A Journal devoted to the Fine Arts. NEW SERIES : April 5, 1890. Vol. V.—No. ι Price 30 cents. WITH TWO FULL-PAGE SUPPLEMENTS. —CONTENTS:— 1. AN IVORY CASKET PRESENTED TO CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS of "Rembrandt's Model." The Etching Club of BY FERDINAND AND ISABELLA. With a Full-page Sup- Brooklyn, Ν. Y. The Soldiers and Sailors Monument plement. FRONTISPIECE. at Newport, R. I. Request for the free entry of an oil- 2. THE ACADEMY OF DESIGN EXHIBITION. painting of foreign production denied. A movement 3. THE GABALDA COLLECTION. to endow Brooklyn, Ν. Y., with an Institute of Arts and 4. THE TERRA-COTTAS OF TANAGRA AND ASIA MINOR. ARE ·,-- Sciences. Opening, in Paris, of a gallery for the ex- THEY FORGERIES ? A LETTER FROM SALOMON REINACH. clusive display of the works of American Artists. The 5. "THE DESCENT OF THE GYPSIES." From the picture by Association of Canadian Etchers. Edward Kemeys, Diaz in the Secretan Collection. With a Full-page Jr., the American Sculptor. The Artists' Fund Society Supplement. of Brooklyn, Ν. Y. The Gump Collection of Paint- 6. THE RESTORATION OF THE PALAZZO DUCALE, VENICE. Il- ings. Authors' Club of New York. The World's Fair lustrated. Executive Committee of New York. Report of the 7. THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF PAINTER-ETCHERS OF LONDON Annual Meeting of the Art Association of San Fran- ANNUAL EXHIBITION. cisco, Cal, etc., etc. 8. ANCIENT EMPLOYMENT, OF ALABASTER IN ARCHITECTURAL 1.2. Foreign Notes. Exhibition of Whistler's Etchings. DECORATION IN ENGLAND. Prince Eugene of Sweden as an Amateur. The forth- 9. PORTRAIT-PAINTERS, AND WHAT THEY TEACH US. By coming exhibition of the new Societe Nationale des ; Ε. H. Hathway. Beaux-Arts. Portrait of Dr. Dollinger presented to 10. PRESENT AND FUTURE ART EXHIBITIONS. Art Club of Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Souvenirs of the Emperor Boston, Mass. Mr. F. A. Bridgman's Collection. Art Napoleon I. The burial of an East Indian Queen. Loan in Rockville, Conn. Pottery Club of Cincinnati, The Mausoleum of the Emperor Frederick. Lecture Ohio. National Academy of Design of New York. by James Orrock. An account of the portraits by D. Industrial Exposition at San Francisco, Cal. Mr. B. My tens. Closson's Engravings. Works by representative Ameri- *3· LITERARY NOTES. "Mission Scientifique au Caucase can Artists in New York. Drawings by Legros, etc. Etudes Archeologiques et Historiques," by J. de Mor- 11. AMERICAN NOTES. Reception of the Art Students' Associ- gan. "The Horsemen of Tarentum ; a Contribution ation of Boston, Mass. Mr. Fred. L. Ames'" Collection toward the Numismatic History of Great Greece," by of Paintings. Sale of the Ivory Jewel Casket. A Plate Arthur J. Evans. "Academy Notes." 11 THE STUDIO The Studio, TIFFANY * CO., PUBLISHED WEEKLY. UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. WEEKLY, with all full-page supplements, etc., $5.00 a year, in advance, or $2.75 half-yearly, in Have received the loll ο wing awards at the Exposition Univer- advance, post-paid to any part ot the United States sale, at Paris, 1889. or Canada Extra for postage to foreign countries comprised in the Postal Union, $1.00 on yearly, FOR SIL VER WARE, and 50 cents on half-yearly subscriptions. FIRST, OR MAIN EDITION OF THE MONTH, with all full-page supplements, etc., $3.00 a year, in ad- Grand Prize vance, or $1.75 half-yearly, in advance, post-paid The to any part of the United" States or Canada. Extra and to the Managing- Director of their Manufactures of Silver, for postage to foreign countries comprised in the Postal Union, 50 cents on yearly, and 25 cents on THE DECORATION OF THE LEGION OF HONOR. half-yearly subscriptions. FOR JEWELRY of Precious Metals, chased, carved, enameled, TERMS OF ADVERTISING. inlaid, mounted and lillagreed, set with diamonds, pearls Our card of Advertising Rates will be forward- ed on application. precious stones, and for Diamond Cutting. GOLD MEDAL. Address all communications, and make Money- For Precious and ornamental stones of North America in their Orders, Drafts, etc., payable to natural state and cut, showing various forms of Cutting. GOLD THE STUDIO PUBLISHING CO., MEDAL. 864 Broadway, New York City. For collection of Pearls with the species of shells in which they are found in the brooks, rivers and on the coasts oi North Amer- PUBLISHER S DEPARTMENT. ica. GOLD MEDAL. For Fine Leather goods, Pocket-Books, Note-Books, Card, THE STUDIO. Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Port-folios, Blotters, Pads and vari- ous articles for the library table richly mounted in gold and The Only Weekly Art Journal Published in silver: Ivory articles for the toilet and library table, richly carv- America. ed and Mounted in Gold and Silver, chased, etched, enameled With the first number of the new volume, the fifth of and inlaid. GOLD MEDAL. the New Series, published on Saturday, December 7th, "THE STUDIO began its weekly issue. The number pub- For Copper-plate Engraving and Printing. GOLD MEDAL. lished on the first Saturday of the month will contain And Five Silver and Five Bronze Medals for Collaborators. from three to five full-page supplements consisting of etchings, photo-gravures, photo-etchings, photo-engrav- ings, etc., etc. The literary contents will continue to be of the same high character as at present: art criticisms by the best hands, notices of home and foreign exhi- bitions, correspondence from England and France, with occasional letters from Germany and elsewhere; book- PRACTICAL WORKS T. A. WILMURT, reviews and notes on matters of art-interest, the world ON over. The numbers of THE STUDIO to be published on the succeeding Saturdays of the month will consist of eight ART, DRAWING, PAINTING, ETC. Picture Frames pages, but will be increased to twelve as occasion arises. This issue of THE STUDIO will not be illustrated. All the issues of THE STUDIO will be printed on the same Woodward's Artistic Drawing Studies. and Mirrors,, size page, with paper of the same quality, but in smaller (A drawing-book of Heads, Figures, Animals, and type, except the headings, which will be uniform in all landscapes, Superior Studies for the Lead Pencil the numbers. and Crayon, for Artists, Art Students, and Schools. 54 East Thirteenth St. The finest work of the kind ever published in this It is intended in this portion of THE STUDIO to cover country. Adapted to all ages and all conditions of a field that has thus far not been occupied by any art- progress. Eighty quarto plates. Price $6.00 Established 1848. NEW YORK. journal in this country, though something like the same purpose is served by the Chronique des Arts, the Courrier Artistic Designs in Gold, Bronze, Hard "Woods, etc. de I'A rt and the Kunst-Chronik, the weekly flyers of the Book of Japanese Ornamentation. Paintings Restored. Re-gilding and repairing done in Gazette des Beaux-Arts, L'Art, and the Zeitschrift fur iA collection of designs adapted to the use of De- the neatest manner. Special attention given to arrang- Bildende Kunst, respectively. But even these publica- corators, Designers, Sign Painters, Silversmiths ing Galleries and Dwellings. Careful packing for ship- tions do not cover the whole field to be occupied by the and others. Designs all practical, range from the ment by Rail or Water. Also, Oil Paintings, Etchings weekly issue of THE STUDIO, which is intended to be a and Engravings for sale. chronicle as complete as the publishers can make it, of simplest to the most elaborate, Price $2.00 til the minor art matters of the country, and of as much Μ is possible to get hold of, of what is going on abroad tn each week. This chronicle will consist of announce- Sketching from Natu e in Pencil and J. MARSCHING & CO. ments of art exhibitions, present and to come. Reports Water Colors.—Excellent ,vork for young art of sales, items of news, short book notices ; whatever, students; full of practical infc rmation, clearly pre- 9 in short is of current interest and importance in the sented". Illustrated. Price 50 cts. Artists Materials, world of art. This venture must, we are certain, commend itself to 27 Park Place, New York. the art-public, to connoisseurs, amateurs, and to artists, Use of Colors. instructors in art, to art clubs, schools and art institu- Valuable treatise on the properties of different /5£©~Send for New Illustrated Catalogue. tions. pigments and their suitableness to uses of artists and students. Price j .. 25 cts. Mention THE STUDIO. THE STUDIO can be ordered through any art, book or Μ. H. HARTMANN, newsdealer in the United States, or subscribed for at this Marine and Landscape Painting in Oil. Successor to P. J. ULRICH, office for a year, six or three months, as desired. P'actical guide. Fully illustrated. Price..50 cts. Importer of Artists' Materials, Marine and Landscape Painting in Cor. 12th Street and 4th Avenue, Water Colore.—Practical guide. Price 50 cts. NEW YORK. For Reduced Price List of Dr. F. Schoenfeld & Co.s ADDRESS: THE COMMERCIAL CO., Winsor & Newton's and Hardv-Alan's Colors. The name and address of artists will be inserted in 864- BROADWAY, NEW YORK. every issue of THE STUDIO, for a year at $15.00 for a ENGRAVING single line, and $10.00 for eaclj additional line, which Illustrations for Books, Magazines, Newspapers, will include a copy of THE STUDIO for the same term. Catalogues, etc., reproduced from pen, pencil, or crayon drawings, en - Bacher, Otto H., 58 West 57th St., New York. gravings, etchings, photo- Blum, Robert F., 80 Washington Sq., New York. When buying DRAWING PENCILS ask for graphs, etc.
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