<p> i Children's Around the i; Center turns 25 islands Film society page 14 page21</p><p>SEPTEMBER 18,1998 VOLUME 25 NUMBER 38 "\ 'island 32 PAGES REPORT Budget YOU TALK IN' TO ME? slashed • List of city cuts/page 4 • Fire budget OK'd/page 5 ByPattiePace Staff Writer</p><p>Sanibel property owners no longer face a 42.4 percent increase in taxes now that the Sanibel City Council has cut $1,9 mil- lion from its 1999 budget, achieving the rolled-hack rate for the seventh year in a row. 'I IK council voted 4-1 following a day- long session .Saturday, with Councilman Amlicw Keeling dissenting, to cut the mill- > See Budget, page 4 # Latest causeway</p><p>Dawn Grodsky dilemma? This 4-foot alligator lazes on Wildlife Drive road, which had to close to cars several times this Wednesday. The J.N. "Ding" Darling National summer. Please see page 2. Meanwhile, Congress Lee Comp Plan Wildlife Refuge may get $300,000 from the U.S. also OK'd $1.F> million to purchase Chino Island off Fish and Wildlife Service to repair the damaged Sanibel. It will become part of the refuge. prohibits drawbridges By Dawn Grodsky Editor Chino Island to become part of refuge a long time aiming "EivcryhiKiy h.i.s known for ai least the Km The Lee Comprehensive Plan specifical- Feds OK $1.5 million for buy eight years that theie's always been the possibility of develop- ly bans drawbridges "except where a high ment out on Chino. It's always heen out there as .<ne of the span cannot physically he constructed" but By Dawn Grodsky things people have thought about Bui it hasn't been until the last county commissioners and the consultant Editor two years that the TruM lor Public I .and made a move to acquire hired tu gather information on the future of il." the Sanibel Causeway all agree the plan can Congress appropriated Si 5 million dollars to buy Chino Hinds added he1* happv lhal Congress took the unusual step be changed. Island and make it part of the J.N "Dinjj" Darling Naimnal of specifically laigeting the island's purchase. I'sually. lawmak- However, changing the Lee Plan would Wildlife Refuge. The 5-*-.«-re mangrove island had been zoned ers appropriate numcv io the lish and Wildlife Scivkc and lei require Mate approval and it's unclear for 13 single-family homes. A popul.ir spot lor boaters, Clum- that O^LMH.-. decide he w (•• use it. whether the state would easily agree to an has amanmade interior <. tunnel, a divk .ind the ifinaini o\ a hsh "li's an excellent move there arc quite a few uninhabited amendment. camp. islands still iimnnin}! in F'ine M<in<J Sound and 1 hclievi- nn-si Refuge Manager Lou Hindi s,nd the federal dollars, have been !> See Causeway, page ] 4 t> See Chino, pa^e 2 GRANDPA GOES BACK TO SCHOOL Sanibe! Newspaper Group forms Puh'i JKT I [.HI} / ['app.i-, .innounced (Ins wc-ck thai Davnl l.-iim-i>i<- will head the ^.-nipan; Saiulv! N'ewspapn CJMLIJI "We 'lie n-r.ij.Mni/iiH1 our corupanv PI a wav whivh Whitney Congress allow u.s t'i helKT serve mil c.•iiimnmlv ' I'appas said, and her grandfather, ••is NVIII muscr live publica- Lurry Congress, llic hiuiJ K-:> >tri, ihe share lunch at Cumin, '.he liU,nin, !he Sanibel Elementary ! *!hiip[-ei '.» ijuit'.t and iliC School Tuesday in 1C //• -nil It honor of " 1 h'j Sanil<el/C.ip'.i\.i made has Grandparents' Day. JIA.INS IKL-U a voiv iinpiirlani I'll1.- in The kindergartner uu: cciiip:m> '' I'app.is said. "|):ivid was excited her understands that .nul [ run confidi'iit hj grandfather came to will make nur inland puhliia-'ons bel- her school. For the E) Km mo us latest on expanding biniiious hu!> been with the liico/x Sanibel elementary Corporation/Gulf Coast Weeklies for 18 months, serving to the eighth grade as marketing director. and more school "The Sanibel Newspaper Group has been designed to news, please see help us work better with our customers — both our readers page 12. and our advertisers," Emmons said. "Each publication will have a distinct personality, with the Island Reporter being the traditional newspaper. By managing these publications</p><p> fc> See Newspaper, page 2 2 J SEPTEMBER IB. 1398 J ISLAND REPORTER ISLAND REPORTER J SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 • 3 Wildlife 300,000 for road repairs The $20 million came from a $699 mil- By Datvn ..its', i!'-'- hi ihc meantime. Hinds said Wildlife Editor :.vt it:; fair s Drive "M.-enis to he fine. But we haven't lion land and water conservation fund. "Then; is actually a list of process thai had a whole lot of rain recently. It's been a 'This is really a lot more than we nor- . 'i a ;• Tfk' J.N. "l.'iin.L'" Darlinr National •AxTt: proposed .Hiif we were u:\ that list tor very dry year. Washouts have been kept to mally put aside; $100 to $200 million a Wildlife KfiViiH." may !v celling an tini.'v- V'OfMiUI), I would heiieve that we wimld a minimum and no more holes have year is normal," Boxold said. pt'cicii snfi Irons the fciierui uovcniiHenf; rank fairly hi;.'h U[) on the 11-.( because of formed." The one-time allocation was made for $300.WHi to u'p.nr the majoriiv o) the our problem* with the Goss legislative assistant Jim Boxold two major projects: one in Yellowstone threatened water auitrul Mruciuics under- water con tin! stnu:- said unlike the $1.5 million also approved National Park to stop development of a neath Wildiitc Drive, atcttrding u> Kctuj.ie ture>." lie said. last week for the purchase of Chino Island, potential gold mine; the second for land Maitagci' I,cm Hinds. Earlier this summer, Congress does not tell the Fish and acquisition for a national forest in Any himus money would come from one of the structures Wildlife Service how to spend its mainte- California, according to Boxold, for a total >- $20 million that completely failed, fore- nance dollars. of $368 million. iR'l Ken Frt-y Tom Andy Sandy Dave Daud MiUiKhlin Dorothy Mierrili Karen Saundra jack Wendy Congress approved last ing the refuge to close "We leave that up to the service to rank vile Claudia Wiley Gelherg Koch Eaton Linda McLauglilin ^prouse Sims Bell Miller Healy Samler Humphrey week tor the U.S. Fish Wildlife Drive to vehi- them," he .said. "That leaves you with $331 million to Frcv Margie Jante Marsha George Robideau Angie Lapi John Fred Mueller and Wildlife Service to cles intermittently for a divide among maintenance and acquisition Clifford Charlie Juhn (n.'or.Uf Davison Pritchard .Smith Elisabeth complete backlog period of several However, he noted the administration projects. We told the administration to „ i Solx.-zak Dates Kohlhrenner Lorj T<my Lapi .Smith V.-ilkMte Lorc-tta Geigor Susan Rosica Mary Lou Bailey maintenance. weeks. A temporary fix had asked for $10 million for Fish and make a list of how they'd like to spend that McGovven Jennifer Millerwise. was made but six of the Lou Hinds Wildlife — which includes national parks and Congress would give oversight. The spokeswoman for U.S. EMI—jp ' seven structures need to and national wildlife refuges — and administration's list came to Congress a Rep. Porter Goss, R- WBBHEMF f be replaced. Congress opted to double that amount this couple of months ago, and they added and The Finest Real Estate Professionals On The Islands Sanibel, said, "It's up The $300,000 would be enough money year. took away, and this is the final list," he to Fish and Wildlife to permanently fix three or four of the "It would certainly be our hope that with said. "It's now just a matter of allocating. what to use the money Porter Goss There isn't a line in the bill that says it's |IS!^^ structures, which arc estimated to cost the doubling of the account, that Fish and GULF FRONT ESTATE for. We hope a nice portion would go to the $100,000 each. Wildlife (would fix Wildlife Drive.) It's for Wildlife Drive." TOP LISTER & TOP SELLER Gulf front main home and guest house. Two cleared sites on Sanibel refuge." "We could get the worst water control certainly a flagship refuge in the system Roosevelt Channel w/tennis court & dock w/llft. Unique Of the $300,000 figure, Hinds said, structures out of there and take care of and we certainly hope that they would take The land acquisition fund is generated combination - gulf beach & boater's paradise! Immaculate "This is just purely rumor. I called ... to try those first. There would be enough money care of it," Boxold said. through oil and gas revenues. "The govern- grounds. What an opportunity! Priced to sell at $5,200,000. and verify it and all I could get was that for three, possibly four.... Sometimes when He added that Goss would not lobby ment gets a royalty because they're actually Call Jack Samler 472-1511. we'll have to wait and see." you bid a number of them, you get a reduc- Fish and Wildlife on behalf of the refuge. federal lands that we lease to these compa- Hinds said he "doesn't have a clue" as tion in cost. Maybe we could get a contrac- "Lou balances all this stuff out," Boxold nies and they pay a royalty (for drilling) oil CAPTIVA BAYFRONT HOMESITE to when the specifics will be announced but tor to do one more," Hinds said. explained. and gas," Boxold explained. Beautiful Captiva Island building site. Over one acre, estate TRANQUIL ISLAND LIVING zoned, with deep-water dock in place for large yacht. Over 150 ft. Desired east-end island setting, canal front, close to Gulf beaches. water frontage for panoramic views of Pine Island Sound and Large 3 BR/ 2 BA, family room, fireplace, swimming pool, boat Roosevelt Cannel. Short stroll down private lane to deeded Gulf dock... all the necessities of wonderful isiand living! $419,500. Jim Branyon beach access. $830,000. Call Jim Branyon 472-5154. Call Mary Lou Bailey 472-1511. Chino From page 1 people would agree we want to maintain Island's Pinellas County owner had said he those, maintain Pine Island Sound as an would build on the island if he couldn't sell aesthetically pleasing place to go. it for conservation purposes.</p><p>"You would hope you wouldn't have a "He recognizes where it is in relation- lot of houses springing up. Taking Chino ship to the refuge," Boxold said, adding the Island will eliminate the threat of that hap- $1.5 million should cover the entire pur- pening (there)," Hinds said. "SCCF and its chase price. "He's a willing seller." purchase of York Island (just south of Kathy DeCoster of the Trust for Public PARKER LAKES PMR Features the Finest Selection of Island COVERED BOAT HOUSE WITH DOCK & LIFT Chino) is another step in the right direc- [.and in Washington, D.C. said she doesn't Immaculate 3 BR, 2 BA home located in The Meadows. Private Real Estate Available on the Internet. Tranquil setting on direct access canal, covered boat house with lift tion." backyard, screened entry and lanai, Berber carpeting, eat-in and dock. Very private open and bright home with lovely pool and foresee any problems with the purchase of kitchen, vaulted ceilings, and plant shelves. Community pools, Relax and Shop in the Comfort of Cyberspace. dock area. Large lot. A true "must see"! Jim Boxold, legislative assistant to U.S. the island either, which, when complete, spa. and more. $118,900. Call Peggy Miller 472-5154. Rep, Porter Goss, R-Sambel, said Chino will be transferred to the U.S. Fish and Call G. G. Robideau or Lori McGowen at 472-1511. http://pmrrealty.com Wildlife Service. rm & - i "We need to finish up some of the tech- t nicalities that go with doing the purchase; t W" " * • ' **L we need to have the final appraisal approved by the Fish and Wildlife Service. The survey and title work all just have to be completed." she said.</p><p>Hinds said plans remain unclear as to NEW GULF-FRONT CAPTIVA HOME LITTLE LAKE MUREX DIRECT ACCESS CANAL HOME whether the public will be able to access Construction just beginning - completion early 1999. Spectacular Cute 2 bedrdom - 2 bath vacation cottage or build your dream 2 BR- 2 BA artist's studio/den/conservatory with 360 degree view Chino Island once it is a part of the refuge. new gulf-front home on one acre estate zoned parcel. Open and house on gorgeous double lot. Very near beach with deeded including the Bay... large dock with lift, water and electric. Offered spacious floor plan and fabulous lanai and pool area. 4 bedrooms, Erick Lindblad/Special to the Reporter beach access - great location, just $239,500. beautifully furnished and ready for you! $439,900. 4.5 baths with panoramic views of gulf and beach and magnificent "The first thing we'll do is post it, put Chino Island has a manmade canal and dock. The 55-acre island will sunsets. Quality and value! Call Marsha Clifford 472-1511. Call Claudia Frey at 472-1511. our boundaries up," he said. Refuge work- become a part of the J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge Call Jim Branyon 472-5154. ers will also remove the small, tin shed; some old equipment; and exotics, including CONDOMINIUMS CONDOMINIUMS CONDOMINIUMS Brazilian pepper and Australian pine. He Wildlife photography contest deadline nears said the manmade channel will stay as is. NEW! NBWl NEW! SOUTH SEAS TENNIS VILLA JUDGE THIS BOOK BY ITS COVER GULF FRONT VILLA The deadkube fir tge annual "Ding" You'll enjoy spectacular sunsets over the Gulf of <a href="/tags/Mexico/" rel="tag">Mexico</a> from this Entry forms are available at the refuge Wonderful opportunity to become owner in world class resort and From the well manicured lawns to the almost new furnishings, this beautiful 1 BR/ 1 BA Gulf Beach Villa at South Seas Plantation Darling Wildlife Society photography Tamarind Cay carriage home located in prestigious Gulf Harbor is "The first thing you do is protect the visitor center between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to enjoy all amenities at South Seas Resort, tennis, golf, pool, Resort. The amenities include golf, tennis, pool, boating and contest is approaching. Entries must be beach plus great restaurants! $220,000. for the Buyer with impeccable taste. Three bedrooms, two baths, wonderful Gulf beaches. $314,900, island for wildlife resources. You certainly every day but Friday. Or contestants can brought to the refuge by Oct. 1. Call Peggy Miller at 472-5154. one car garage, furnished and priced to sell at $165,000. Call Karen Bell 472-5154. encourage people to visit the island for mail entry forms to Photography Contest, Call Tom Wiley at 472-4121. fishing," Hinds said. "... But as far as "Ding" Darling Wildlife Society, 1 SUNDIAL BEACH & TENNIS RESORT PRIVATE SAY ANA CONDOMINIUM putting any facilities or encouraging people The contest commemorates the birth- Wildlife Drive, Sanibel, FL 33957. Sundial Beach and Tennis Resort - 1 BR - 1 BA, "Garden Suite", PUNTA RASSA Only 9 unit complex, corner gulf-front apartment, completely This map shows Chino Island in day of Jay Norwood "Ding" Darling, the Great river^bay front condo. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, pool, tennis, spa, redecorated, beautiful, move in condition. Great rental history! to moor and actually wander around, we top floor very well furnished and in good condition. "Guaranteed Weekly rentals. $485,000. relation the J.N. "Ding" Darling founder of the refuge. etc. Large floor plan, spectacular view, furnished at $164,900, haven't come to any conclusions." For more information, call 472-1100. Income". All resort amenities & Golf privileges w/rental proqram Call Angle or Tony Lapi at 472-1511. National Wildlife Refuge. $220,000. Call Claudia Frey at 472-1511. Call Marsha Clifford at 472-1511,</p><p>Newspap er From page 1 CONDOMINIUMS LOTS & HOMESITES I LOTS & HOMESITES CAPTIVA CONDO - ON THE BAY AT SOUTH SEAS! BOATERS "AHOY"! GULF FRONT CAPTIVA Captivating Captiva-Gulf to Bay estate-zoned 1 acre homesite. The Islands' premier builder manager withr Morris Newspaper Corp. in Enjoy ail the wonderful amenities of South Seas Plantation Resort This rare offering is located on the east end of Sanibe! in a ...since 1983! Deep water dock on Blind Pass. Spectacular sunsets and sunrises in this very special 1 BR, 2 BA Bayside Villa. The cheerful desirable neighborhood. Close to Sanibel Marina and Causeway, over the Gulf and Bay. th -t A hV$ CXCitCd t0 be workin8 on He "was'born in Florida and grew up on 'nautical' decor and great views make this a most desirable very few of these choice lots remain... don't wait on this! Call Carmel Casate 472-1511. 8 $195,000. Call Mary Lou Bailey at 472-1511. n» iSlTirt 'S "8 f°rWard t0 meet" Amelia lsla"d. north of Jacksonville- condominium "A" rated and in the rental program. $254,000. a! Call Karon Bell at 472-5154. GOPHER WALK SALE/ '"S«-^ Emmons, 28, and his wife, Jennifer, have PRESTIGIOUS SEASPRAY SUBDIVISON Near bsach subdivision homesite nearly 1/2 acre In size, offering t I rtwously. bminons was marketing one child, Jacob 5 COURT SIDE AT SOUTH SEAS SELECTED ITEMS This 100' x 200' lot is situated in prestigious, gulf front, SeaSpray approximately 7,000 sq. ft. of impermeable coverage) Deeded Exceptional Tennis Villa at South Seas. New kitchen, all new subdivision on Sanibsl Island. Lot #24 is conveniently located beach access plus amenities. $225,000. 20-50% OFF GEORGE woodwork, doors, trim, etc. Definitely an "A" rated unit. Second close to community pool, tennis and deeded gulf beach access. Call Marsha Clifford at 472-1511. Shell lamps 20% oyp ROLIDCOWNERS floor courtside facing west. $247,500. $245,000. Call Karen Bell, 472-5154. Selected! Caddies & Candle Rings 50% Off PARKER BOAT You're Call Peggy Miller at 472-5154. SANIBEL EXCLUS1VES: "S ADD DIAMOND FXEGANCE INC. TO YOUR WATCH reading % hoke Colktnbte • «Large Assortment o/ Camte, A/ijtens, RIDES t' BSD. • I taic High Ms ' Coil*? ffiwjs and Holders, Potpourri, • NEW CONSTRUCTION te* $850. '?. aiuif* YairDUlOilor $|ls, the official en ' Uiipuf lane Cotters • Jewelry, Wall Har.^s, Shell Lamps, SMCIALKOW • REMODELING • DESIGN o sftfl Hopth Cspthrt < f K/UJii« &nfef & Captiw Alghim So Much Mow! uuuu '.newspaper Inc 1446 Periwinkle Way 395-0888 (941)466-5100 472-5800 A RESORT QJJ E ST" COMPANY MIS Won.- Fit 8-8, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-5 WE SHIP UPS Jensen's Hariaia of the 1 1 STMECEBKDGENtfiAlCONtBAi:! : Toll Free Main Office A Causeway Office ^ Captiva Office CG-C007963 €apflva Island islands.,•;•.. A 472-1454 (800) 233-8829 (941)472-5154 4 u •sEPTEMeeR~ro,'t998*y ISLAND REKJRTER Q SEPTEMBER 1i, Q S Budget Fr Other budget totst r Fire district to finalize $2.8 million budget today • $500,000 for Sanibcl-Capliva Road elevation and ' By Gwenda Hiett-Clements "A number of people have said we BUDGET SUMMARY ,!•.;•' r.i?c iriHt) ,: HK^ ,'n .!()!,;('. ivMfilinj! m a S25.1' million meet the standards we set." resurfacing, postponing the project until the next fiscal News Editor should have ALS and fortunately we were SANIBEL FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT - FISCAL YEAR 19*8-99 lnu!j!cl. A tin!! s> tiuu.il U> a Si tax on every S 1,000 of Price said he plans to meet with Pavelka and see if they year. already thinking of this. This year's budget a>v,>Acd piupcrty value. The rolled-back rate brings in the can agree on a lower sale price, perhaps splitting the differ- B $100,000 from the 1999 contribution to the The Sanibel Fire Commission is expect- will provide the money needed to hire per- THE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE SANI8EL FIRE s.inu* revenue" as the previous year once changes in ence. The property could he purchased within nine months Disaster Trust Fund, which Councilman George ed to give final approval today for an sonnel to do the job," Frederick said. CONTROL DISTRICT ARE 12.0% MORE THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING asseweil property v;ilue arc calculated. if council approves a referendum, voters voice approval Madison said could be pulled from another area if a increase in the Sanibel Fire Control "When we had a hearing before the city EXPENDITURES. "My "no" vote reflected my belief thai we could have and financing is secured. hurricane hit. District's 1998-99 operating budget. council this spring, they gave us unani- mm further." >;iid Reding, who wanted additional cuts to £3 $90,000 budgeted for under collection of taxes if Today's meeting will be at Fire Station mous support to push ahead with ALS offset the 1? percent tax increase, or .3386 mills, voters homeowners take advantage of the early-payment dis- No. I on Palm Ridge Road at 5.01 p.m. plans. We told them it wasn't going to be CASH BALANCES BROUGHT FORWARD $ 850,000 approved by referendum for sewer improvements. He said City employee raises count in November. Monday evening, commissioners Alan for free. We feel we've cut the budget to Mlllage per $1000 he would also have preferred to limit the growth in Councilman Reding led a charge to limit salary increas- B $90,000 for Brazilian pepper removal, based on a i Nave, Jerry Muench, and Mike Lawrence the bare bones. AD VALOREM TAXES 0.8474 1,956.710 salaries. , es and set separate standards for exempt and non-exempt grant the city receives. voted unanimously to give preliminary "The fire district has been operating for PERMIT FEE INCOME 4,000 The most hotly debated budget items were $1 million city employees. He said compound M $33,933 savings due to implementing a "cafete- approval to an .8474 millage rate, a 21.4 many years at a manning level that is far MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 8,500 slated for scenic preservation land purchase and salary interest makes the average 5 percent ria" health insurance and benefits program for city percent increase over last year's rolled- below the national norm. Not hiring new INTEREST INCOME 40,000 increases for city employees. The first was slashed by back rate of .7170. RESERVE FOR UNDERCOULECTION (60,000) yearly increases "something truly employees. employees, whether as firefighters or as $8(X),0(H). Salary increases remained intact at 4.6 percent, Lawrence explained that the district had firefighter/paramedics, would jointly be TOTAL REVENUE AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 1,947,210 astronomical if allowed to go on," M $32,000 for aerial photography. as did the $750,01)0 set aside for the acquisition of environ- Reding proposed a 1.7 percent cost- extra funds two years ago and had lowered delaying the inevitable." mentally sensitive land. of-living-adjustment increase for all B $30,500 saved by postponing parking lot improve- the millage rate at that time, making for an Other increased expenditures will go for TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES AND BALANCES $ 2,797,210 employees, which he said reflects the ments at city hall. actual 12 percent increase in budget. The additional life-saving equipment, including Scenic preservation national criteria for the month of H $30,000 from bike path maintenance projects. new budget of $2.79 million takes effect a defibrillator and 12-Iead EKG, the latest August. The city proposed a 2 percent SH $22,316 cut because of a delay in the Below- Oct. I. technology available to diagnose a heart OPERATING EXPENDITURES "Whatever we do about the COLA increase. While a 2.6 percent Market Rate Housing senior project. Fire Chief P. attack. Increased purchase of medical sup- JPUBLIC SAFETY Mariner property, I think we need a performance increases was budgeted B $22,000 savings by the public works department, ' Charles Frederick said, plies is estimated to go from $2,000 to j PERSONNEL $ 1,513,775 Periwinkle heautifieaiion/acquisition for all employees, Reding suggested A. Reding which will forego the purchase of a three-quarter-ton "The increase above $10,000. OPERATING 168,660 project," City Manager Gary Price exempt employees receive a 2.5 per- truck. the rolled-back rate is A new rescue truck with emergency CAPITAL 191,525 said. cent increase and lower-paid, non-exempt workers get a due to a change in equipment, such as the jaws of life and an TOTAL SFCD EXPENDITURES 1,873,960 Price was referring to two parcels B $15,000 for dune restoration. 3.76 percent boost to help narrow the salary gap between B $15,000 saved by denying BMRH's request for a accounting practices. In air bag system to lift car, is included in the fronting Periwinkle Way near Bailey the past, the district has NON-OPERATING EXPENDITURES hourly and salaried employees. part-time trades worker. budget as well. Road, which Mariner Properties Gary Price Councilman Bob Janes said he strongly supported the not shown either the During citizens' comment time at COUNTY FEES 73,250 H $13,896 to be cut at the city manager's discretion Development offered to sell to the increased COLA and keeping the current system in place. cash brought forward Monday's meeting, questions about salary, RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES 400,000 in order to reach the rolled-back rate. city for $6.7 million — twice the appraised value. However, he thought the proposed 2.6 percent perfor- (those funds needed to equipment costs and use of emergency ENDING FUND BALANCE 450,000 "We made it clear that our asking price was well above mance increase was too high compared with similar com- B $10,000 for thermo-plastic striping of roads, operate for the first C. Frederick funds came up. NON-OPERATING EXPENDITURES 923,250 the appraised value," said Ray Pavelka, president of munities. delayed until the roads are raised and resurfaced. three months of the new fiscal year) and Larry Bader questioned the $1.5 million Mariner Properties Development- "The appraised price is Nola Theiss, a city council candidate, told the board her B $9,700 eliminated by not purchasing satellite reserve for contingencies." listed for personnel, asking for the total TOTAL APPROPRIATED EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES $ 2,797,210 really a history. Et doesn't reflect current and future value husband is a retired federal employee and in past times of phones for use in Sanibel's Emergency Management Frederick explained the bulk of the bud- number of fire control employees. of property. We look very closely to homes on Sanibel and tight budgets, the federal government made significant Plan. get increase will be used to hire three After being told the three additional to go when there is an emergency. We can Jon Liljequist asked if the district might Captiva, The value of property increased very dramatically slashes and cut COLAs. She suggested Sanibel do the B $9,090 saved by moving expenses from the city's Advanced Life Support firefighter/para- staff would bring the total to 20, Bader cal- when there isn't any left, or very little of it. provide better service to residents and consider not keeping such a large emer- same. general fund into the historical donation fund. medics. There are currently five firefighters culated that would average $75,000 per guests. The last time we hired was four gency fund in reserve. "The city considered "Tin not here to negotiate or to threaten," Pavelka City council candidate Jon Liljequist said the council B $6,000 reduction by eliminating the city's share of trained as paramedics on staff who are employee. Bader said, "Three fourths of added. "I just want to remind you that this is a very limited years ago and those people are still here." that in an emergency the money spent for got rid of the former "step" structure on which raises were Sanibel Harbor dredging. working toward their state certification. the budget going to wages and benefits — opportunity. What you do here is a pretty clear indication Frederick also noted that highly skilled normal, everyday operation could be spent based because 2.5 percent increases were considered too fl $4,000 saved by not tiling the floor at the Public Frederick explained the ALS staff are that's what we gotta' look into." employees who are involved in ongoing for emergency," he said. of intent." high. "Now we have 2.6. We have a budget problem. trained to perform the same duties as Lee Frederick explained the budget item Sanibel resident Curt Stendahl said, "I hope the city Works' office. training demand top salaries. Frederick responded, "We will have Maybe we've forgotten about it since this morning. I think B $2,500 offered by the Sanibel Vegetation County Emergency Medical System para- includes salary, health insurance and retire- Muench responded there were only overtime like the police and public works. council will call the bluff of Mariner Properties. (Let them medics. ALS staff will supplement the Lee ment, and the cost of inoculations required you've missed an opportunity here to send a message that Committee, which will eliminate its "Green Acres" three on staff making over $70,000 and that There can be fire problems when electricity see) what the value is when legal restrictions are put onto County paramedics stationed on the island. by the federal government. we're really going to do something." workshop. a survey is in process to make sure salaries comes back on. With saltwater immersion, it. I believe you've heard a mild threat. Don't negotiate Councilman George Madison said, "This is the first Frederick explained the addition of ALS. Frederick said, "I know it sounds high, with them now." B $ 2,000 saved when the city, as a matter of consis- are in line with comparable districts. plants will die and we can be busy after the year with the new system. Perhaps it doesn't work as well staff was necessary because in the past year but you have to look at the fact a lot of our John Wilson of Sanibel Lake Estates called the pro- tent policy, denied a grant request from the Coalition Armand Ball asked if the district had fact putting out brush fires. No matter how as we want it to work, but we have ample time (to review EMS has not been able to respond in a people have been here 16, 17 years. I've considered spreading capital expenditures severe the storm, we will be here doing our posed purchase "fiscally irresponsible." it) between now and next year." for a Drug Free Lee County. timely fashion. been here 23 years. If you have people here "Two of my neighbors have already said they can't over a two-year span and repaying next job." In a 3-2 vote, the council approved a 4.6 percent With the addition, the district will be with experience, that makes your payroll year from surplus. Frederick said he felt the separate afford to live here anymore. Now another million dollars increase for all city employees, including the city attorney able to staff five Firefighters — two trained higher. We just don't have much turnover. will break the backs of these people," he said. Frederick explained the district began account was set at a good level for now and and city manager. Counciltnen Reding and Bob Janes dis- as paramedics — on every shift. In the There is a big benefit to having long-term spreading out equipment costs last year and that the interest on {he account goes back Wilson added that many residents' retirement savings sented. Caregivers to meet beginning one of those will be ALS to employees. They all know the island; they have taken a hit in volatile financial markets and they're Friends In Service Here's Caregivers Support Group the $60,000 in engine payments have been into the budget as a revenue item. City employee salaries currently total $4,428,000. respond to life-threatening emergencies. know the people. They know exactly where going on the last four years. now deprived of income and assets. "I implore you to Calculating the 4.6 percent raises and the elimination of will meet at 10;30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 22, at the home reject this," he said. three positions, that figure will increase by $199,048. of Ruth Hamann, 1515 Bunting Lane. Asking the council to put the Mariner purchase to a ref- Police Commander Michael Blackmore and Sgt. Dick erendum vote was Mike Gillespie, member of Stop Church will retire in January, at a savings of $7,712 and For information, call Hamann at 472-9035 or Topper Last free lot to become paid Tolerating Overdevelopment and Projects That Increase S26, 611, respectively. Blackmore's reduction is less Schram at 454-8372. Traffic, or STOP-IT. He said Sanibel is already checkered because of accrued vacation and sick leave. By Pattie Pace patrols and issue tickets. No public with vacant storefronts, and that commercial development The council also eliminated a deputy building official Staff Writer restrooms will be added, but fencing will on Periwinkle Way is a "great threat to the island's position, which is currently vacant, at a savings of Correction be put up to funnel people onto the beach ambiance and sanctuary character." Come January, cars will no longer be $61,048. In the Sept. 11 edition of the Island Reporter, the while keeping them off private property, The council voted unanimously to cut $800,000 from allowed to park cheek-to-jowl at the public Manzo said. the scenic preservation fund, leaving $200,000 to begin birthday of Alexandra C. Baugher was incorrectly print- Anticipating cuts in other areas, the council kept parking lot used by beachgocrs at the end After expenses, profits will go to the some type of preservation corridor along Periwinkle Way. ed. The daughter of Anne and Brian Baugher was born $750,000 in the pot for acquisition of environmentally sen- July 9, 1998. of Captiva Drive, according to Barbara Captiva Erosion Prevention District to Pavelka said later that he's had a couple of developers Manzo, superintendent of Lee County defray the cost of beach erosion prevention sitive land. Without it, the city couldn't proceed with plans The Reporter regrets the error. express interest in the property, but he's waiting until Oct. to return the area from Tarpon Bay subdivision to its natur- Parks and Recreation Department. and monitoring. The county estimates rev- 15 to see if the city will make a final offer. al, wetland habitat. The county, which co-owns the lot with enue at $2.50 to $3 per day for each of the "The people in the community don't want to buy it. After seven hours of deliberation, the city council South Seas Plantation, will grade the prop- 45 spaces available. nmm TO REFURBISH YOUR They might as well face there is going to be something erty, put down lime rock, mark parking approved the new millage rate and budget. A final vote We want to correct our mistakes as soon as possible. built there," Price said. "We cannot make it impossible for will be taken at a public hearing at 5:01 p m Thursday spaces and install a paid-parking machine Because the lot isn't expected to be full HOME OR COMOOf them to build, [t might be difficult, but he has to be able to If you see an error, please alert Editor Dawn Grodsky at similar to the one used aj Blind Pass. mafia can Handle Ml Your Nectlsf • Sept. 24. ' " 472-1587. during the first year and improvement costs Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room, Patio, Mattress Sets, Commercial, Hotel/Motel must be recovered, Manzo said the CEPD Once improvements are made, South should realize roughly $30,000 in 1999. specializing infsofa sieepermt Seas will maintain the lot and the Lee "We see this as a win/win situation all DID yOU KNOW? BIRTH County Sheriff's Office will provide around," Manzo said. If ever Fidel Castro decides to bomb Florida, there is one place to hide on Clearing completed for bike path relocation Sanibel. Jack Cole, owner of Jack's Place — By Dawn Grodsky to begin the project. the predecessor of the Harbor House Editor Castle said Periwinkle will be raised to — built the bomb shelter behind the 5-1/2 feet above sea level along that stretch L^ARGPSELECTiON OF restaurant in the early '60s, when the Late last week workers completed vege- of the island's main thoroughfare, and "Bay of Pigs" and communist bombs tation clearing along Periwinkle Way from drainage improvements will also be added. Carpet • Tile • Wallpaper • Verticals •Mini-Blinds were a real threat to U.S. shores. Meridian Drive to Sanibel Center as part of That portion of Periwinkle has been partic- Draperies • Wood Shutters • Lamps • Bedspreadi s: But have a backup plan. The shelter f|a $1 -plus million dollar project that, in ularly plagued by flooding during heavy " Accessories • Rainting -Interior/Exterior • \ :'. won't hold everyone and it may not addition to moving most of the bike path rains. be there long. The Harbor House is directly off Periwinkle, will also elevate the On Tuesday, the Sanibel City Council ytm? parttoaae to s*V0i under contract for purchase by road and improve drainage capabilities, authorized a $460,000 contract with Better mutof mttrmr>iBDt Sanibel Bistro, and the new owners said Sanibel City Manager Gary Price. Roads, Inc. for Periwinkle Way improve- Please visit our 11,000 sq. ft. Showroom. Our experienced staff will help want to knock down the old restau- The next step is tree relocation by work- ments. Better Roads will raise the eleva- coordinate while you're hero or away. Or, call us and we'll come to you! rant and start with ers from Soon Come Landscaping. tion, construct a 10-foot-wide bike path, a clean playing field. Michael Pis/c//fl CONVENIENT The target area is basically between remove or overlay sections of the existing LOCATION, T Illahd historian Charles Letfuff said (I to r) Grace Ann Paul, 11-1/2 months, sits FROM SANIBEL & Casa Ybel Road and the Old Schoolhouse bike path, install drainage culverts under FT. MYERS BEACH Cole called himself "the Old Goat" with her new baby sister, Audry Elizabeth, Theater, although the bike path will not go driveways and stripe the road. because he had a white goatee. ^behind the Old Schoolhouse because of When the heavy work begins, there will LeBuff said Cole, who was "quite the Audry Elizabeth Paul feasibility problems, according to City be lane closures on Periwinkle Way but character" not only had the bomb JoAnn and Lawrence Paul, III of Sanibel announce Engineer Gates Castle. one lane will remain open at all time. shelter, but also a pistol range behind the birth of their daughter, Audry Elizabeth. Audry was Price said right-of-ways had to be con- The project is scheduled to be complet- the restaurant. Michael Pistella born Sept. 1 at Lee Memorial HealthPark. She weighed demned for a number of properties in order ed in December. PLJMEA - %ssm mum 5 pounds, 14-1/2 ounces. Welcome to our world. 6 U SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 U ISLAND REPORTER • SEPtEMB^ftiS, 1998 Q 7</p><p>£ditor's note Island voices From page 6 the board and the chamber. In our various mailings to you, band and me that my company was intentionally not invit- we have spelled out the truth — the real (acts — and ed because we did not have specific rental inventory to Gross mailing a sham appreciate the amount of concern and support we have offer the chamber's new "money-making" reservations To the editor: National companies have their eyes on Sanibel Island received in return. system. Bill Gross' "urgent message" mailing to potential voters ometimes, it the onetime giant of the island that has been through so Many staff members have recently left Communit' Many of you asked that we tell you more about each of I suppose they thought if they got their plan in operation has hit a new low in Southwest Florida politics. He has seems, business- many mergers and changes it's nearly impossible to keep Bank to start a new Bank of the Islands, what the founders ' us so you can make an informed choice. ... In putting this before those of us that were to be excluded found out, it taken a page out of Sen. Joseph McCarthy's handbook to es can fall victim straight. This we do know, South Seas Resorts (an arm of promise will remain an independent bank for "at least |Q -i together, we were ama/ed to find, and though you'd like to would be too late for us to complain. smear his opponent, Lisa Pockrus, with half truths and to their own suc- Mariner which was moved to Fort Myers-based headquar- or 15 years," a vow some banking experts say will be diffi- i know, that our: I would like all the chamber members to know that the innuendo. His "urgent message" tells nothing about her cessesS. And lately, around ters) was purchased by CapStar, which was then purchased cult to keep. ! U Combined experience in serving the chamber is over members of SICC, the members of Save Our Chamber and and everything about hint. the island, that seems to be by American General and which is forming AmeriStar. NationsBank manager Bill Kelly said he's workinghafd| 42 years! the members of Small Inns and Cottages have only one He can't attack Pockrus directly because she is an more and more the case. Aside from bottom line, what that means is that many to keep customers from jumping ship. " M Combined experience serving the community and agenda. exemplary candidate with a broad base of community sup- While no one wants a busi- familiar faces we've come to associate with the company A similar exodus took place when First Union tookovej other boards is well over 100 years! That agenda is to return our chamber to its members by port. He therefore attacks one of the many organizations ness to fail, of course, I — are either gone or will be soon. what was Society First Federal on the island two years ago • Combined business experience on Sanibel and asking all to vote for a new board of directors, a board that that has endorsed her, Citizens for Quality Education. He selfishly some might say — Scott Siler used to be practically a fixture on the island Also in recent years, Sanibel has seen the addition of a Captiva is close to 175 years. will find a way to have our chamber prosper while at the improbably links CQE and Pockrus by proxy, to the dese- same time remembering the puqiose of our chamber, hon- cration of the American flag, pornography and the "fight find it simply sad when back in the days when Mariner sponsored Jazz on the Holiday Inn, Best Western and Subway. We care about the islands. We care about prosperity for oring the bylaws of the chamber, and representing the for the rights of homosexual lifestyle." locally owned and operated Green and Taste of the Islands at the Dunes. That all ended What does this all mean? Progress, of course, which' all chamber members, not just a few of its many diverse members of our chamber, not competing with them. companies are "swallowed several years ago, of course, and of late, so did Scott's time hopefully brings better paying jobs to the local area. But at businesses. We care very much about maintaining a sane He further diminishes Pockrus by misrepresenting that up" by vast corporations in Southwest Florida. He's off to the Keys for a new career what other price? That, of course, remains to be seen. balance between our treasured island lifestyle and the need When you sec the list of respected business people that her only qualification for office is that she is a "member of are willing to run against the current board — people like and you risk losing the vari- adventure. I don't like dialing an 800 number to reach a local com- to look forward as we move together into the 21st century. PTA one year at (a) local elementary school." Evidently, ous personalities lhat make Sam Bailey, co-owner of Bailey's General Store, and Paul Bill Gross didn't listen to his opponent any better than he's And how about the changes going on in the island's pany — including teh Sanibel Post Office — and I make it The period for making nominations is now closed. The them unique. Gaeta, long-time Sanibel restaurateur, to name just a few listened to his constituents for the past four years. Mrs. banking world? Community Bank of the Islands (which a point to avoid chain restaurants. At least for now, on ball is in your court. It's time to cast your vote. Each of us — it's hard to imagine that we are a "one-sided, self-serv- Pockrus is outgoing president and Volunteer of the Year at Sanibel is, of course, was formed as a separate entity after the original Bank of Sanibel, that's an easy task. I, for one, hope it stays that is listed individually on the ballot. We are united in asking ing group who would like to return our chamber to the her sons' school, where she helped establish an still a small town but you the Islands and eventually became Citizens & Southern) is way. i for your continued support — to carry forward the remark- dark ages," as Ms. Colgate would like you to believe. Accelerated Reader program. In addition, she has a degree might not know that by becoming NationsBank early next month, after being pur- (Dawn Grodsky is editor of the Island Reporter, able progress made over the past few years in updating our Deborah Naumann, president in geology, a minor in business and is working toward a looking at some of the busi- chased by that company about a year ago and about three which is owned by Ogden Newspapers of West Virginia. services and facility, and to continue to examine the many ness transactions of late. years after being purchased by Barnett. Meanwhile, She welcomes your comments and suggestions. Give for 1-800-SANIBEL and chamber member master's degree in library science because she thinks read- see it possibilities available now and in the future to help our ing is important. Let's start with Mariner, NationsBank is in merging with Bank of America. a call at 472-1587.) member businesses grow. Your vote is about what's right for the Sanibel/Captiva As you may remember, McCarthy's downfall was Islands Chamber of Commerce. Your vote is personal and Keep members on island accusing the army of being soft on communism. I pose the very important. On your ballot is an option to give your (Editor's note: The following was addressed to Sam same question to Gross that the army counsel posed to McCarthy: "Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long proxy to any current board member to vote for you. If you Bailey and submitted for publication in the Island s I a n ri voices last?" prefer to do this, please follow the instructions given and Reporter.) To the editor: the post office is pleased with additional to schedule an open meeting of the entire return the ballot as soon as possible to the election judge as I am writing this letter hoping should you be elected //// Dillon, chairwoman, Clear air on chamber revenue both sides are generating through membership, where the members can pose Vote for board directed. that you will indeed back your promise regarding off- Citizens for Quality Education To the editor: massive mailings, I, for one, am tired of questions and get answers. This will insure Thank you for your support. We remain your loyal, cur- (Editor's note: The following was island businesses. Sanibel Anyone who has opened an island news- seeing it every time I open a paper or go to that the members are fully informed on all rent board of directors. mailed to all chamber members and is I first became a member of the Sanibel/Captiva Islands paper in the last month is aware that our the mail box! of the issues before they cast their vote for being reprinted in the Island Reporter.; Chamber of Commerce almost 30 years ago when I pur- chamber of commerce is currently the cen- I think it is time to clear the air. There a board of directors. Don William's, chairman To the editor: chased the Snook Motel. During the early '80s, I served on Causeway smoke and mirrors ter of great interest and controversy. The are so many untruths being told and so Get all the facts on the table in one Jim Hall, vice chairman As we wind down this election cam- the chamber board. As owner and operator of Gramma To the editor: chamber members are being asked to vote many misleading statements being made. It evening. Let both sides present their case. Lynda l^onard-Joyce, secretary/treasurer paign, we want you to know how much *e Dot's Inc., the Boat House together with the Sanibel Smoke and mirrors were put to great use on Tuesday, for a board of directors to represent the is impossible for the chamber membership Then let the members decide what they and the rest of your board: Grover Arp, Brian value your vote and interest in chamber Marina, Inc., I now possess three memberships. Sept. 8, during the most recent causeway bridge meeting. businesses of Sanibel and Captiva. The to really understand the issues and con- want from their chamber and who will best Baugher, Ursula Boll, Doris Colgate, Dick tollman, affairs. All of us on the current board of What I find unacceptable and simply unbelievable is As near as I can make out, no one at the meeting could say chamber members are being inundated with cerns that have created the division in our represent the interests of all island busi- Pegge Ford, Chip Hoffman, Jane Klasing, Paul directors are dismayed by the amount of lhat the chamber allows Port Sanibel Marina, an off-island for sure that the environment has been seriously damaged material from both sides of the conflict. chamber. Let's correct this. I encourage all nesses. Stop the media bickering and get to McCarthy, Jeff Molnar, Marsha Paplham, Larry misinformation generated by those who business, not only to be a member but to bus tourists off by the building of the causeway islands and also no one Although I am sure the papers are loving of the candidates running for the board, the the facts so we can get back to business. Thompson and AI Williams brought suit (and their misled followers) on Sanibel back to the mainland in order to rent boats, to pro- could say for sure that removing any of the islands would alt the additional advertising dollars and chamber director and the members of SICC Rhonda Henning vide professional fishing charters and to dine in their off- have a beneficial effect. Sanibel t> See Island voices, page 7 Save chamber, oust old board island restaurants. Several things are sure. They have spent a fair amount (Editor's note: The following was mailed to all cham- Just imagine what would be the impact among the of money so far on this charade and need a whole lot more TH1J8LAMD ber members and is being reprinted in the Island Sanibel retail community should the Sanibel Factory to try and answer any of the questions raised. In the mean- Hi! REPORTER fl o v i--n- g reporter Reporter.) Stores, also chamber members, bus Sanibel residents and time, the public has said loud and clear that they do not To the editor: tourists off island in order to shop at their outlets. want a high-rise bridge, regardless of what is done about The /s/a/id Reporter is Sanibel's official Several days ago when I called David Besse regarding the islands, Question: I recently received a copy of one of the many letters > city newspaper of record, published each written by Doris Colgate (Aug. 14). My initial reaction this matter, his explanation was that to deny membership Even the boaters that were polled were not solidly for a Friday with over 4,500 paid subscribers. was to write a lengthy letter pointing out all of the mislead- to Port Sanibel Marina, an off-island business, was illegal. high, fixed span. In fact, the single largest number was for Harry Z. David Perhaps it's time to challenge his theory in a court of law. keeping the drawbridge. This brings up a few interesting Emmons ing and untrue statemenls contained in Ms. Colgate's refer- Pappas This year, the Island Reporter celebrates What's your favorite than® about Hoping you truly intend to protect all Sanibel business- points. No. 1 is the fact that the total responses received Publisher General 25 years of service to the island ence to I-.SIX) SANIBHL's having been notifed and invited Manager September on the BsBam«S! to meetings on the chamber's proposed reservations sys- men and not just the powerful few, and to put jaws back from users of the drawbridge only came to 298. What this communities, We are the islands' only tem are completely untrue. into the bylaws. says to me is that Lee County is willing to spend millions source for NEWS. In fact, when I finally did learn of CRS and contacted Myton W. Ireland of taxpayers' dollars to satisfy the desires of several hun- Address: the chamber, the director, Mr. David Besse, told my hus- Sanibel Island Marina See Island voices, page 8 Mail delivery/1 Year 2340 Periwinkle Way Karin Kueltzo $40 for full-time P.O. Box 809 Chicago residents of Lee County; Sanibel, FL 33957 Dawn Stan $46 for split letters to the It's very relaxing. We came here to get some rest. It's nice to Grodsky Kucaba residences; get up in the morning and go out and do whatever we want Editor Sales Manager $60 for foreign Editor; and not have to wait in line for anything subscribers. Please mail your letter to (FL taxes included) our office to the attention of Dawn Grodsky e-mail: ' Office Hours: [email protected]. Monday - Friday Postal Information: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Periodical Rate Postage Paid at John Dowling Sanibel Post Office, FL Pittsburgh Po$tmast6r: Send Address Jill Gwenda Telephone: Changes to The Island Reporter, Goodman Hlett- P.O. Box 809, Sanibel, FL 33957 Our son works at South Seas and we got a good rate. But we do nito Entertalnmant Clements (941)472-1587 the crisp, cool air from up North. News Editor Fax (941)472-8398 1998 (941)472-1587 Award Winning Deadline Tuesdays at Newspaper ^ noon; schedule changes The four nerdy crooners with angelic voices return to the for holidays. Sandy Wojciechowski Fort Myers/works on Sanibel Broadway Palm with hits from the $0's and 60s including Pattle Michael Member FL Press Association Pace Plstella Board of Realtors Staff Writer Design/ (941)472-1587 AftMttM)Member It's much quieter. But from a business standpoint, I think they Three Coins in a Fountain, Magic Moments, Photography Deadline Tuesdays at 3 Member of Sanlbel-Ctptlva should do something to bring people here to liven it up. Chambvr of Commerce p.m; schedule changes for © 1998 GULF COAST Love is a Many Splendored Thing, Rags to Riches, holidays. •WEEKLIES, INC. Chain Gang and Sixteen Tons. 1380 Colonial Boulevard Dennis Seifert Fort Myers Shlrlene Paula Sanibel 941/278-4422 Grasgreen St. John Classified Account thinking about that just the other day. I was out riding Subscription Executive my bicycle right before sundown and saw only two people on the bfc Samifo&l Island path I couldn't believe it I though that this was what the old-thne* ''FORT,-M-TEiSv;i[;oJl* We cover the most pristine islands in the world and are must mean when they talk about what Sanibel used to be like. It mis great ~ it felt proud to share them with you weekly. like having the blmd tQ ;/ WEST SIDE STORY i • ISLAND REPORTER Q SEPTEMBER. 18.J B9B Q 9 Candidates' forum Impeaching the president: This is no cherry tree his story is liven the infinitely boring Al Gore managed to be amaz- enjoy it. And if you've gone to his hotel room, one would upsetting to ingly charming, affable and smiling during his introduc- presume that this would be the option of first choice. You in a n y tions. can be offended, feign shock, slap him in.the face, and Our unglamorous wastewater program A m c r i c a n s Then, after the document had been released, 1 began lis- walk out in indignation. Or you can use a little sense of for many tening to the reports of journalists and interviews with con- humor and put him in his place (and make him think twice Sanibcl's wastewater program ranks in importance with deep-well injection. Now I am convinced that it is an envi- that the prior promise was in differenTt reasons. For some gressman on CNN who were speaking only of the gravity about pulling such a stunt again) with roaring laughter and its more glamorous environmental programs: beach, sur- ronmentally responsible way to dispose of treated waste- effect countered by state law Americans; it's the sex of the accusations and the sordidncss of the details. So the an "Is that all there is?" What you don't do is wait until face-water management and environmentally sensitive water. The "boulder zone" into which injection occurs is and that the city should pay thing. For others, it's the next morning, 1 downloaded the report. I'm not sure exact- years go by and he has become president to decide that lands, Water that escapes septic fields percolates through 2,700 feet below ground and separated from our drinking for about half of the expan- lying. Personally, I am ly why. 1 had sworn to refuse to read it. I don't think it was your personal dignity has been offended. Unless, of our porous soil into surface water, canals and bays. water aquifers by some 1,200 feet of confining strata. In sion with tax money. In ref- shocked that Congress any of my business to read it. But I wanted to understand course, someone puts you up to it. In my view, it was environmentally necessary for the modern, concentric casing injection well technology, leaks erendum, voters were effec- could decide to divulge the exactly what all of the comments I was hearing were in ref- The judge in that case decided that there was no case, city to acquire the sewer system in 1991, modernize it, and arc virtually nil and, if they do occur, are instantly sensed tively given their choice — Starr Report on the Internet. erence to. but in the meantime, Monica and Bill were called in to develop a master plan for extending sewer service to every and injection stopped. some say a condemned ! was so indignant by the The voyeurs of the world who had been hanging out confess their private sins in a public court room. And they island business and home. Expansion had to be in manage- Finally, even if some treated water got into the drinking man's choice — of paying whole thing, that I had with their computers on, waiting for the great collective lied. And who wouldn't have? Why don't we put all of able phases, neighborhood by neighborhood. water aquifer, our reverse osmosis plant can be adjusted to either by utilities or ad val- decided that there was no S. Giovanna moment must have been disappointed. those Congressmen who thought it appropriate to make When completed, the system will involve islandwide produce perfectly safe drinking water. Most convincing to orem taxation. Eighty-eight You have to have had a pretty tame and tiresome sex this reading available to the entire world before a grand wastewater collection, a state-of- the-art central treatment me, this technology has a long history of use in this region percent of islanders voted way that I would read it. Giacomazzia life to consider this material salacious. It's tender. It's trite. jury and ask them a few poignant personal questions and plant at Donax, 100 percent reuse of treated water and, in without failure. their pocketbooks, picked A question of principle. Somebody else's private It's tedious. see how many of them are willing to reveal all? rare instances, deep-well injection. The small treatment As for pollution of the boulder zone, the injected water federally deductible ad valorem taxation, and accepted one affair is none of my busi- But what's most important is: It's anything but Who will ever be willing to speak the truth, the whole plant at Wulfert may be retained to store treated water for is of higher quality than that in the zone. of the larger tax hits in Sanibel history. Of course, voters Overseas ness. I don't care if he's the impeachable. What a price to pay, for both of them, for a truth, and nothing but the truth in a court of law, knowing Sanctuary use and possibly for processing of Captiva The city looked exhaustively at alternatives for coping were mindful that this tax supports an investment like land president. I'd prefer to live few sexual encounters. that everything you say may be turned into sumptuous wastewater if that should become.economically attractive. with excess treated water, including pumping raw sewage acquisition, not operating expense, and that it ends when perspective out my own erotic fantasies Several months ago, I wrote an article proposing a new bytes for the world wide web? Who hasn't got a skeleton One-hundred percent reuse conserves a valuable com- to the mainland for complete treatment and disposition. the bonds (state revolving fund) are paid off. than to participate in this amendment to the constitution which would prohibit the in his closet? I'd rather have a president human enough to modity. Treated wastewater will continue to be used for With virtually unanimous concurrence of outstanding The city's program remains an environmental impera- collective vicarious voyeurism. asking or answering of invasive questions about what two be attracted to the opposite sex and able "to feel young golf course irrigation. The Donax and Wulfert plants will experts in the field, Sanibel selected 100 percent reuse and tive. It is environmentally, technically and economically For those who have a problem with the moral issue of consenting adults do with each other behind closed doors. again" than one caught up with Ayatollian-style fundamen- be connected with a pipeline that will carry treated water deep-well injection, an alternative also favored by the state sound. Its high costs are to be borne about half by users extramarital sex, I don't know what to say except that I'm It was obviously tongue and cheek. But maybe it shouldn't tal Protestantism and obsessed with his own self-righteous- for the Wulfert golf course and for sale to irrigation cus- permitting authority. and half by taxation as decided in referendum. If not per- not sure that it is morally more condemnable able to fondle have been. Maybe we do need to amend the constitution ness. tomers along the way. In rare instances, the city may have How do we pay for system expansion? When the origi- fect in history and detail, it is a responsible answer and a young woman's breasts rather than to shake the hand of a and get it down in black on white that private and personal As for our obsession with knowing everything, if the more treated water than it can use and sell, especially when nal sewer system was purchased, the council made it clear environmental necessity. known assassin like Li Peng. And to those who wave the matters are not to be made public dominion. walls of the Oval Office could talk, who knows what sto- heavy rains occur in the normally dry, visitor season. This that system was to be purchased, upgraded and expanded Putting in sewers, painful like surgery, should move Bible around, what about all of those evangelical leaders And while I'm at it, I'd like to suggest another amend- ries they would tell of past presidents? Easily ones with happened last winter with El Nino rains. In those instances, at user expense; ad valorem tax money would not be ahead rapidly once the decision is made. Let's get on with who have been caught up in their own sex scandals'? ment. If the first demonstration of what our congressmen more lascivious trivialities than those contained in the Starr the surplus will be deep-well injected. involved. This was written into the Sanibel Plan. There it. mean by their serious sense of responsibility is to release report. However, once upon a time the media had more The injection well will be a joint venture of the city and was to be no compulsory user hookup. Evidently, to err is human. Even if you've got God. Even if you preach God. And what about the Christian concept of this report on the Internet for all of the eyes of the world to decency and practiced self-censorship in name of the pub- the Island Water Association. The city-treated wastewater Subsequently, the state mandated hookup and made a (Sanibel Mayor Wally Kain is seeking another term on forgiveness? And for those who site the Ten see, not to mention our children's, maybe we should lic good. They even took it upon themselves to keep and IWA's reverse osmosis brine will be mixed to produce hash of the council's promise. Years and several councils the Sanibel City Council. Other candidates are Steve Commandments, doesn't the Bible also say that it is not for remove them as delegates to our will when it comes to the Roosevelt's wheelchair a secret to the American public. water especially suitable for injection. later, when very expensive expansion became an issue Brown, Jon Liljequist and Nola Theiss. The top two voter us to judge one another? decision of impeaching our president. Now they seem to think that we can't sleep at night if we I approached this project with an instinctive aversion to involving perhaps $10,000 per home, the council decided getters will win.) For those who object to the issue of lying: I sincerely We voted him into office, evidently we're the only ones don't know the brand name and color of our president's believe that if Bill Clinton broke the branch of a cherry fit to vote him out, or decide that we want him to stay. underwear. tree, he would do the exact same thing that Washington And since they thought it fit to distribute the whole Enough is enough. The world markets are in turmoil. Island voices From page 7 did. But this story isn't about cherry trees. affair to everybody's office and living room over the While the Bosnians perform their second elections since It's a human story about two people who had a relation- Internet, then let us vote via e-mail from the comfort of our the Dayton accords, the ethnic Albanians in the Kosovo are dred, mostly pleasure boaters. ity of the bay, hurricanes, etc. and to bring forth their Now, when we have a city council election on the hori- ship and would have preferred to keep it quiet. We are all own homes. being exterminated. The Russians have a communist prime Maybe it's time to seriously consider moving the inter- assembled facts at the end of this process to the city coun- zon, what happens about this issue will be a paramount adults. We don't live in a world that is black and white. Many Italians have been complaining about the instru- minister, and Iran and Afghanistan are lined up for a con- coastal waterway to go through a channel between Captiva cil. The more we all know is to our mutual advantage. decision-making factor for voters. It's no time to be play- Notwithstanding the sacrosanct roll that Americans give to mental use of the Italian judicial system of late. Instead of frontation. The world is looking for leadership that only and North Captiva islands. However, let me assure you again, that Lee County is ing games. It could just turn out to be a no-win situation the Truth, there are some situations in which we can do departing from a crime committed and seeking out the America can provide. It's time to stop giving the peeping John Friedman using these meetings in conjunction with the planning and end up with the people (again) taking the decision- much more harm than good with our unmeasured and total- responsible party to indict, we have been witnessing a Toms air-time and for everyone to get back to doing some serious work. Sanibel department as an adjunct to their own agenda. They legally making process in their own hands on this issue. izing sense of honesty. Sometimes it's necessary to put it wave of witchhunts. have to have these open forums to protect themselves if I think I'll go now and slice some apples and make all on a scale, weigh the difference, and decide which is the The victim is designated and the crime is created to this lands in court. There should be no doubt in the city some OJ. — they're both good. least of two evils. order. Kenneth Starr, the Great Inquisitor, seems to have (Sandra Giovanna Giacomazzi is an expatriate living Bridge resolution needed council's mind that if they want to keep a low-span, bas- I was moved by the meeting last Friday with the com- done much of the same. Someone evidently said, "Get Bill in Turin, Italy, Her column appears monthly in the To the editor: cule bridge that they have to stop the bureaucratic momen- Jay Halcrow munity of Irish-Americans on the south lawn of the White Clinton." So he tried with Whitewater. Then he tried with Island Reporter.,) Another holiday and here I am laboring away on Labor tum by all means, regardless of the ordinance, regardless Sanibel House: the endless applause, the ability of both Hillary and Travelgate. And then came Paula Jones. Day, thinking about apples and oranges. Last Tuesday at of Lee County pressure or council squabbles. Bill to allow themselves to absorb every minute of that That's another farce. How many women have not been Tennis courts to close the city council meeting, Andrew Reding brought forth a I had a discussion with an attorney about the council incredible shower of support with gloriously radiant victim to a scene similar to the one that Paula Jones The tennis courts at the Sanibel Recreation Complex resolution to be sent to Lee County commissioners, stating sending this resolution to the county and he told me that smiles, notwithstanding the fact that the Starr Report was recounted? What does a woman do on such an occasion? will be closed Friday, Oct. 2 through Sunday, Oct. II, that Sanibel would not accept anything but a low-span bas- the council should do so as a further protection (if we about to be made available to anybody on the face of the There are pie Hy of options: If you like what you see, We welcome comments from our readers. for resurfacing. For more information, call 472-0345. cule bridge. should end up in an unwanted but perhaps necessary legal Please address correspondence to: earth who was interested in reading it. you can decide to take advantage of the opportunity and However, a few (not all, to my understanding) of the battle). Not to do so is surely against the council members' "Letters to the Editor" PAID ADVERTISEMENT planning commissioners took umbrage with this idea, feel- mandate to represent the islanders and is very telling on Island Reporter, ing that it usurped their commission of fact finding. who is for or against a high-span bridge. P,O. Box 809, Here is the apples and oranges debate — it's still fruit Actions speak louder than words. Where was Sanibd,FL 33957 but there are differences. The needed resolution is not in Councilman George Madison when needed? And kudos to or fax to 472-8398. conflict at all, in fact it is the duty of the council to do so, Division In Our Chamber! Councilman Bob Janes who has never wavered in his stand as the representatives of the people, to state to Lee County against a high-span bridge. Letters must be signed and include a phone number for in clear language the majority's decision on the The planning commissioners should not take the resolu- verification purposes. The editor will endeavor to print bridge/causeway. This does not stop planning from their The upcoming election for chamber board members has certainly created a lot of last minute politics. A part of this last tion personally or as an action against their own mandate. as many letters as possible. own research, the presentations by the Department of Frankly, it is too important to get into this type of fractious minute push is the misinformation currently being dispensed by the Chamber Board Re-Election Committee, on the subject of Transportation on rehabilitation, the environment, the qual- discussion. the proposed C.R.S. (Central Reservation System). Our members are being told that the C.R.S. System is still only being investigated, that it is not a done deal and that if only the members of S.I.C.C. (Speakers Interested in Chamber Conflict) had expressed these concerns to the Board they would have dropped the whole idea. Savor the Flavor of our You're reading The Truth Is The members of S.I.C.C. met with 2 members of the Board, the Director of the Board and the Chambers Lawyer, Mr. Steve Hi Bunch Buffets the official Carta on May 29th, 1998. \jgs Sii^e $2 at each of nine delicious luncheon buffets At the meeting the members of S.I.C.C. told the board that all legal action would cease and that no objections to the currently newspaper seated board would be pursued.... A>'•' with our NEW LUNCH DISCOUNT CARD! of the On Condition: Have your card validated at each visit and your That the board cease any action to implement the controversial Gentrai Reservation System tenth luncheon buffet is complimentary! islands. Cease any activities that would create for profit business by the Chamber in competition with its members Enjoy a sumptuous buffet with fresh catch of the day, roast beef, deli meats, seafood, Subscribe salad & soup bar, breads, tempting desserts, and more. All for one low price, Accept requested changes to the by laws that would have the effect of returning the voting rights to our members to the The board refused to accept these very simple and clearly beneficial terms to put an end to this controversy. For reservations call 472-7575* We The Members of S.I.C.C., Members Of Save Our Chanter and Members of Small Inn's & Cottages suc)gest that you'verity "J * Be sure to ask about our LUNCH BUFFET DISCOUNT CARD. - island this information by whatever means possible!</p><p>Not valid with any oilier discount offer or on Sundays, Reporter Respectfully Discount credited after addition of 16% service charge and 6% safes tax. Members ef S.I.C.C. - Members of Saw© Our Chamber,- Members of Small inns & Cottages today! 10 J SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 U ISLAND REPORTER ISLANDftE^C-RTEFf & iSEt^l=MB£fiWiW Q 11'</p><p>Growing up with the Children's Center of the Islands Children's Center From page 10 incorporation as a city. This fit in with that — the interest to think they developed a deep appreciation ing as assistant editor of Vent Magazine, a Original child care center in the future of the island." for this little island that they carry with national publication aimed toward young "This effort brought a lot of people together," said them today," Thomas said. "It is rewarding professionals. Fischer, who had two young sons at the time. to see how those first children turned out as Both Judy Workman and Starr Thomas successful adults." The founders agreed they could not have started the still live on Sanibel. Workman, who later By Gwenda Hiett-Clements Her son Jey, who attended the school, News Editor center without the financial help and commitment of island earned her law degree, has her office here. businesses. lives in Fort Myers and is a certified finan- Bari Fischer lives in Fort Myers and is a cial consultant for Merrill Lynch. Realtor with Coldwell-Banker. What began as a dream of three young moms living on Of the Fischer boys, Ozzie, is a captain Thomas said, "It is so wonderful to see Sanibel and Captiva in the '70s is an island institution a "The Island Reporter really gave us lots of publicity. working out of South Seas Plantation. He that the center is still going, and that it is so quarter century later. Don Whitchead (the late publisher and one of the founders lives in Fort Myers and is successful. It just goes to In February of 1974 Judy Workman, Starr Thomas and of the paper) printed a notice of our first meeting (March 4, 1974) at St. Michael's calling for parents interested in married with one child. His show that if you have a Bari Fischer had an idea that would meet the needs of a wife is manager of Chico's good idea at a good time, growing population of young families moving to the an educational program for their children to meet with us," Workman said. "I was amazed; the room was full." on Captiva. Zachary recently get in there and work at it, islands. Just four short months later the Children's Center graduated from Tulane After that enthusiastic show, the women set out to do you will be successful. I'm of the Islands became a reality. University and is an assistant their research and make plans. Parents wanted the program very proud of what we Thomas, who explained all the morn's knew each other director of a cardiac rehabili- started." through their children and their husband's jobs, said, in place for the summer months. Gwenda Hiett-Clements tation unit in New Orleans. Workman summed it up: "Whenever we got together, we lamented the fact there "I can't believe we undertook such a major job with so He will begin work on his was never anything to do for the kids on island. My daugh- little experience," Workman said. "But we had good sense. Starr Thomas and Judy Workman, two of the "It was a good thing to do." master's degree in public The nationally accredit- ter Jennifer was in Montessori in Fort Myers, but I had Jey We talked to our attorney, Richard Broader. The main con- founders of the Children's Center of the health in January. who was ready for a pre-school. We knew we could get a cern was liability. Islands, still live on Sanibel. ed pre-school is now locat- Michael Workman lives ed on Casa Ybel Road; it dozen or so kids from just the people we knew, so what Captiva — thus the Children's Center of the Island;, was began as talk quickly became a serious proposition." We were working with Lee County and the Health on Sanibel and works as an moved there in 1980. The born. The major problem at that point was locating a facili- artist/apprentice with Lucas original Bailey's General Department for the most part. We basically knew nothing, ty- and all of a sudden we were drawing up incorporation Century. Jennifer Workman Store is now in the Sanibel Workman, who had two children under 5, said, "We Arrangements were made with Francis Bailey to use the is in West Palm Beach work- Ozzie Fischer Historical Village. had already formed 'play groups' moving the children papers." old Bailey's General Store located on the bay at the end of from home to home, sort of a 'mother's day out.' We Thomas, who has a liberal arts degree, had worked with Bailey Road near the causeway. The women said Bailey would take turns and always plan activities; it wasn't just the airlines for a number of years; Fischer had been trained rented the facility to the center for $1 a year. play. We knew we wanted more than that." as a clinical psychologist. "The Baileys were so generous. It wouldn't have hap- Thomas said, "The most important thing about the Thomas said, "Since Judy did have a background in pened without that support," Thomas said. "I thought it £lection '98 Read the endeavor was we had such community support. Many education, we put her in charge." would just be the most perfect place for the children Courtesy/Children's Center things were happening then. There was a push toward All agreed the name should cover both Sanibel and because of its historical significance. It was an idyllic set- Jennifer Workman, former Island Reporter staff writer and daugh- ting a beautiful place. And we had so much talent here on COTI reiterates support Reporter. ter of the school's founder Judy Workman, was one of the Children's the island. I knew we could get people to come in to the The Committee of the Islands board of directors has Center's first pupils at age of 2. school." reiterated its support of Lisa Pockrus in the upcoming Republican runoff Thursday, Oct. 1, for the one remaining Francis Bailey said, "It was a good cause and the build- seat on the Lee County School Board District 5. ing was empty. It just helped them get stared." Pockrus is a moderate Republican, opposed to incum- The women explained there was lots of work to be done bent Bill Gross, who voted for the original Bible course to to get the building ready. It had to be emptied of boxes of be taught as historical fact, said COTI president Jack store records and papers. The outside was cleared of brush Thomas. This course was declared unconstitutional, with and trees were moved to put in a ramp. the school district's insurance company forced to pay Thomas said, "I still have a Jamaica dogwood growing $95,000 in court costs, he added. Mechanic on Woodring that we moved from there." "(Pockrus) is a public school parent, past FFA president On Premises and Volunteer of the Year at Tanglewood Riverside Rooms were partitioned off, a sliding door that looked School," Thomas said. Wrecker Service out over the bay was installed, as were separate bathrooms COTI had endorsed Katherine Boren and Terri : Available Workman said 99 percent of the work was done by vol- Wampler, who both won seats on the school board in the 941-432-0054 ^ ver - - v ** ~ unteers with businesses donating paint, tile and carpet. Sept. 1 primary against single opponents. Pockrus, also Fax-433-1166 <> ;.??. Cars To Ghpos Walls were painted with scenes depicting the old store endorsed by COTI, was the highest vote getter in her pri- with its gas pumps and fishing dock. mary race against two opponents. Fischer said, "It was a monumental job to turn Bailey's "The Oct. 1 runoff race is crucial for moderates because Oil Changes Starting At $19.95 w/Filter into a school. I remember the old meat section was full ot historically, the number of voters who come to the polls rotten wood. We had to go through layers and find ways in for a runoff diminishes markedly," Thomas said. "The reinforce it to bring it up to code." Religious Right's core of voters, who always participate, • - \ v "' i._, gave Bill Gross his win in 1994, with fewer than 7 percent The center was set up as a non-profit organization of the electorate voting for him." formed jointly by interested families. The first board of Thomas also noted that the runoff is a Thursday, rather directors included Workman, Fischer, Thomas, Porter than the traditional Tuesday election day. Goss and Skip Purdy. For more information about COTI's position, call 19*9 FORD ESCORT 19S5tUiCKFAftK AVENUE Li 1979 ALLEGRO MOTOR HOME The center kicked off with "A Child's Summer on the Thomas at 472-4714. ltt | *| ttl U, yI fc—« awty fro* bw». Islands," which went from June 17 to July 26. The first fall program operated five half-days from 8:30 a.m. to noon. from Sept. 4, 1974, (through May 30, 1975. Thomas said, "We were fortunate to find such wonder- Community ful teachers from the beginning — Miss Pam (Anderson), Miss Martha (Ryckman), and Miss Pat (McClintock)" 'Jazz on the Green' poster 19SiK»RDTNUNDERBIRD 1991 SUZUKI SWIFT 1989 NISSAN SENTRA 1urtx> Cwpt, 5-«pd, «fc M powe? Jtoto tope, sh*p The morning pre-school fee was $60 a month. A second "Jazz on the Green" unveiled its 1998 commemorative tow 0kj \f SV9H VWi MKWWWyffj MW1 VVVa ridtod child from the same family was given a 50 percent reduc- poster this week as a preview to the annual golf tourna- Aft You Need To tion. Scholarships were given to families who needed ment and jazz festival planned for Saturday, Oct. 3, at Oft Financ«dl assistance. Gateway Golf & Country Club. n current Job Founders knew tuition would have to be supplemented The poster was designed by Lora Potts and was chosen n Home Wtont* by fund-raising efforts. Fischer said that one of the thing* in the event's first-ever poster contest. o Down Nymtnt that sticks with her is the creativity of the events, and how It will be sold in limited edition prints at the jazz con- No Credit, Bad Credit, HO ProMonI they brought all the parents and community members cert, with proceeds benefiting the Children's Hospital of 19t? GRAND MARQUIS IS together. Southwest Florida. Vty auto, A W pwm jtato tip*. lo»*d 1984 MAZDA PICKUP There were bake sales, fashion shows, plant sales, i« For information, call 477-4683. cream socials. A drawing for a Dick Hartmann watercolor of the historic building netted $600. A major social event — a dinner dance at the Island Beach Club (now Casa 'Sound Living' Ybel Resort) — that brought out the first city council can- Sanibel and Captiva islanders are invited to participate didates, earned $1,300 for the center. An article in a May in a new program called "Sound Living," especially 30, Island Reporter notes the success of the "Fruits, designed for residents and property owners on the island. Flowers, and Flavors" festival sponsored by the Children's The program takes some of the format from the suc- Center at Periwinkle Place. cessful Resident Environmental Orientations and gives it a 1988UNCOLM TOWN CAR V8, »to. air. M PQWO: sttyto toot, ckw "We wanted to keep everything very 'islandy' so 1 new twist involving a trolley trip and a cruise around Pine remember we had this mango sauce for the ice cream." Island Sound. It is sponsored by the Charlotte Harbor Workman said. National Estuary Program and the Sunibcl/Caplivu The center was founded with an emphasis on nature and Conservation Foundation. science, the arts and reading. The first brochure for l"c Participants will learn about the creatures that live in school gave the purpose of the center: "We wish to gi*j local waters, with particular attention paid to manatees, our children an awareness of the beauty of our natural dolphin and sea turtles. 1993 MSKCURy COUGAR 1913 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT 1988 DODGE CARAVAN environment as well as an appreciation of their place in >l The program is free to all island residents but sealing Auto, tk, hMpcwtr, k«htr int, Jrrvfm Herto Upe, Gxwrtfcte, 5-spdt tk, tftfto ttpe, sh«p spcrti c*5 — a sensitivity to one another and to the world which sur- will be limited to 25 people. The class will be offered Bat noy!Sp)dw»h warranty C«ld air, jrtot traveling car. rounds them." from 2-6 p.m. every Wednesday in October. Dates are •WAC +T6>T Thomas said, "We always wanted the center to have a" Oct. 7, 14, 21 and 28. OPEN: Mon-Fri 8-7 Courtesy Children's Center of the Islands educational focus. I can remember the children walking Reservations are required and the group will meet at Sat 9-3 * Closed Sunday The original Children's Center of the Islands was housed in the historic Bailey General Store along the shoreline learning about everything there. 1 ^c the SCCF's nature center. 941 -432-0054 on the bay near the causeway. This 1974 view shows development beginning in the ~ For information, call 472-2329. > See Children's Center, page U t 12 Q , 1998'Q ISLANO R£POflTER —HSbAN© REPORTER -=h 6EP"FEMBEfl»'ie I1998"£l 13 Sanibel's K-8 expansion has 'super' suppor Grandparents Day P o I ice ma f c h By Gwenda Hiett-Clements sized the necessity of showing KXJ percent support for the issues including the school has no cafeteria, music It's electric News Editor proposal at the Sept, 22 meeting. Parents have plans to taught in the lunchroom, the art room is in a portable, fr t Sanibel elementary work together to arrange for child care and car pooling so undersized portables are being used for classes, and Sanibel police officers will be tooling around in a tw«i- Lee County Schools Superintendent Dr. Bruce Harter more parents will be able to attend. school's overall instructional facility space is 55 percent scat electric car ncxl week as part of a test program tor will recommend school board members give their OK for Von Harten said, "There are three current Lee County guidelines. Bombardier Motor Corporation ol America in Melbourne, expanding Sanibel I-lementary to eighth grade when the reasons we have gotten this far — Alex According to Von Harten the supj Ha. board meets Tuesday. Sept. 22. Cook. Jacque Owens and Susie Holly. intendent's proposal would include ta "'They can go for 30 miles or more. Then you can plug Barter's support conies in advance.of the school's They have spent countless hours com- construction of 10 classrooms—si| them in anywhere, just like a golf cart." Commander scheduled presentation of (he K-8 proposal to the school pleting surveys, research and site vis- necessary for the middle school Michael Blackmore said. hoard ;it next week's meeting. Barter will attach a memo its." tions and four to replace current ports! He said the car will likely be used for parking patrol, to .Sanihd's proposal stating his position to hoard mem- Harter's decision to back the K-8 bles. The current multi-purpose rooqj running errands, public-relation rides through neighbor- bers. plan came after islanders called for would be used for art and music, jj hoods and at community events like Bailey Fcst in According to parent representative Alex Cook, Harter education equity in response to Dr. larger media center and a ncw.cafeterij October. The department will have the vehicle for about a will recommend expansion begin in the fall of 1W9 with Ande Albert, Lee County assistant area with a kitchen and stage j month. tiie addition of a sixth grade class housed in a new portable superintendent of business and support would be built. All existing classrooiitj Maximum speed for the electric cars is 25 tnph and the building brought to the campus. .Seventh grade would be Von Harten services. He had told parents he did not and other areas such as offices wouij 6- to 12-volt lead acid battery takes eight hours to charge. added in 2<HK) in another portable. That is also when the support expansion or replacement plans because of the Alex Cook be renovated. New carpet, lighting, i\ district would begin construction to expand the elementary high, per-student cost. conditioning, paint — whatever each needs — will w school and renovate existing facilities to bring them up-to- Parents called for equitable treatment within the district. done. Covered walkways would be added and new funuj Ticketed date. Cook said last year taxpayers on Sanibel, Captiva and ture including desks, tables, chairs would be purchased. H Naples resident David Joseph Ford was fined $276 Cook also said that rather than making the Sanibel North Captiva contributed $27 million, or 12.6 percent, of Von Harten said the estimated cost now is at $3 million! Sunday for traveling 67 mph in a 35 mph zone on Sanibel- expansion a separate issue, Harter would want the building Lee County's tax base and since 1976 island property The presentation is scheduled Tuesday at the Dr. Jame| Captive Road at 2:24 p.m. included in the district's capital budget. Cook is head of owners paid $300 million in taxes to fund Lee County A. Adams Educational Building, 2055 Central Ave. Tbj H Jason Fenocio from Highland, Ind., was ticketed at the Sanibel School Foundation, the sub-committee of the schools. meeting begins at 2 p.m. with the proposal scheduled u 10:30 p.m. Sunday for traveling 56 mph in a 35 mph zone school's Student Advisory Committee, the group responsi- After Albert made his lack of support public, Cook and begin soon after 3 p.m. on San-Cap Road and fined $176. ble for the proposal. He is joined by Susie Holly and Owens met with Harter to discuss the inequity issues. Last Maps are available at the school for those who wa • Frederick Malone Bassett III of Fort Myers was Jacque Owens in leading the K-8 efforts. week they, along with Holly and Von Harten, met with directions. Anyone with questions should call the school fined $176 for speeding on San-Cap last Saturday night. Owens said, "Dr. Harter's endorsement is very power- Harter, Albert and Jane Kuckel, assistant superintendent of 472-1617. Cook, Owens and Holly will make the presei ful in this case, but we still have to go through voting by curriculum, who has served as liaison between the elemen- tion. the school board." tary school and the district during proposal preparation. Also on the list of presenters is Mayor Wally Kain Both Cook and Principal Barbara Von Harten empha- Cook explained Harter's decision was based on inequity Von Harten. TOP LEFT: Christina Wright holds her daughter Amelia while the Sanibel Storytellers do their thing on stage, PTA reaching out for membership School notes TOP RIGHT; Sanibel Elementary kindergart- By Gwenda Hiett-Clements ner Max Rehder takes a bite of lunch after News Editor the storytelling session. Beside Max is his Sanibel elementary grandmother G.G. Robideau. "Our appeal is to all mankind and womankind, • Sally Foster fund raiser BOTTOM LEFT: Bob and Viola Handwark sit regardless of color, creed or condition, to recognize that The Sally Foster fund raiser will start today with on in the child lies the hope of the race and that the repub- between their granddaughter Kirsten and money due Monday, Sept. 28. Information and o: Harlow during the storytelling at the school. lic 's greatest work is to save the children." forms will be sent home with students. No tax should 1 — Alice McLetlna Birney collected and checks should be made payable to Sanib co-founder of the National Parent/Teacher BOTTOM RIGHT: Troy Thompson and his Elementary PTA. For information, call Heather Corbin j Association 100 years ago grandmother Susan Richardson participate 472-6752 or Jan Alvarez, at 472-6061. j during one of the stories about "Loud During its annual membership drive this month, the Mouse." Sanibel Elementary School PTA is seeking parent and College Night planned | Photos I Michael Pistella community membership to build an informed team to pro- The Lee County School District, Edison Communi| vide programs to benefit children and the community. College and Florida Gulf Coast University are sponsorir Principal Barbara Von Harten said, "The FFA is a real College Night 1998 from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 2 important link between the family and the school in pro- College Night will be at Fort Myers High School's gyifl) viding not only communication but also education for the Permits and deeds parents." nasium and recruiters representing colleges and universf ties from throughout the country will be on hand, Dalton—L2, Phlll, the Dunes. Wilson Trust to Robert E. & Joan E. Carlson — Gulfside A family pot luck from noon to 3 p.m. this Sunday at Hermits issued by the Sanibel Building Department for Place-Unit 318. the school will highlight this year's membership drive. "But PTA is about more than money. It is the welfare of Students from all public and private high schools, an| the week ending Sept. 10 included: $360,000: Richard J. Garcia and Barbara J. Garcia (aka Barbara J. Toth) to Richard E. & Madie P. Oehlerts—L54, $300,000: Cacho, Inc. to Houston L. & Margaret A. Brenda Harrity, president of the Sanibel Elementary the kids at the school that is of most importance to the their parents, are invited. $2,000: Kapanke, 5786 Sanibel-Captiva Road — Story — Sanibel Arms-Unit F2. Parent/Teacher Association, said, "We are reaching out to PTA. Our focus is on making parents aware of what is For information, call Billee Silva at 489-9362. remove lower level violations by Kennedy Construction. Ptl55,Bl, Shell Harbor. all community members to support the PTA. You don't going on at the school, what and how their children are $138,000: Ehrhart, 1862 Farm Trail — single-family $319,000: William R. & Nancy F. Kerver; William R. $297,000: Jonathan E. & Barbara M. Burroughs to John have to be a parent to join." learning." residence by DuPont Builders. Kerver and Nancy F. Kerver to Chester & Susan Sadler— S. & Marianne Goncher — Loggerhead Cay-Unit 591. $245,000: Carl S. & Myrna M. Richey to James T. & In her second year as president, Harrity explained that One of the two major fund raisers: the Sally Foster gift Canterbury news $150,000: Bailey, 2477-2497 Periwinkle Way — L61, Be, Gumbo Limbo. Donna T. Kraft — Sanibel Arms West-Unit A6. PTA membership is open to families {parents, alumni par- wrap program, now under way at the school; and the add/remodel of store by Anchor Construction/Tampa. $265,000: Doris J. Kaiser, Trustee and Arnold M. & ents, grandparents), educators (administrators, teachers, Seahorse Festival, in March, which raises over $20,000. B Learn how to get into selective colleges $1,000: Tree Tops, 1101 Periwinkle Way — commer- Doris J. Kaiser Trust to Don & Leslie Fields—L22, Bg, the $188,000: Patricia Jackson Sprankle to William L. school staff) and community members (business people, The PTA meets the first Tuesday of each month at the Students from all area high schools and their parent cial remodel by Kennedy. Dunes. Jackson, II — Lighthouse Point-Unit 123. senior citizens, etc.). She added the local PTA provides school. Joining Harrity on the executive board are Susie are invited to a free presentation at 7:30 p.m. Thursday $123,000: Sanibel Moorings, 845 East Gulf Drive — Condos: $108,000: Roberta L. Radcliff to South Limited parents, teachers and the community Holly, vice-president; Heather Corbin, treasurer; and Joan Sept. 24, at Canterbury School, featuring KathlWJ structural repairs by Certified Structural Services. $625,000: Virginia E. Wilson, Trustee, and Virginia E. Partnership/Paignton — Sanibel Moorings-Unit 132. the opportunity to work together to Black, secretary. Mayberry, assistant director of admissions at Amhcrs Deeds recorded at the Lee Country Courthouse for improve the lives of children. Harrity said of the $5 membership fee, $3 stays at College, who will discuss preparation for admission toll* more than $80,000 during the week ending Sept. 6 Von Harten said, "The community Sanibel elementary. One dollar each goes to the national nation's selective colleges. included; Buying is an integral part of what we do. It is and state organizations. Amherst, with a stellar academic reputation, is ranks (Addresses are Sanibel unless otherwise indicated.) Chadwkks's Square our wish to involve people in all the National money goes to support legislative issues, and No. 1 on the U.S. News and World Report list of the fafif Non-condos: or Selling? island resources — environment, art, administrative and publications costs. National PTA mem- national liberal arts colleges. It is among that select grouf $535,000: Sandra H. Hogan to Peter F. & Maureen E. Shopping Center government. Education concerns all of bership totals over 6.5 million. Established in 1897, the of academic institutions able to turn away many more siu us." organization has branches in all 50 states, Washington, dents than it admits. The focus of the PTA will be two- D.C. and Department of Defense school districts overseas. Most college representatives visit high schools durin| You're fold this year — parent education and The FFA is the single largest child advocacy group in the day. This event presents an opportunity for parent! RENT fund raising. B- Harnty the nation. who have plans that include selective schools for th«i reading Von Harten explained there will be a parents' math and Its mission is to support and speak on behalf of children children to learn about the process, said Canterburw NITA COX in the schools, in the community, and before governmental BOATS reading night followed by family math and reading nights spokeswoman Kathy Edwards. ,J the official REALTOR' to bring parents and children together. bodies and other organizations that make decisions affect- The evening's discussion will focus on academij Fishing and Shelling Harrity said, "Fund raisers enable us to bring equipment ing children; to assist parents in developing the skills they issues, standardized testing, extracurricular activities w newspaper Clowst to Outer Islands and special programs to the children that they might not need to raise and protect their children; and to encourage the application process. J otherwise have, from computer equipment to cultural parent and public involvement in public schools of this The meeting will be in the school's performing wti 472-5300 nation. of tlie enrichment programs. center. Canterbury is at 8141 College Parkway. For more information about joining, call 472-1617. Jensen's Marina Illllllpllllllll For information, call 481-4313. islands. Captiva Island • Holiday traditions » i Next week's school lunch menu Canterbury.School is taking prepaid orders for ftesh| winter holiday greenery, eight-inch poinsettia plants w»I ( Monday Mashed potatoes CallNita... Fresh fruit or deli sandwich an assortment of gift wrap. The aromatic evergreen atwl Your Connection Mexican pizza or grilled Whole-wheat roll later tots pine wreaths, centerpieces, swags and garlands will Wf _ G Davis,. MDPA chicken sandwich Mixed green salad Thursday to Paradise. |irSi$^||^p*|||i|||i|i:pl| Italian bread slice freshly cut in Washington state. Board Certified Internal Medicine Selling Lettuce & tomato/tossed \* -* Peas & carrots Honey-baked chicken or Carrot & celery sticks Prices range from $5.25 to $27 and will be ava « salad Fruit crisp country fried steak Local Practice for 10 Years Sanibel & Captiva Apple slices for pickup from the school in early December. Deadline K»| Urgent Care For All Ages Steamed spinach Mashed potatoes order is today. 472-6669 Mixed fruit Wednesday Whole-wheat roll Meal prices This annual sale is the Parents' Association's lari Shops are opetldair/lr|p|p:00 a n€-^rj^p|^|||||||||f tj||||g Taco or barbecued t Fresh vegetable cup $1.60 — elementary fund raiser. Proceeds fund student needs throughout 765-0000 • Located direttl^'acr^llprn the-entrar^|:^^ii||B^|gi||| Tuesday chicken sandwich Orange freezie $1.85 — middle/high year. Cheese ravioli or roast Tatertots McFADDEN & Friday $.35 — extra milk 2301 Eatero Blvd. SPROWLS Lettuce & tomato tub Oft» II fna»p«id«niV Ortftrt t*4 OlHttfid turkey Spaghetti For information, call 481-4323 or 495-7306. (Across from Neptune Inn ) :Mama|iilliillllll8 14 _l SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 U ISLAND REPORTER ISLAND REPORTER U SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 O 15 fl r o u n d the islands Coastal Cleanup Saturday City notes By Dawn Grodsky Anders said other groups committed to Editor help so far include Brownie Troop 262. By Pattie Pace ticipate in the Sanibel discount toll pro- Zonta of Sanibel and Captiva, Britta Water Staff Writer gram. About 4,000 of those are Sanibel The International Coastal Cleanup is Systems, the city of Sanibel, and BFI. residents, according to Scott Gilbcrtson American Legion hosts hog roast with the Lee County Department of from 8:30 a.m. to noon this Saturday, Sept. "West Wind Inn provided the means to 19. and coordinators on Sanibel and buy water, <a href="/tags/Lemonade/" rel="tag">lemonade</a>, snacks and hot dogs FOP labor contract Transportation. Captiva are busy enlisting volunteers to for hungry volunteers. Britta is donating Gilbertson took some criticism on the LEFT: Chuck gets council approval county's behalf when residents asked why limning helps him- scour local shorelines for debris. water filtration systems for volunteers, BFI self to sonu! of the Volunteers get data cards, pencils, has donated a Dunipster. Zonta and Sanibel's first union labor contract won Sanihel's Planning Commission was not fixings at the Legion garbage bags and bottled water, and teams Brownie Troop 262 have already received the unanimous approval of the city council asked to help design the questionnaire. He hog roast Sunday, not only collect the litter but also the data. their assigned areas. The city will help with Tuesday. said the commission would he consulted if Sept. 6. That information is collated with sites from pickups. The staff at SCCF has recruited "We made some history just this future surveys or polls arc conducted and around the country and the world. The volunteers to assist. moment," said Mayor Wally Kain, who can participate in analyzing the results. RIGHT: (1 to r) Chef information not only shows how much "Steve Brown. Wally Kain and Bill thanked the negotiating team and called the Tom Wicksford, Jill people are littering and what types of items Hiilebrant will he 'tube steak' chefs, and contract a good effort. Ryan and Herb are being littered, but is also used in for- other volunteers will lend a hand with After 10 months of negotiation, police Thumbs up Chaney gather in mulating legislation about dumping at sea refreshments and coordination," Anders union members, represented by the Florida The city council gave unanimous front of the hog on and other litter laws. said. State Lodge of the Fraternal Order of approval to the following consent agenda the grill, Organizers saitl some information gath- Barb Renneke and Greg LeBlanc are Police, ratified the contract early this items: ered from debris is so specific that offend- coordinators for Captiva this year and the month. The main component was a "me • A BFI Waste Systems of North BELOW: Donnie ers are identified and contacted about past cleanup will be headquartered at their busi- too" clause that gave officers the same pay America contract to collect solid waste on Schwarner tends bar illegal dumping activities. ness, Wildside Adventures, located at increase as other city the island for another five years, which in the tiki hit outside The event's local sponsor is the West McCarthy's Marina. They're getting help employees, which has will result in lower fees. the Legion, where he Wind Inn and the international sponsor is from Tim and Carol Gardner and Jensen's now been set at 4.6 M A contract with Progressive Builders, made his soon-to-be- the Center for Marine Conservation with Twin Palms. percent. Inc. to construct public restrooms at the famous Hurricanes. headquarters in Washington, D.C., which In addition to combing the beaches, vol- "The FOP is a pro- Sanibel Lighthouse park. WHy SO GLUM, CHUM? began cataloging the debris in 1986. unteers on Captiva can clean the man- fessional police organi- H A reclaimed water disposal agree- The center's mission for the cleanup is groves along the bayside shoreline from zation and we look for- ment between the city and the Island Water to "remove debris from the shorelines, kayaks. "We are the check-in this year," ward to good labor Association for construction of a deep- BIRTHDAY GIRL! waterways and beaches of the world's Renneke said, explaining they divide the relations with the city," injection well, to process effluent water if lakes, rivers and the ocean; to collect valu- beach into zones and dispatch teams of said Paul Noeske, current systems reach temporary overload. able information on the amount and types volunteers. "On top of that, we have union negotiator. H Kamphius Pipeline Company's con- of debris; to educate people on the issue of always donated kayaks to go clean up the He said one element P. Noeske tract for sewer force-main project for marine debris; and to use the information waterways, and at the last (cleanup) in the FOP strongly Middle Gulf Drive and Casa Ybel Road. April, it turned out more people did it by objected to was changing the hours collected from the cleanup to effect posi- B A resolution establishing a policy for kayak than by wandering around. ... required to receive overtime pay from 80 tive change — on all levels, from the indi- considering public improvements financed Hopefully this will be a good mix." to 86 hours in a two-week pay period. vidual to the international — to reduce by special assessments. The council will marine debris and enhance marine conser- Renneke said although this year's The two-year agreement runs through consider petitions signed by owners of at vation." cleanup will cover, the whole shoreline, Oct. 1, 1999. Noeske said the FOP will least 50 percent (by acreage) or 80 percent probably start negotiating the next contract S an ibe I/Cap tiva Conservation particular attention will be paid to southern (by parcels) of the properties. Generally, next May or June. Foundation Education Director Kristie Captiva and northern Sanibel as well as the the public will be assessed one-third of mangroves around Buck Key. Anders is the Sanibel coordinator and vol- total costs and expenses for street projects, unteers there will report to the SCCF at "I hear the fishing line is just terrible canal dredging and drainage projects. 3333 Sanibel-Captiva Road. there," she said. Bridge survey mailed Beach renourishment will also be consid- Marti Bryant, development coordinator In addition to island volunteers. Lee Surveys relating to the causeway islands ered under this resolution, but wastewater for the SCCF, said, "This one is the nation- County school children come to Sanibel and bridges have been mailed along with projects will not. al one, the one that's done all over the and Capliva to help in a program coordi- renewal notices to 24,000 people who par- United States so we count everything that nated through the school district's environ- we (find) — the cigarette butts, beer cans, mental education department and Keep Lee County Beautiful. Students can earn lour Birthday girl Jill Ryan celebrates by hiring a What's this man so glum about? Come on, Jim whatever you find gets counted on a list. limousine (with leftover Vegas winnings) and "It helps make people aware of the hours of community service credit. taking friends out for a night on the town. .i J Home, you can crack a smile, can't you? "Beach cleanups help document the Maybe Linda gave him a talkin' to. debris that's thrown on the beaches. And I Photos special to the Reporter think it's important for us to get out there detrimental impacts of marine debris, as and see it, and to pick it up and clean the well as the enormity of the problem. Such information is a powerful, compelling tool From page 1 beaches." Causeway Bryant encouraged everyone who is for changing minds, changing behaviors that produce debris, and changing for the Lee County Commissioner John Manning admitted it At Tuesday's council meeting, Reding sponsored a res- able to help for a lew hours next Saturday would be more difficult to approve the amendment than if to the city of Sanibel for a change in the language. ... Th.il morning and she had high praise for the better the face of our ocean planet," reads olution that asks the Lee County Commission to heed would certainly be up to the board of county commission- Center for Marine Conservation literature. the provision wasn't in the plan to begin with. "I would island residents' wishes and move forward with repair of people who have been participating year suggest that's probably correct, but to what degree I'm not ers to approve of the amendment, and then the amendment after year. SCUBA divers interested in helping (he current drawbridge or replace it with a similar struc- would have to be sent to the DCA and potentially other sure," he said. ture, rather than a high-span bridge. "They're just a dedicated group. They remove underwater debris can call 334- permitting agencies to see what their views would be on all go out and then here they come back 3488. For information or to sign up, call Kris Cella of Cella, DeBarry & Associates, the firm The council unanimously approved the resolution the amendment." hired to gather information on the causeway, also was and want to do another section," she said. the SCCF at 472-2329. despite previously expressed concerns from some mem- Manning said the clause banning drawbridges was put aware of the policy in the conm plan. "It's been there since bers of the Sanibel Planning Commission who said if the '88 or '89 but like all of the eomp plan policies in there, it into the Lee Plan "because we know it's very difficult, it ; council took sides it would hamper their ability to be an not impossible, to get those things permitted.... that's what can be changed. One of the steps in the objective, fact-finding body. l supports growth lawsuit PD&E study is to identify and review our staff has been telling us as well as people with FDOT." Councilman Boh Davison explained By Pattie Pace the eomp plan for any an all objec- However, Debbie Tower, spokeswoman for the Florida la at rea is the reason for his support. "Because 1 Staff Writer because Vhe 1iTb ..? ?° ^ tives," she said. "I don't want to be Department of Transportation, said her agency does not have an abject fear of tar and feathers, University opened up south Lee County*'... contrite hut it's the policy that needs to look at the type of bridge when it considers permitting. I certainly won't oppose the resolu- Following u path carved by Fort Myers like Pandora's box." be addressed but it won't be addressed "We look at location, the type of water or class o( tion." However, he said it did "put Beach, Sanibel is voicing its disdain for The lawsuit was filed when Lee County until such time as they are moving for- water, wetland impacts — and that gets very broad in handcuffs" on the planning commis- urban sprawl across the causeway. refused to reconsider its position after the ward with a recommendation. As terms of species of critters out there — and maybe con- sion. The city council unanimously approved coalition, which also unsuccessfully fought we've said all along, a bascule is still a struction techniques," she said. "The specifics are really a resolution Tuesday to support a lawsuit the location of FGCU, filed a complaint. viable alternative." Two planning commissioners in what would determine a lot of questions." ENTERTfilNMEN attendance Tuesday, Phyllis Bogan and against the Lee County Commission filed The Sanibel/Captiva Conservation Molly Payne, spokeswoman for the Tower said her agency would work with the South by the Responsible Growth Management Foundation, the Conservancy of Southwest Nola Theiss, said they supported the •Florida Water Management District, the U.S. Army Corps Florida Department of Community Kris Cella Bob Davison resolution as did Sanibel resident Mike Coalition, the Citizens Association of Florida and the Southwest Florida • :'•.• q»i the Affairs, said, "The ultimate authority of Engineers and the U.S. Coast Guard on the permit when Bonita Beach, Save the Manatee Club, and Audubon Society have also objected to the Gillespie, who said, "The absence of a the time comes. UPPER DECK on amendments to comp plans rests with our agency ... We resolution speaks louder than the presence of a resolution. the Environmental Confederation of Sahdev project's increased density and Walt Paskowsky, a bridge management specialist with review them and have a number of earmarks within state It's like the dog that didn't bark." Southwest Florida. The Fort Myers Beach location. Monday law." the U.S. Coast Guard in Miami, said his agency doesn't And although the county commission has not yet Town Council approved a similar resolu- Councilman Andrew Reding told Fran Thru Saturday She said suggested amendments have to be approved by have a preference over bascule or high-span bridges. His tion Monday. Neither government is pledg- .Stallirgs, one of the environmental plain- received the document, Commissioner Ray Judah said, concern is that, with either option, there is enough clear- the county commission following a public hearing process, "Certainly the Board of County Commissioners has ing any money, only a voice, to the litiga- tiffs, that securing the support of Fort Great Prices then forwarded to the DCA. That agency looks at traffic ance for the highest-masted boats that regularly use tin* tion. Myers and Cape Coral would be an for demonstrated its sincere commitment to insure that the channel, which is part of the Okeechobee Waterway and and environmental impacts, among other matters. Sahdev, a Texas development corpora- "incredible coup" and "one hell of an Waterfront Accommodations! entire planning process for the replacement of the Sanibel requires at least a 55-foot vertical and 90-foot horizontal "And then we have a set period of time within which to tion, received permission from Lee County embarrassment to the county commission." Causeway receives all and any public input pertaining to clearance. Motel Reservations 463-9258 compile what is called a Community Impact Statement the issue. It's certainly my understanding that the board to double the density of its project along Stallings said he doubted Fort Myers (Boat Docks Available) where we outline the merits of the proposed changes along in no way wants a confrontational situation in working "It's in effect an open passage to the Gulf of Mexico. 1 the Estero River and east, edge of Eslero Mayor Bruce Grady would lend his sup- with any changes that we would recommend need to be with the city .of Sanibel as well as the residents of Sanibel told them if they want to replace with a high-level fixed Bay, near the end of Broadway street in port, since he had once entertained the idea made," Payne said. and we're very much desirous of coordinating our efforts bridge, they'd better go out and do a survey up the Estero. The project's density zoomed from of developing the land now leased by the SUPER HAPPY HOUR! | As to the difficulty of getting an amendment approved, to insure we have an understanding and agreement as to Caloosahatchee to the (Cape Coral Bridge) and see what's 888 units to 1,598, with plans for several Caloosa Nature Center & Planetarium. Monday Thru Saturday 3 - 6 p.m. she said, "That's hard to say. Certainly if they can come what structure ultimately will replace the Sanibel the tallest masted vessel going through," Paskowsky said. high-rise buildings, an 18-hole golf course Bob Slayton, with the SCCF and the DRINK SPECIALS! forward and state the case that this amendment needs to be Causeway." He related a similar situation in Clearwater Pass where with a 40,000-square-foot clubhouse and a plaintiffs, told council members at an earli- made, we're going to hear thatitnd we'« going to work to officials wanted to replace their drawbridge with a fixed restaurant. er meeting that Lee County disregarded the Judah said the comp plan could be easily amended, "but span. be flexible. And certainly the growth and development I think it's premature to be taking that step at this time "That's an ecologically sensitive area advice of its own director of planning, Paul people at Lee County's Planning Department are going to More importantly, we need to continue discussion and to "We made them do a survey and as a result, we wound the state of Florida is attempting to pur- O'Connor. DINNER ENTREE! do their homework and stay in touch with our planners for up permitting that bridge at 74 feet," he said. "A similar wait on not only additional public input but the ongoing chase and its in the Estero buffer," said He said County Commissioner Ray Sealing before 6 p.m. Monday • Thursday Thru Stplmkr 22,1898 Lee in Tallahassee." studies by a number of additional agencies." situation could happen here because the bridge right now, Edie Slayton, a Sanibel Planning commis- Judah, a former county planner, was the Excluding Holidays. 0M coupon per person, per vhil, phase! when it opens, you've got unlimited clearance." Sanibel City Councilman Andrew Reding said of Lee Commissioner Manning agreed that the clause in sioner and member of the growth manage- only one to vote against the density amending the comp plan, "This is not something that's the Lee Plan won't be difficult to change. "What we would Cella of Cella DeBarry said the permitting process will ment coalition. "The project is contrary to increase and has agreed to testily on the be addressed at the next causeway workshop, now tenta- done very easily. It's not something done very quickly." have to do is petition the DCA for an amendment specific at least 12 policies of the county's growth coalition's behalf. tively scheduled for Oct. 13 ID -J fcMfcJtH IB, 19yb IbLANU HfcPOH I hH ISLANDREPORTER • SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 • 17 Clubs G o e s t commentary PUBLIC MEETING AGENDA FOR SEPTEMBER 22,1998 MEETING OF THE PLANNING At your service COMMISSION * High Holy Days COUNCIL CHAMBERS (MACKENZIE HALL) 800 DUNLOP ROAD, SANIBEL, FLORIDA</p><p>>:00 AM 1. Approval ol minutes of regular meeting lor September ,K, 1WH. Optimist Club to celebrate extra special in '98 2. I'uhlic C'nniiiiciiis on items nut appearing on the agenda. (Maximum time allot- ted, 20 minutes, with a limitation of 5 minutes per speaker).</p><p>"n a time of national and interna- giveness by correcting the past year's '.M5 AM .V Consideration ol a ico,ucst to amend. Planning Commission Resolution No. 9H- tional crisis, Jews will begin a errors, including acts which foster reconcil- 13. so as to extend the deadline date specified for satisfaction of certain condi- its first island anniversary period of moral and spiritual intro- iation with those whom one may have tions within this resolution approving 12 additional seals at Mangia e Bcvi .spection, reviewing life's twists offended. The emphasis is on determined Restaurant. The- subject restaurant is located in lhe Forever Green Shops, at 2055 *an d turnIs of the previous year, to commit Periwinkle Way (tax parcel no, 25-46-22-TU)000S.002A). The request is sub- behavior, which must follow worship in (Editor's' note: This is the last installment of a series keep the island children focused on civic activities," JiLs mitted on behall of Mangia e Bcvi Restaurant, as authorized hy CNC Partnership themselves to nobler efforts in the coming congregations. Otherwise the prayer is con- (owners of the commercial center), by Steven C. Hartsell, Attorney. Application looking at all the varied service clubs on Sanibel and Goodman said. year. The Jewish sidered null and void. No. 97-1 1780 DP. Captiva.) The Fourth of July saw the Sanibel/Captiva Islands High Holy Days, 10 On Yom Kippur, a fast day. Chamber of Commerce and Optimist Club combining their days devoted to rec- divine forgiveness is sought 9:30 AM 4. Continuation (from July 28, 1998) of consideration of applications for: By Jill Goodman efforts at the annual the Road Rally. Proceeds derived onciliation and through prayer, fasting, study and from fees and the raffle realized close to $3,000 for the conditional use approval to provide for the establishment of a new 150 seat Staff Writer Connection event will be on October 6 at SCA. renewal and known the offering of solemn promises club to be directed toward a variety of community events quality restaurant use; Secretary/treasurer John Basher said, "We want to try to as the Days of Awe, that one's behavior will reflect a and a future scholarship program for children. elebrating its first anniversary' on the islands, the get more people who are interested in spending the time begin Sunday more clear commitment to serve and Optimist Club is the newest of the island's ser- On a broiling hot Saturday last month, a group of teens working and developing the youth. We need financial sup- evening, Sept. 20, God in the new year by bettering vice clubs. and parents were working hard at SCA once again. The C port sure, but our biggest problem is the time asset. with Rosh oneself and the world in which we a development permit to provide for demolition and removal of existing The Optimist's mission statement tables needed a fresh coat of paint and the Optimists, in improvements; anil to allow redevelopment of the site to include construction "We are trying to make the youngsters understand what Hashanah, or the live. of a restaurant building, access driveway, parking facilities, and other infra- was authored in 1912 by Christian D. conjunction with the Kiwanis club, agreed to take on the New Year, and con- A passage is read from the Book Larson, an advocate of positive job. In return, the Optimist children will have free use of their place in society will be ... to have a respect for the structure to serve the restaurant use. law and for other people." clude with Yom of Isaiah, which states: "Is this the thought, and was adapted for the inter- the building for their hot dog party from 7 to 10 p.m. this Kippur or the Day fast I look for? A day of self-afflic- The subject property is the 1.22 acre existing Harbor House Restaurant site locat- national club in 1922. Saturday. The Sanibel/Captiva Optimist Club meets at 7:30 a.m. the second Tuesday of the month at the Sun Trust Bank on of Atonement, tion? Is not this the fast I look for, ed at 1244 Periwinkle Way (tax parcel no. 19-46-23-T3-00017.0000). Submitted The Sanibcl/Captiva club has Sanibel Parks and Recreation Director Dick Noon is to unlock the shackles of injustice, for contract purchaser Sanibel Bistro, Inc. (the current owners are William A. and Periwinkle Way. beginning Tuesday Ann Walter) by Johnson Engineering, Inc. Application Nos. 98-147 CUP and 98- focused its attention upon the youth of working closely with the Optimists on programs and the evening, Sept. 29. to undo the fetters of bondage, to let the islands and is dedicated to help city will be a sponsor for the party Saturday. Call 395-9509 for more information. Rabbi Murray 11877 DP. S a n i b e 1 ' s the oppressed go free, and to break youngsters achieve higher goals and "We are trying to have a.s many events as possible but Temple Bat Yam of Saitzman every cruel chain? Is it not to share 10:30 AM 5. Consideration of a request for conditional use approval for a boat dock in the Bay self-esteem with community involve- not overburden the membership who have given so much The Optimist Creed the Islands, which your bread with the hungry and to Beach Zone with a boat lift and four mooring pilings extending a maximum of ment. T ™. , time and effort for the success of the club," Turansky said. has worship services at the Sanibel bring the homeless poor into your house? 80' seaward of the mean high water tine of San Carlos Bay; ,.-,,, , ...... J. Turansky "We plan six major events this year, including a special Congregational Church, will observe Rosh When you see the naked, to clothe them lhe club consists ol a tew good snow ball sock party in January." Promise Yourself— and Hashanah at 8 p.m. Sept. 20 and at 10:30 and never to hide yourself from your own men and women who are dedicated to the welfare of the The organization is researching various facilities on the To be so strong that nothing a.m. Monday, Sept. 21. Yom Kippur ser- kin?" Consideration of a request for a development permit for construction of the children," club president John Turansky said. "We are a island that would be suitable for future teen events. can disturb your peace of mind. vices will be at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29, 70' long dock with a boat lift and four mooring pilings extending about 80' young club striving to crawl before we walk and walk A junior Optimist club is in the works, which will be To talk health, happiness, and prosperity and at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 30. (Murray Saitzman is rabbi at Temple seaward of the mean high water line of San Carlos Bay as proposed in the before we run." connected with Do the Right Thing, an offshoot of DARE. conditional use application. to every person you meet. The New Year is introduced with a fes- Bat Yam of the Islands, which has ser- According to charter and board member, Arnold "Detective Kurt Schulte (head of the DARE program) To make all your friends feel that tive home meal prior to the evening ser- vices at the Sanibel Congregational Goodman, when the island youngsters graduate from the has become an Optimist. He is helping us organize the The proposed bout dock, lift and mooring pilings will be located in San vice, at which special foods are prepared, Church, 2050 Periwinkle Way. He can be Carlos Bay adjacent to the subject property located at 1822 Woodring Road elementary school and splinter off to various middle Junior Optimists so that it can work in conjunction with there is something in them. especially apples dipped in honey as a reached at 395-0452.) (tax parcel no. I3-46-22-T2-00002.0010). Submitted for property owners schools off island, they lose their focus as a group of island Do the Right Thing," Turansky added. To look at the sunny side of everything token of hope for a new year filled with the Porter j. and Mary R. Goss by Rae Ann Scholle of Wetland anil teens, The club brings the youngsters together as a unit. Goodman said, "Other clubs have and make your optimism come true. Environmental Services, Inc. Application Nos. 98-150 CUP and 98-12072 sweetness derived from moral improve- During their first year, the Optimist's have had fund at least twice the membership we have To think only of the best, to work only for the DP. ment and spiritual refreshment. Religious program set raisers as well as events using the "sweat equity" of adults but because there is a definite worth- best and to expect only the best. During the next day's worship, the St. Isabel's religious education pro- and kids alike. while cause here, we have been able to 10:50 AM 6. Consideration of a request for a variance lo Land Development Code Section To be just as enthusiastic about the Shofar, or ram's horn, is sounded. Its sharp gram for kindergarten through eighth I.R.7. Accessory Docks, Subsection c.(23) tu allow a new boat dock to be located In December, the club parents and their kids donated effect positive results with a core of success of others as you are about your own. tones are to arouse the conscience and soul graders begins from 4:30-6 p.m. less than the minimum setback required from the east side property line (as workdays to the Sanibel Community Association to help active members." To forget the mistakes of the past and to the new opportunities for better relation- Wednesday, Sept. 23. extended in the water); with a miniature golf fund-raising event. In return, SCA The Community Connection pro- offered the facility to the club for ils first teen party. press on to the greater achievements of the ships in the family and community. Anyone interested in registering their gram, under the umbrella of the and That party drew nearly 80 kids ranging from fifth to child should call Khristy Scheer at 395- Optimist Club, brings teen-agers and future. In preparation for the Day of eighth grades. 0070, not-for-profit organizations together. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times Atonement, each individual must seek for- Consideration of an application for a development pi-rmit i. Their club's induction party in January featured fun and construction of the new boat Jock. The teens donate their time to help and give every living creature you meet a smile. games at the Dunes. Other sponsoring Optimist clubs came A, Goodman to present the Sanibel/Captiva club with its charter, and to groups such as, the Sanibel Historical To give so much time to the improvement of The proposed boat Dinkins Bayou adjacent to the Museum and Village, Hope Hospice, and FISH. yourself that you have no time to criticize others. I' Tcaied at 2405 Blue Crab Court (Dinkins Bayou induct the officers and welcome the 30 charter members. Tvisitin. Lot 20. Block B - tax parcel no. 11-46-21-T2-OO408.0200). Turansky and Goodman arc members of other service "People have a need for teens to become directed into To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, the community, helping elderly and working on island Houses of worship Submitted for properly owners Linda and B.W. Holloway, Sr. by Rae Ann clubs. Turansky is a Rotarian and Goodman a Kiwanian. too strong for fear and too happy Scholle of Wetland ami Environmental Services, Inc. Application Nos. 98392 "The Optimist Club is the only club whose total mission cleanup days in exchange for exchange for living in this to permit the presence of trouble. V and 98-12014 DP. special place," Goodman said. The next Community cc with band and statement is for the benefit of youth activities. We want to Bat Yam Temple of the St. Michael iM_- Islands _ , ftThurch Children's Ministry II:IOAM 7. Consideration of a request for a variance to Land Development Code Section 2304 Periwinkle Way 10 a.m. Traditional I.E.7. Accessory' Docks, Subsection c. (23) to ailow a new boat dock to be locat- Service ed less than the minimum setback required from both side properly lines (as flSflfflrjet Congregational Services, Sunday 7:30 extended in the water); Optimist Club plans second Community Connection United Church of Christ and 9:30 a.m. with Chancel Choir 2050 Periwinkle Way Wednesday 9 a.m., Holy 11 a.m. Contemporary and ByBv Jill GoodmanGoodman Riiirhl Rnlnn<« Priwn-im 1J.-H .I,.,.,-.!.. <•..,..!.. i- ,, , —— ^^assBS^^^^1' . Bright Futures Program that awards funds for college Friday 8 p.m. Eucharist with Healing Worship with band Staff Writer tuition, requires volunteer pariieipaiira." Thursday 7:30 a.m., Holy Child care at all services Consideration of an application for a development permit to allow for the Rabbi Murray Salzman construction of the new boat dock. l.erner a11ciid•:j ih^^iJm»M^flfffTlonheelions meet- 'pfimists- to hostieeo parly 472-3016 Eucharist Minister, The Sanibel/Captiva Optimist Club is spons;>nm: elk TfistoflH teen-agers willing to lend a The Sanibel Captiva Optimist Club is hosting a Hot The Very Reverend Dr. Denny Dennison The proposed boat dock will be located in a human-made canal adjacent to second Community Coiutectionj^ui__ 1. Two of them. Summer Murphy and Mandy Dog party at the Sanibel Community Association on 11 Chapel By the Sea William P. Dodd 472-2684 the subject parcel located at 660 Anchor Drive (Sanibel Estates Subdivision, Co ncetj^^Jfryw''' ^^ a n i h e 1 Plan nin^, Reynolds, performed chores for elderly women. And other September 19 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Captiva Island Associate Rector The Lot 27. Block 3. Unit 5 - tax parcel no. 20-46-23 -T4-00002.0550). Submitted Sssioner Nola Thciss. the event drew a sizable gath- youngsters helped out at places such as the Sanibel Free hot dogs, soda, prizes and fun, with a DJ spin- for property owners Joseph C. and Barbara A Zieeardi by Bray Marine ering ot students and volunteer organizations last spring. Sunday 11 a.m. Reverend R. David Purvis Historical Museum and Village and the J.N "Ding" ning favorite tunes. Kids from grades five through eight Unitarian-Universalist Construction. Application Nos. 98-395 V and 98-12035 DP. Based on the success of that event, Theiss has had addi- Rev. Charles Smith 472-2173 Darling National Wildlife Refuge. are invited to join in the fun and bring a friend. For all Society of the Islands tional organizations contact her for inclusion in the forth- Lerner continued, "Too many of the young people on 472-1646 8. Report from Director of Planning or staff. this fun, the donation is only $2 per child. Sanibel Congregational Sanibel Congregational coming gathering. the island are really living in the lap of luxury. I think it's a For more information, call Lisa Bilske at 395 0788. United Church of Christ United Church of Christ 9. Report from Commission Liaison to the City Council. All high school students vying for the Florida Bright good idea for kids to learn early on what happens when First Church of Christ 2050 Periwinkle Way 2050 Periwinkle Way 10. Report from Commission Members. Future Scholarship require 75 hours of community service you get older — perhaps not needy in the financial sense Scientist 11. Report from Commission Chair. to be eligible. In addition, several schools expect their stu- 2950 West Gulf Drive Sunday worship morning First Sunday of each but in the service sense. This is more educational for them • Tarpon Bay Environmental Laboratory month November-April 12. Open discussion among Commissioners regarding Commission Functions and dents to participate in community volunteering as well. in the long run than setting up tables for a craft show." • American Legion Post 123 Sunday 10:30 a.m. (ser- chapel 7:45 a.m. (through Goals and the methods and procedures for achieving them. This event will afford the students an opportunity to meet June) At 7:30 p.m. All high school and middle school students interested in H Hope Hospice vice and Sunday school) with the organizations and allow them to select those they Wednesday meeting 7:30 Full worship service, Pot Luck last Sunday of :30 PM 13. Discussion of topics, with Kris Cella, Cello, DeBerry Associates, Inc., for the donating time for community service should plan to attend. Planning Commission's October 13, I99K public hearing and fact, finding pro- would most like to volunteer their lime with. • Florida-Shore and Beach Preservation Association p.m. Sunday school, 10 a.m. the month Fifteen on- and off-island organizations looking for Dr. Wayne Robinson gram related to the Sanibel Causeway. Friends in Service Here's Abe Lerner has a positive out- • Barrier Island Group for the Arts 472-8684 child care 10 a.m. helping hands will be at the gathering. These include: congregational leader look on this youth-oriented program. Rev. Randall H. Niehoff, ALL IN THE CITY OF SANIBEL, LICE COUNTY, FLORIDA 472-7401 Lerner and FISH assist the elderly to maintain a quality M Care and Rehabilitation of Wildlife • The Florida Bright Future Scholarship requires 75 hours St. Isabel Catholic Pastor, of life within their own homes for as long as possible. ^.Sunibel Historical Village and Museum ot community services and most high schools also require Church Rev. Sandra Baler, . If a person decides to appeal any decision of the body with respect to any matter considered at "My first interest came because we had people who some hours prior to graduation. • 3559 Sanibel-Captiva Associate Pastor such meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record ofjhe proceedings, and lor such pur- H Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum Unity poses may need to ensure thai a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record needed little things done for them. These people don't _ Students can choose the type of activity they are most Road 472-0497 • Children's Center of the Islands Sanibel Congregational includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. want to go to a rest home, but sometimes they need some interested in, ranging from'helping the elderly through Saturday Mass 5:30 p.m. M Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation United Church of Christ help to do things like changing a light bulb, sweeping a rii>H, helping at the shell museum or historical village, Sunday Mass 8:30 and porch or doing a little shopping at Bailey's. Things too tri- • FISH and more. Sanibel Community 2050 Periwinkle Way 10:30 a.m. 4 p.m. First Sunday of fling to hire somebody to do for them," Lerner said. "It M Island Group Arls Representatives from the organizations and the various Oct.-April additional Church In uccurdunce with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing n special accommoda- each month tion to participate in (his proceeding should contact Gary A. Price, City Manager, no Inter than seenied to me that there must be people to volunteer to do M Sanibel/Captiva Audubon Society nigh schools will be on hand to answer questions. noon Mass (Multi-denominational) these things. 1 discovered that the high schools give recog- Reverend Ken Miaih one day prior to the proceeding. Telephone •)41-472-3700 for assistance, tf hearing impaired, S® Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Lee County lhe event will be at 7;30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6, at the Daily Mass 8:30 a.m. 1740 Periwinkle Way nition for services toward graduation. And the Florida Murdock telephone the Florida Relay Service numbers, 800.955-8771 (TDD) or 800-955-8770 (VOICK), • Florida Shore arid Beach Preservation niDel Community House. Refreshments will be served, Confession, Sat 3:30 - (Next to Jerry's) for assistance. 278-1511 more information call Nola Theiss at 395-1737. 4:30 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m. Traditional Rev. Carmin Caruso Communion service 482-2763 9 a.m. Contemporary ser- ISLAND REPORTER Q SEPTEMBER .18, 1998 • 19 18! a SEPTEMBER' 18, 1998 _J ISLAND REPORTER Chamber site serves u s i n e s s 'island visitors, businesses t* Reservations not required (Editor's note: This is part of a contin- Besse said more than 8,000 guides were uing series on island web sites.) mailed last year from web site requests. "I look at the number of visits we have By Gwenda Hiett-Clements to the site every couple of months," Besse A casual Sid's Market replaces Greenhouse Grill News Editor said. "In August we had 92.45S hits on 8,700 sessions." By Michael PintMu Menu items available all day range liom hat's the weather Courtesy ISanibtd-CnptiiHi (Vuunber of'Commerce Stuff Writer S4.95 to SlN.'Jr And the menu oilers a gonna' be the second Besse warned of the deception in report- wide variety - from sandwiches and pas- week in March'? ing the effectiveness of a web site by giv- The Sanibel/Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce web site — at u borrow a lino t'ri'wii the tas in v.-;tt'i!i!d and steaks What entertainment ing number of hits. www.sanibel-captiva.org — connects online visitors with members' MliHtV !''. t'.ull I •• llltd'. IlUllJ" Sid s will also offer a display case at lodging and business services, as well as provides island information. 1 is there for my 2- "People have a misconception of what a "Ami liiiv. |< \ nihv'thiii ' i. mi v.hi h diners may admire the saint fresh j car-old on island? Where can I buy my 1 W hit is. They incorrectly define it as logging On the national level the trend is for Regional information includes commu- pk'it'ly ttiit.'K it'.' c. ian Ad\ lU'ak - and fish which arc served tor lunch husband some underwear? What's planned on to a web site. That is a session. A hit T am! dinner. The breads, ice cream and people to 'do it yourself when it comes to nity phone numbers, maps and weather to describe Danny Mollinin , Ut.'M !.'••(.in there for New Year's 2000? occurs whenever a file is requested. The deceit1, will be homemade. making reservations and getting informa- information (including links to radar ser- ran! venture. Sid's Mait.it 1 tsh House .md These are a few of the more humorous first page of a site could have two pictures vices), attractions, monthly events and a Steakery at lite site ni Sid . will also provide the same creative tion. We need to be there for that and we questions Ginny Bissell has gotten working and one text block. Those are three sepa- have been," Besse said. photo tour by David Meardon. the old Greenhouse km.K nl wine selection the Greenhouse had rate files and three recorded hits. The next Grill. ahva\s been known lor. as well as assorted n> the Sanibel/Captiva Islands Chamber of Chamber members with web sites pay I ommerce. Part of her job is to respond to page has five pictures and text — six more $120 a year to have a link to the chamber The merchants section lists chamber "We wanted a plat c dfinestu and imported bottled beers, with hits. thiee on tap. ' i-mail queries each day site. members by categories from bait to beauty where people can |rom the Sanibel/Captiva "So when someone says salons, from libraries to liquors and from "I'm also goinj; to bring in our private Lodging, the most often visited section, come every day —- tot Chamber of Commerce web his web site has 2,000 hits is listed by Captiva and Sanibel and by pri- real estate to restaurants. lunch or dinner or both collection (of wines) from the site @ www.sanibel-capti- that sounds like lots but it is Greenhouse," Mellman said. vate homes and condos. in the same day." actually 150 to 200 visits. Finally, a Frequently Asked Questions Mo 11 man said til the Mellman has been in the restaurant busi- Russ Kessler of Long Island, N.Y,, "The best I ever got was Our web site records 75,000 owner of a Sundial condo rental unit, sub- (FAQ) section is included. decision to replace ness on the island for 10 years, having pre- to 100,000 hits monthly \ musty owned four successful establish- a couple who wanted to scribes to the chamber link service. Green house Grill am! with the number of sessions its fine dining reputa D. Mellman ments' Ritz Diner, the Greenhouse at know if El Nino was going He said, "I would say about 40 percent In its fourth year, the site was one of the tion (and table cloths Thistle Lodge, the Greenhouse (on ui affect their honeymoon. I at around 7,500 to 10,000. of my business comes from the Internet first chamber sites in the state. and flatware) with the more casual Sid's Captiva) and the Greenhouse Grill. told them the weather You can usually divide the services I use, including the chamber site. (with paper towel rolls on uncovered This one is by far the most casual and should be Fine, and I didn't number of hits by 10 to 15 Over the last two or three years the cham- Besse said, "Several years ago when the tables). fun — something one can deduce from Michael Pistella think El Nino could be and have a pretty good idea ber has made the service more meaningful. Internet was just coming out, we could see Mellman's big smile when he describes Sid's, which replaced the Greenhouse Grill, is decorated with an old blamed for a bad honey- of the number of people Dividing out the private homes and condos the importance of future use. We wanted to But Mcihnun isn't replacing the quality who logged on to the site." for which the Greenhouse Grill has been how he decorated Sid's. As if the casual fish house motif. It's chef Danny Mellman's newest casual venture. moon," said Bissell. gives people a better idea of what I have to be ahead of the curve. This is our second Besse can do a technical offer. version and we are working on the third. known. dining room and the old fish house decor "Sid is my Dad," Mellman said, to eat and this is where I like to go." Chamber Executive . _ "Everything will still be top quality," wasn't enough, Mellman and the crew Director David Besse said, Uavid Besse evaluation of the web site to "Now listings are also alphabetized by Our strategy is meet the needs of those we explaining the new name. "And this is our Sid's Market is located at 2407 see what areas are used the name of the complex so that makes it serve. We look at usage statistics to see Mellman said. "Our concept is getting and added "muddy" cowboy boots nailed to the kind of place. Periwinkle Way at the site of the old We got over 10,000 personal e-mail mes- giving a great product lor a really good ceiling as well as the foot and hand prints sages last year. We had 800 last month; most often. easier for someone looking for a specific what changes we will make. What we will "When we spend time together, this is Greenhouse Grill. For now, hours are limit- He said the No. 1 reason for people place, I think it would help if the site continue to do is add technical advances. price. We hope to bring Fort Myers prices they made like a fishing boat-crazed the kind of place we go. I may be classical- that's up 20 percent over the same time last Michelangelo. ed but regular hours will begin Oct. 1. going online to the site is to find a place to explained that the names highlighted in a We want to have different visuals periodi- to .Sanibel." ly trained (as a chef) but this is what I like For more information, call 472-6882. summer." Bissell said many e-mails are requests stay. different color have their own sites, like cally." lor the Chamber Vacation Guide. A "hot The second function of the site is to mine. Just click, click on my site and you <D I key" on the chamber's home page will also serve as a conduit to chamber members. have more information about my unit." tike users directly to a Vacation Guide "We know the site is being used. And In addition to the site's lodging section, The WOW Factor in Naples creates the minutes lequest. the number of members with their web site e-mail and Vacation Guide, there are infor- site. Besse oversees the policy, content and links is going to grow mative sections look. S Clarification Infrared photography to find hot spots 'Thomas still here LANDSCAPING GENERAL CONTRACTORS An article in the Sept. 4 edition of the Most companies don't go out looking sion system was inspected in August by Island Reporter contained the sub-head- for trouble. However, the Lee County ground and by air. A helicopter is used to ;>>^Pl^KiJHir>k line, "Helen Thomas no more." The head- Electric Cooperative is doing just that. reach areas not accessible by ground. f III • ROCK • SH€LL : jv. HOME BUILDING line referred to Helen Thomas Realty, the This trouble-finding mission is actually a During an inspection, the co-op pho- \;: ;#:-%;;yi;Sr^alt'$ business, not HUcf! Thomas,.the long-time proactive search for "hot spots" on power tographs transmission lines with infrared •A & REMODELING Captiva Realtor. Thomas notes sKc ?>«<? not y»"* A kill wrvicu nintr.ul<ir lines. film. *j i!edi( .ttetl tti exriptioiuil retired, nor does she plan to. "Hot spots are potentially dangerous t** quality at J reasonable price She is working with Joe and Joan Burns c o \ > i K v i.: i t ii areas where the sleeves on the transmis- Infrared inspections are slated to be out of Coldwell Banker's Sanibel office ADDITIONS • KITCHENS • sion lines are hotter than the conductors," completed annually and are an integral and Thomas said they are looking to tran.suiKv.ion supervisor Ken Cockrum HATHS reopen a Captiva office soon. part of the co-op's preventative mainte- Michael j. Valiquette explained, "This problem euuld cause nance program. The inspections and sub- GE N E K AL C ONTR ACTOK FREE ESTIMATE major outages if not corrected and obvi- sequent repairs, if necessary, help the co- CflU Island Rosicknt tit:. (tCCCDSMO'J ously, that is something we try to avoid." Bank manager named op reduce outage time and...provide relia- Phone: (941) 472-0200 Hurru .nit' PmU'tliim CUIMIII.WU All 175 miles of the co-op's transmis- bility to customers. " -•••• 472-4439 LANDSCAPING Bill Kelly has been named banking cen- ter manager for Community Bank of the Special ti> the Islands. He will oversee operations and a Roz Wegryn and Dr, Andrew Weil ELECTRICAL IMTERIOKS staff of 17 for the are heading to Africa. future NationsBank banking center loca- LICENSED • INSUREC tions at 2450 Heading to Africa A helicopter flies BONDED Periwinkle Way and Roz Wegryn, the CEO of International inspectors over and let us complete your decorating 1037 Periwinkle Way. Medical Center, will be traveling to Africa transmission lines, projects! We are the experts at.,, Kelly is an assistant with the world-renowned physician and enabling them to TOTAL INTERIOR COORDINATION vice president and has author Dr. Andrew Weil. take photographs ELECTRIC, INC. with an infrared worked at NationsBank lSCUJfUltftl. since W-)5. He previ- The Harvard trained M.D. has written camera. The photos • REPAIRS & NEW CONSTRUCTION ously managed the many best-selling books, including will detect "hot • 24 HOUR SERVICE CALLS ''INTERIORS Burnt Store and Punta Hill Kelly "Spontaneous Healing," "Eight Weeks to spots" on the lines ' VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT SANIBEL SQUARE YOU DESERVE US! Gorda lianking centers. Optimal Health" and "Natural Health that could be poten- 695 Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel Kelly graduated from Florida State Natural Medicine." tial problems. This SERVING SANIBEL & CAPTIVA SINCE 19S1 8:30-4:30 Mon.-Fri. University, where he earned degrees in process is a preven- 472 - 1841 Lic.#ME00084 1-941-472-6551 marketing and psychology. "Since the goal of the medical center is tative maintenance to integrate traditional and alternative med- measure taken by ical therapies and Dr. Weil is the leading the Lee County Financial advisor expert in this field (I am) excited about the Electric YOUR AD HERE HANDYMAN Arnold Z. Goodman, a financial adviso- opportunity to gain greater insight into the Cooperative to ry with Robert Thomas Securities, Inc., on best ways to combine these modalities," reduce outage time /ANIBEL'J OWN Sanibel has been accepted to the NASD Wegryn said. due to equipment Regulation, Inc. roster of neutral arbitra- failure. To Advertise Your ON IJ1AND tors. In this capacity, he will be called on to Besides the opportunities tu observe serve as arbitrator within the securities flora and fauna, Weil has also arranged for Business Here, industry to settle disputes and avoid court participants to meet some of the indigenous HANDYMAN litigation. healers and inquire about their unique AU HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS • CARPENTRY • TILE • STAIRS • The NASD welcomed Goodman, stating methods of treatment. CABINETRY • LAMINATES • AUTOMOTIVE • STORM Wegryn departs Sept. 25 and on the Call PROTECTION • PLUMBING • ELECTRIC that approval as an arbitrator is an honor, NO JOB TOO SMALL...VERYFEW TOO BIG... and an important role with responsibilities two-week tour, called "Living Edens of the Special to the Reporter World — Adventures in Africa," she'll LICENSED AND INSURED and challenges. " ~IZ "ML™" ™—" m""—~~ 472-1587 visit South Africa, Botswana and Namibia. a hot news tip? SCOTT ST. JOHN 395"1452 ^v«u«_aca|| at 472-1587. . „ 20 _J. SEP.TfMBEa.lil, .1998 -USLAMl R£P.QBTER IStAND ftfePORYER Q S^PTEM^ER 18, fW8 Historical notes Stepping out Arts On the island suming with little help" but it was a labor By Jean Dowries s I md .t' li\i>>t in season; the Bailey boys BIG Arts 'I i itn ii liilm .md Sam) were courting of love. The museum opened its doors in Special to the Island Reporter November 1984. 900 Dunlop Road !h II ' n t' h • bride;, and there were par- 395-0900 •i, .,ii ! -.iii, •. must every evening. She added the annual Antique Toy Windows on the world at BIG Arts film series lil'icv Kii'.iiwuitii '.".'is I)1!!,!, • :hi time. Rushworth also taught Show to her agenda for several years, Workshops in -pii .il icn lor her By Jill Goodman A tremendous amount of study and research ii III old S it'iulhouse. inheriting the job which entailed locating, arranging the loan Sculpture and ceramics • Unhil- .il She Saiishci Staff Writer goes into Pascall\s selection of films. He partici- Hum ,i t.'.u h.'i who tied. She and Sally of toys from private collectors and setting Furniture Painting HiM>>ik.ii Viliiijio and pates in the film lovers' discussion group that Wi-ii hi! ila'.i Mrs. John Bailey) split the the displays each December, then undoing Instructor, Lois Ferguson Mil •cum tiii'iuiiili hes ince he moved here three years ago, J.R. meets the second Monday each month at Barnes 'i,id> - hiit 'hroujrh fourth and tilth and returning the toys in January. 9 a.m. to noon Wed. & carsM. "Ss! still an>1 b*,Un I hi- ulil hulls-" will Pascal! has provided film buffs with a & Nobel and pours over trade catalogs. Thurs. thioti-'h eighth, finishing out the term. But as the museum expanded into a vil- tell you what il w.»iit>.' KuWiwurtli said. varied menu. According to Pascall, the films lover's group is $65 for six weeks or $14 She has dcvuii'd !u'i talcuN to creating the hi e.irly 'S5 a dashing Briton arrived on lage and more volunteers came aboard S "I had been to a couple of affairs at BIG Arts comprised of dedicated film goers who are will- single session the island. Jack Rushworth was sent by there was relief with some jobs. Jody exhibits and airaiiymi: artifacts at liie vil- and suggested to (president) Laverne Phillips Ongoing l owner Howard Dayton to Casa Ybel Brown contributes mightily in cataloging ing to travel as far as Sarasota to see a specific lage and museiitn since l >84 that she might like to have a film series. And she Resort, with instructions to managers Dick and crciitin, and others have taken over the film. What are the mi'iedients that lead to this said, 'Why don't you do it,'" Pascall said. Oil Painting and Vivian Reams to "show him the ropes toy show from Rushworth. She remains an "I always listened to what they have to say," Instructor, Pat Aprea kind of dedication ' Hir siarteis, she visited World traveled, Pascall spent about a third of he said. "I also include films I had seen years the island regularly during childhood; as a and introduce him to Milbrey." Dayton active member of the Historical 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sprcia! to the Rpporter his life overseas, setting up systems for the ago but stuck in my mind for some reason or young adult she helped her mother operate thought they would be "a good hotel cou- Preservation Committee. Mondays "Creative" is the word for dis- health care industry. He settled on Sanibel for other. For example, one is called 'Walkabout,' $60 lor six weeks or $13 a bed and breakfast here; and later, with ple." Apparently he was right because they Although retired from Island Inn since plays and exhibits Milbrey the quality of life found only in the United an Australian film. I saw that nearly 30 years single session her husband Jack, she managed Gulf beach married before the year ended and as the 1990, Rushworth is anything but retired Rushworth produces at the States. ago, but I still remembered the film." Ongoing resorts while raising three children and Kearns moved on, the newlyweds took from the historical village and museum. "I had the good fortune to live in 12 different Pascall also relies upon his two committee sharing in community life. Sanibel Historical Village. over management of Casa Ybel for the next The facility is closed until Oct. 14 but countries for two years each, which is just about members: Edith Burke, president of the Painting with friends man William T. Jenkins, and when these three years. Rushworth and Brown are fitting out the No instructor Rushvvorth's island roots actually pre- the right time to see the place through the eyes Southwest Florida Film Society, and Jim Kelly, ceded her birth. Her grandparents, Bailey two married they subsequently produced There were a couple of assignments restored Burnap Cottage for its grand open- Call to register of the people who live there," he said. the vice president. and Edythe Buck, arrived on these .sandy Milbrey and her sister, Edythe. away from Sanibel but 1964 saw them ing in November. The lighthouse lens is Pascall admits that he liked different places "I can't mention the name of any film Edith .shored in 1902 from Lansin, Mich., staying Born in Michigan hut then moved to returned to the islands, in fact working on already installed and cottage furnishings Acrylics, Beginners & for different reasons. hasn't seen and she remembers each film as with Hallie and Will Matthews in their Orlando, the Jenkins girls were regular vis- Captiva. And three new Rushworths had are shaping up the front room including a Intermediate well. Jim is a graduate of USC film school, so he 1:30-4:30 p.m. Weds, home. As time passed, that hospitality itors, even part-time residents, at been added: Merrill, John and Jennifer. It traveling pump organ, a carved wooden "I liked <a href="/tags/Japan/" rel="tag">Japan</a> because it's so exotic. ... I felt beginning Oct. 14 was that year they again succeeded the chest that had been Esperanza Woodring's like I was on another planet and I liked the is extremely knowledgeable and can talk about became a business known as the Matthews Buttonwood Cottage; and attended the little $65 series, $13 single for Matthews Hotel) which later was school on Periwinkle Way, now the Old Kearns and took over as managers of the and other antiques related to Sanibel in <a href="/tags/Philippines/" rel="tag">Philippines</a> for the quality of life. Then there is the different directors." Michael Pistella renamed Island Inn, the same resort man- Schoolhouse Theate.r briefly before a guest former Matthews Hotel, now called Island general and Woodring Point in particular. Paris and London— it's hard to say which I Pascall basi^ his selections on a specific crite- J.R. Pascall sits in front of one of his liked the most." ria. The films usually have not been seen widely Clay dFor Kids aged by the Rushworths from 1964 until at the Matthews began tutoring youngsters Inn. Other buildings at the historical village many paintings he's collected from 9-10:30 a.m. Sats, begin- and are not mass distributed, but are of a high their retirement in 1990. in that area. It was 1984 when the embryo Island also get pruned, cleaned and spruced up Looking ahead to retirement, Pascall system- his world-wide travels. ning Sept. 19, then ongoing quality, and most of the films have either won an The trip to Sanibet from Michigan was After the cottage was sold in '39, Historical Museum was in its planning under the careful supervision and participa- atically viewed his options before he decided to $65 series, $15 single award in Cannes or an Academy Award for for- not easy in the early days of this century. A Rushworth still came during school holi- stage that a friend suggested Rushworth tion of Milbrey Rushworth during the hia- settle on Sanibel, which he had visited the first Wrong,' an old Mae West film. When I showed eign film. series of'trains got them to Punta Gordu days, staying where her grandparents had might enjoy getting involved and using her tus. time in 1975. He drove from Maine to Florida, 'Bye Bye <a href="/tags/Brazil/" rel="tag">Brazil</a>,' several people from Fort Painting For Kids "They may not have been promoted much 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Sats. and then a steamer completed the trek. But inaugurated the family visits at the background knowledge to help preserve She is particularly excited about a dis- through the Panhandle, considering every off- Myers showed up because they spoke and sometimes people haven't heard of them. I beginning Sept. 19, the the climate agreed and when Bucks Matthews Hotel. Incidentally, Buttonwood Sanibel's past. She did and she has. play of Spanish artifacts from San Carlos shore island. Portuguese and don't often have chance to see a include independent, cutting-edge films, some ongoing returned the following winter, they enjoyed Cottage survives but has been relocated on Appointed to the city's Historical Bay covering the period 1500-1830 that "Of all the places, I liked Sanibel the best," film in Portuguese. When I showed a Yiddish foreign films, Asian, African and Latin $55 series, $10 single a separate cottage but continued to take West Gulf Drive across from West Wind Preservation Committee, she initially was will be exhibited in the museum main cen- he said. . • film made in 1938, I got a lot of Jewish people American films. And I usually try to include one meals at Halite's table. Inn. By 1949, Christine leased the Beach chairman of acquisitions, an important post ter hallway, courtesy of James Sickman of His home, which he shared with his late in the audience." Dance & Yoga British drawing room and one adventure film," The annual routine varied only after House, also on West Gulf, and Rushworth, since they had the former Rutland house JSL Resources of Fort Myers. father, is surrounded by museum-quality arti- The winter program was so successful that Instructor, Pamela Wortzel he said. 1917 when Bailey and Edylhe bought freshly graduated from Rollins College, but needed furnishings. Training classes for new docents will facts from all over the world. Pascall has run the program through the summer 9:30 -11 a.m. Saturdays He also takes into consideration a recent mar- Buttonwood Cottage next to the Matthews, and her sister helped their mother operate a The late Anne Marsh did exhibits and begin in November at the museum, led by months and it will be extended to Wednesday $10 ket survey BIG Arts conducted. The results of and simply changed their address. During bed and breakfast. Rushworth recalled this displays at that time but as her health began long-time resident Mary Bell. Volunteer matinees at the Island Cinema in season. BIG Arts this showed that people wanted to be entertained Film Society these winter sojourns their daughter period on Sanibel as very social. There to fail, Rushworth inherited that job. She applications can be picked at the museum, At a trial run at the movie theater last year, but also wanted to feel that they had acquired "Mystery Train 1998" Christine Buck met Fort Myers business- were a number of young people on the described those days as "very time con- 950 Dunlop Road, after Oct. 14. Film Society series "Mrs. Brown" drew nearly 180 people and filled new knowledge and walk away with something. 7 p.m. Sept. 28 the two theaters. $4 ($3.50 members) "The Bride of Frankenstein" "They like to be able to have an opportunity "We seek tp show quality films, which are to socialize, meet friends, and maybe even make SANIBEL CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING "The Umbrella of Cherbourg" not commonly available — films from different Island Cinema "Key Largo" new friends," he pointed out. countries about people from different ethnic and 472-1701 BUDGET HEARING fishing "Chef in Love" The agenda for the evenings of film cover all social backgrounds to provide as many windows Bailey's Shopping Center COUNCIL CHAMBERS (MacKENZIE HALL) "The Women" the bases. In the intermission, filmgoers are on the world as we can," Pascall said. "Rounders," rated R n Oct. 10, the Lee County water to take these kids fishing, and "Get on the Bus" treated to wine and cheese and have time to Part of the summer film series, "Mystery "There's Something About Mary," rated R 800 DUNLOP ROAD Professional Guides' enough donations were made so that every "Indochine" socialize. Train," will be shown Sept. 28. "Walkabout" Pascall, his committee or sometimes a guest Tickets $6.50 adults, $4 for Association will host its child received a prize. The film society has 12 films lined up seniors & children under 11. SEPTEMBER 24,1998 fourth annual charity tourna- We were also able to raise $10,350 that "White balloon" commentator conduct discussion groups before between Oct. 19 and April 19, not including the O "Nobody's Fool" and after the showing. According to Pascall, his matinees at the Island Cinema, which will start AGENDA ment for kids. This is a great event and we was donated directly to Big Brothers/Big Fine Arts could use your help. Each year this tourna- Sisters of Southwest Florida, Inc. When the "Father Panchali" audiences are eclectic, Nov. 11. ment gets bigger and bigger; last year we "Lone Star" "One of the favorite foreign films was, 'Like All films are at 7 p.m. and the cost is $4. Call 5:01 P.M. 1. Call to Order (Mayor Kain) kids are done fishing, we hold a picnic, so San/Cap Art League took more than 100 kids they can exchange there fish Water for Chocolate' On the other hand, every- 395-0900 for further information. BIG Arts body got a big kick out of 'She Done Him 2. Statutory Requirements for Adopting Budget (City Attorney) that wouldn't normally stories. Island Cinema films will include: Phillips Gallery get the chance, out for a You don't have to be a pro- 700 Dunlop Road 3. Public Hearing and adoption of AN ORDINANCE CERTIFYING TO THE day of Fishing. fessional fisherman if you "Swept from the Sea" Through Sept. 30 LEE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER THE SANIBEL OPERATING Though the tourna- "Cousin Bette" Get all your island art news in the 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mon.-Fri. want to volunteer to help take 395-0900 MILLAGE RATE FOR THE TAX YEAR 1998 ADOPTING THE OPER- ment is sponsored by Bill some of these kids fishing. "Spanish Prisoner" ATING MILLAGE RATE FOR THE CITY OF SANIBEL, FLORIDA, Island Reporter, Branch Chevrolet, we Most of these kids have never "Les Miserables" Toe-Tappin' 'n' Dancing FOR THE TAX YEAR 1998 AND LEVYING AN ANNUAL TAX FOR could always use addi- SAID YEAR; DETERMINING THAT THE OPERATING MILLAGE had the chance to go fishing Trouble Starters RATE DOES NOT EXCEED THE ROLLED-BACK RATE; ADOPTING tional help. If you would before. Just catching trout, Live music 7 p.m. to close A VOTED DEBT SERVICE MILLAGE RATE; DIRECTING THE TAK- like to donate your time snapper and jacks far exceeds Saturdays ING OF NECESSARY STEPS TO COLLECT SAID TAXES; AND PRO- to take some of the kids their expectations, and gives Community R.C. Otter's VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. out fishing on the 10th, or them something they will Andy Rosse Lane, Captiva maybe donate some remember for a lifetime. Herman goes to Paris 395-1142 4. Public Hearing and adoption of AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TEN- prizes for the kids, feel So once again we need 'DDingi ' Darling days On the town TATIVE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF SANIBEL, FLORIDA, FOR FIS- free to call me at 472- your help to make this an Carolyn Herman, dele- CAL YEAR 1998-1999; ADOPTING AND FIXING THE FINAL BUD- 5385. Jay Norwood "Ding" Darling will be remem- gate of the Sanibel/Captiva ongoing success. If you would Broadway Palm GET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999; FIXING THE BOND APPROPRIA- Capt. Fritz bered at the annual event hosted by the J.N. Zonta Club, attended the This tournament has like to donate your time or "Forever Plaid" TION; FIXING THE REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge the 54th Zonta International GENERAL FUND AND VARIOUS SPECIAL REVENUE, DEBT SER- been a great success the Guisewhite some prizes for the kids, feel Through Oct. 10 VICE, CAPITAL PROJECT, ENTERPRISE AND TRUST FUNDS FOR past three years. Last free to call me, Capt. Fritz weekend of Oct. 17. convention in Paris, France, Dinner 6 p.m. show 8 p.m. FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. year, all the members of Guisewhite, at 472-5385. Entry is free and the celebration of this July. Family entertainment the guides' association, in Reel Norwood's birthday will include interesting Zonta International is a Matinees select days. 5. Review of Budget Document as amended at First Hearing and Brief participation with volun- (Capt. Fritz is a charter exhibits, free food and drink, free wildlife worldwide service organiza- Tickets from $18 show only, Overview and Summary of Budget (City Manager and Finance Director) teers, put 45 boats in the boat fishing captain on Posters and free tram tours through the refuge. tion of executives in busi- from $32 with dinner therapy Sanibel and Captiva.) The main sponsor is Northern Trust Bank ness and the professions 278-4422 Council Comments while food and drink will be provided by Jerry's working together to advance Foulds Theater Public Comments and Inquiries Supermarket and the Coca Cola Company from the status of women. The 1 Special to the Reporter Theatre Conspiracy 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 17. total number of clubs in Zonta International n to r) Pete Ingham, president of the "Parallel Lives: The Kathy 6. Final Council Decisions on All Unresolved Budget Matters Cabbage Key to host golf play day Exhibitors will include a variety of conserva- presently is 1,202. Zonta had dedicated 78 years and Mo Show" tion organizations. Speakers planned are the "Ding" Darling Wildlife Society, and to improving the legal, political, economic, edu- 8 p.m. through Sept. 19 Cabbage Key is hosting its first ever Public Comment on Council Motions The cost is $85 and the format is a '"8-99 federal duck stamp artist, Darling's Marilyn Kloosterman and Mike cational, health and professional status of Adult content charity golf play day with proceeds bene- 7. Council Directions to Staff four-person, best-ball scramble/Included Cuscaden, eo-chairs of Ding women. $14 (members $12) fiting the children's division of the grandson Kip Koss and political cartoonist Doug is 18 holes of championship golf, cart, Darling Days, are busy preparing for The importance of attending this conference 936-3239 IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE BY THE COUNCIL ON Southwest Florida Marine Institute, under MacGregor. And there will be special tents with greens fees, play day kits, beer and soda, the mid-October event. allowed Herman to, "be a part of the process by ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING/HEARING, SUCH PERSON MAY the direction of Greg Gardner and Kris activities for children. - contests, trophies, a round-trip reggae understanding the big picture and knowing the Fine Arts NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS SS Gel la. Organizers invite the whole community to the Reding will discuss "light pollution." He's cocktail party and boat cruise to Cabbage ev effects of voting on international issues. The MADE, TO INCLUDE THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH ANY ent. Hours are 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. proposing that Sanibel limit its night lighting to Lee County SUCH APPEAL IS TO BE BASED, Kb?y;'a steak dinner, door prizes arid'the 17.. and 9 a.m. to noon Sunday, Oct. .18* ore-vide better views of the stars. incredible opportunity of meeting and sharing p Alliance of the Arts chance to win a new car for a hole in one. or more information, call 472-1100. goals of like-minded women from 68 countries "The Four Elements" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, PERSONS The event is planned for Saturday Following the talk will be a short planetarium was truly inspiring." Art exhibition through Sept. NEEDING A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEED- Oct. 24, at Gulf Harbour Yacht & show on the fall celestial sky. For more information on registration Zonta International worldwide has selected 26 • ' - ING SHOULD CONTACT CITY MANAGER GARY A. PRICE NO LATER THAN ONE Country Club with registration at 12:30 Society meetings are at the Calusa Nature and sponsorship, call Steve Shortino at the eradication of violence against women of all Free DAY PRIOR TO THE PROCEEDINGS. TELEPHONE 941-472-3700 FOR ASSIS- p.m. and shotgun starts at 1 ;30 p.m. 'Light pollution' talk Center & Planetarium at 3450 Ortiz Ave. TANCE. IF HEARING IMPAIRED, TELEPHONE THE FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE 283-2278. , The Southwest Florida Astronomical Society ' The public is welcome and admission is tree. generations as a primary service focus locally 939-2787. NUMBERS, 800-955-8771 (TDD) OR 800-955 8770 (VOICE) FOR ASSISTANCE. W'U host Sanibel Councilman Andrew Reding at Forinfonnation, call997-0Q12or432-1314. and internationally. lts next meeting, at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 1. 22 d BEPr£MBESWi&Gffl'"SJ ISLANO«EP0RTER?a 23 f island</p><p>PREMIER Crossword by Donna J. Stone Bridge REPORTER</p><p>September 1 2 3 14 Chalk One Up for Declarer Listings for the week of</p><p>Stats 22 distasteful, so he sought a way to ACROSS East dealer. Friday, Sept. 18 - Thursday Sept. 24 1 Thread bearer w Neither side vulnerable. improve on his chances and wound 8 About up making the slam. Week NORTH 10 Madras music 14 Desire deified 4K86 After takingthe first spade with lBVillechaiteof ¥A65 the queen, he immediately led a "Fwitaay Island" diamond toward the king. West FRIDAY PRIME TIME 19 Mtoaiah • K7 3 SO Hurler Hershuer *AK92 could not afford to take his ace 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Make the right choice *1 New York city WEST EAST without establishing declarer's 2 NBC fe*s News Wheel Jeopardy! Datdilne NBC cc) -lomlclde: Life on the Street (a) (S) R News Tonight S3 Event of Sept. 17, rh< NtwsHour The NewsHour Wash. Wall $L The rapid growth of retirement-planning options such 1787 • 1094 *732 twelfth trick, so he let the king 55 PBS Reflections on Vatican II (cc) Charlie Rose (cc) M LAX letters ¥ Q 10 3 V9872 win. South then cashed all his 3 FOX News(cc) Simpsons Frasler Seinfeld Captivity Personal Millennium (cc) (S) News(cc) Star Trek: DS9 as 401(k)s, IRAs and variable annuities has provided an >7 Neapolitan tenor • AJ82 *10954 spades and clubs, coming down to 5 CBS News News Edition Judge Kids Say Camera True Stories/Angel Mash Bridges (cc) News LateSh. ever-increasing variety of investment choices within each it8 Any time now the K-J-4 of hearts and queen of :§)WNPL Mad Ab'l Cops (cc) Star Trek: Next Movie Star Trek Next ifewsRad. RMITV 28 Fond du —, Wu). #764 # 10 5 [J)ABC Hews (cc) News ET Hollyw'd Sabrlna |Boy Meets World (cc) (S) R 2O20(cc) Newsfffi) Nlghlllne 31 Injury Aftermath SOUTH diamonds in his hand opposite By/Bell Matters Coach Baseball Boston Red Sox at Chicago White Sox. (Live) financialMiisw 33 Big bird SWGN 1«h Inn. N*ws(cc) Honeymn. 3S What hawu offer • AQJ5 dummy's A-6-5 of hearts and seven g) TBS Mattwj Matters Griffith Griffith Movie: * Look Who's Taking Too |BiMb>« (Live) (cc) reports show that an alarm- SSHoro ¥KJ4 of diamonds. 3 PBS The NewsHour Business 'Allo... Wash. IWalIJt. iMcL'ghlln WatctVWashlm ton Movhc *** Picture Bride (S) ing number of today's 41 Break off gSHOW Movie: *• RoboCop 3 (cc) (S) Movie: ** Mimic (1997, Horror) (cc) (SI Slargats SOI (cc) |D«ad Man's Gun 44 Qremed down • Q6 West meanwhile had elected to investors are oblivious to the hang on to the Q-10-3 of hearts and IS HBO Movit; In tout Inside the NFL (cc) HBO Salutes the Emmys (Part 2 of 2) (cc) Movl* Random Encounter (cc) |C. Rock 4fi Event of Sept. 2, 4QJ83 Movie: ** Air Bud (cc) |Movta ** Brink) (9:40) (cc) Qargoyles (10:15) jCHsney Pnsents importance of asset alloca- 1666 33OISN Growing |Brottwrty The bidding: ace of diamonds, discarding the Movie: Easy Money Movie: ** Citizen Ruth (7:10) (cc) (S) Movie: *** Jerry Maguire (cc) (S) |Movle tion in their retirement port- 49 Tart 1,™°, 50 Melville novel East South West North diamondjackonthelastclub.Read- gIFAM Oulrag. You Said Show Me Show Me Mr. Bill [Ufe Movie rhe700Club folios' performance, This is 51 Brad of Thelma Pass INT Pass 6 NT ingthe situation perfectly, declarer S)CNN WiidVltw Moneyline Crossfire The World Today Larry King Uve (cc) |The Work) Today Sports |Mon*y despite the fact that financial & Louise" now led the diamond queen, forc- 1. SUSA rlercules: Journeys Warrior Princess Walker, Tex. Ranger Movie: * Sudden Death (cc) (S) Movie: Uonheett 52 New Deal agcy. Opening lead — ten of 6pades. advisors and the financial S LIFE Ellen (cc) Ellen (cc) Party of Five (cc) Chicago Hope (cc) Movie: ** Secrets (1992, Drama) AHkudet jGokJen SS Sleep atage ing West to win with the ace and SJESPN Up Close Sport sCenler cc) B3: Bikes Soccer From Rochester, N.Y. (Live) Btstblll Tonight SporlsCenter (cc) press have emphasized the 88 Minor image? Assume you're declarer at six return a heart, which handed South 58 Loud 5) TNT Babylon 5 =R The Gift. (cc)(S) • Movie Dangerous Heart Movie: Her Deadly Rival (1995, Suspense) asset allocation decision as the slam. 41 Unimprovable notrump and West leads the ten of @AMC Movie: Grass Is Greener (5:S 0) iMovIe: **** Friendly Persuasion (cc) mm |Movlr **Rcptfcus critical to investment selec- 53 Thins und thaat? spades. How would you play the It's true that West could (and ©NASH Dallas (S). The Wallons (cc) (S) Motor Madness (cc) Dallas (S) tion. SS Decimal base 3ASE Northern Exposure Law & Order (cc) Biography ress of the D'Urbsrvllles (Par! 1 ol 2) Law \ Order (cc) 66 Count hand? should) have given declarer a far Doug (cc) KaBlarn! [Anlmorph Brady Wonder Hap.D^s Uverne Lucy Bewitch Market studies published •TEvantofSept 16, SNICK Figure Toon Rugrats You can count 11 sure tricks at more difficult problem by discard- Route 66: Main St. Rough Guide (cc) 1620 the outset—four spades, four clubs, ing a heart rather than a diamond S)TRAV Loose Loose Adventure Bound Rough Guide (cc) Lonely Planet in the Financial Analysts 72 Self-assurance gINOST More Money/Dolans Love Boat Ballroom Dancesport Rockford Files (cc) Streets of S.F. Comba* Conflict Journal in 1986 and updated 74 —polloi two hearts and the king or queen of on the last club. South would then 75 TVs The —of 124 Last word of 38 Out ofrange 82 Marseilles mother diamonds. To make the slam, you have had to cash the A-K of hearts, recently show that how dol- Roaie O'NeUl* the year? 39 Pleasant 83 School supplies need to score a trick with the jack dropping West's queen, to make SATURDAY MORNING lars are allocated among 78 A real card? 125 Got by, with "out" 40 In good shape 85 —fin stocks, bonds and cash 77 Muppet drummer 126 Heed 41 Recover consciousness 87 Neighbor of Leb. of hearts, and the best way to do the slam, certainly no easy task 11:00 11:30 chnan 80 Juat 127 Pipe cleaner? 42 Rock producer Brian 88 Actress Dalton 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 loo this would seem to be to finesse without peeking. Hang 1 World equivalents is ihe single most 81 Little rucal DOWN 43 "My Life as —• ('85 film) 88 '64 Ronny It. the 23 NBC Wall St. Today First-aid kits, (cc) (S) News News Saved Baking important decision an investor can make. In fact, accord- 84 Cow or sow 1 Actress Elisabeth 44 Chaucer's Wife of— Daytonas hit East for the queen. In the actual But what West could or should 5) PBS Arthur Rogers Barney Algebra I Homework The Arts The Arts Renals. Renals. Kitchen 2 Gnat or brat Knights J»ck Roaches 85 Push button's 46 Anesthetic type 90 Aurora, in Athena case, though, the finesse wouldfail have done is not really the point. A) FOX Travel Paid Mario Workshop Potato Rangers Godzilla Hercules ing to the studies, security selection and market timing are 3 Marineland performer predecessor 47 Grand relative 91 "Cabaret" loc. Ghost Wheel CBS News Saturday Morning (cc) (S) S.I. KMs Weird Al 4 Ab — (from the Mart) 48 Carol opener and you'd end up down one. By playing as he did, declarer gave BCBS Paid Prg. Beakman Storybr'k less important to a portfolio's performance compared to 88-Ouch!" 92 French health resbrt Black | Invasion Invasion Pinky Sylvester Histsria! 8 Actor Cariou 82 Fount » BWNPL Monkey Zorro (S) Planets Voltron Bat/Super Bat/Super overall asset allocation. M«Zip Doo-Dah- 93 Sari site When the deal occurred, South himself an extra chance, and in the Tweety Tweety 8 "Swinging on —" ('44 song) 63 Good buddy 94 Eggy quaff 2) ABC Paid Pro, Paid Prg. Fast! Bill Nye Hercules One Saturday Morning •Doug'', (cc) (SI 89 Event of Sept. 26, found the notion of entrusting the end it yielded a dividend worth Outdoor Paid Prg. Paid Prg. jPaid Prg. Although these results have been widely publicized by 7 Mil 84—Khan 95 Pianist Cliburn ©WON Paid Prg. ihlldren Ih'lando People Farm Rpt Business Paid Prg. Paid Prg, 1888 National Geographic Explorer (cc) R 8 '84 Pence Nobelist 66 Chicken choice 96 Aviation pioneer? outcome to a simple finesse to be about 1,000 points. ©TBS Hillbillies Interact Mind Gllllgan 3's Co. Funniest Funnlesl Funniest the financial press and investment firms, a lot of retire- 9S Triumph 8 Responsibility 87 Retriever's remark Homos |Wofk5iop~ 97 Weird igiPBS Str'mslde Any Wild Zoobllee Wlmzle's ment plan participants aren't taking the message to heart. 98•— Breath You 10 Parisian potentate 5& Courtyards 101 Tie-dye relative ©1996 King Features Syndicate, Inc. IDSHOW ilovle Movie: Cheap Deledlve (6:20) Take" ('83 smash! 11 Faced the day 60 Legal matter 102 In readiness Company stocks and guaranteed investment contracts 90 Dukes and earls 12 Salami city 61 Pasta peninsula DHBO Movie 100 Puzile direction 103 Quarterback John (GICs) still compose a bulk of the assets in the country's 13 To boot 62 Emcee's site 106 Entice ©DISN Katie Madeline 101 Soprano Lucraia 14 Unit of work 63 Comfort HUNTIN' HUMOR defined contribution plans. 103 Nervous 108 West, alliance jjlTMC ttovlt 15 Perlman or Glass 64 "Stay—"{'64 song) 109 Snatch J 104 Dundee denial ©FAM ald Prg. Why Why Company stock and GICs roughly constitute almost 18 Brunch offering 67 Dttka or Douglas 110 Bronte heroine 105 Economist, CNN Saturday Travel. two-thirds of all retirement plan assets. Equities, the next 17 Reserved 88 Accounting abbr. 111 Cultural grp. Crossword atu Gre«napan 23 Boa, but not cobra 69 Tony or Oscar 112 Pierre's st. SI USA Bloomberg TV PaldPr; most popular investment choice, composed less than a 107 Actress Pier 24 Museum piece 70 Tendon 113 Key Answers a) LIFE 'aid Prt Paid Pri Paid Pr( 111 "Ju*t —thought!" fifth of the portfolios. Bonds and cash equivalents repre- 20 Newspaper circular 71 Mr. Mineo 116 Ludwig — Drake ESPNEWS Outdo lHEvenlofSept.3, 30 Dancer Charase 72 Short aleepweor? 116 "You're a Wonderful Brtsco County Jr. sent the remainder of the assets. At first glance, one might 1783 Kung Fu 31 Go in snow 73 Excited exclamation -* ('64 hit) j)AMC (9715) (1958, Musial) (Mtei G suspect that plans are limiting the investment choices 120 "Once —a 32 Corporate VIP m Well-ventilated 117 Approved midnight dreary ..-* Oft the 34 Coop critter 78 Be too encouraging? 118 Realtor's abbr. available to participants. However, this is not necessarily 121 Singer Springfield 38 —deco 78 Erato's instrument 119 Sundown, to the case. Factors such as employee loyalty and familiarity 122 O'UarB homeitead 37 Scale notes 81 Baal, e.g. Shakespeare ffliffiK 183 Mercury, for one PaldPr; account for the popularity of company stock. Paid Prt On the other hand, GICs offer a fixed rate of return with a minimum of risk, thus making them attractive to MAGIC MAZE investors who are understandably cautious about their SATURDAY AFTERNOON retirement savings. However, placing too much money in 12^00 12:30 1:00" 1:30 2:00 2:30 3^00 I 3:30 I 4:00 I 4 GICs could limit an investor's ability to achieve higher WEAVING returns available from other investments and necessary to PROCESS • achieve retirement goals. Baseball (Live) In Zone College FoottaH Pwn State al Pittsburgh. (Live) (cc) Employees also tend to stay put and never transfer their YPLIEBYVROSLIFC College Football Mississippi at Vanderbit (Live] balances to other investment choices within their plan, Dang! I hate it when it does that even when new investment options may be added. ZWTQNSK I FCDZBWU Warrior Princess Retirement planning is a process that needs to be periodi- cally reviewed. This means updating asset allocations and RPEMJHSECSREBIF H'metlme Burt Woll taking advantage of new investment opportunities.</p><p>II (cc) (S) Given the variety of investment choices available, there ZXULSQGEGNALJGW pUZZUEgARD Movie IMovIe: *» First Kid (1:10) (oc is almost no real reason to have a portfolio that is not tTn'i gr~ — '•••- --"Y'I1***1 [Movie: Cop and a Half (1230) properly diversified. Buying company stock develops an ECLZDXVNNTCTREG -by Charles Barry Townsend Heathclltl ownership interest in your company that can make work Saturday financially and personally rewarding. GICs can help you A R !*?*!«_»« Ltonheart (cc) (S) PNLOJDSCIRBAFLN c "CAR" FARE! balance your portfolio with a fixed-income component. A B CP E F<3 M A R THE following puzzle is a H E c ^•.^J'oolball Central Florida al Purdue, (Live) However, to really minimize risk and enhance your ability N(W o v E~N)K D A. T C T I I jr KMNO P Q C A R perfect way to pass the time if R STUVWXY you get caught in a traffic jam J*gyJ!L_»» Midway (1976, War) Adm. Nlffifc and I to achieve superior returns, a diversified portfolio is rec- Z C A R this weekend. To the left is a list u""'" **** Friendly Persuasion (cc) [Baas lAulo Racing NASCAR MBNA Gold 200.._ ommended. l AYWRVMGHCTDHRTL A R of eight words, each of which J—• . ' ••' '•""'• *L. Uaui C WHAT HOUDAY Is shown abovo? c Brady Take time to review your asset allocation decision, C A R contains a "car." The following Toon Looney Ew. Inns preferably with the help of your financial advisor. If nec- P N L K A U I G I E C. E B U I. C A R hints will help: (130M).-). ou s) aiotji oouffl ' 1-tt holds water or wine. Travel Adventure essary, adjust your portfolio as your long-term plans C R A 2. Typa of waiter. change; most plans allow you to transfer assets to different ZXWRPYUS P R A W H H I SMART DARTSt U«Ir»a ttm t»rg«t at right, how would 3. A wind Instrument ARNOLD Z. GOODMAN investment classes at least once a quarter. Remember, you scans exactly 100 points using Just sin darts? 4. Pasta. Financial Advisor asset allocation is the most significant tool you have of RPFOMLJ 1GEDBASF ,9t. nKtt otui map OM) pu» atup ^t. »m oiui map inoj *«um »nui 5. A traveling show, 8. Type of priest BOAT (formerly ofl.M. & R. Inc.) making a real difference in your portfolio's performance. RAIN GAME! Pictured below are two puzzle grids. Each grid con- 7. An Egyptian b*otle. Weaie (Arnold Goodman is a former corporate executive Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in how offers tains lour words, which you muat discern. Hints are glygp for each 8. N«ck«rchl«f. with a Fortune 500 company. Securities licensed since all directions-forward, backward, up, down and word. The words In Grid B contain the same letters as the R securities & annuities through corresponding words In Grid A. proud to 1986, his expertise includes estate planning, general diagonally. 0R1DA securities, life insurance, annuities and mutual funds. t. Hard stona. 1. Type of bark. QUID e Beating up Filling Picking Weft R He may be readied at Robert Thomas Securities, Inc. 2. Mexican food. 2. Winter wiser. c announce member NASD/SIPC a wholly owned subsidiary of Cards Frame Shedding Woven 3. Fenc« part. 3. T<HI«r of tali talaa. A Fabrics Harness Shuttle Yarn o The Village Center Raymond James Financials Inc., (NYSE-RJF) 2350 4. S!ond«f. 4. A elua. I A Fibers Heddlo •M*OS 'B "ts 2340 Periwinkle Way K-2 Periwinkle Way, 472-3890, fax 472-3960 e-mail, "S •|utM8o«yij > H P0 Box1229* Sanibel, FL 33957 [email protected].) TEL (041) 472-3890 E-mail [email protected] 24 U SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 G ISLAND REPORTER I *; seer ,sr ISLAND REPORTER Q SEPTEMBER 18,1998 Q 25</p><p>DAYTIME MORNING SATURDAY PRIME TIME 6:30 7:00 7:30 1 8:00 8:30 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 6:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 PET OF THE WEEK REAL ESTATE LOANS ..„„ 6:00 6:30 7-30 j 8:00 8:30 9:00 Hews tally Jessy Raphael News Saturday r MrrySprina Nawsflad. Movkt: *•* Lethal Weapon 2 (cc) (S) Homestr. Body Barney IsWub. Sesame Street Fii\.iN<:i\c AURAS<;EI> FOR Red... Ajpear. Fall/Rise Mr. Bean JLES5- /vlous Varta On One Lawrwct W«l Mjrvh Hamiisch Greatest Fighters Spider SLES-L. business Roseanne iGrace. Montet Wllllai 'sSnftlo' A.TW. Most Wanted Nm(cc) Coach MAD TV (cc) (S) • PRIMAKi • Sttti.Mi Iff»M>: • TiSVEM'OHS ffi FOX"" INJWS (:;:) Star Tr»k: DS9 Cops (a) jCw W News •rs This Morning S CBS Roaie O'Donntll Jonny and Marie The Price Is Hlgl r rncssee ILrrt (cc) News College Football («) Ntws Fi»mfnjo_ d!«a« Focttall Fbriia at T« RoboCop_ Beast 'okemon |T, Avery Hercules iDuckTale 2JNPL |Paki Prg. °rolve or Fbroet Judoi • Fiissr & S»:CUM> MORT<;A«;ES, jrmio.s WNPL Harcuks: Joum«ys Warrior Princess |Hlqhlander Howard Stern Radio Uuto Earth: Final C onfM Trw X-Fi>»» (a i (Si News 'lews tood Morning America SL |P ABC. Regb I Kathla Le Jenny Jones The Vim Collect Foott.ill Xwn (X!_js5t5 Barbara Walters the 78th Annual MlM America Pageant (cc) (S) Word Various Copeland • I-'NMA 60 MiMTK APPROVALS Various Toon Anlman. Pinky Wisteria! Bat/Super |Bat/Super 1 1 News (cc) (S) JCoach Movie GrWHh GrtrHh @W0M ve) | Bawtall totci Pw So« a! Cf.r.i-50 '.Vr^e So« (Lva) 3's Co. Gllllgan Gllllgan Hillbillies Coach Wlblllles Little House/PraMe Little HousefPralrle Baseball (Lw) (cc) Mama's Mama's • lIONSTHn.TIOJi/PKHMANENT, L<>T I.OAIYS Movl* ».« m GarfA C>i You Sucda Business Rogers Sesame Street Barney Arthur Sesame Street Barney Arthur Couch Noddy fcujies "R5o.. Movie: **» Da* Victory (1939, Drama) Movie ©PHS, Arehto Carr Movies 8 Specials • ZKBO POINTS & Mi?i;ni»i.K Hi VIKIWNS AVAIUM.K (« (Q.J Boilng (10:10) From Atlanta. (Live) Movies MovlK R»vat1 Movia: »• Air Few One (cc) |SJ_ Various Various Babar Movles Movies 4 Specials Movies t Specials 1 1HIP- Movie » 'Til (oc) (S) MovW: **TMDewl s Advocate (cc) (S) |Autopsy 5: Tales |Movl» Donald Aladdin Pumbaa • POOH €KHIIIT, PHHIR BAMVIU'ITCY © HBO Mlctey GoolTr'p [Mickey iMermaid Winnie Bear Disney Presents Katie ChipiOal) [Madeline Mad Libs ]_Wild! Cloopjtra In Concert Movi« *• first K«)(19S6. Comedy) (cc) |Cleopatra In Concert Movies t Specials Movies k Specials Movies I Specials Movies t Specials Movie ©TMC Movls: Artlckt ») Movte: »* Ejtretrin Maasares (a) IS) Mov* ** Mrs. Winterboume (cc) (S) [Various PMWee Eekl r Children [Harvey |Dogs~ Mork The 700 Club Kangaroi Shining Movie: Volunteers Movie Movla Movie: * Bushwhacked (1995. Corned*) Early Edition SLf*M_ jDCNN Business Day Morning News 'Ompany SL.CNN WrldYitw •Sources Garw Sportj Business Urry King Weekend World Gang Sports Tonight (cc) 5) USA Bloomberg Inhumation Television Videos Videos Foxwlhy So Right Boston Wbgs Wjnjs_ @USA Movie: * Sutiw Deatn (cc) (S) La Femm Niklta The Net (cc) {Si Shis of the City (cc) Silk Stalklngs (cc) ftildPni. IPaldPrg. IWorkout |Work"ouT Designing [Designing Attitudes Attttudes Party olBve Chicago Hope CAC MORTGAGE INC. ©LIFE Movla: *•• Murder in tha Hoartfcind (1993. MiriiseiKra) |Tm Rom. Fairura 8alk.) Weddings Maggie |Oh Baby Special to the Reporter SportsCenler SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCamer SportsCwiter Collsga Football (5) LSU it Ai*um. (Live) College Football Virginia Tech at Miami (Live) SportsCenter cc) Licensed Mortgage Brokerage Business SiLiSFii OH the Air Club Dance Crook » Chase Dallas "Carrot Top" is looking for a home. @TNT Mwl* H«r D«adly Rival (l«5. Euspwse) jrr/ Kinq TNT Special Edition |Larry King TUT Special Edition Movie: *•* !2oma Bugs Bunny iHlntstona |Rlntstone IcHIPs Spenser: For Hire Heat o( the Night Movies I Specials SAMC Movie: *** Desk Set Uovle: The Man In the Gray Flannel SuK Movie.' DM, Monster, Die WENN am§)AMC. Movies t Specials iMovles 4 Specials" Movto 1 Speclah The Humane Society of Lee County's pet of the Auto Racmj (4:30) Classic iTrwxi TV B'kstage |Opry Live Staffer Bros, (cc) (S) CMA Preview '98 B'kstage OpryUve (TgJJASH All Creatures •„ Bob Vila Guide Various Programs The Equalber Murder, She Wrote ©A*E LA. D«(«dlv»3 MySwKj ol Bibh! Biography Week Tess ol the CUrbervllles (Part 2 ol 2) Treasure SME. week is "Carrot Top," a 1-year-old, mixed-breed rab- 3 NICK looney Monsters Rocko Brown Rugrats Lit Bear Blue R. Scany Muppets Gullah R.Scarry ggNICK You're Rocko Doug (CC) Baavtrs 5u!2!L__ All That Kenan |An!morph Brady Wonder Hap.Days Laveme bit. gITRAV PaldPrg. Paid Prg. Paid Prg. PaldPrg. PaldPrg. PaldPrg. Blba's Blba's Cublne Culshe Europe (Holiday Charles A. Ghegitt Island Island John Hamlnway Castles Palaces Rediscover America Myster. Mystic Castles Palaces @TRAV g) MOST iPakl Prg. IPaldPrg. |PaklPrg. |PaM Prg. |Pakl Prg. |Pald Prg. |PaMPrg |PaMPro. |LoveBoat Streets C4S.F. The male loves carrots and has orange-colored Licensed Mortgage Broker 2) HOST MovK Jimmy Duranla From the Archives Garrison's Gorillas Combat 12 O'Clock High fur. The adoption fee for rabbits is $30. This includes r , a veterinary exam, spay/neuter, basic shots, fecal exam and deworming, first flea treatment and a one- NO APPLICATION FEE DAYTIME AFTERNOON year free alumni membership in the society — an SUNDAY MORNING 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 over $200 value. Sunset Beach Another World Dayt ol Our Lives Howie Mandel News Adoption hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday- 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 2 NBC Newt 695 Tarpon Bay Rd., Ste 11 [Painting Various Various Various Reading Teletub. Barney ireatures |Wlshbone Magic BIIINyt 941/472-3110 PsUPrg. Web Mech TOWS Today (cc) (S) News Meet the Press (cc) Unsung Paid Prg. DPBS /arlous Saturday. The Humane Society is on Arcadia Street ©NBC Home fhe People's Court Mattock Match Doug Hercules Montel Williams Simpsons FAX 941/472-8159 Sanibel, FL 33957 S)PBS Oft Air Living.. Sesamo Wlmiie'j Sesame Street (cc) Tugboat [Arthur Face iFMng T. Brown Lee Pitts 3 FOX in East Fort Myers. Young A Restless TfheBold As the World Turns Guiding Light Oprah Winfrey News Kew> ®FOX PakiPrg. MdPnj, PtktPrg. PskiPrg. Mass |Pakl Prg. Foi News Sunday Talk About Money Opinion Bowden 3 CBS News The 700 Club Toon Anlman. Pinky iHlttarial BaXSuper BatfSuper Sister Nanny For information, call 332-0364, ext. 210. ©CBS PaUPr;. PjWPrg. Panley Copland Dr. DJ. Kennedy CBS News Sunday Morning Nation EXTRA (cc) (S gWNPl Mama's All My Children One Ufe to Live General Hospital Judge Judge Roteanne ®WNPL PildPrg, Shepherd PaldPrg. PaldPrg. Jenkins Demola Congregational Ch. Van Imp* Yan-plras Animal Kn. Rider 3 ABC Martha PortCh. Empty lEmpty Coach Coach Webster Webster Matters Calfomia CD ABC Paid Pry. PJldPrg. PakfPrg. Bob Vila Homes Martha OMA Sunday Slskel ThhWeek Schuller ®WQN Mattock Msttock Movies i Specials California CalHomla By/Bell ByJBell ®WGN Meredith David Roberts Slogwfn Bora Super Sitnday Bat/Super |BaVSuper Black nvaslon pnvaslon Pinky 0 TBS Mlock Movies I Specials [Various Europe Caorial Various ITNNtws ©TBS Fie* Hovk: That Wu Then.. This Is Now Movie: ** All the Right Moves Movie SDWPBTMagk {Reading Cotisleau's Amazon • IMovles 1 Specials Movies * Specials 53 PBS Ground Puzzle iBamey Arthur IBarney Arthur Magic JKkJsongs |Wues Religion Watch/Washington Jovlas t Specials Movies & Specials Community Movies t Specials Movies > Specials ©SHOW Movie: The*teatHome Movie: * Sine («) (SI Movie: My Best Friend's Wedding (9:15) Movie: Housesltter 5SHBO ilovleHVIIHa vt %juw*#KiiSpecialsa TT . II IIBIIIMIII.II... m, I HE^^ Dinosaurs lOrowing Off Wall MadUbs (gLHBO Cable Dream Plppi Babar Inventors': Curie Real Sports Oumbel MovhK ** The Cable Guy (cc) (S) 2LPJIN. Mermaid Iwinnle ICubs |Tale Spin |ChlprtMle Pumbaa |Goo(Tr'p lAladdln Movies t Specials Movies t Specials Movies ©DISN Mlckty Katie Madeline Otter Bear Mermaid Animals Animals Movie Movie JITMC tovles Movies & Specials New residents workshop Ghost. Eekl [Bad Dog Monster Walter Jerry Pee Wee 5STMC Movk Ejtrenw Hewurss (5:«) (cc) Movie: *** Roman Holiday (7:45) (cc) Movie Movie Si FAM unTlme Mumne Bobby's iDennls ICaspar TalkBack Live CNN Tod Burden •oUllcs Showbiz All new residents are invited to a free workshop about ©FAM Chlldrxi Z.LevRt WhjWh^ Peler Bobby's [Mr Bogus |Tomalc*s |Crawler Donkey |SpWer Eerie SB2 SLCNN Burden CNN Today Baywatch Saved ©CNN CNN bill Style CNN Sun. Moneyw'k Sunday Morning NR Preview (cc) Evans Sources SUSA ivies i Specials the natural world of Southwest Florida. The next Fort Intimate Portrait Designing Designing Golden Golden ©USA C-Net Eds. The Web r«cri Videos Videos Bell USA High WWF Superstars Movie: *• Jaws 3 8 LIFE Jnsolvi sterle: avles 4 Specials Sports t Specials Myers workshop will be from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. Sports 1 Specials Sports > Specials Sports I Sports PatdPrg. PiklPrg. PaWPrg. PaMPrg. PaldPrg. PaklPrg. PakiPrg. PakiPrg. Designing Denning Qoklen Golden KtsCenlei iport: @UFE Dukes ol Hascard Amer. Country Hits Crook k Chase Club Dance 24, at Terry Park. ©ESPN SfortsCenter (cc]_R Sr. PQA PGA Tour ESPNEWS Na SportsWeeUy Reporters SporttCtr. Na C'ntdown I2NASH The Waltons Kung Fu: Legend Due South Lois I Clark ®TMT Scooby Doo Qllllgan Gllllgan Lola I Clark Heat of the Night Heat of the Night iLTNT Movies 4 Specials Movies I Specials Bobbi Rodgers, environmental resource manager for Movies t Specials @AMC Movie: •* PcrtijI In Black (cc) Movie: Haunted Palace Movie: *** The Alamo (1960, Historical drama) ivie elals Movies i Specials the Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center, Inc., will give Various Proararns The Equallnr 3D NASH Oil the Air Oarage Mechanic jlnsloe NASCAR (cc) NHRA Today rthemEu Law&Ordei guests and introduction to the natural resources of Brown Clarissa rSarHekJ i Iraki? © A4E The New Explorer* Movie: **« Charty (1968, Fantasy) Breakfast With the Arts Book Biography Week ' SL! Rupert Gadget Toon Various Various Programs Lonely Planet Southwest and South Central Florida, including informa- ©NICK Gullah Blue Family Gadget Brown Toon Loortey Looney Rugrats Beavers Arnold! Rocko jTRAV Varkx Varlc- Various Movies I Specials Mexican Golf Cruise @TRAV PakiPrj. PaklPrt Paid Pro,. PaldPrg. PaldPrj. PaldPra. Europe Holiday Traveler Europe More Money/Do Bull/Bear BkShop tion about area plants and wildlife. Getaway Travel Departing 12/9/98 • 8 Days @NOST PnldPrg. PildPrg. Paid Prg. PaldPrg. PakiPrg. PaktPrg. Paid Prg. PaldPrg. PakiPrg. PakiPrg. Glass Home Free materials available include booklets, brochures and posters. New residents can learn about places they can visit to learn more about Florida's environment and Call Brenda for Details 1633 Periwirvkb Way • SaniW Itlond, Florida wildlife, and get a list of organizations catering to environ- 472-1222 Mon.- Fri, 9am-6pm • Sol. 9om-lpm mental concerns. For information, call 338-3232. SUNDAY AFTERNOON MONDAY PRIME TIME Teen volunteer opportunity 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 Abuse, Counseling & Treatment, Inc., a non-profit S3 NBC torUwnof Spirit National Geographic PaldPra, More Golf Solhelm Cup, Day 3. (Uvaj agency dedicated to helping victims of domestic violence CD PBS Uwte I Clark: The Journey of the Corps ol plstovery (cc) IS) Lewis k Clark: The Journey ot the Corps of Discovery (cc) (S) GQ FOX Foil Na Sunday Movie: t* The Stars Fel on Henrietta Pensacola Football (Live) (cc) and sexual assault, is offering free training to teens to Today (cc) (gees NFL Football Pittsburgh Steelera at Miami Dolphins. (Lwe) (cc) NFL Football (Live) (cc) assist their peers on a crisis hot line, which received nearly SlWNPLKn. Rider Slnbad Baseball Florida Marlins at New York Meis (Live) Cheers JHercules: Journeys 6,000 calls last year. The training will be from noon lo 4 to the Schuller PakiPrg. At Evening I Stek DABC I Shnwk the Kids |Amerlcan Alhlete |Aulo Racing IRL Lone SJarloa (Lr/e) Sylvettw Ilslwla! Earth: Final Conflict p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26. ®W0N nrati Reds at Chicago Cubs. (Live) 10th Inn. Griffith Movie §2_TBS_ Movta: **** Terms of Endearment (1:10) |Baseball (Live) (cc) Florida statistics reveal that one out of three high ICrosaroad EastEnder EattEnder Sarah's Daughters lFrontlln« (Part 1 ol 3)JccJJSl Chants ol Sand and Stars Sculpture [Cooking R. Stem school students are or have been in abusive relationships. Movie: Hcosesitter Movie: * Uke Father, lite Son (S) Movie: Mlmfc Q;J5) (cc) Island Reporter Movie: Prlncam Caraboo (2:43) Movie: Hkjh School High ( Grizzly Mountain (6:151 Movie: ** The Edge 110:15) (cc) (SI "Teens not only experience violence in their homes but (glHBO Movie: Int Out(11:« [Movie: *** Contact (199?, Science fiction) (cc) Movie: «*t Mother {cc) (S) Movie: «« The Next Karate Kid (cc) (S) Motto. Joey wxwtet (9:351 in dating relationships as well. This is an extraordinary ODISN [Movie: «. Jusl Ufca Da<H1:10) (<%) (S| Torkel. Forward Sitters Grow*3L Bug Juice (5:05) (cc) Movie: Basic Instinct {1 WO] OTMC Blow Out (11-30) Movie: Mirror Ha Two Faces (1:20) (cc) Movie: Chanoa ol Place opportunity to learn to help your peers work through the Movie: Lc Movie: Rough Manic (5:35] jH*v?y Mouse iBadPog and the Movie Star Ice] E«k> Monster Walter Jerry Pee Wee Oulrag, crisis and heartbreak of violence in their lives," said 472-1587 gl_CMN_ Matters World Report (cc) Health World B't CNH Sun. Pinnacle CNN Sun. Shannon Pardue of ACT. > Jaws: venge(S Movie: »« The Baut (1996, Minberte) (cc) (S) For information, call Pardue at 939-2553. it* Nowhere to Hide Movie: > Harmful Intent Equestrian (Billiards R ndy Challenge Horse Racing ( JOolfJUvi iMonday Night Countdown SSlifi 'ours. Mine and Ours |Movle: ** The Socre* ol My Success jMovIe: Return or the Pink Panthei THE SANIBEL ! [Movie: m> A Summer Place (1:45) JLove Branch I Movie: ** Those Fantastic Flying Fools w Dover, Del. (Live) (re) er Miller Remembered (cc) (SI REALTY CONNECTION iRaceDa; Drag Raclm e»as catllanan and wile watch upstart oilman. Justlci js. offers you op? RENT BOATS WIWKWs Sbbal Toon horis Claris: JNonder INNtlmatg Eur. Inns Adventure Outdoor Undersea Planel SUNSETS Island Fishing and SheiUng • do*J3t to O«te» 1 jJamta Jookln' Movie: Cavalcade of the West Rockford Filet (cc) Custei More MoneWDolans and SANIBEli as seen 4«ns«!f'« Marina • Captiva ltlmid UNDAY PRIME TIME only from PRIME TIME PQNTA RASSA CONDOMINIUMS 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 • * J*jO0 Spacious 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Condominium Homes • CALL NOW FOR FREE scheduled PICK-UP Mad Ab'l with Large Screened Lanal, Full Size Laundry, • USPS Priority & International mail shippers Nova(cc) Lots of Storage and a Community which offers: • Heated Pool and Spa • Shuff leboard • Private Fishing Pter • Picnic Areas • Tennis * Adjacent Full Service Marina jPAK "N' SHIP National Geographic Explorer (cc) ftiha al Milwaukee Brewers. Matters |Coach , « NOTARY SERVICE AVAILABLE • MON. - SAT. Baseball Atlanta Braves at Florida Marlins. RESALES FROM THE MID $150,000.00'S Movie: »» The Game (cc) (S) —— i ' Movie; «« Quito Sea (oc) (Si Movl« ** Tha Saint (cc) ( Authorized Mad Uta Hi ~~^j !*£!*_*»* Tha Cheap DeteOrve (6:1 Shipping |tfjj a 01 Their Own (5:45) (cc Movie: *** Charlotte's Web VACATION RENTALS Outlet Movie: t Tlw Brady Girti G«l UvM Hallonal lampoon's Vacation (7:10) Movie: **CekfcrationF SANIBEL HARBOUR RESORT Mr. Bill TheWorjdT PUNTA RASSA CONDOMINIUMS 2402 Palm Ridge Road Sanibel, Ft 33957 Movie: Paste (1994, Minlstrta) Inwtora try to run Walker, fixT nanaer 395-1220 • 395-0958 (FAX) $1™ PAGE out/in Ch A FULL SERVICE REALTOR AT THE GATEWA Y TO SAMEL Movl« »-t»Baeklo tho Futum (5;30| /.!"„ OIT ALL Ul'S SHIPPING Wefon UM am/with coupon) iillards 15009 Punta Rassa Road • Fort Myers, Fl. 33908 (John Wa I );«/(•;• Dry ke lirre * FREE AIR DROP OIF Muhammad All behind The Planel ot the A Movie; *»* •Supemwn II ist '98 Clifil Bladclcc) IS] (941)466-3313 B CMA Prevlew/W HJlUJI'i; M>>»;-J:n, 1V/: OI'l'N PROMPTLY at 8:30 ,u« - 5:30 pm or Mow a |avem« S.tJ,; ii:.U) am - -l:<!0 pin • <u,mt; Closed ' Visit Our Website at WnP:\\WWW.SANIBELNET : li !, u a B u ii s r: a B a n « a a a B m a i » » » » « » » B Namlblan Tritxii Streets o( S.F. E-MAiL [email protected] 26 O SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 Q ISLAND REPORTER ISLAND REPORTER Q SEPT EMBERT8,'1998 027 FREE PRINT WITH SUBSCRIPTION ' • I.IJ.I.III.'U-I NOTICE I islanisland ReporteReporterr TO CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISERS TO THE " island We reserve the right to property Deadline a tiv ciassfry, edit of reject any ad Ensure urrent to dm% your ad the first week ft Tuesday 12:00 P.M. appears W« wffl not be responsible Ft. Myers Beach C V % for «rrofs after the fttt pijbiication island and mint be notified within ttirec Observer Deadline CBYS in wcier to secure any adjustment. Al X& are pficcd at 3 Friday 4:00 P.M. Easy To PLACE Ydui Rat rate, no refund or adjustments for unused weeks REPORTER Office Hours By Phone: 472-1587 • Fax It: 472-8398 Prepayment required. 8:30-5:00 PM i Charge, Annual Rates: . Monday - Friday in Person: Office at The Village Unit K-1,2340 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, FL 33957 I It ! $40 Sanibel/Captiva & Lee County • ANTIQUES & • •ANTIQUES & • FURNITURE & • PETS& • LOTS & COLLECTIBLES • COLLECTIBLES • APPLIANCES ACREAGE $46 Outside Lee County or split residence HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES Maytag Washer & Dryer, FREE to good home: House Excellent condition, 4 years dog, female, Saint Bernard. All GOING...G0ING... old, $400 for both. Call shots and tests. Very friendly ALMOST GONE! $60 Outside United States CONNIES 454-3532 MATCHING WOOD TABLES and loveable. (941)495-9522 9/ia/a» -mi- COLLECTABLES Whitewashed-library, coffee »'23)9a —flit— <2158-13 Choice building lots (plus $3 postage to wail poster) and end; sold as set or FREE to good homes: Rescued on Sanibel WE BUY FINE ANTIQUES separately, cats. All ages. Tested & are nearly • FURNITURE & $40 each. spayed. (941)495-9522 a thing of the past. WE ACCEPT QUALITY CONSIGNMENT Cream upholstered side chair This lot is HOUSEHOLD $35. directly across the street Decorative wall mirror, from the beach) SEPTEMBER TAG SALE 52x24", It is over half an acre, 2340 Periwinkle Way DAY BED. WHITE IRON AND graduated beveled glass cleared of pepper, Cai/seway Skimmer by IKKI MATSUMOTO SAVINGS FROM 20% to 50% OFF BRASS - COMPLETE WITH panels, has a survey, The Village WE DO ESTATE SALES, MOVING SALES, FULLY LICENSED & BONDED TWO ORTHOPEDIC $75. drainage plan, CONNIE'S ON THE WAY TO FORT MYERS BEACH MATTRESSES AND TRUNDLE. Antique Sewing machine, • SPORTS 8k city water, NEVER USED. STILL IN $40. SEWER, INDIAN CREEK PLAZA • 17274 SAN CARLOS BLVD. EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 809, Sanibel BOXES. COST $1,000. MUST Two antique lighted bar signs, 30% coverage 0PENMON.-SAT10AM-5PM 466-6399 SELL. $300 CASH. Pabst and Old Style, and is on the bike path. 941-274-5009 Make offer. Terrific (941)472-1587 —tut— 3B088-2 1950's Royal Racer sled, BUY NEW PRODUCTS AT West Gulf locationl 4 ft long, WHOLESALE! From U.S. Donf wait! $40. Search & Rescue. It will soon be too late. Phone Watches-Dive $159,000. 542-1119 Chronographs, Custom after 6pm. Wet & Dry Suits; Full ADA SHISSLER, GRI suspension Mountain, VIP REALTY GROUP, INC • ALWA YS A BEST SELLER + Road and cruising Bikes. 1-80O-553-7338X254 Professional SCUBA 941-472-5187X254 WEDNESDAY PRIME TIME PLACEYOUR CLASSIFIED AD TODAY!! BRASS BED - QUEEN SIZE - Gear. Call 463-7738 10 2<»a —mi— mii.i COMPLETE WITH 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 472-1587 Fax 472-8398 ORTHOPEDIC MATTRESS BIKES AT WHOLESALE! -ALL Get more CD NBC Km Wheel Joopsrdy! Dateta NBC (cc) 3rd Rock NftwiRad Law 1 Ordtr (cc) News Tonight Private Party Real Estate/Business SET. NEVER USED. STILL IN NEW MOUNTAIN BIKES - 31PBS TrwNmHour TruNmwHoor National Graphic Frontlina The Farmer's Wile. (Part 3 ol 3) (cc) (S) C. Rose Additional Weoh Deadline: Tuesday 12:00 NOON On» Wesli ftridllinnal We«fc BOXES. COST $1,0O0. MUST ROAD BIKES - CRUISERS. ALL GDFOX Nm(cs) FntshK Friends SalnlsM Bovwly HHIs, 90210 Party of Frva (cc) Naws(cc) Lova Cn. Heart SANIBEL\CAPTIVA $6.05 $5.50. $7.00 $6.50 SELL. $250 CASH. CALL 941- ARE HAND MADE CALOI N«W3 Edition EXTRA Tt» 32nd Annul CMA Awards Host Vines Gil. (cc) (S) Nawi Late Sti. _$5.00 . $6.75 $5.90 274-5009 FRAMES WITH TOP OF THE exposure Swwpt MttlAb'l Cops (a) StarTrtk: tit it 0aw9on'9 Creek (cc) Dawson's Cr«*k (cc) Star Trek: Hsit MawsRad. RaalTV _FT. MYERS BEACH $5.50 LINE COMPONENTS. FULL N<VKI |CC) ET Holtyw'd Drama |2 Guys Corny Line $9.65.. ©ABC N«w »20(cc) Htws (cc) NlghUlne SUPER BUY - ALL 3 PAPERS $8.50 $8.50 $9.65 SUSPENSION TEAM By(WI 8y/B«ll Milton Coach Dswsoo's Cietk. (cc) Dawson's Crwk (a) ®WQN News (cc) (S) MacGwar (cc) 1GARAGE SALE ADS - $5.75 SANIBEL\CAPTIVA $4.50 - FT. MYERS BEACH COMPETITION MOUNTAIN • COMMERCIAL IMItrs Mltlttt Griffith Griffith Movl* *** Itajnum Foica (1973. Action) ©TBS Movtt: Dead SIKnc* (10.40) BIKES AT $875. 463-7738 t»Nt*3Hout BuslrWIS •Alto... national Geographic "ITEMS $100, OR LESS -12 WORDS - ALL PAPERS - FREE PROPERTY foryour 3L51-L. Frontlln* The Farmers Wile. (Part 3 ol 3) (cc) (S) Brlttas 1D/13f»» —ttlt— 42118-BI 53 SHOW Movie Showtlma Movie: Tr» Insptctora (1998, Suspense) Movls: * Night Life (1989, Honor) (S) A word is defined as any string of characters that needs a space to ' FOR SALE ? separate it from another string of characters. Punctuation is free. ©HBO Movte it Ma|or Leagua 11 (ocUS) Movls Den King; Only In Anwka (cc) OJ(CC|(S) C. Rock [Sports ©DI3N Growing |8roth«rry Clwpjto In Concwt Movt* * Blank Check (cc) (S) Movla Disney Presents CLASSIFICATION; ______advertising ©TMC Movte IfUc m (5;«) (a) Movlt Movh: *** Naiural F3om Killers (cc) (S) Movie • MEDICAL/ • LOTS & ©FAM Outrs^. You Said ShowMt ShawMt Mr. Bill Movie; ** Thosa She L«9 Behind The 700 Club FT MYERS BEACH .2. 3. HEALTH ACREAGE ©CNN WrtdVlw Mawytlns CrouDri Tr» World Today Uny King Live (cc) |N»wsSland: Forluna Sports Money 19 UNITS ©USA IHWCUIM: Jet__^ Wxrtaf Princes* WsBur, Tax. ftangw Movls: * The Hunted (cc) (S) NX Undercover (Apartments & Efficiencie Elton (a) Elten (OK) Party o) Fhf« (a) Chicago Hop* (cc) Movfe: ** Shadow ol a Doubt Altitudes Golden 8. +Manager's Unit .6. 7. J ©ESPN Up Clow SpOiisCtMer (cc) Basaball (LOT (a) Baseball (Live) (cc) Can't coral those extra pounds +Ownei s Quarters. 1 BJ*5£jon_5 ^ER (et) IS) Movto: *» AlthaRijjM Moves into your jeans? Call 1-888- SI™ " 3abylon9 Uovle "BETTYS BEST BUYS" Beach access. gAMC Movta *»* Calamity Jant Movie 340-7369 and put the zip back Dockage. *wle: ** Tarjan and the JtngleBoy 11._ CAPE CORAL Dtfu(S) CMA Prsvlsw 'SS Outdoors Eipatts CtMmp d n jjgNASjHl .i-5S!L3! j JL__. Champ. Bull Riding Dallas (S) into your life! Poof. Morthtm Ejcoiure Law t Offer (x! ®W|_ ?.5sa>^ __ tnvastlgatlv* Rpts. Sherlock Holmes .aw i Order (cd <O)1/»« -Ifl- 42172-1? $1,975,000 gj) NICK^ Figure (Toon B Residential Lots Amok!! c? '™y___ Brady |Wond« Hap.Days Uvema -ucy Bewllch 13._ Call. JIM MCMENAMY @) TRAV One* Upon Island Adventure Bound Roujh_Guld« ice) . 14- Lonely Planet Wtstmlnsler Abbey Rough Guide (cc) ALLERGIES & ASTHMA 941-489-0444 ©MOST Mat Mow/tk-i;<'3 il,iiv« BoJI Ctt» OuA [Utjgams NW 1st Terrace $2800 SocMorTSs (cc) Streets ol S.F. Garrison's Gorillas Need more people ] RE/MAX Realty Group 2O._ , 19- to evaluate the stale of tha art \ NW 13th Street $4500 1O''7I»« —mi— 4H37-2 air purification system. ] No obligations. Call for details. ] 24.. Call Betty .22.. . 23._ Free home trial. ; THURSDAY PRIME TIME Alpine industries ; Phone/fax 941-466-9571 941-267-9052 Email:[email protected] • HOMES 25 FOR SALE 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Words in excess of 25 cost .25(8 each per week. •kvs Wheel riwids Hen Jessa Frasler Veronica ER (cc) (S) News Elizabeth K. Bogert b» HewsHour wsHour Crossroad Univ. Mystery! (cc) (S) Isamu NoQucnl iharlle Rose i 26. _ GRI-CAM-CMCA REALTOR NWB (EC) StinWc 28 — 29.. Fo» Fllw (OC) IS) Newsjcc) Love Cn. He: . 27. • MISCELLANEOUS Diagnosis Murder Resurrection, (cc) (S) ©CBS W Houra (cc) (S) News Late Sh. ISLAND LIFESTYLE! MKiAb't Cojtt(cc) Vayans Foil IHatv |F«/Lovo Star Tr«k: Next JewsRad. Real TV 30.. 33.. Change your lifestyle in this (ovte! ««« Executive Cteaion (1996, Action) (cc) (S) 32._ ighi .31.. Builder has oversized lots on 3 bedroom, 2 bath home g|WON_ Basaoall Chcago While Son al Kansas Ciy Royals. (Live) canal in exclusive gated in one of Sanibel's WCW Thunder TCW Thunder Movie: BAUER subdivision. East end of Hightandor (I9B6, FanUay) 34.. 36. _ 37.. most popular subdivisions. es Roadshow Jonathan Cr» J. Creek Mysls .35.. ROLLER BLADES Sanibel location with Beach Enjoy the tranquil, • AbsoWe Power (cc) (Sj Line's GREAT CONDITION Club and private access. private setting CALL Random Encountw (oc) Movie: Comrrtandments ( Enclosed is a check or money order Surrounded by beautiful 38.__ SIZE 8. overlooking lake. Rover Danflerfield Hovla: Sfagyy 39- NEW WERE $250. existing homes. Call for more I Place (7.-Z5) additional space is naedad, use another piece of paper. for $ _to cover ad for wks. Custom built in 1984 Moyle: vloe's Apartrwnl (cc| |Movla? Hijacking Holf information 395-0909 Oiitrag. You Said jSnmr Ma WILL TAKE $50. and very well cared for. Movie: «« Thril (1999. Suspense) -or- Bill my - VISA - MC - AMX 11,'gf'gB —III*— ^ 2822I*;2 oday 472-5901 Vaulted ceilings, fireplace, Larry King Live (cc) iNewsStand: Ent. A/C# — — i,'30/9B —Hit— »2070-2 Buying or selling a vacant lot on heated spa, tovlt: * Tha Graai Outdoors ADDRESS PHONE. CITY SOLID BRASS BAR SINK Sanibel? Need help with large screened in porch area '472-1587. Movie: ** One ol Her Own STATE. .ZIP. Exp. date ; —— questions concerning Ufi Clow jSpwtsCaatar (cc) Arimm al San Key State, llfca) FAUCET $65. CALL 463-1954 for entertaining. Babylon 5 iportsCenlor (« ISLAND REPORTER H)18i9« —till- 42115-HS ... . coverage, sewers, and market Movlt: dKW (1959, Adion) PRICED AT JUST $285,000. Cold War History Movie 2340 PERIWINKLE WAY, SANIBEL, FL 35S57 Patton (1970, Bcyaptiy) (G WOLFF TANNING BEDS. Tan at value? Call a "vacant lot" Call specialist.. I've sold over 200 'rime island Reporter home. Buy DIRECT and SAVE! DAVID or LINDA Nortli Commercial/Home Units from acres on Sanibel and it does MCLAUGHLIN A Touch ol Frost Law S Order u. Thorn. make a difference. Call Charles SJS21 SkWsr Hap.Paya $199.00. Low Monthly PMR Realty ®TRAV. ii Upon Island nd Sobczak, Realtor with Priscilla Lonely Planet Brazil. So. African Visions Captiva Current Payments . FREE Color Toll Free; 1-800-233-8829 Tin Real Me Rough Gulda (cc) Murphy Realty at (941) 472- T. Orlando RocMofd Files (ecl l "" "l=d W6Bte- W« assume responsibility for thB first Incorrect Insertion <W<™ Catalog. Call Today (800)842- Local: (941)472-1511 Pfeai;eA Wa * nol assumB any responsibility for ad error beyond the cost of the ad^ 1310 1511 or 800-233-8829 todayl e-mail: [email protected] *!?lfy a" ads. If a telephone number is to be part of the ad, It must be ^^ ^;6 „„„, t0] U5 S/2S/88 —nil— 4jg»B-a ' accompany all malled-ln ads. Punctuation is free, so use .1 libe ads % prepa,d mi a check 28 Q SEPTEMBER 18,1998 O ISLAND REPORTER ISLAND REPORTER 'J SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 • 29</p><p>• HOMES • FOR SALE • ANNUAL • APARTMENTS • VACATION • VACATION • VACATION • VACATION FOR SALE BY OWNER , RENTALS; FOR RENT RENTALS RENTALS lilllii ENTALS</p><p>SOUTH SEAS NOTICE Large Annual East End rental. One bedroom, furnished apts. CHANGE OF PACE HOLIDAY RENTALS LUXURY GULF COTTAGE ON THE BEACH RENT FROM OWNERS "BY OWNER" Immaculate, three bedroom, (2). All utilities included. Beautiful vacation home, 3 PLANTATION All real estate advertised in 3 Bedro:m 3 Bith • Loft • Pool • Tennis • And More. Beautifully furnished. SAVES Would You like To two bath home with don/office, Beach access. First, last, bedroom, 2 bath. Your own this newspaper is subject to Sell Your Home EIK, LR, DR, fireplace and "TV/0 GULF FRONTS WITH security & references private tennis court and Sanibel & Captiva the State and Federal Fair Quickly Without A decks. Pool and tennis court. LUXURY GULF COTTAGE LOVELY ESTATE: PRIVATE BEACH 1 & 2 Bedrooms Also Available TWO BEDROOMS, $700/month. Call 463-1675 swimming pool. 100 yards to Ft Myers Housing Acts, which makes it Realtor? Walk to Bay, Gulf and Marina- Beautiful 5 bedroom, 3 baths - Separate Wings - TWO BATHS. illi'lt —im-. 4;ui.|i Gulf of Mexico. ON THE BEACH illegal to advertise "Any Place YOUR $2,000/month-941 -472-2501. Discounts thru Owner ONE GULF VIEW WITH .»/.*.»/M -tilt- 4HM-; (440) 338-8031 Discounted 3 Kitchens - Heated Pool & Spa - Cable T.V. - Call 10AM - 11PM • 1-800-227-1783 preference, limitation or home in the 3BEDROOM/3 BATH ONE BEDROOM. "ARE YOU IN NEED OF (440) 338-5281 Monthly discrimination because of FORT MYERS BEACH LOFT • POOL Large Beautiful kitchen/family entertainment area, Decks AVAILABILITY NOW. race, color, religion, sex, REAL ESTATE MARKETER!! AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY AFFORDABLE HOUSING n/ae.'»> —nil— 70»-2 Rates CALL FOR DETAILS. Large 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, ON SANIBEL?? TENNIS • AND MORE handicap, familial status, or BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED "the very best on Captiva" Sanibel & Captiva (630)736-5440 national origin or intention to For $10 per issue 2 car garage. Deeded WE ARE NOW TAKING CENTRAL RESERVATIONS, Inc. Beach Access, No pets. APPLICATIONS FOR Cottages, Condos Call 1-888-344-6287 Negotiable Rates make any such preference, your home wilf 1 & 2 BEDROOMS ftormcrly SmibcE FlariJa V<K-attcin RciUaU, Inc.) ATTENTION VACATIONERS - limitation, or cHscimination." appear on the $1400 month, yearly lease. POSSIBLE UPCOMING Homes and Estates ATTENTION Golfers! ALSO AVAILABLE & leave message. Video available Your ORIGINAL central reservation service on the Islands This publication will not " BY OWNER" First, last & security. (941) 910- 1, 2, AND 3 BEDROOM Outstanding off season rates 6430 (941) 982-4170 VACANCIES with over 4,000 homes, condos, cottages, efficiencies and hotel knowingly accept any page in the Annual Rentals Available DISCOUNTS THRU OWNER on ocean villas & homes, Hilton advertising lor real estate 10/2/t* — ml — 42103.82 ANNUAL LEASE rooms, on and alt beach, in our network. Weekly, daily and Head Island's lowest priced golf FORT MYERS BEACH LOGGERHEAD CAY CALL 10AM-11PM 4 which is in violation of the law. FOR FURTHER monthly rentals. '"Let us do the searching for you ". packages. Free Brochure REAL ESTATE MARKETER. tar ESP oar us* irr eg' ny uw 1-800-227-1783 All persons are hereby FOR AN EXTRA INFORMATION, Fully Furnished 3,4)39 —nn— 11688-6 (800)445-8664. PLEASE CONTACT sanibel holiday -, Lie Real Estate Broker, call 800-325-1352 or 472-0457, www.hiltonheaddiscount.com informed that all dwellings $5 ADD YOUR Two bedroom, two bath Condo .»'?;»»» — nn— 4ai»7-n advertised in this newspaper PHOTO!! 'SEE HOME RENTALS" COMMUNITY HOUSING Pool-Tennis-Cable-VCR BEAUTIFUL CAPTIVA are available on an equal & RESOURCES, INC ISUND 2nd House from Beach 3 STEPS TO BEACH -- rfrT*r^*riir*T>fT'-nrniffnr«rr'rYyiyvfvyrvv'VV/VVJ*/ViVV'VVJV/W^^WiVV^'niVnVn/VIWJVVf opportunity basis. 482-7111 AT 472-1189" l-800-SANIBEL bedroom, 3 bath home. isr Kg" us" m' n3* us' ts- KT Gingerbread House 2f20f»» — nit— <O27S-t »/um ' —nn— 3«IM.2 Completely redone. Available »/!«/»» -till- 42t»«-«a RENTING: A new private home with VACATION RENTALS UNLIMIT THANKSGIVING Victorian Key West charm. R e serrations for Thanksgiving and next EARLY DECEMBER, 800-572-6423 A two minute stroll from 1-800-727-9990 season. White tile floors. New cabinets. New Furniture, Walk IMML MOO»»«1 1 (SPECIAL RATE) 941-472-6565 a beautiful private beach I'HI I. ?*:||.tr:... OPPORTUNITY L'Ihi 4NHM FCAIM out your front door and you can .again ~nn— a»ti AND SPRING '99 http;//www. on the Gulf. ousarid'3 of Properties Ai>ail;jblc Lveryday. PROPERTY You give us the ad, see the Gulf. Call Bob sanibelreatty.com Near historic PMR SEASONAL RENTALS FOR RENT we'll give you the state. OWNER Chapel-By-The-Sea, and (941)472-8178 10/8/H —Illl— 21207-2 io/i;»« —nn— <am-»z Place your classified ad "m more than South Seas Plantation Resort. 1-516-628-1801 SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION The Best Choice of Properties LAKE MUREX 2/10 ths of a mile • MOBILE/ 108 Florida newspapers with one Two bedrooms, two full baths; 1-3 bedroom Bay Villas Available on the Islands. to Beach. Two bedrooms and MANUFACTURED phone cal. Just ca8 this newspaper fully equipped kitchen; CflSPTIVfi IOXORY TOWN CENTER and ask about the Florida Ciassffiod BOARDWALK TO BEACH 2 bedroom & 2 bedroom r den or third bedroom. Lots of FOR SAMS washer/dryer; Advertising Network. w/lofl Beach Villas ceramic tile. Beautifully 3BR/2BA home screened veranda. Prime location OrcaHFPSat VERY PRIVATE. Seasonal rates, •aCILF FRONT HOCISE furnished. Heated pool. Large 1-800-742.1373 Furnished with Shaker LOGGERHEAD CAY BUYING A MOBILE for retail / office Fireplace, paddle fans, Amenities optional LUXURY VILLA Private Beach At Your Doorstep screened patio. Just at intersection of • DUPLEXES Also, Sanibel Harbor antiques. Totally refurbished purchased. Available October HOME? Check on screened lanais, BBQ, Photos & references available. GULF FRONT I Long driveway Into an acre of lush tropical estate grounds all lo TARPON BAY ROAD FOR RENT a Sflivirf! of 1-800-878-7495 two bedroom, two bath condo. yourself. Exclusive. Tastefully decorated. 3/4 bedrooms or den. 1st, and for next season. For warranty coverage from heated pool, tennis, bikes. December 15th thru April 30th SOUTH SEAS the manufacturer, & PALM RIDGE. All amenities. ii/«/«a —nn— 2184«.2 Pool • Tennis • Cable • VCR Sleeps 8. 3 1/2 balhs, Full-sized heated pool and spa, nominated Information, call (941)472-8178 Approx. 963 sq. ft. $1,400 per week. PLANTATION for architectural award, with terraces pool pavilion. All amenities. tOM,8» -»»- 42178. >2 retailer, transporter, and \Honda Press Service GREAT RATES!!! SOUTH SEAS Gulf / Pool View. Call owner May - $725/week. FIVE BEDROOMS Discounted Weeks Available I Brochure available. Installer before you buy. FT MYERS BEACH- PLANTATION June through September $4,400 per week Deo. 19th - April 24th A public service message CALL MARIE WELLS CLASSIFIED 314-842-2147 PRIVATE POOL AND SPA through owner: THE VACATION HOME PRISCILLA MURPHY REALTY Annual Rental. —nil— 25301-2 BEACH COTTAGE $650/week. ONE ACRE FENCED IN TAKING RESERVATIONS $2,800 per week April 24th - Dec. 18th from The Observer and • • 4 YOU'VE ALWAYS the Federal Trade (941)472-4113 New 3/3 duplex, 472-1587 October - $725/week. LOT NOW THRU 1999 . (DAYS) 201-569-2111 (WEEKENDS) 914-687-0360 Unfurnished condo. OCEAN'S REACH Gulf Front November to December 14th WANTED Commission. CR Gulf front BEST VIEW ON THE SEASON Two master bedrooms, Two Bedroom / Two Bath $695/week. Most private beach. Dock 1/28/3* -tilt- <30H-« (800)237-6002 One Bedroom Condos ISLAND 847-234-6808 Whirlpool, garage, carport. January: $1,400/ week No Pets. On bayou. Heated pool, • VACATION Each accommodates four LUXURIOUSLY 9/25/91 —Illl— 37960.2 Near beach. Off Season: $975/ week Rate applies to 4 people. Wide porches, ' NEED A P.O. BOX #, Non-Smoking FURNISHED OCEAN'S REACH "BETTYS BEST BUY" No pets. RENTALS Season: $1950/ week Write: Henry Romersa Open sunning decks. Answering Service, Conference Fantastic View RESORT AMENITIES Gulf front condo, top floor. SOUTH $1100. Chateau Sur Mer area, Rooms, Large Office, Small Beach, pool, tennis, bikes (Captiva) AVAILABLE POINTE SANTO Pool, tennis, newly Office, Furnished, Unfurnished- 463-1954. ALSO AVAILABLE 4911 Tanglewood Drive CONTACT OWNER FOR Most beautiful complex Idyllic luxury and comfort. Mobilehomes POINTE SANTO Owner: SUNSET CAPTIVA redecorated, 1 bedroom, We have it all. Near Beaches »/<»/»» — lltt— 4U02.« Nashville, TN 37216 on Sanibel. Easy care no effort 330-788-9329 SPECIAL RATES FOR RENT BY OWNER sleeps 4. Excellent condition! and Sanibel. 466-8682. Duplex for rent, unfurnished DE SANIBEL Gulf Front 615-262-9859 10 acres on Gulf. vacation home. 2/1 $37,900 /H/t« -Illl— 254»3.3 Ph:(219)272-0889 Our beautiful home Great rates. Call owner two bedroom, one bath, laundry One Bedroom/ One Bath .. 1/20/a» -IIH- 39588.-6 . Pool, tennis, Three bedrooms, three baths. 2/1 $38,900 FAX:(219)273-5973 in this very private 612-472-7994. area, screened porch near Ft. LUXURIOUS GULF FRONT activities director etc! Monthly rentals. 1 & 1/2 $35,000 LEASE AVAILABLE • ••••• beachfront to bay community 3/»/».» | —lltt— 39?»5-« Myers Beach and Sanibel. PENTHOUSE CONDO. Resort Amenities 2BR/ 2BA luxury condo, Call for rates. RETAIL SPACE CAPTIVA BEAUTIFUL POOL HOME Fully furnished RENTAL PENTHOUSE on $525 per month, Lease. Optional 2ND HOUSE FROM BEACH sleeps 8. 314-993-4843. 2500 SF + 481-6490 after 7pm EAST ROCKS Two bedrooms/2 1/2 baths the gulf. Two bedroom, mint . —mi— 2>5»4-a 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, BEACH HOUSE 1-313-886-7872 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. Designer decorated. Coastal Estates ON PERIWINKLE WAY t)H'9C —till— 42113-H »/2/»9 —nn— 725-8 (WEST GULF DRIVE AREA) with screened porch two bath. 12Q0 sq. ft. screened lanai with Spectacular view. "'here You Own Your Lot" Ground Building. Lovely, Private OVERLOOKING TROPICAL Completely redone. Available upper sun deck Private deck. Available spiral staircase to for Thanksgiving and next $875 PER WEEK Feb. Mar. and April. Great Location. private rooftop sundeck. beautifully furnished. LAKE heated pool Heated pool- season. White tile floors. New OFF SEASON. $4,000. month. Call Betty Handicapped accessible. Gorgeous sunrise SUNDIAL TASTEFULLY DECORATED private boat slip Tropical vegetation cabinets. New Furniture. Walk 248-363-9257 or 454-5584. Phone/fax 941-466-9571 Plenty of PARKING. • HOMES and sunsets. 3 BEDROOMS/2 BATHS two tennis courts Spectacular gulf views out your front door and you can e-mail [email protected] 2/20/99 —nil— 39S60-S Email: [email protected] Call Beautifully decorated ALL AMENITIES three TVs, cable, VCR, stereo • GENERAL FOR RENT All amenities 2 Bedroom/2 Bath see the Gulf. Call Bob www.majestic.net/vacation/ MARSHA CLIFFORD, Realtor and fully equipped. WALK TO BEACH and more SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION REAL ESTATE PMR plus den condo (941)472-8178 1001-1.htm Call (910)457-9251 Call owner. AVAILABLE: BEACH CLUB Elizabeth K. Bogert for information. 941-472-1764 Sleeps six 10/1/96 —Illl— 42175-82 9/25'3a —tin— imi-i Substantial savings. NOVEMBER '98 ON THE GULF 941-472-1511 Beautiful Gulf view GRI-CAM-CMCA 708-481-8188 Two bedrooms, two baths, REALTOR-MANAGER 941 -472-2902 • *•••• Pools • Tennis SANIBEL LUXURY . »/25/»8 _...„ ^ 32387.4 SUNSET CAPTIVA THE DUNES Sleeps six ANNUAL RENTALS (610)664-2371 •Children's activities GULFFRONTCONDO 13/U/»« — Ittl— 710-2 SUNSET CAPTIVA • All amenities BEACH FRONTCONDO Luxury GOLF AND TENNIS CLUB AVAILABLE —It It— 41083. Three bedroom, two bath. 1700 Square Feet Elegant 3BR/2BA Home Discounted weeks available Two bedrooms plus two baths FLORIDA STYLE HOME WEEK 52: DEC. 25-JAN. 1 One Jedroom, One bath, 35 POOL HOME DIRECT GULF FRONT Large screened porch. Very Private in now thru fall Washer/dryer. WITH POOL WEEK1: JAN. 1-8 Foot nobilehome, Florida room, ••:•• •OFFICE/ This 2 bed/2 bath F. home, Fully equipped. Desirable Complex Private beachfront community. OWNER Large kitchen. Deeded Beach Access. WEEK 2: JAN. 8-15 carp-t, A/C, ntee furniture & is a must see. NEAR LIGHTHOUSE Private Gulf and Near Lighthouse ANOi RETAIL SPACE Fully furnished. Pool - tennis - bicycles. Three Bedrooms, Two Baths. WEEK 15: APRIL 9-16 carport. Ft. Myers Beach 55+, Pristine condition. Fabulous Views! (612) 484-9148 Bay front.community. 32' x 8' Screened Porch FOR RENT 2CATVs, VCP, Now booking Sleeps six. 514-229-3804 $29,000. Call 466-2851 Plus garage & jacu2zi. Pool - tennis - Boat docks - Overlooks Beach CD/Stereo, W/D. weekly and monthly. Phone owner (or rates. $1400/mo. Upscale • Delightful gas grills, and much more. 2 BR/2BA + Den Pool - Tennis - Boat Dock. SOUTH SEAS Owner 724-225-4410 days. CALL OWNER. Bright - Spacious - Breezy WILL TRADE OFFICE SPACE in Call owner 330-864-3094 •• Beautifully Equipped 412-361-5751 eves. Two bedrooms, Two baths PLANTATION 517-321-6324. . »/28)»i — nn— <i»79-a exchange for professional LAKEFRONTHOME Very nicely furnished 615-371-9029 9/16/98 —Hill- 4024»-2_.. And Maintained LAKEMUREX services: Accounting, OCEAN FRONT This beautifull/fully remodeled Pool and Tennis LANDS END Fort Myers Gulf front- Two Pool - BBQ - Elevator SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION 2/10 ths of a mile to Beach. Two FOR SALE Carpentry, Cleaning, & landscaped UF 3 bedroom/2 LUXURY UNITS Covered Parking REALTY The Atrium: Exclusive, Gulf- VILLAGE CONDO bedroom at Carlos Point. bedrooms and den or third Landscaping, Painting, Carpet A THREE BEDROOM AND OUR GUESTS RETURN V OWNER bath private home offers a Please call front luxury. 2 BR/ 2 BA, den, *$475/week until Dec. 13. 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. bedroom. Lots of ceramic tile. Cleaning, Handyman, family room/separate laundry A TWO BEDROOM At South Seas Plantation YEAR AFTER YEARI 800-982-3471 wrap-around balcony, 2 Bedroom/2 Bath *Dec. 13 until April 30- SLEEPS EIGHT. Beautifully furnished. Heated Bookkeeping, Legal, Etc. room/large 2 car garage & is PRIVATE POOL AND SPA Weekly Rentals 941-472-5550 fantastic views. Sunsets! Call Luxury Unit $925/week. *May 1- Large screened porch. pool. Large screened patio. NORTH CAPTIVA ISLAND 472-2700. situated on a large lot with LUXURY FURNISHINGS Seasonal Rates 11/«/»a _#!»»_. 718.2 Owner 800-484-7304 PIN 8286 Fantastic Ocean Views Spa, grill, and Just purchased. Available ..l/l/M , —till— ,.414«3-» RESORT AMENITIES $900/month. Call Kathy, POINTE SANTO commanding sunsets over the Color Brochure Available covered parking. October 1st, and for next GULF FRONT CONDO or 770-664-7186. AVAILABLE Weekly or Monthly Rentals 219-833-4887. Prime San Carlos Office, 600 lake. Yard care included. 3/27/99 -Illl- 409<»-« BY OWNER Privacy with great view. season. For information, call SALES AND RENTALS DE SANIBEL IF YOU HAVE BEST VIEW ON THE Book now for next season square feet. Handicap Available Nov. 1st. Prefer 6-9 1 -800-639-6690 Washer/dryer. (941)472-8178 HCH FRONT CONDO 30 days or more 10/9/08 ~#f#|-_ 23026 •2 ISLAND Owner 800-897-0288 accessible, $450 per month. month rental, $1,600/mo. OR 802-223-3649. Includes all amenities. bedrooms, two baths Immediate Occupancy. to spend at CONTACT OWNER FOR REASONABLE RATES GULF VIEW CONDO 3 ••• ••• ••• • • • AVAILABLE: ool, Club House, Call 267-1212 DUNES DUPLEX perhaps the • • • • • SPECIAL RATES 2/2 in A+ Condition. GULF FRONT COTTAGE Tennis Courts. NICEST PLACE ON SANIBEL, II— 33-HO-C MAY 7-141999 This UF piling duplex offers 3 Ph: (219) 272-0889 SUNSET CAPTIVA Designer Decorated. By Owner 2 BR/2 BA •ilent Weekly Rentals, bedrooms/21/2 baths in a Are a caring person First Time in Rental Program. PERFECT FOR itified Principals Only. Find Your Place FAX: (219) 273-5973 BEAUTIFULLY EAST END SANIBEL 203-333-4321 screened porch, W/D, large or family IN SEASON: $1376. CALL OWNER ISUND MEDICAL & 8/in/st —nn— FURNISHED HOME. Two bedrooms, two baths PERSONAL ENJOYMENT storage room downstairs. We have the place for you! With OUT OF SEASON: $625. (610)539-9281 BUSINESS CENTER North Captiva Island AVAILABLE WEEKLY: Newly remodeled. FMB- Vacation Rental. Home AND/OR RENTAL INCOME Available October 1st. Call Owner 2,000 sq. ft. Beachfront home on tropical * bedroom, loft, 2 Bath. On Canal, near beach. away from home. 2 Bd/ 2 Ba, $518,500 Si,100/mo. Screened Lanais. 847-364-0795. very clean, very private, many GULF SO H FT MYERS Prime Space for the GULF FRONT CONDO barrier Island. Glorious gulf AVAILABLE: p 3 TV/VCR. 9/25/98 —Ml- 39054-2 extras. 5/1 to 12/31; S450/wk, FRONT BE/ H- CANAL FRONT, Professional or Executive. 2 bedroom, 2 bath sunsets. Pool, tennis, fitness April: $2,400/mo. ^ooI - Tennis : BBQ Grill. 1/1 to 4/30; $950/wk. Y REMODELED, 3 Covered Parking & Elevator. With Den & Jacuzzi. room. Beach walking, shelling Aug. thru Oct.: $1,800/mo. PRIVATE HOME Call 472-6747 for more info, Gulf GULF VIEW HOME !OOM, 3 FULL Up to 4100 sf. Low Density Complex. & fishing. Steps to the waters' Beach, Boat Dock, March 1999: $3500 mo. 463-7960. Ground level, on these fine properties SUNSET gf30/na —tut— . JIT oi •«,,... BA S. POOL, BOAT 2 Lap Pools edge. Water taxi available. And Morel 508-693-6296 ri 3 bed/2 bath 3 BR/2.5 BA Call owner at Sanibel home for rent or lease. DO* . DAVITS. LOTS OF CALL MARIE WELLS Sauna, SANIBEL / CAPTIVA / Weekly/ monthly rates. (941) PARADISE [email protected] screened porch and dbl. garge AWESOME VIEWS GULF BEACH By month or for season. 2 Br/2 TIL WALK TO BEACH PRISCILLA MURPHY REALTY 6 Lighted Tennis Courts. FT. MYERS BEACH / 549-7066 or (941) 472-6661. 10/2/96 -Illl- 37071-Z is only S2.750/MO. RENTAL READY PROPERTIES INC Ba, pool, spa, elevator. On AN I MUCH MORE. BY (941)472-4113 FT. MYERS 18/11/88 -Illl- 7242-6 VSS3 ,,- SPECTACULAR Available UF, Lie. Real Estate Broker. 31 Bowman's Beach Road. Call $345,000 0 V E R . ASKING (800) 237-6002 LIKE NEW & WOULD LIKE TO SAN| Beach Front Home for one year lease. THE ATRIUM BEL VACATION SOUTH SEAS Diane for rates. 472-6089. 300. 281-1203. KEEP IT THAT WAY! Seasonal & Annual HOIJ Quiet Location. SAVE THOUSANDS$$ — 9*91— 41331-6 Gulf Front. SE SOUTH END . . PLANTATION giM/bt —lilt— 42007-4 CAYO COSTA GETAWAY 3 (330) 568-6TW.'"" ' >om, two by renting on annual basis, PRIME RETAIL SPACE Vg" 83* IIS' IKS' B5 US' IT3* 1ST Rentals 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, Den: PENTHOUSE UNIT Expensive Bay front _ golf course. * , FT. MYERS'BEACH SANIBEL HOME rather than pay 2 BR/1 BA 1 Two weeks minimum. 3 Bedroom/3 Bath ho ,jn FMB with the be;;! AT THE VILLAGE It* 4 Bedroom / 4 Bath. high monthly rates. 800-237-7526 Photos available. furnished and • VIEW OF THE GULF Three bedrooms, 21/2 baths. "AWAY FROM IT ALL" pa< :mic view! Seeinc; is FRONTING PERIWINKLE! ATRIUM Beautifully Decorated. Call 941-472-6747 for details "SEE ANNUAL or Rent direct from owner AND REDFISH PASS One floor CBS. $115,000 be; ig & the price is far 776+ square feel. Exclusive Gulf front condo neated pool OCEAN FRONT on this and 941-472-1613 and save! Tennis, Pool, All Amenities Off West Gulf. be appraisal! Serious Con be seen by phoning RENTALS" residence. Two week minimum. paradise HOT TUB & SWIMMING POOL One block to Gulf. other fine properties. (609) 985-0322 Please Call Gina: (941) 472-3000 •; only!!! $285,000 firm. PROPERTIES IN PARADISE Available now. Call owner at VIP Realty Group/ and Great Surf Fishing. Available Sept thru Jan Gulf Beach Properties, Inc 472-4104 J (609) 492-7389 Days: 800-678-1103 >-5107 US' t^ B3f • i!5' ITS' C3 IRS* ESS? (630) 887-7826. Rental Division 717-689-2730. Lie. Real Estate Broker FAX (941) 472-9635 »/!»)»» —nil— 42187.(2 Eves: 941-267-9259 io/i6/ao _»»»»_ j«ui7.2 -nn— ««•-» .. ISLAND REPORTER J SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 Q 31 30 J SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 J ISLAND REPORTER</p><p> iliiliiBl • riNANCIAL fg|p • AUTOMOBILES ijp iiiiiiiiiiiis ERUICE REALE5TATE laiiilliliiiii sMiiitt WANTED</p><p>EASY MONEY- Just A EXP'D CAREGIVER CHEAP CREDIT. Boware HOMEOWNERS! DEBT Mature male CNA-HHA Call Away. Companies of credit ads promising BUYING OR SELLING 1986 Chrysler LeBaron, cream, AGENT: AVON NEEDS that do business by CONSOLIDATION! Borrow PURPLE RINGER CIRCULATION/PUBLIC Come join Sanibol's newest Days, nights, or live-in, PRIMESTAR low interest rates. For PROPERTY? Seeing is 64K, excellent condition, new representatives. Earn up to NOTICE OF phone can't ask you to $25,000-3100,000. Too Many RELATIONS MANAGER restaurant team. Featuring New heavy weight transfers, SATELLITE the real cost of your Bills? *Home Improvements. believing. Don't buy struts, brakes. A/C, tinted 50%. No door to door. Start pay for credit BEFORE credit, ask for the annual WANTED FOR TIMES OF THE American Cuisine. Kitchen and INTENTION TO and snow bird. •Apply by phone/24-Hour property based on windows & hubcaps Available your own business in '98. Must ISLANDS. Santbel & Captiva's TELEVISION you get it. A public percentage rate (APR). A 10/14 S2000/OBO Call 463- dining room positions available. Stroke/Dementia, Approval. *NO EQUITY pictures or bo 18. Independent Rep. Call exclusive and unique lifestyle REGISTER FICTITIOUS service message from public service message 2201 Food and wine knowledge skin breakdown, REQUIRED. PLATINUM representations. A public (800)727-2866 magazine, with some computer The Observer and the from The Observer and 1O89« -~tt*l~- 42111.afi helpful. Please apply in person NAME therapy continuation. CAPITAL: (800)523-5363 service message from 9;3'i>» -nil — <;i40.«a knowledge (MS- The undersigned does hereby Federal Trade the Federal Trade 1987 1SUZU: 4 DOOR, GOOD in Periwinkle Gardens. For Because things MA /Open 7Days The Observer and the AVON PRODUCTS-Start your Word/Excel/Access), to help certify that John W. Zukaitis Jr. Commission. Commission. CONDITION. $700. 472-0774 appointment. Call 472-7247 should not be TELECOMMUNICATIONS, www.platinumcapital.com Federal Trade own business. Work flexible service our rapidly growing & John Zukaitis Sr. are 8/26/88 —lilt- 42010.8 Ultltl ...Illl.. 4Z0I6.S "the tobacco shop with overwhelming INC 160+ CHANNELS 9/32/9B —*##»— 42135-a^ Commission. hours. Enjoy unlimited subscriber base and implement conducting a Bait and Tackle HOW'S YOUR CREDIT "CASH" Immediate $$$ for a hippie flavor" SANIBEL REFERENCES INSTALLATION ONLY REFINANCE & SAVE $100's iii n ••HK win earnings. Call Toll Free Outstanding retail store RECORD? Credit repair structures settlements and ... pipes, papers, candles, new distribution channels. This business at 17885 San Carlos Ray Roseberry EACH MONTH. Consolidate CAROLINA MOUNTAIN HOMES (888)561-2866 opening in Sanibel. We're $99 clinics that do business deferred insurance claims. J.G. imported cigs/tobaccos, is a part-time (flexible) position Blvd, Fl under the fictitious 472-5106 debt, improve your home or get REAL ESTATE. 5530 West U.S. looking for retail FT & PT AFTER $50.00 CREDIT by phone cannot require Wentworth {888)231-5375 incense, jewelry & more. for a people/customer friendly name of Bait -n- Wait and that »)1I»8 —tl»l — 41790-2 needed cash. Custom 64 Murphy, MC 28906. Offering DRIVER.. SWIFT energetic persons. Fresh PLUS VALUE PAK FREE you to pay until six 3)22r1» —lilt— 42132.86 and creative person, which said firm is composed of the programs for every need; Good Western North Carolina Homes, TRANSPORTATION Now Hiring ideas-rewarded. Call Corrin FOR 1ST MONTH months after they A DEBT-FREE LIFE! Free KLEAR® & CARBO® allow you to work from your own following persons whose WE'LL SHOW YOU THE & problem credit, no-income Cabins, Acreage, Creek & Tractor Trailer Drivers! CDL 395-3151 INCLUDING 4 HBO'S perform their services. A confidential help. Cut monthly Urine Cleansers home. Call Dorothy at (941)472- names and places of residence MONEY! (Just call our clients!) verification, self-employed & Lakefront Properties FREE Training Available! Excellent 101 98 —tin— 4217 4 - 8 2 public service message payments. Reduce interest. 0205 are as follows: John W. Zukaitis 3-5 hrs./wk. Prepaid phone bankruptcy. 24-hour pre- Brochure (800)747-7322 Pay & Full Benefits, Rider .»iltM_ -»»»*.--- 4216B-8J Jr. 1735Brantley Rd. #201 Ft. TO ORDER from The Observer and Stop collection calls. Avoid "18 and over" Programs. Consistent Miles, card machines. $10,880 req'd. the Federal Trade bankruptcy. Nation's largest approvals, quick closings, Myers, FL 33907 & John W. Free info. (800) 876-3326. CALL 1-800-669-7778 competitive rates. We Bend Job Stability, (800)644-2257 ; Commission. nonprofit: Genus Credit 3915 Broadway Zukaitis Sr. 33 Fairview Blvd^ Over Backwards To Approve LIVE YOUR DREAM Own 1/4- Knapheide truck tool boxes, (eoe/m/f) I CardMart of America, Inc. Lic.# 8/2»>t» —III!— 42O12-* Management. (800)295-7415 Ft. Myers, FL 33901 Hindsight Mystery Shoppers: Ft. Myers, FL 33931 Ownership 1 1/2 Acre. Beautifully wooded S'Sa'98 -Ull- 4;142-»« 1998-077. t/wti —nn— 4ii33.n Your Loan. FAIRBANK eight feet long, $300 for the Five co-working PfT friends to 17220 SAN CARLOS REFINANCE FAST, EASY & (200 N. of Edison Mall) lot. Booming area! Limited of Bait -n- Wait is as follows: 1/22/IS -IIH- 42128-86 MORTGAGE (888)577-8671 pair. Call 463-1354 EARN MONEY READING phone, schedule, computer FORT MYERS BEACH, over-the-phone. Need a second CASH TO HEIRS. We pay cast offer! No qualifying. $750 John W. Zukaitis Sr. & John W, ext. 552 FL Lie. ML9700547 (941) 936-RING BOOKS! S30,000/yr. income adaptable. Island office. Non- chance? Credit problems?-OK. for estates in probate and other down. $22 Monthly. 10% APR. Zukaitis Jr. -100% jointly. It is FL 33931 2/4/it -KH- 31»»i-> ACKER WHEEL Stock Wheels potential. Details (800)513- smoking. Monday thru Friday Foreclosures?-OK. Starting inheritances. Call toll free, 20 year, Florida Land Financial my intention to apply to the Only, World's most complete 4343 Ext. Y-1616 9am-Spm. EOE. Respond: Department of State, Division under 7%-APR. 8.973. Call Stone Street Capital. (800)WHY Corp, Call toll free now) • ?;,)< -Mil- 42H3-8« Offer expires soon inventory of O.E.M. wheels P.O.Box 988, • POSITIONS of Corporations, State of Platinum Capital. (800)699- WAIT (949-9248) Florida Classified Ad Network (877)352-5263 5/27/«» • ..—«>>!- 404SS-« including factory alloy, factory GET PAID S15-S30 per hour Sanibel, FL 33957 Florida to register the said LEND Nationwide Lender. a/2Z,9l —mi— 43134-M t'llltS —till — 42151:1*. WANTED Only the sun covers Florida better. rally and plain stock steel processing insurance claims name of Bait -n- Wait under the www.platinumcapital.com OWNER FINANCING. Pond & 5 wheels. Buy, Sell. Acker for local doctors office. »/22/9« —Illl— 42137-lt AC in North Florida only SANCTUARY GOLF CLUB provisions of Chapter 90-267 Wheel; (800)994-3357; Complete training provided. (Fictitious Name Act), Laws of $27,900. Property is high & dry Is now hiring: 1-800-9-WHEELS. Computer and modem required. WANT A JOB? Legitimate Florida (Section 865.09, Florid*" in beautiful country setting. WAIT STAFF (full &. part time). www.ackarwheel.com Call (800)259-6661 ext. 204 job placement firms that Statues), 1990, Owner Financing. Call 9 22 CD 9/22/89 — lilt — 42144.88 -till- 48131-n SNACKERY COUNTER HELP, work to fill specific S/22/9B —I III— 42 U 8.86 (800)294-2313 ext'2036. A PASTRY CHEF. • J HONEST INCOME S300 TO positions cannot charge DIVORCE $150* Covers Licensed Real Estate Co. $1000 WEEKLY/Potential LINE COOK. i.'M/tt —# »«.— ..4ii8a-i« an up-front fee. It's the children, property division, process FHA mortgage Great Pay! law. A public service name change, military, missing SPECTACULAR WATERFRONT • BOATS & refunds. No experience, own Tolls Paid! message from The spouse, etc. One signature BARGAIN! 3+ acres, 400 ft. hours. Part-time, Full-time Call Mary or Andrew Observer and the Federal required. "Excludes govt. fees, lakefrom. $59,900. New to FOR SALE Start now! (305)460-3259 or 472-6445 Trade Commission. uncontested. Paperword done market. Beautifully wooded (800)645-7802 Dept 92 for you. (800)462-2000. Budget w/long pristine shoreline on 9 a^.33 -itlf 4214S-66 Divorce spectacular Tennessee 30' Hunter 1979 Yanmar, T- TRUCK DRIVER TRAINEES SiZa/98 —tin— 42148-86 mountain lake. Next to 18 hole cockpit, autohelm, Hood NEEDED! Convenant Transport golf course, Paved roads, furling, fresh bottom 4-98, good has immediate openings for utilities, soils tested. Perfect condition, used regularly, for entry level drivers. Earn 37K- EMPLOYMENT BUILDING & I CABPET& i HANDYMAN LAWN PAINTING SIDING for vacation/retirement home. details. S1S.000. Call 463-7245 42K. No experience needed. OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES i i i i iTXL CARE Excellent financing. Call now Training provided with TDI liga?iM04TT (800)704-3154. ext. 9423 (800)435-5593 LET US CITY OF SANIBEL RON'S SEAMLESS SIDING ut/22<8« ~HH— <ilS3-mi ^/22/aa —iin — ^ifi-ie RUN YOUR I • • • § RETAIL STORE ATATATATA With no splices or www.carolina-waterfront.com DRIVER OTR WHAT YOU SEE U.S. SEARCH & RESCUE PAINTING 800 Dunlop Road. QUALITY WORK DONE PETE'S LAWN SUPRISINGLY affordable is what you get! COVENANT SEEKS Partner/Investor! LEGAL NOTICES WINFIELD PRICES TOO HIGH? seams. Sanibel, FL 33957-4096 for successful, proven, SERVICE, INC. restricted waterfront properties rrt\ TRANSPORT Teams Start All major carpets, YOUR WAY •Maintenance tree (941)472-9615 environmentally safe- & CONTRACTING 14 YEARS EXPERIENCE with easy financing. Freeze the 35c-37c S1,000 Sign-on bonus sheet vinyl & ceramic tile ALL HOME REPAIRS •14 different colors boat service related RESIDENTIAL & FREE ESTIMATES cost of your retirement property for Exp. Co. Drivers. (800)441- REGISTER YOUR STATE CERTIFIED lines available. Lifetime warranty ACCOUNTANT business that will keep AND IMPROVEMENTS INSURED today! Call (600)715-5533 now 4394 For Experienced Drivers GENERALCONTRACTOR Free estimates & shop at COMMERCIAL 941-540-9732 for free information!! S36,649-S55,766 waterways and Marina's FICTITIOUS NAME home service. 1-800-329-8613 and Owner Operators. free from oil. Very strong CGC016352 LAWN & LANDSCAPE tizuta — nn— 42i8<-»e • DOCKAGE & (800)3386428 for Graduate Installation available. CALL • INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Covering S.W. Florida annual return on SERVICE RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL Lie #AG000006 STEEL BUILDING BLOWOUT! Students ft B ' Renovations • Additions Insured-LicJTM 000182 GLENN DAVIS STORAGE Investment plus equity. ATTENTION • DECORATIVE www. abcseamless.com Save Thousands, Factory 9/22198 •-mil-- ,42147.aa mm • Repairs • Soffits 20 Yrs. exp. plus Ref. FOR FREE ESTIMATES Bachelor's degree in We have guarantee on ATTORNEYS! SERVING S.W. FLORIDA FAUX PAINTING Direct. Both Arch and POSTAL JOBS. Starting licensed territory. Call * Fascia • Siding Direct Carpet Mill Brokers. Accounting, Public Finance or We will print your SINCE 1986 < PRESSURE CLEANINC Straightwall Designs. Example: $14.6S+/hr. + Benefits. Clerks, 463-7738 LEGAL NOTICES Residential - Commercial 5404367 20x24=$2980.00. related field; supplemented by 433-0592 - PAY UPON COMPLETION - Carriers, Sorters, Computer two (2) years experience which 10/7/m —tin— 4i»i5. at for ONLY $5.50 per inch! Established 1988 3 '« •«• -till- 231 5 6 LICENSED & INSURED 25x30=$365Q.00. BOAT SLIPS Operators. For Exam & - LIC. PT0O0286 - must include computer based OWN YOUR OWN 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE 40x60=37980.00. Other Sizes Application Info. Call (800)955- • STATE LIC. RXQ064659 - AVAILABLE data and management BUSINESS- Whether a • FREE ESTIMATES • •CUTTING-TRIMMING Available. Call (800)813-1358 9195 ext 413 8am-9pm 7 days DEEP WATER CANAL information systems; or business or franchise BUSINESS OWNERS! • EDGING • MULCHING tlttin.. ~HII— 43155-36 a2z/m m PROFESSIONAL NEAR SIESTA ISLES equivalent combination of opportunity...when It ONLY $38 542-7324 • PLANTINGS '2/i2/8» —nil— & PERSONAL SERVICE training and experience. comes to earnings or will print your ;FILL& •YARD CLEAN UPS CLASSIFIED HAULING •SEASONAL OWNERS- 482-1695 Near Boardwalk Caper locations, there are no INTENT TO GRADING ENJOY GULF 472-1587 SERVICE WORKER guarantees. A public REGISTER Call us to maintain your *3 Within 5 MINUTES S19,057-S26,927 service message from FICTITIOUS NAME. CARPET A > > > A property & take care of all On Idle Speed The Observer and the your lawn & landscape needs 0 0 0 0 0 NO L1VE-ONS HELP WANTED Public Works Department HSD, Federal Trade Printed in all three of BOB ROCKWELL when you're here or away CONDO CLEANING TRASH MAN ALL IN ONE PAINTERS FCAN 1-423-357-7312 CED or other Certificate of Commission. our weekly publications: SAME LOCATION CONSTRUCTION ugmriauiing HONEST, DEPENDABLE & CLEANERS Competancy supplemented by FOR 20 YEARS CGC059165 Call: 472-1587 FORT MYERS BEACH & one (1) year experience in licensed Construction & EXPERIENCED SANIBEL BONITA SPRINGS Fort Myers Beach Observer semi-skilled labor in utilities or DISTRIBUTORSHIP: For: Clean Up/Labor INTERIOR - EXTERIOR for more information Sanibel Island Reporter •SPECIAL BERBER road construction and repair; or MOTIVATED individuals. • FILL DIRT Skid-Steer Work, CALL PETE SEVARINO PRESSURE WASHING MUST HAVE For Rentals & Condos equivalent combination of Protected territory. Save & Captiva Current • STONE DRIVEWAYS \ '• 941-765-1427 * ANNOUNCEMENTS TRANSPORTATION $12.95 Installed Demolition, training and experience. customer money w/higher •STONE YARDS-BOB CAT >\ LICENSED & INSURED ' COMMERCIAL CARPET Acreage Mowing, • WANT TO BUY/ Requires valid class "D" FL quality product. Build residual • BACK HOE • BOX BLADE k LIC. SPT519 FULL OR PART-TIME For more details at $4.99/ yard • CONCRETE REMOVAL ffi Trucks For Roofers, RENT/TRADE Drivers License and ability to income, 6 figure potential. May FREE ESTIMATES 463-8829 765-1603 •CONCRETE CUTTING, £$ REAL ESTATE obtain class "B" FL Commercial start part-time, some •GOOD CUT PILE CARPET Concrete Removed IZO'll —mt— J»73«.« please call Shannon 'or Offices & Restaurants 'LAND CLEARING ', • Lee Co. Permit #0028 ORDERING PRODUCTS Drivers License within thirty mechanical skill required. •CULVERTS INSTALLED ^ CALL BOB BY PHONE, Mall, or the Work In Beautiful (30) days of (800) 479-7492 (941)482-7788 • VINYL & TILE • Also • 463-1954 C.R.O.W. Veterinarian PJ 'Net'? Before ordering, Surroundings hiring. 9'22'aa —»»»»— 42137-60 WE DO CEMENT DRIVEWAYS t\ 000 SPECIAL PRICES ON needs on-lsland long-term consider the company's Learn from established &CURBS h 332-0758 0 0 0 0 0 housing rental as soon as reputation or your past professionals DEADLINE TO APPLY; LOCAL CANDY ROUTE, 30 QUALITY MATTRESSES WDii -nn— . jtHM... possible. Modest self- experience. A public the way to S$ in real estate Vending Machines. Earn contained unit preferred. service message from on Ft. Myers Beach. 10/02/98 approx. S800/day. All for 675-1700 Please call PJ at 472-3644 The Observer and the $9,995. Call (800)998-VEND KLARE CARPET Pager 337-6513 «/32/«» —nil— 421?8-8« or 395-9663 Federal Trade VIP Realty Group, Inc. 463-3012 on -nu- »IITI-«. Commission. 765-5993 ext, 504. CITY OF SANIBEL OWN YOUR OWN APPAREL, tnirtt — tin—. <to7o.t EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION shoe, westernwear, lingerie, REQUIRED BY 5:00PM OR bridal, gift or $1.00 store. DESK CLERK • SERVICES POSTMARKED BY MIDNIGHT Includes inventory, fixtures, FULL TIME OF THE DEADLINE buying trip, training. Minimum CARPET GUTTERS • AUTOMOBILES • GARAGE 3PM to 11PM. investment $18,900.00. Call CLEANING :«.:'. FOR SALE: •, • SALES Benefits, EOE Liberty Opportunities. Hoalth Insurance. DRUG FREE (501)327-8031 M Paid tolls WORKPLACE tmt*t ,.... —nil— 4ai2»-i« AKO SERVICES Seamless gutters by Paid vacation. OWN YOUR OWN TRAVEL ABC Seamless. Call Daryl SANIBEL TOLLS PAID Agency. Needed locally, CARPET CLEANING Call for free estimate. CARS & TRUCKS FROM WE DO ESTATE Wednesday thru Minimum Investment $7,900. 2 Rooms for $29 Maintenance free. $800 & UP. 466-XCEL. SALES Saturday FL STATUTES CHAPTER PT/FT Fun! Easyl Great $$$$$ 5 Rooms for $55 Lifetime warranty. WE DO MOVING ?am to 3pm, ISLAND LOCKSMITH 119 COMPLIANCE Outstanding travel/tax Sofa Cleaning - $30 14 exciting colors. LEASING A CAR? Don't SALES to set up an appointment Call today. benefits. Comprehensive 24-hour Emergency Service Free Deodorizing be fooled by the promise FREE ESTIMATES for an interview. trainlng/ongolngrsupport. Free ABC Seamless of a low monthly LICENSED & BONDED 472-1541 CLERICAL*ASSISTANT 1 1 FORT MYERS BEACH, tape. (800)299-9740 ext FL89 ••"(rtswowarc ' """ payment. Check out up- & INSURED JANITORIAL SERVICES to Accounting Department. W23/«« — llll~ | 42130.»6 1-800-329-8613 front costs and close-out SHOP HOURS Full time reservations! General office duties: WORK IN YOUR SPARE TIMEI covering 4 counties charges to get the real 10AM to 5PM DAILY with experience and computer experience and Good moneyl Processing mail) Owner/Operator S.W. Florida deal. A public service CALL knowledge of the Islands. general accounting knowledge 20 Years Experience SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA FREE suppliesl Bonuses! Rush Som« weekends required. Lie. #AG000006 message from The CONNIE'S preferred. Please Call SASE: Greenhouse/4217 472-2394 119 Observer and the Federal COLLECTIBLES Ask for Nancy at 472-6445 3115/99 -lilt- "042-0 Highland, Waterford, Ml 48328- Walter, Norma& Dan *.. IS? Trade Commission. 466-6399 472-1800. for appointment. man -""- »***•* 2165 Thompson n* -mi- iTy.» 32 Q SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 Q ISLAND REPORTER</p><p>7-Day Forecast for Sanibel Rod Number ( ) to right of Day Name Indicate* Uttraviotet Le/el for Iho day Today Tonight Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday</p><p>Limited sun; a few Partly cloudy; a Clouds and sun, a Clouds and sun, a Intervals of '>un, a Clouds and sun; Partly sunny; chance Partly sunny; it may showers; t-stormg. shower in spots. couple of t-storms. t-storm or two. t-storm in spots. chance of a t-storm. of a t-storm. t-storm. Ajmanac Statistics are for fort Myars Tuesday. Sanlbol Island Beach Temperature Cloucta and limted sun Friday with a Higft 86 few showers and thunderstorms. Low 74 High 88. Clouds and sunstww ovar Normal Ngrt 90 the weekend with a shower and a thunderstorm or two. Surf temp: 85. Normal few 75 Precipitation Boating Tuesday 0.11' Gulf of Mexico: Tampa to the Total month to date 7.86" Florida Keys Normal month to date 4.43* Wind southeasterly through the Total year to date 53.56" weekend at 10-20 Knots. Waves 2- Normal year to date 43.94" 3 feet nearshoro; 3-5 foot offshore. Visibility 1-3 miles in showers and §M!I5n^L^!95n_. thunderstorms; otherwise, unre- stricted. . Sunset today 7:29 p.m. Sunrise Saturday 7:t5 a.m. New First Full Last T|des pinelsiand Sound" r ! i Sepl20 Sept28 OctS Od 12 Today: High 129 sum. and 12:33 p.m.; 1 Below Normal low 6:41 a.m. and 7:53 p.m. Below Normal 1 Saturday: High l;44 a.m, and 1:13 r p.m.; low 724 a.m. and 8:18 p.m. I 1 Normal Valu« indicate; highest level lor Iho day. Normal Punta Rassa: i I Today: High 1:14 ajn. and 12:18 p.m.; Atxm- Normal low 6:42 a.m. and 6:54 p.m. t Aboie Normal 1 Saturday: Hton 129 a.m. and 12:58 MsHmal Low MaJwaffi High tayHgh p.m.; tow 625 a.m. and 7:19 p.m. National Cities Vtta r<ah, sfsne* feeitM, sn-aw*. l-fce roday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday CKy HI Lo W HI Lo W The deserts of Arizona and southeastern California are a mecca for hot, dry weather. On Hi Lo W HI Lo W HI Lo W Sept. 1,1950, Yuma, Ariz., had Its hottest day ever, with a high of 123 degrees. On the Atunta as 71 sh 88 7t r 86 70 Sh 86 $7 t 92 61 t ZT2 Boston 73 St pc 7d 63 pc 81 64 pc 60 61 r 72 50 r same day, the mercury (n Mecca, Calif., soared to 126 degrees — the highest U.S. read- Chicigo B2 62 s 63 52 pc 76 50 r 60 52 r 61 45 pc ing ever In September. Cleveland 79 61 PC 83 63 pc 81 61 Sh 75 55 r 64 46 Sh Denver 83 S3 £ 77 40 pc 60 43 r 71 41 CW 76 46 PC Detroit 80 61 S 83 63 pc 79 59 r 73 52 r 62 46 Sh The RealFeel™ Hcyslcn 87 63 sh 89 73 sh 93 73 &h 91 69 sh 85 63 r Question: A composite of the effects of temperature, wind, Indior.ipoho 83 63 pc 84 65 c 81 63 sh 77 55 r 68 49 sh Kansas City 8-3 63 s 82 62 f 74 56 r 59 48 * 89 48 S On what are the periods for the four humidity, sunshine intensity, cloudiness, precipita- Van Noys 87 60 ^ 87 60 pc 86 60 86 68 pc seasons based? tion, and elevation on the human body. Mraml 90 78 r SO 81 sh 92 82 91 80 t es 59 c Mm-Si Paul 83 60 s 78 S3 r 64 45 sh Today noon ; ,.„.„..« wwm. ,9Z r 59 41 sh 90 78 sh Saturday noon ,.,,.,..92 0? 75 sh 88 75 Sh 80 75 sh m ?a i 60 41 s unseqi NB* York City 77 66 sh 83 68 pc 83 70 pc 87 69 r euj. Sunday noon 93 OmjJu 83 62 s 81 55 r 70 50 sh 81 66 sh 74 55 r Monday noon •. 93 San Francisco 69 55 a 73 55 pc 75 55 s C5 46 Sh 65 45 s :J8/HSUV Tuesday noon .»...... ,.,...,..,.„„...... ,,..„,.„...... 94 Seattle So SO e 66 49 pc 70 53 S 74 56 pc 74 55 pc All maps, forecasts and dafa provided by Washington 82 67 sh 87 69 pc 86 69 t 71 54 B 73 65 pc Wednesday noon .96 AccuWeathar, Inc ©1998 Thursday noon ... .94 83 66 t 77 57 r Weather Map Sponsored by Island Realty & Management Group (Formerly Caretaker Reahy/Managment)</p><p>MANAGEMENT & MAINTENANCE REAL ESTATE SALES TEAM , ' TEAM WELCOMES AS A PRINCIPLE AND TOUCOMBS A FAMILIAR FACE FORMER OWNER OF ISLAND MANAGEMENT SERVICES</p><p>Anna Swann AND THE REGULARS</p><p>Nick Jambeck Mary Cummings Carl Woolwine</p><p>Jackie Natzkie REALTOR Rodney JLylcs JoAnn Furstcnberg Linda & Nick Jambeck - Broker Owners REALTY GROUP • ISLAND MANAGEMENT CRfWTP Call 941-472-5020 Fax 941-472*9480 (800) 780-5020 1633 Periwinkle %y, PO Box 100, Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 S^i^^^i^ http://www.sanibelisland.com</p>
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