Landfill Aeration as a Contribution to Landfill Stabilization and Climate Protection Seventh International exchange of experience meeting of COCOON Potsdam 6. 2. 2019 Rainer Stegmann, Karsten Hupe, Kai-Uwe Heyer, Astrid Koop, Rainer Hiemstra IFAS – Ingenieurbüro für Abfallwirtschaft Consultants for Waste Management Prof. R. Stegmann und Partner www.ifas-hamburg.de These Landfills are now mostly closed Deponiebetrieb in Hangzhou, China Tägliche Ablagerungsmenge ca. 6000 t/d Potential of Landfills in the Aftercare Phase Larger closed Landfills in Germany: • ca. 400 – 600 landfills with relevant gas production • Gas collection and treatment systems in general existing, may need repair or reconstruction • Gas utilization phase is already or will be shortly completed • Climate gas emission potential still 8 - 10 Mio. Mg CO2-Äq./a • Gas collection efficiency 20 – 60% (ca. 40-60% at „younger“ landfills) Landfill Gas Collection and Utilization Is required due to landfill regulation in Germany/Europe (state of the art) • Landfill gas collection via horizontal pipe system or vertical wells and gas transportation pipes • Mostly CHP, gas engines/turbines for energetic gas utilisation compressor transformer station CHP / gas engine Collected Amounts of LFG after Closure Data from different German landfills 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% erfasste Gasproduktion normiert [%] normiert Gasproduktion erfasste 0% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Jahre Yearsnach Abschluss after landfill der Ablagerung closure [a] LFG collected (standardized amount in %) in amount (standardized collected LFG Source: K.-U. Heyer (IFAS, Hamburg) PredictionForecast regarding of Time the until long- teLeachaterm emissionhas behaviour reached of different its final landfillD typesischarge via the Quality leachate path Parameters Required Initial Period required value concentration until CE is CE C0 reached [ mg/l ] [ mg/l ] [ a ] COD 200 Domestic waste landfill 1200 – 3800 75 – 120 MBP landfill 450 – 2000 35 – 100 Landfill with ashes from WIP 15 - 600 0 – 50 Construction waste landfill 100 - 250 0 – 10 Ntot. 70 Domestic waste landfill 400 – 800 110 – 160 MBP landfill 150 - 250 45 – 80 Landfill with ashes from WIP 4 – 200 0 – 65 Construction waste landfill 20 - 200 0 – 65 Cl 100 Domestic waste landfill 1000 – 2100 110 – 150 MBP landfill 420 - 980 70 - 110 Landfill with ashes from WIP 290 – 12000 50 – 230 Construction waste landfill 100 - 600 0 – 90 WIP: waste incineration plants Assumptions: Deposition thickness: 20 m; new formation of leachate: 250 mm/a Initial concentration C0: range of leachate concentrations of different landfill types during the operating phase, respectively at the beginning of the closing phase Sustainable Landfill Concept Bioreactor Landfills Mech.- biol. Incineration Pretreatment Operation Phase MBT- Bottom Ash Landfilling Landfilling Post operation phase Low gas production In situ Aeration (+ Water Addition?) Surface capping Aftercare Phase passive Aerobisation Observation Phase “Sustainable Landfill” Sustainable Landfill Landfill Aeration By converting an anaerobic into aerobic MSW landfill, biological degradation of the residual organics will be enhanced by factor 2-3 and resulting in a biologically stabilized landfill with a low emission potential in about 8-10 years: • Significant reduction of the emission potential • Reduction of the aftercare phase • Avoidance of GHG emissions (about 10% - 20% of the total CO2 and CH4 production) • Improvement of the leachate quality (mainly with regard to organic pollutants and ammonia-nitrogen) • Acceleration and completion of the main landfill settlements • Earlier recovery of landfill space Avoidance of Residual LFG Emissions After gas utilization , residual gas (10-20% of total gas potential) emits into the atmosphere for several decades. Landfill aeration can avoid these climate gas emissions. Deposition period Total gas production Collected gas [ m³/h ] m³/h [ Closure and after care period production gas gas Landfill Landfill aeration need for action Landfill Aeration Methods • Low pressure aeration with off-gas treatment • Landfill aeration through over suction with off-gas treatment • Medium pressure aeration without off-gas capturing and passive exhaust air treatment in methane oxidation layer • High-pressure aeration Landfill Doerentrup Aeration Barsbüttel Oversuction Low Pressure Aeration AEROflott® ▪ Continuous aeration with low pressure (20 to 80 mbar) ▪ Air distribution in the landfill body by convection und diffusion ▪ Parallel aeration and off-gas extraction ▪ Off-gas treatment in non catalytic thermal oxidation, lean gas flares or biofilter (different efficiencies) Source: Heyer et al. AEROflott® Low Pressure Landfill Aeration Landfill aeration: 80 – 90% of methane reduction in landfill body Exhaust air treatment (e.g.:RTO / high temperature oxidation): 10 – 20% of methane reduction via exhaust air treatment 0% 10-20% 0% compressor ca. 80-90% CH4-reduction via aeration e.g. RTO Technical Realization of Landfill Aeration in Germany AEROflott low Pressure in-situ Aeration Successfully completed projects: ➢ Kuhstedt landfill, Rotenburg (Wümme) – Lower Saxony (UBA/BMBF-project with Institute of Waste Management, TUHH) ➢ Amberg-Neumühle landfill – Bavaria ➢ Milmersdorf landfill, Uckermark – Brandenburg Actual projects: ➢ Dörentrup landfill, Lippe – North Rhine-Westphalia ➢ Süpplingen landfill, Helmstedt – Lower Saxony ➢ Schwalbach-Griesborn landfill – Saarland ➢ Halberbracht landfill, Olpe – North Rhine-Westphalia ➢ Landfill Tötensen, Lower Saxony ➢ Landfill Wolfenbüttel, Lower Saxony Aeration with active Oversuction ▪ Air is sucked in through the landfill surface by means of an induced vacuum ▪ Gas wells are slotted in the lower part of the pipe ▪ „Passive“ aeration wells may increase the aeration efficiency ▪ Off-gas treatment thermal or in bio-filters ▪ Vacuum from low to high (50 -> 300mbar) ▪ Aeration effect lower compared to active aeration Examples for active Oversuction of Landfills in Germany Intensive residential and commercial utilization of closed landfills including building development ▪ Landfill Kiel Drachensee ▪ Landfill Schenefeld ▪ Landfill Barsbuettel ▪ Landfill Stemwarde (I), (II) ▪ Landfill Oher Tannen ▪ Landfill Baldurstr- Bockholtstr./Kassenberger Str. (Bochum) ▪ Landfill Dorstener Straße (Oberhausen) ▪ …and some more projects from the 80ies. Civil Works and Installations 15,50 Gas wells for aeration and gas extraction 16,00 Northern gas distribution station 16,50 17,00 17,50 18,00 19,5019,00 18,50 16,00 20,00 21,00 20,50 21,50 15,50 ,50 19,0 0 0 15,00 19,0 14,5 0 0 14,5 Main aeration pipe 16,016,0 0 0 17,017,0 0 0 18,018,0 0 0 21,00 14,50 Main gas extraction pipe 20,50 14,00 Gas distribution station 14,50 20,00 „middle“ 15,00 19,519,5 0 0 18,018,0 0 0 15,50 15, 15, 00 00 16,00 16,50 , 14, 00 00 17,00 14, 17,50 18,00 18,50 19,00 19,50 13, 13, 50 50 19,0 0 0 Operation area: 20,00 19,0 19,519,5 0 0 18,5 0 0 - Container with blowers for the 18,5 18, 18, 00 00 13,0 0 0 aeration and gas extraction 13,0 - off gas treatment 17,50 17,00 Southern gas 16,50 13,50 15,50 16,00 - Workshop, lounge container 14,00 15,00 distribution station , AEROflott-system Landfill Süpplingen - District Helmstedt Carbon Reduction as a Result of Landfill Aeration Comparison with the predicted carbon release under anaerobic milieu conditions (Milmersdorf Landfill, Brandenburg) Reduction of the Landfill Gas Production Landfill Kuhstedt, District Rothenburg 30 28,3 25 20 15 10 9,5 LFG-production [m³/ton DM] [m³/ton LFG-production 6,7 5 3,2 0 prior to aeration after 2 years after 4 years after 6 years (completion) Reduction of GHG – Emissions Landfill Kuhstedt, District Rothenburg 35000 30000 25000 without thermal off-gas with thermal off-gas treatment treatment: (RTO): reduction of GHG-emissions due 20000 reduction of GHG-emissions inside to the aerobic conditions inside the landfill and through the RTO the landfill body 15000 conditions CO2-equivalents CO2] [Mg 10000 total total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (CO2-equivalents) anaerobic under landfill secondary 5000 28% emissions caused by energy 4% 0 CO2-equivalents (anaerobic) CO2-equivalents (aerated) CO2-equivalents (aerated+RTO) Change of Waste Characteristics due to Aeration Landfill Kuhstedt, District Rothenburg 40 before aeration 35 after aeration 30 25 20 /kg DM]; [%DM]; [mg/kg DM] Norm 15 - 86% - 48% /g DM]; [l 2 10 - 63% [mg O 5 - 83% - 52% 0 RI4 GP21 VS TOC TKN [mg O2/g DM] [lNorm/kg DM] [% DM] [% DM] [mg/kg DM] Landfill Settlement as a Result of Aeration Landfill Kuhstedt District Rothenburg September 1999 April 2002 March 2003 Change of Leachate Quality due to Aeration Results from Lab. Scale Lysimeter Tests Leachate (from LSR Leachate (from LSR tests) before aeration tests) after aeration Variation Parameter (average) (average) NH4-N [mg/l] 322 52 -84 % BOD5 [mg/l] 299 39 -87 % TOC [mg/l] 456 114 -75 % Solid Waste Samples before and after In- Situ Aeration Waste sample before aeration Waste sample after aeration Operation Scheme for Closed Landfills Approx. 10 – 20 years leachate treatment after closure gas collection / utilization (leachate recirculation) at low gas production Approx. 8 - 10 in situ- aeration (leachte re-circulation) years leachate treatment at low biological activity surface capping passive aeration Long term co- treatment with sewage or „ natural“ treatment supervision / monitoring In Situ Aeration of the Bornum landfill, Germany In operation since 08/2014 (with interruptions due to technical problems with
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