt.tM ' : : olTlQ Dwcb Socbarr Rarü& ol 9l dr625dtMtcLI98,6@lr&p.rr.btt, platcllfwdlleOpca lilqrsrtoat Artwtü;. - -" @\, §enate arrü'ttie pnurb uf pxaminerr \orebg confer on \. .. 1 DIETER WETTIG] tfue I{'ellotorlip of $e}icina Alternutiua pn tertinang fol1ereaf, tfue real sf .ffiebicinp $lternutitru ir Ilerein affixeL @ pAte: Coto.boNovember, 1993 §/ §o" rr. q3.cz§ Institut Iür Trnditionellc Chiaesische llledidn in Zusanilmer*rbßit mit dcm Union Horpitat dcr Torryii Medizinischen Univ*r§tllt iu lVuhan , Chiun Bathildis Krankenhaus Sad Pyrrnont Arzütchcletmg: Dr. med" ThomasWala F*ohsrd frr Anäs{hesie Iüfaücttertnnsn FrauProf (Chin)ünl.iq FrauDr. me«l" Hmglu, Gleichwertigkeitsb es ch einigun g FrauKathinRdncke ArdinnmfrnTraditimdle Chinesisc.he h{oalizin Zr+Yorf*g€ beim MDK Hessen Td.: 05281 /99'1661 Far 05281199-l«2 e-maiturww.tm-;ba$yrmm"de Maulbeerrllee 4 3l8l2BadPyrmotr 20.01.00 Betr.: Dieter Wettig Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin Erlkönigweg 8 65199 Wiesbaden Hiermit bescheinigen wir Herrn Wettig, bei der uns nachgewiesenen Ausbildung 1. Akupunktur-Ausbildung in Sri Lanca 1982 ( Absolvierung von 170 Stunden mit anschließend erfolgreich bestandener Prüfirng Das Curriculum und die Präfung entsprechen den Edordernissen des A-Diploms) 2. Akupunkturdusbildung bei der DAGFA (170 Stunden seit 1986) 3. Fortgeschrittenen Kuns in Akupunktur und TCM in China (160 Stunden mit anschließender bestandener Prtiftng) und seinu Iangiährigen Akupunktur - Erfihrung ( über 15 Jahre mit weit über 10.000 Akupunkturbehandlungen ) die Gleichwertigkeit zu den geforderten 140 - stündigen deutschen Akupunkturausbildungen. inrtlh f,r Utira Bstriirii &t / w4 Prof (chin.) JinLiu Europäisches Forum fur Ganzheitsmedizin GbR Zweenfurther Straße 8 H, 04318 LerpÄg Düsseldorf, den 15. Mai 2000 Gleichwertigkeitsbes eh einigun g zur Vorlage beim MDK in Hessen Betr.: Herrn Dieter Wettig.
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