OFFICIAL OROAN OFTHE IRISH TOURIST AsSOCIATION. VOL. 5. SPECIAL UHTIHG AND SHOOTING NUMBER. I RI 8 H 1'R A VEL. October, Hl20. 11111111' """""""""' 111111 1111111111 '"11' '"""11""11""""" '"1111"1111"111111"11"11""' '"11"11"11"111111'"""'~ ................................. LARGE FIRST for ROOMS for BANQUETS COMFORT Bonne Bouche DINNERS. CUISINE and MEETINGS, Etc, SERVICE ................................... Restaurant JURYIS HOTEL & 51 Dawson Street gg~~~~E === Dublin === RESTAU RAN T DUBLIN. OPEN 9.30 AM. TO 8 P.M. ~ ..N'EW'· ..AME·Ri·CAN.... ·iiAR.... ·;~·d....O·YSTER.... ·S·A'LOQj:i";::.::::: ~ in Basement. : GRILL ROOM in Basement SPECIAL FEATURES:- : RESTAURANT-Ground Floor i TEA LOUNGE-Ground Floor : COFFEE ROOM-First Floor , 2/- BUSINESS MAN'S LUNCH 1/- AFTERNOON TEA \ ~.~."'!..~.~~~~.~!.I~.~..~?().~::::~i~~t ..~~~~.~: 2/- SUPPER. Grills available all day. A la carte and Table d'Hate Meals OUTSIDE CATERING: BALLS, WEDDING BREAKFASTS, Afternoon Teas a Speciality WEDDING CAKES, ETC. RESTAURANT OPEN ON SUNDAYS Programme of popular music rendered throughout HOT AND COLD WATER and ORCHESTRA the day by the latest Marconi Public Address TELEPHONE IN BEDROOMS in Lift to all Floors Amplifier. Haitdressing Saloon REST\URANT 1 to 3 BONNE BOUCHE FANTAISIES Telegrams: .. JURYS DUBLIN" Telephone: No. 5511 in in connection with above. TEA LOUNGE J. W. MANNING, 4 to 7 Special display of Irish Knitted Jumper Suits, etc. Managing Directar. ....................................................................................................................... For Cfleliability, Vurability FOR THE HUNTING SEASON and Covering Power CO. MEATH. Furnished house with six loose boxes, --~.~ - four stalls, groom's room. Rent £25 per month. KILKENNY. In the centre of the Waterford and INDESTRUCTIBLE PAINT Kilkenny Hunt. Furnished house, eight bedrooms, FOR INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR USE dressingrooms, two bathrooms. Stabling for eight horses, garden. Rent 6 guineas per week. Co. GALWAY. Castellated residence, electric light, WALLENE WATER PAINT fishing, shooting. Rent £500 per annum. FOR INTERIOR WALL SURFACES Co. DUBLIN. Hunting six days a week. Meath, Kildare and Ward Hounds. Historic residence, STANDARD VARNISHES electric light, central heating. Rent £60 per month. FOR ALL PURPOSES Manufactured by Full particulars of the abon and of other desirable Sporting residences for letting or sale on application The Indestructible Paint to and Standard Varnish Ld. WRITE. PHONE OR VISIT JAMES H. NORTH & 00. A. E. CAIRNS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS 24 Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1 1 0 GRAFTON STREET Telephone: Telegrams: Dublin 2326. "Weatherproof, Dublin." Established a century. Telegrams: North Dublin : . IR ISH 'l'RAT'EL. October, 1929. THE TALBOT PRESS TICKETS announces FOR ALL THE GLAMOUR SERIES III. umlnatmg...the hIghways and by-ways 0f Ir~ Ian d with1 flashest de feeof LONDON THEATRES WIt, humour and imagination Vivid and graphIc to the as g the volumes of THE GLAMdUR SERIES callup for the rea~cl~~~ no formal history or travel book can do, the spmt of the real; land­ By arrangement with Messrs. of to-day and yesterday-her chequered story, the lure of he finable srape, the aspirations of her poets and patriots, a.od the lIlde ast ASHTON & MITCHELL charm of a living present that bas its roots deep ID the remote p • 33 OLD BOND STREET The Glamour of Dublin LONDON By D. L. KELLEHER. With eight etchings by Estelle Solomons, con~aini~g D? less e~fe~~ PIGOTT & CO., LTD. fifty~seven intimate cameos of old and Dew Dubho, WIth eIght p reproductions of Miss Solomons' work. are now prepared to book Demy Bvo, cloth extra. 3/6. The Glamour of the West Seats for any London Theatre By D. L. KELLEHER. and to issue Tickets for same Crown Bvo, cloth. 2/6 The Glamour of Belfast - By H. A. MAcCARTAN Full pal'liculal's sent free and TJ.eatl'e Plans Small Bvo. 2!6 may be inspected at 0111' Booking Opice The Glamour of Limerick By A.]. O'HALLORAN. Crown Bvo, cloth. 2/6 Complete Catalogue of Books about Ireland free on application. THE TALBOT PRESS, LTD., 112 GRAFTON STREET Talbot Street Dublin AND ALL BOOKSELLERS DUBLIN Visitors to Dublin The Broadway Buy Irish Poplin or some of the beautiful Soda Fountain articles made from it, as a Limited souvenir of Ireland's Capital. This unique material is made to­ day in the same way and from the same materials as in the days when 8 LOWER Huguenot refugees introduced the Most Central art into this country. Pride of O'CONNELL and Up-ta-date craft is woven into every strand. STREET DUBLIN Soda Fountaint ATKINSONS Tea Room and IRISH POPLIN Restaurant in TIES, HANDBAGS, Ireland SCARVES. HATS AND COATS Atkinson's Irish Poplin Ties S TRING BAN D daily from 4.30 to 10 p.m. are sold by good Outfitters Everywhere. Richard Atkinson U. S. A. Representalive: Also at Esplanade, Bray, Co. Wicklow The Wa",er Imporls, Ine. & Co" College Green 210 F_!th Av•.• New York. Dublin :: Estd. 1820 o 33 IRISH TRAVEL. October, ] !.l29. Power's Three Swallow Whiskey Guaranteed Pure Pot Still, over seven years old. All Barley used is grown in Ireland. JOHN POWER & SON, LTD. John's Lane Distillery, Dublin ;ST"EAMs-HIPS - RAILWAYS - HOT.ELS - EXPRESS. TO AND FROM COBH DIRECT. The only route which provides com­ plete steamships. trains and hotels under one management throughout. Through bookings to New Zealand and Australia connecting with the Canadian Australasian Line. ~" ~ For safety of funds when travelling ~"" v· carry Canadian Pacific Express ,,"" .L Travellers' Cheques. " ~Q ~ ~ CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, ..., "(~. 10 Weslbouroe Place. COBH. O~ \S' ~~ C~~~~ ~~~-(~ 4)"£ST TRANSPO 34 SU BSCRI PTlON 5/- PER ANNUM. PUBLISHED 00 EACH MONTH. COPIES FREE TO ALL MEMBERS 00 OF THE IRISH WHOLESALE FROM ASSOCIATION AND OF ITS ASSOCIATE EASON &; SON, Ltd. DEPARTMENT TRAVEL DUBLIN. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION, DUBLIN. VOL. 5 OCTOBER. 1929 NO.2 illlpro\'e their game ,Illd elilllillnie poncher:;. Through­ Hunting & Shooting. out tIll' ('olllltry th..:re me vnst nre,IS ranging up to 30.000 ,lCrl'''; holding all sorts of galllC ,md for \\'hich N another place ill this number of " Irish 'Tl't\vel .. there is no ('har~e 1ll1Hle tD 'portsll1en, It will all;o wc give detailed inforlllation 11bout tbe hunt,:; be found tlwt 1111\ll~ hotels ha\" holding:; to \I'hich of Ireland ;ll1d also tnbulnted inJ'ol'll1<rtio!l deal­ guests hl1\e aCtef;s at llomin1l1 co t. ing \';ith the best shootirw districts, o The Irish Tourist "\ssocilltion wishes to intiul1lte to .\ perusal of tbe hunting lists will benr out hunting Illcn and to tho!<e \I'ho llre int 'rested in . boot­ the statement fr 'quenil,v rpiterated in this ing that it place,.; its ,.;en,jces elltirely Ht their dis­ maoazine that the nctll1rl eost f huntin~ in posal and \I'ill g[,HlIy help with infOl'llltltioll and ad­ tbis country is \'erv mudr belm\' th ('ost of bunting \'ice ull \1'110 l'ontemplnte vi,.;iting lrel'\I1d for hunting of equnl quaJit, a~\'where else, .\dded to 1001.\' sub­ or shooting. Sl:riptions to the va~ions hunb, it lllust be borne in mind thnt th rents of residences suitable for huntin~ boxes is also extremely low when cOl11lHued \\'ith pri(·e,.; Dublin's Civic Week. prevailin<s in Grent Britnin. .\pnrt from the inexpen­ Dublin':; Civic ,','eek has adder] another success to siveness of tbe sport, hUlltincr viRitors will find tbnt 1 0 ()r.~,mizatio:l rish horse'l, Irish hospitality, nncl \\'c lll,ly sny \I'ith ihe list of triUlllphs \I'hir-ll IrelHnd hns all sincerity the Irish l'lilIlntl', with its infrequent nl'l'llllg'd this yl'1,r. It is 110 SJl1ltll feat to organize .ft frosts, combine to guarnntl'e to viRitor' 11 perfeet Illilitnl'.\ tnt!oo, H salon of photogrfIJphy, a histori('a] hunting holiday. IHIgennt-to f;,ly nothing of concerts, art cxhibits and Sil1lUlt"lllcousl~~. In the matter of shooti,lg, visitors \I'i11 in \'ery fell' leetmes, nncl to stage them Yet that cases have the opportunity of 'itting behind butts i8 \"hat the Civie \Yeek COlllmittee, with the aid of wniting for their g1~me to b driven to them. They \l'iJling' \'ollmtar,l' \I'orker,:;, did. The erowds which . will find that in mo t cases they must go looking for attended tlw \'arious ,Imnsements, despite the unex­ tbeir sport, \\'hi~h "'il! not be difficult to find. for peded transport difficulties, \\'ere in themselves 1ri. It lando\\'ner. have come to re'llise thnt visitDr:; ln 11 tribute from the citizens to the committee's a district mean money nnd they havc b1kell step" to efforts. WHERE TO HUNT AND SHOOT IN IRELAND. SEE PAGES 46 10 51. ] R ] 8 H 'l'RJrEL. Odobel', 1929. In the Western Gaeltacht-Scenes on Apan of the Saints l. Houses on Aran. 2. A Group or Corrachs. 3. Horsemen. 4. They hoth seem pleased. 5. Brin~ing in the Turr 6.• hipping Cattle ror the mainland. 7. At the Fair. We are indebted to Messrs. Mason, Ltd., Dublin, PhotographiC' Spl'C'ialists, for permiSSIOn to reproduce all the above photographs except o. 4, the copyrip:ht of which helong's to 1\1 i" Brnd~'. The photographs ('an he had in post('ar<1 form from Messrs. Mason. 36 ()ctobcr, 1020. I R ISH '1' R A l' l1J L, CHURCH OF ST. WERBURGH, DUBLIN. CJ3y JOHN]. 1tEYNOLDS of the :Municipal Art Gollery, 'Dublin. -had churche~ dedicated to her memory; of St. W('rblll'g"h, which I1arris states \las and as Henry IT. by a special charter destroyed by hre in 1301. ,,,signed Dublin to an invading colony In J6<;~ the church was enlarrred and cOlllposed mainly of "his good men of it is stated that it had then 7, at 'the B"isto!," it is easy to nnderstand the re­ chancel end a square tower, with a short dpd ictltion of the old Celtic church of spire and a gilt weathercock"· and in St.
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