Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923 ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Issue: Technical Considerations for Rice Fortification in Public Health Fortification of rice: technologies and nutrients Georg Steiger,1 Nadina Muller-Fischer,¨ 2 Hector Cori,1 and Beatrice´ Conde-Petit2 1DSM Nutritional Products AG, Kaiseraugst, Switzerland. 2Buhler¨ AG, Uzwil, Switzerland Address for correspondence: Georg Steiger, DSM Nutritional Products AG, Wurmisweg 576, Kaiseraugst, Aargau 4303, Switzerland. [email protected] This article provides a comprehensive review of the currently available technologies for vitamin and mineral rice fortification. It covers currently used technologies, such as coating, dusting, and the various extrusion technologies, with the main focus being on cold, warm, and hot extrusion technologies, including process flow, required facilities, and sizes of operation. The advantages and disadvantages of the various processing methods are covered, including a discussion on micronutrients with respect to their technical feasibility during processing, storage, washing, and various cooking methods and their physiological importance. The microstructure of fortified rice kernels and their properties, such as visual appearance, sensory perception, and the impact of different micronutrient formulations, are discussed. Finally, the article covers recommendations for quality control and provides a summary of clinical trials. Keywords: rice fortification; technologies; nutrients; vitamins; minerals Introduction: why rice fortification? accessible to people at the bottom of the income pyramid. Unpolished rice is a rich source of vita- Rice is a rich source of macro and micronutrients mins B1, B6, E, and niacin.2 During polishing, the in its unmilled form. During rice milling the fat majority (75–90%) of these vitamins are removed. and micronutrient-rich bran layers are removed to Only when parboiled does more than 50% of the produce the commonly consumed starch-rich white water-soluble vitamin levels of brown rice remain, rice. White rice is the number one staple food in the and this is due to their migration from the outer rice countries of southeast and northeast Asia, one layers to the endosperm.2 of the most densely populated regions in the world. Of the world’s rice production, 90% is grown and Micronutrients: selection and suitability consumed in Asia. On average, 30% of calories come It is important to stress that the selection of from rice and this can increase to more than 70% micronutrients depends not only on their legal sta- in some low-income countries.1 In most languages tus, price, expected bioavailability, stability, and sen- of these regions, the words for rice and food are sory acceptability but also on the product forms synonymous. It should be noted that rice is also an fitting the applied fortification technology. In some important staple food in several African countries applications, water-soluble forms might be suitable, and the Americas. and in others water insoluble or even oily forms Rice is therefore a potentially excellent product might be preferred. for delivering micronutrients to a very large num- ber of people and has the potential to significantly Minerals alleviate micronutrient deficiencies. However, this Zinc deficiency is often an important public health will only achieve the desired result as long as the issue. As in flour fortification, zinc oxide in rice for- sensory characteristics of the end product are not tification is doubtless the product form of choice un- discernibly changed and people do not object to less a highly water-soluble product form is needed. incorporating fortified rice into their daily diet. In Zinc oxide does not cause taste issues, has a good addition, using rice to deliver micronutrients will bioavailability, is cheap, and has no effect on color. work only as long as fortified rice is economically There is also no effect at the levels used on vitamin A doi: 10.1111/nyas.12418 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2014) 1–11 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. 1 The World Health Organization retains copyright and all other rights in the manuscript of this article as submitted for publication. Rice fortification in public health Steiger et al. stability. Zinc sulphate works as well, but it is more ability is only at 3%. Emulsified nanoparticles are expensive and there might be a negative effect on expensive and the high cost from this formulated vitamin A stability when used together.3 product might be an obstacle.6 In some countries, Iron is considered one of the most limiting mi- such as the United States, ferric orthophosphate cronutrients, especially in diets based mainly on is used in rice fortification, but this nearly white polished rice. Unpolished rice contains about 2.6 powder has an even lower bioavailability than ferric mg iron/100 grams. The native molar ratio of phy- pyrophosphate.7,8 tate to iron (>10) might inhibit absorption. In pol- Ferrous sulphate should only be used in special ished rice the iron level can be as low as 0.4–0.6 mg/ cases due to its interaction with the rice matrix. Only 100 grams.2 Considering the already low bioavail- dried ferrous sulphate is useful and the product is ability of iron in unpolished rice due to the amount limited to use in only a few technologies. It might of phytate,4 the physiological effect of the reduction be used in dusting and in some coating techniques; of intrinsic iron from milling is expected to be low. however, it can turn brown over time when convert- Iron fortification and polishing of rice improves the ing to ferric sulphate. In addition, the water solu- phytate:iron ratio. Food processing, food prepara- bility of ferrous sulphate is an issue. Washing and tion, and side dishes consumed together with for- cooking rice leads to high losses of this iron form, tified rice might influence bioavailability in posi- especially if excess water is drained after cooking. tive and negative ways. Thus, bioavailability studies Ferrous sulphate has a metallic taste, and its taste based on the active substance alone have to be con- and color effects depend on the quality of the fer- sidered with care. Fortification of rice with iron is rous sulphate used, even when specifications might only indicated if other suitable vehicles for iron for- be identical. tification are not available in the food basket. Iron ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid sodium salt Ferric pyrophosphate is often used in rice for- (NaFeEDTA) became an important ingredient in ce- tification. It is nearly white or off-white, and due real fortification, mainly in wheat and maize flours. to its low solubility at the pH of rice, interaction Due to the high iron bioavailability in the presence of with other rice components and other nutrients absorption inhibitors, such as phytate, NaFeEDTA is low. Thus, the effect on color during storage would be a product form of choice in rice fortifi- of rice kernels is minimal. Also important is the cation. However, in fortification that uses nutrient- minimal effect on the promotion of rancid fat or loaded rice (coating) or fortified extruded kernels degradation of vitamin A. Regular ferric pyrophos- with inclusion rates of about 1:50 to 1:200, there phate has a mean particle size of about 20 mand are still color issues to be solved because of the high shows a relatively low interaction with the food concentration in the fortified kernels. In addition, matrix; however, the bioavailability of this grade is the effect of NaFeEDTA on vitamin A stability has the lowest among the ferric pyrophosphates. Milled to be considered. ferric pyrophosphate has a mean particle size of Ferrous fumarate is widely used in cereal forti- about 2–3 m; it has a higher bioavailability than fication; however, in rice fortification it is not rec- regular ferric pyrophosphate, and it shows more ommended because of its effects on color and taste. interaction with the rice matrix.3,5 Nanoparticles Elemental iron, though cheap, is also not recom- of ferric pyrophosphate in an emulsifying matrix mended. It does not work in dusting and in ex- (SunactiveR ) are not water soluble, but are re- truded kernels as it leads to gray discoloration and ported to have a bioavailability comparable to fer- its bioavailability is low. Other iron forms are dis- rous sulphate due to the very small particle size. cussed in the literature, and their suitability for rice However, this depends heavily on the food matrix, fortification remains open. and in rice this has proved not to be the case. It Neither unpolished nor polished rice are rich has been shown that in hot-extruded rice the rela- sources of calcium. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) tive bioavailability (RBV) of ferrous sulphate from is a suitable calcium source and has a whitening micronized dispersible ferric pyrophosphate is only effect, which might be useful in hot extrusion if 24%. If added to rice without extrusion, the RBV more opaque kernels are needed (levels up to 30% is only 15%. Thus, the hot-extrusion process in- CaCO3 occur in fortified kernels). Hot extrusion creases the RBV by 60%. In absolute terms the avail- at high mechanical energy input leads to glossy, 2 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. xxxx (2014) 1–11 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. The World Health Organization retains copyright and all other rights in the manuscript of this article as submitted for publication. Steiger et al. Rice fortification in public health semi-transparent kernels that resemble parboiled As brown (unpolished) rice is an excellent source kernels. Other calcium sources are calcium chlo- of thiamine and white rice is not, it was logical ride or calcium lactate gluconate, but these are to consider the addition of this nutrient to white used for only special purposes. Calcium chloride rice.
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