It Sec Around the Campus he unflower on Page 2 T SOFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER Volume LXVIII—Number 54 KANSAS May 19, 1964 Concert to Be HeW PyJjJjgJj™ to Speak In Amphitheatre An outdoor twilight concert will be presented by the Univiversity of Wichita symphonic band tonight, at 7:15 in At Commencement the Fine Arts Centet Amphitheatre. The band, under the direction o f --------- and publisher of the El Dorado Times and a native Kansan, will James Kerr, will present a concert of contrasting numbers which will ■Te av3 indfof Commencement June 7, President Lindquist announced. ircliuie “State Pair March,” by BA Students Paul Yoder which has been dedicat­ ox- J SoS' 'i J l K o J S - T 'iS S ed to the Kansas State Fair. Given Awards excises, said President Lindquist, a ivVvov?''^'r v ' Richara L. Mitts. Homor Others to be presented ore “When Clymor, who has edited Z El f rL i 1,. Johnny Comes Marching Home,” an “American Salute” by Morton Gould At Banquet J,, ----lias .ys.w..been cK-uivt-active in111 ...................‘ ..I.iv.iitNiHalph W.w. JinwtM]Tn\yt*rton. ion. I'iiion.'ilo j'JiiwmEilwin Knice, lee, JlobertJtobert PPaul a u l and "Lmly of Spain,” by Tochard numerous business, social and re- ».,iS^^bwermann. Gerald Wuyno Shot- Evans. The Wichita premier per­ Two outstanding Inisiness stu­ liKious 0 ,-ganisations thoa.hout tiletile state. ____________ Krne.Ht P e x Sm ith, Leln n d lii! formance of "Prairie Overture,” dents were awarded tlie Frank A. Suiiiding', by Ikibert Ward will also be per­ Neff Memorial Award at the third He has served as State Chair- Mason Jack Stafford, William A nmn of the Kansas Associated Stangarone, .Sidney L. Stark, Etl- formed. Along with these there will annual College of Bu.siness banciuet ward J{. Stephens, Thomas A. Strii- be Spanish and English music and Press, a member of Sigma Chi hle, Allen W. Stucky, James M. Friday night. several marches. Fraternity, and is a 50 year Mason. Stump, Donald D. Sullivan, Michael He has been President of the Kan­ Gautier Toarney, Charles E. Tis­ Admission is free, and spectators The recipients of tlie award were dale, Frcilorlck D. Vaughan, Char­ sas Daily Newspaper Association, t s D. W alton, R ichard Nowell are urged to bring lawn chairs and Donald E. Copenhaver and James Wells, Dennis Charles Whitcomb, blankets. The amphitheatre will the William Allen White Founda­ Paul Henry Wlechman, A. Dee Wopdham, and Charles David accommodate 3,500 people. J. Eedinger. The winners' names tion, the Kansas State Historical W right. are inscribed on plaques which are Society, and the El Dorado Cham­ Associate of Applied Science; ber of Commerce. Mary Marie Adams, Dlano Doe placed in the Frank A. Neff Hall. Bogle, Sharon Kay Carney, Jea­ Summer Schedule He is a graduate of the College nette Kay Cotton, Juliet Jean Coyne, xrarilyn Kathryn Gegen, The awards are made annually of Emporia and had attended the Diana Marie Hartman, Patricia Leo Changiles Announced on the basis of individual achieve­ University of Kansas as a gradu­ McCurry, Sue Ann Ward, ami Ro­ ate student. berta Jean Weir. The Registar’s Office has ment, leadership, extra-curricular School of Engineering announced changes in the Art Candidates for Baccalaurate de­ Bachelor of Science In Aeronau­ activities and grade point average. grees are: tical Engineering: Gary Wallace courses offered in the Summer , l’>^«oneth C raig Forem an, School Schedule already pub­ Students are recommended for the College of Bu.siness Administration Richard A. Garcia, Donald L. Hull and Industry I'lont, Spencer Loader. lished. award by a sub-committee composed M llbert Wnyno Llnscheld, Thomas The following Art courses Bachelor of Science lii Busliu-sa Bruce McDavltt. Michael Carter of the dean of the College of Ailmlnlstriitlon: Joyce Leo Austin McMahon, John Louis Mhore, Law­ will be dropped from the Sum­ Business Administration and heads and Donald Keith Gray. rence Kent Mullendore, ^relvin mer School Schedule: 281, Cer­ Bachelor of Business Adtiiinis- Everett Ratzlaff, Henry Lockwood of the departments in the College. iratlon: Jerry K. Allen, Herbert ^V. White, and Danny Jacob Wllllg. amics I; 282, Ceramics-11; 285, Bcaler, Philip Edward Bllck, Char­ Riuhelor of Science In Electrical They are nominated by meinbers les Norman Brown, Dennis N Engineering: Gary Paul Anthony. Sculpture I; 381, Ceramics III; Claypool, Robert Noel Danby, Eii- Rolla A. Clymer Gerald Earl Crain, Kolton Lee Far-1 382, Ceramics IV; 385, Sculpture of the business college faculty. rlH, Samuel L. Harris. Richard Al­ 11: 386, Sculpture III; 476, len Hnldaway, Charles Wilson Jef­ Prior to the banquet, Sheldon ferson, Kenneth Robert Kuhlman, Ceramics V; 482, Cemamics VI, James Raymond Lucas, Phillip Coleman, president and chairman George Martin. Eldon Montgomery. 485. Sculpture IV; 509, Special WU’s Pershing Rifles Vern ytnxz Morton. David Lee Nich­ Problems in Sculpture; 510, of the board of the Coleman Com­ olson. Terry Bruce Penner, David N- Hager, Merle Dean Rich. Joseph Special Problems in Sculpture; pany, was selected 1964 honorary Df>nald Rhillcutt, George F red 311. Special Problems in Cer­ member of Alpha Kappa Psi, pro­ Win Overall Trophy (Continued on Page 4) amics; and 512, Special Pro­ fessional business fraternity. blems in Ceramics. Company F-7, the University unit of Pershing Rifles, .Art 141, Basic-Art I, will be The purpose of the banquet, ac­ won the “A” Overall Roving Trophy during the annual as­ Farnsworth, added. This is a 5*hour course cording to Jack D. Heysinger, sembly of the 7th Regiment held here last week. meeting for 6 weeks from 7:30- dean of the Business College, was About 300 students from ROTC pany exhibition platoon placed third 12 daily. The class will be held units at universities in four states in competition. John Whitehead of Ungs Injured in the basement of Ablah Li­ to recognize and honor student attended the assembly and drill Company F-7 placed 2nd in M-1 brary. scholarship anti other personnel. competition, disassembly and assembly. Summer School enrollment In Accident Other special guests invited to In second place was the Mis- The University machine gun crew will take place on Monday, June souri School of Mines’ Company took another first place to add to Dr. David Farnsworth, associate 15. The summer school sessions the banquet included President and K-7. Henderson State College's Com- its growing list of wins. professor in political science, was will begin on June 16; the six- Mrs. Emory Lindquist, Dean and |.any S-7 took third place. „ reported in satisfactory condition week session will close on July Mrs. Hugo Wall, Dr. ainl Mrs. The Un,vere.ty_ PerehmK R.tles commamiinf officer of yesterday afternoon by Wesley Hospital authorities. 24 and the nine-week session Cramer Reed, and Mrs. Frank A. compaiiy took two firsts "">1 » the University oompany received ends on August 14. Commence­ third squad and platoon dri 1. p ^ Farnsworth was admitted to the ment exercises will be held Neff and Ann Neff, wife and daugh­ The first place positions were ach- ^ Intensive Care Unit at Wesley, /.after summer school on Sun­ ter of the late Dean Emeritus of leved in standard squad dnil and ne,,i„„„tal Assembly. The award with head injuries sustained in a day. August 16. the College. in standard platoon drill. The Com- ptesented hy Maj. Carl F. ear accident Saturday night. Bernard, currently a student at Also injured was Dr. Thomas the U.S. Army Command and Gen­ Ungs, assistant professor, and driver of.,one of the two cars in­ Sen. Wunsch to Visit on Campus eral Stuff College, Ft. Leavenworth, volved in the accident. Dr. Ungs Kans. The Award is presented to is in Rm. 239 at St. Francis Hos­ the outstanding Pershing Rifleman pital and is recovering satisfactory. Sen. Paul Wunsch, Republican candidate for' governor, will be on campus from 10 a.m. in the 7th Regiment, a four state to 12:30 p.m. tomorrow in the CAC Ballroom to meet informally with students, according area of Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkan­ The accident occurred on West to Dell Barbour, campus chairman oT the Wunsch for Governor Committee. Mac Arthur Road as the two in­ sas, and Missouri. structors were returning to Wich­ ■Tm looking foiward to being Malcolm^ also received the 7th ita from the |«Wpolitical41VIVM« science de- uti campus to renew aequaintance- Rogimontal Commander b Award, partment picnic at Lake Afton. ships and discuss any questions the students might have,” Wunsch commented at a recent interview. 10th Annual Honors Convo Accompanying Sen. Wunsch will be Rep. John Conard, state chair­ man of the Wunsch for Governor Recognizes 170 Scholars I' Committee. They will return to campus tomorrow night and will The Tenth Annual Honors Convocation, honoring nearly be in Neff Hall from 7:45 to 8:15. 170 scholars, was held last Friday. t .'I “I have always suppoi-ted all ele­ President Emory Lindquist pre- counting department honors; Lyle ments of higher education in Kan­ sided 9ver the convocation and Dr. James, Alpha Kappa Delta, anthro- sas, and \vill continue to do so,” Thomas D. Ungs, assistant profes- pology department honors; Ann Sen. Wunsch said. He has served sor of political science, gave the Kaenig, Mortar Board, Sigma Delta the state in government since 1939 address, “The Integrity of Learn- pj, Spanish department honors; and has served on practically all and Marilyn Ochs, Mortar Board, committees of the House and Sen­ University honors were awarded Mu Phi Epsilon, School of Music ate during his career. to eight graduating seniors who honors. William Former, senator from achieveii an academic record of at Ninety-seven honors were award- Sedgwick county, who introduced least 3.750.
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