Area: Papakura Address: 15 Manuroa Road Papakura Sheet No: 55 Common Botanical Name: 2 x English Oak Name: Quercus robur Condition Evaluat ion Points 3 9 15 21 27 Score Form Poor Moderate Good Very Good Specimen 9 Occurrence Predomi nant Common Infrequent Rare Very Rare 9 Vigour / Vitali ty Poor Some Good Very Good Excellent 1S Function Minor Useful Important Signific ant Major 1S Age (yrs) lOyrs + 20yrs + 40yrs + 80yrs+ 100yrs + 21 SUB TOTAL 69 Amenity Evaluation Point s 3 9 1S 21 27 Score Stature (9) 3to 8 9 to 14 15 to 20 21 to 26 27+ 1S Visibility (km ) 0.5 1 2 4 8 1S Proximity Forest Parkland Group 10+ Group 3+ Solitary 21 Role Minor Moderate Importa nt Significant Major 21 Climate Mi nor M oderate Importa nt Significant Major 15 SUB TOTAL 87 Notable Evaluation Points 3 9 15 21 27 Score Stature Featu re Form Historic Age 100+ Association 3 Commemorat ion Remnant Relict Scient ific Source Ra rity Endangered I SUBTOTAL 3 GRAND TOTAL 1S9 Not es: Northe rn tree has previously lost a large lateral causing a large area of exposed wood ti ssue. Location: 15 Manuroa Road, Takanini Legal Descript ion:"Lot 1 DP 129107 on Cl NA/ 75D/ 75" Tree Species: 2 x Oaks Currently schedul ed: No Dist rict Plan: Papakura District Plan Heritage Values: The two oaks sited at t he rear of t he property at 15 Ma nuroa Road have been assessed by an arborist as being over 100 years old. The land was originally part of Takanini's Grant, an 1842 land purchase between t he Crow n and Sout h Auckland tr ibes. ; The main historic developments recorded concerning this property focus on t he development of the Southern Railway Line, which runs alongside the site. The site was initially farmed land, which is probably the time period du ring which t he oaks were plante d. George Treadgoid is listed as farming at t he prope rty f rom 1887.' The pro perty was subdivided into multiple smaller lots fro m t he 1916 t hrough t o 1921. A 1931 report on obst ruct ions to th e view of the railway line shows several trees on t he property drawn in plan form, (t hough t hese are not classified as "o bstructions"]." Propert y files on t he locat ion not e t he presence of 2 Oak trees and 1 Karaka t ree, which is prote cted as a nati ve species. Upon a further subdivision of t he section in 1989 it was requested t hat the overall planti ng reflect th e nat ive t rees on th e site; t he Oaks were not ment ioned." No significan t local historical associations have been esta blished for any of th e own ers of th e property,' but th e tree has some heritage significance on t he basis of its association wit h a know n early settler, George Treadgold. Research comp leted by:Eli nor Harr is Sources of Information : Certificates of Titl e, 11/ 152; 44/152; 75d/75; 346/236; 403/ 225; 1391/ 27; Land Information New Zealand. Papakura Road Dist rict - Valuatio n Assess ment 1-362, 1914 -1921, BAAR A137 506/ b 1/122, Archives New Zealand, Auckland; Ward Alan, National Overview, Waita ngi Tribunal, Volume Ill, Wellington, 1997. Prope rty File, 15 Manuroa Road, Takanini, Lot 1 DP 129107, Papakura Local Board Service Centre. Takanini - Obstructions to view at Manuroa Road crossing at 16M, 61C, - Main Line 1931-1931, BABJ 14406 A681 596 12767, Archives New Zealand, Auckland. Unpro ductive sources consulted: Footprints (Auckland Libraries): http:// manukau.infospecs.co.nz/ foot prints/ home.htm New Zea land Ca rd Index we bsite: http:// www.aucklandcity.goVl.nz/dbtw-wpd/n zcardin dex/ Papers Past we bsite : www.paperspasl.natlib.govt .nz Timetrames: htl p:/ / w ww.nat lib.gov!. nz/collec tio ns/digitaI-collect ions/ t im etram es , Papa kura Road District - Valuation Assessment 1-362, 1914 - 1921, BAAR A137 506 / b 1/1 22, Archives New Zealand, Auckland; Ward Alan, National Overview, Waitangi Tribunal,Volume Ill, Wellington, 1997. n Certificate of Title, 11/1 52, l and Information New Zealand mTakanini _Obstructions to view at M anuroa Road crossing at 16M, 61C, - Ma in Li ne 1931 -1931, BABJ 14406 A681 596 12767, Archives New Zealand, Auckland. • Property File, 15 Manuroa Road, Takanini, l ot 1 DP 129107, Papakura l ocal Board ServiceCentre. ' Certi ficat es of Title, 44/ 152; 75d/75 ; 346/236 ; 403/225; 1391/ 27; land Information New Zealand. Th,a mop/pion lall luan o"" on/y.nd . 11,""' ''''''"''''' _ " Id be 'ndop"n dondy "" , ~, 1Id "", a llo be foro Ia~ n g ,"", o""OII.Copyng," A" ckIond Co""",I. Bo...,do..,. I/1!onnobonfm m LINZ (Crown Cop1"llM R.,..,,,,od) v.hIfo t d... ca ro ~011 boon ..~ .n, Aucl<l. nd Cocncol g'_ no ,,0"''''Y''''' "" oC"""'''Yo nd c ampl. .. n... Oak at 15 Manuroa Road 3ft of on, OI!<I rmo_ cn ltI '" moplplon ond 0<:0>"'" no "'boI,,,IOfony om>r. Oml"""," 01"" c l tI>oIn"" mobon. foIo'llMdo...." Aucklond Ill-OG ~ Auckland Creat ed: Thursday. 28 July 2011,12:3 0:06 p.m. Scale @ A4 1:500 CounCIl.
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