S2688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 16, 2013 States and the United Kingdom is a powerful (2) provide vital strategic support func- SENATE RESOLUTION 100—COM- force for good in the world; tions to the Armed Forces of the United MENDING AND CONGRATU- Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher States and serve in the National Guard and LATING THE UNIVERSITY OF stood shoulder to shoulder with United Reserves; States leaders against the Soviet Union and (3) fight crime and fires; LOUISVILLE MEN’S BASKETBALL the threats posed by communism; (4) ensure equal access to secure, efficient, TEAM FOR WINNING ITS THIRD Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher de- and affordable mail service; DIVISION I NATIONAL COLLE- fended United Kingdom sovereignty within (5) deliver Social Security and Medicare GIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION the European Economic Community; and benefits; CHAMPIONSHIP, AND THE UNI- Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher dedi- (6) fight disease and promote better health; VERSITY OF LOUISVILLE WOM- cated her life to the cause of democracy, (7) protect the environment and the parks EN’S BASKETBALL TEAM FOR freedom, and economic liberty for the United of the United States; Kingdom and the world: Now, therefore, be it (8) enforce laws guaranteeing equal em- BEING RUNNER UP IN THE 2013 Resolved, That the Senate— ployment opportunity and healthy working WOMEN’S DIVISION I NATIONAL (1) honors the legacy of Baroness Margaret conditions; COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIA- Thatcher for her life-long commitment to (9) defend and secure critical infrastruc- TION BASKETBALL TOUR- advancing freedom, liberty, and democracy ture; NAMENT throughout the world; (10) help the people of the United States re- (2) extends its deepest condolences and cover from natural disasters and terrorist at- Mr. MCCONNELL (for himself and sympathy to the family of Baroness Mar- tacks; Mr. PAUL) submitted the following res- garet Thatcher and the people of the United (11) teach and work in schools and librar- Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire- ies; olution; which was considered and land; (12) develop new technologies and explore agreed to: (3) recognizes that Baroness Margaret the Earth, the Moon, and space to help im- S. RES. 100 Thatcher, working with President Ronald prove understanding of how the world Reagan, helped bring a peaceful end to the changes; Whereas, on April 8, 2013, the University of Cold War; (13) improve and secure transportation sys- Louisville Cardinals defeated the University (4) reiterates its continued support for the tems; of Michigan Wolverines, 82 to 76, in the final close tie and the special relationship be- (14) promote economic growth; and game of the National Collegiate Athletic As- tween the United States and the United (15) assist the veterans of the United sociation (referred to in this preamble as Kingdom; and States; ‘‘NCAA’’) Division I Men’s Basketball Tour- (5) expresses admiration for Baroness Mar- nament in Atlanta, Georgia; garet Thatcher and her legacy as an inspira- Whereas members of the uniformed serv- ices and civilian employees at all levels of Whereas the Louisville Cardinals have won tional and transformative leader in the 3 national titles and appeared in 10 NCAA United Kingdom and the world. government make significant contributions to the general welfare of the United States, Final Fours, their first title and third Final f and are on the front lines in the fight to de- Four appearance under Coach Rick Pitino; SENATE RESOLUTION 99—EX- feat terrorism and maintain homeland secu- Whereas Hall of Fame Coach Rick Pitino is PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE rity; the only coach to win NCAA national men’s SENATE THAT PUBLIC SERV- Whereas public servants work in a profes- basketball championships at 2 universities; Whereas senior guard Peyton Siva has led ANTS SHOULD BE COMMENDED sional manner to build relationships with other countries and cultures in order to bet- the Cardinals to 2 Big East Conference Tour- FOR THEIR DEDICATION AND ter represent the interests and promote the nament Championships, 2 NCAA Final Fours, CONTINUED SERVICE TO THE ideals of the United States; and 1 NCAA national title while playing for UNITED STATES DURING PUBLIC Whereas public servants alert Congress and the University of Louisville men’s basketball SERVICE RECOGNITION WEEK the public to government waste, fraud, and team; Mr. TESTER (for himself, Mr. LEVIN, abuse, and of dangers to public health; Whereas junior center Gorgui Dieng was Whereas the men and women serving in the named Big East Conference Defensive Player Mr. CARDIN, Mr. CARPER, Mr. BEGICH, Armed Forces of the United States, as well of the Year and First Team All-Big East, Mr. COONS, and Mr. SCHATZ) submitted as the skilled trade and craft Federal em- along with junior guard Russ Smith; the following resolution; which was ployees who provide support to their efforts, Whereas junior forward Luke Hancock was considered and agreed to.: are committed to doing their jobs regardless named Most Outstanding Player of the 2013 S. RES. 99 of the circumstances, and contribute greatly NCAA Final Four, the first nonstarter to win Whereas the week of May 5 through 11, 2013 to the security of the United States and the the award; has been designated as ‘‘Public Service Rec- world; Whereas each player, coach, athletic train- ognition Week’’ to honor the employees of Whereas public servants have bravely er, and staff member of the University of the Federal Government and State and local fought in armed conflict in defense of the Louisville men’s basketball team dedicated governments of the United States; United States and its ideals, and deserve the their season and tireless efforts to a success- Whereas Public Service Recognition Week care and benefits they have earned through ful team effort; provides an opportunity to recognize and their honorable service; Whereas the University of Louisville wom- promote the important contributions of pub- Whereas government workers have much en’s basketball team inspired the people of lic servants and honor the diverse men and to offer, as demonstrated by their expertise the Commonwealth with its memorable and women who meet the needs of the United and innovative ideas, and serve as examples exciting run in the tournament and for being States through work at all levels of govern- by passing on institutional knowledge to the lowest-seeded team to make it to the ment; train the next generation of public servants; NCAA title game since the inaugural wom- Whereas millions of individuals work in and en’s championship game in 1982; government service in every city, county, Whereas the week of May 5 through 11, 2013 Whereas residents of the City of Louisville and State across the United States and in marks the 29th anniversary of Public Service and the Commonwealth of Kentucky and hundreds of cities abroad; Recognition Week: Now, therefore, be it Cardinal fans worldwide are to be com- Whereas public service is a noble calling Resolved, That the Senate— mended for their long-standing support, per- involving a variety of challenging and re- (1) supports the designation of the week of severance, and pride in this team; and warding professions; May 5 through 11, 2013 as ‘‘Public Service Whereas Coach Rick Pitino, Coach Jeff Whereas the Federal Government and Recognition Week’’; Walz, and the University Louisville Car- (2) commends public servants for their out- State and local governments are responsive, dinals have brought pride and honor to the standing contributions to this great country innovative, and effective because of the out- City of Louisville and the entire Common- during Public Service Recognition Week and standing work of public servants; wealth of Kentucky this season, which is throughout the year; Whereas the United States is a great and rightly known as the college basketball cap- (3) salutes government employees for their prosperous country, and public service em- ital of the world: unyielding dedication to and spirit for public ployees contribute significantly to that Now, therefore, be it greatness and prosperity; service; Whereas the United States benefits daily (4) honors those government employees Resolved, That the Senate— from the knowledge and skills of the highly- who have given their lives in service to their (1) commends and congratulates the Uni- trained individuals who work in public serv- country; versity of Louisville Cardinals on its out- ice; (5) calls upon a new generation to consider standing accomplishment; and Whereas public servants— a career in public service as an honorable (2) respectfully requests that the Secretary (1) defend the freedom of the people of the profession; and of the Senate transmit a copy of this resolu- United States and advance the interests of (6) encourages efforts to promote public tion to the president of the University of the United States around the world; service careers at all levels of government. 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