DIVINE OFFICE LAUDS AND VESPERS FOR HOLY THURSDAY & GOOD FRIDAY ST. JOHN THE BELOVED CATHOLIC CHURCH MCLEAN, VA Please stand and make the sign of the cross as priest (or cantor) intones “O God, come to my assistance.” Bow at “Glory to the Father…Holy Spirit” *While the Divine Office may be sung, this prayer may be simply recited. A video will be posted on our website:www.StJohnCatholicMcLean.org (click on WORSHIP THE LORD, then DIVINE OFFICE) Contact James Senson, Director of Music, for any questions: [email protected] 2 LAUDS (MORNING PRAYER) HYMN Take Up Thy Cross Saint Michael Hymnal, #412 Take up thy cross, the Savior said, If thou wouldst my disciple be; Take up thy cross with willing heart, And humbly follow after me. Take up thy cross, let not its weight Fill thy weak spirit with alarm; His strength shall bear thy spirit up, And brace thy heart, and nerve thine arm. Take up thy cross, heed not the shame, And let thy foolish heart be still; The Lord for thee accepted death Upon a cross, on Calv’ry’s hill. Take up thy cross, then, in his strength, And calmly ev’ry danger brave; It guides thee to a better home, And leads to vict’ry o’er the grave. Take up thy cross, and follow Christ, Nor think till death to lay it down; For only those who bear the cross May hope to wear the glorious crown. Please be seated. Holy Thursday, LAUDS: p. 5 Good Friday, LAUDS: p. 22 3 VESPERS (EVENING PRAYER) HYMN When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Saint Michael Hymnal, #830 When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the death of Christ, my God: All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. See, from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down! Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown? Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. Please be seated. Holy Thursday, VESPERS: p. 14 Good Friday, VESPERS: p. 32 4 HOLY THURSDAY / LAUDS (MORNING PRAYER) PSALMODY Psalm verses are sung antiphonally between the cantor (I) and all (II). ANTIPHON 1 PSALM 80 I O shep-herd of Israel │hear us, * you │who lead Jo-seph’s flock, II shine forth from your cheru-│bim throne * upon Ephraim, Benja-│min, Manasseh. I O LORD, rouse up │your might, * O LORD, │come to our help. II God of hosts, │bring us back; * let your face shine on us │and we shall be saved. I LORD God of hosts, │how long * will you frown │on your peo-ple’s plea? II You have fed them with tears for │their bread, * an abundance of │tears for their drink. I You have made us the taunt of our │neighbors, * our enemies │laugh us to scorn. II God of hosts, │bring us back; * let your face shine on us │and we shall be saved. 5 I You brought a vine out of │Egypt; * to plant it you drove │out the nations. II Before it you │cleared the ground; * it took root and │spread through the land. I The mountains were covered with its │shadow, * the cedars of │God with its boughs. II It stretched out its branches │to the sea, * to the Great River it │stretched out its shoots. I Then why have you broken │down its walls? * It is plucked by │all who pass by. II It is ravaged by the boar of the │forest, * devoured by the │beasts of the field. I God of hosts, turn again, │we im-plore, * look down from │heaven and see. II Visit this vine and pro-│tect it, * the vine your right │hand has planted. I Men have burnt it with fire and de-│stroyed it. * May they perish at the │frown of your face. II May your hand be on the man you have │chosen, * the man you have │given your strength. I And we shall never forsake │you a-gain: * give us life that we may │call upon your name. II God of hosts, │bring us back; * let your face shine on us │and we shall be saved. Bow at “Glory to the Father…. Holy Spirit.” I Glory to the Father, and │to the Son, * and to the │Holy Spirit: II as it was in the beginning, │is now, * and will be for-│ever. Amen. 6 ANTIPHON 2 CANTICLE: ISAIAH 12:1-6 I I give you thanks, │O LORD; * though you have been an-│gry with me. II your anger has a-│bated, * and you │have con-soled me. I God indeed is my │savior; * I am confident and │unafraid. II My strength and my courage │is the LORD, * and he has │been my sav-ior. I With joy you will draw wa-│ter † at the fountain of sal-│vation, * and say │on that day: II Give thanks to the LORD, acclaim │his name; † Among the nations make │known his deeds, * proclaim how exal-│ted is his name. I Sing praise to the LORD for his glorious a-│chievement; * let this be known through-│out all the earth. II Shout with exultation, O city of │Zion, * for great in your midst is the Holy One │of Is-ra-el. 7 I Glory to the Father, and │to the Son, * and to the │Holy Spi-rit: II as it was in the beginning, │is now, * and will be forev-│er. Amen. ANTIPHON 3 PSALM 81 I Ring out your │joy to God our strength, * shout in triumph to the │God of Ja-cob. II Raise a song and │sound the timbrel, * the sweet-sounding │harp and the lute. I blow the trumpet │at the new moon, * when the moon is │full, on our feast. II For │this is Is-rael’s law, * a command of the │God of Ja-cob. I He imposed it as a │rule on Joseph, * when he went out against the │land of E-gypt. 8 II A voice I did not │know said to me: * “I freed your shoulder │from the bur-den; I your hands were │freed from the load. * You called in distress │and I saved you. II I answered, concealed │in the storm cloud, * at the waters of Meri-│bah I tes-ted you. I Listen, my people, │to my warning, * O Israel, if │only you would heed! II Let there be no foreign │god among you, * no worship │of an a-lien god. I I am the LORD │your God, † who brought you from the │land of Egypt. * Open wide your mouth and │I will fill it. II But my people │did not heed my voice * and Israel │would not o-bey. I so I left them in their │stubbornness of heart * to follow │their own de-signs. II O that my │peo-ple would heed me, * that Israel would │walk in my ways. I At once I │would subdue their foes, * turn my hand a-│gainst their e-ne-mies. II The LORD’s enemies would │cringe at their feet * and their subjection would │last for e-ver. I But Israel I would │feed with fin-est wheat * and fill them with │honey from the rock.” II Glory to the │Father, and to the Son, * and to the │Holy Spir-it: I as it was in the be-│ginning, is now, * and will be for-│ever. A-men. 9 READING Hebrews 2:9-10 We see Jesus crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, that through God’s gracious will he might taste death for the sake of all men. Indeed, it was fitting that when bringing many sons to glory God, for whom and through whom all things exist, should make their leader in the work of salvation perfect through suffering. RESPONSORY 10 Please stand. BENEDICTUS Luke 1:68-79 ANTIPHON: CANTICLE OF ZECHARIAH Make the sign of the cross as all sing “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel.” all: Bless-ed be the LORD, the God of │Is-ra-el; * He has come to his peo-│ ple and set them free. He has raised up for us a mighty │savior, * born of the house of his │servant David. Through his holy prophets he promised † of old that he would save us from our │en-e-mies, * from the hands of │all who hate us. He pro-mised to show mercy to our │fathers * and to remember his │holy co-ve-nant. 11 This was the oath he swore to our father │Ab-ra-ham: * to set us free from the hands │of our en-e-mies, Free to worship him with-│out fear, * holy and righteous in his sight all the │days of our life. You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the │Most High;* for you will go before the LORD │to prepare his way, To give his people knowledge of sal-│vation * by the for-│giveness of their sins. In the tender compassion of │our God * the dawn from on high shall │break upon us, To shine on those who dwell in dark-†ness and the shadow │of death, * and to guide our feet in-│to the way of peace. Glory to the Father, and │to the Son, * and to the │Holy Spirit: As it was in the beginning, │is now, * and will be for-│ever.
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