UA061408 13th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP 2006) Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine May 22-26, 2006 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Part I. Sections A, B, C KIEV 2006 13th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP 2006) Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine May 22-26, 2006 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Part I. Sections A, B, C KIEV 2006 Preface The 13th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP 2006) is hosted, on behalf of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, by the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics (BITP). The Congress is held in the Institute of International Relations of the Shevchenko National University of Kiev. Five main topics are covered: A. Fundamental Problems of Plasma Physics B. Fusion Plasmas C. Plasmas in Astrophysics and Space Physics D. Plasmas in Applications and Technologies E. Complex Plasmas The discussions are held in the traditional ICPP format: 5 plenary sessions (9 Invited Plenary Talks, 45 min. each) 10 review sessions (32 Invited Topical Talks, 30 min. each) 12 oral sessions (60 oral presentations, 20 min. each) 3 poster sessions The Book of Abstracts contains the abstracts of invited and contributed papers. Full texts of the Invited Papers will be published as a special issue of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. A copy will be sent to each registered participant. Four-page texts of contributed papers will be published in electronic (CD) form and posted on the Congress Website. The structure of the Book of Abstracts follows the format of the Congress. Each abstract is labeled with a 5-character number indicating its status and section. Abstracts of Invited Plenary (IP) Talks are labeled with numbers IP001 - IP009. Labels of the abstracts of Invited Topical (IT) Talks begin with IT, the third character corresponds to the Topic (from A to E), the fourth and fifth characters show the session and the number of the talk. Thus, ITB45 would indicate the fifth Invited Talk at the fourth session B. Labels of the abstracts of contributed talks begin with the Topic labels. Numbers from 001 to 012 are given to oral presentations (this fact is also shown by the last character "o"), numbers from 013 label poster presentations, the last character "p". Thus, the number A235p would belong to the 235th poster presentation in section A. INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE M. Virginia ALVES National Institute of Space Research, BRAZIL Sadruddin BENKADDA CNRS-Universite de Provence, FRANCE Robert BENGHAM Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK Susanna CAPPELLO Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione, ITALY Diego del-CASTILLO-NEGRETE Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA Michel CHATELIER Association Euratom-CEA, FRANCE C.Z. (Frank) CHENG Princeton University, USA Robert L.DEWAR Australian National University, AUSTRALIA Dominique ESCANDE CNRS-Universite de Provence, FRANCE Daniela FARINA Euratom-ENEA-CNR Association, ITALY Cary FOREST University of Wisconsin, USA Vladimir E. FORTOV IHEDRAS, RUSSIA Evgeniy GUSAKOV Ioffe Institute, RUSSIA Malcolm G. HAINES Imperial College of Science, UK Xian-Tu HE Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, CHINA Manfred HELLBERG University of Kwazulu Natal, SOUTH AFRICA Pascale HENNEQUIN Ecole Polytechnique, FRANCE Julio E. HERRERA Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, MEXICO Osamu ISHIHARA Yokohama National University, JAPAN Padma Kant SHUKLA Ruhr University of Bochum, GERMANY Hector KELLY Universidad de Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA Yasuhito KIWAMOTO Kyoto University, JAPAN MarkKOEPKE West Virginia University, USA Akio KOMORI National Institute for Fusion Science, JAPAN Siegbert KUHN University of Innsbruck, AUSTRIA Hi Jae Koo LEE Pohang University of Science and Technology, SOUTH KOREA Jiangang LI Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Plasma Physics, CHINA Alexander G. LITVAK Institute of Applied Physics, RAS, RUSSIA Georges J. MORALES UCLA, USA VolkerNAULIN Assoc. Euratom - Risoe National Lab, DENMARK Roberto POZZOLI Universita di Milano, ITALY Yi-Kang PU Tsinghua University, CHINA Guido Van OOST Ghent University, BELGIUM Paulo H. SAKANAKA Instituto de Fisica, BRAZIL Kohnosuke SATO Kyushu University, JAPAN Noriyoshi SATO Tohoku University, JAPAN Abhijit SEN Institute for Plasma Research, INDIA Frans W. SLUIJTER Eidhoven Univ. of Technology, The NETHERLANDS HenningK.A. SOLTWISCH Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, GERMANY Leopoldo SOTO Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission, CHILE Jan STOCKEL Ac. Sci. of the Czech Republic, Institute of Plasma Physics, CZECH REPUBLIC Ulrich STROTH Universitat Stuttgart, GERMANY Richard SYDORA University of Alberta, CANADA Shuichi TAKAMURA Nagoya University, JAPAN Michael TENDLER Royal Institute of Technology, Fusion Plasma Physics, SWEDEN ChanchalUBEROI Indian Institute of Science, INDIA Frank VERHEEST Ghent University, BELGIUM Masaaki YAMADA Princeton University, USA Tatsuhiko YAMANAKA Osaka University, JAPAN Anatoly ZAGORODNY Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, UKRAINE IV PROGRAM COMMITTEE Anatoly ZAGORODNY Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical (Chairman) Physics, UKRAINE OlhaKOCHERGA Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical (Scientific Secretary) Physics, UKRAINE Boris BREIZMAN The University of Texas at Austin, USA Iver CAIRNS School of Physics, University of Sydney AUSTRALIA [Tatiana DAVYDOVA] Institute for Nuclear Research, UKRAINE Tony DONNE FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen THE NETHERLANDS Nikolai S. EROKHIN Space Research Institute of RAS, RUSSIA Xavier GARBET CEA, FRANCE ValeryGODYAK OSRAM SYLVANIA, USA Katsumi IDA National Institute for Fusion Science, JAPAN Alexander KINGSEP Russian Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", RUSSIA E.P. KRUGLYAKOV Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, RUSSIA Gregor MORFILL Max-Planck-Institut fur extraterrestrische Physik, GERMANY Osamu MOTOJIMA National Institute for Fusion Science, JAPAN JefONGENA ERM-KMS Brussels and EFDA-JET, UNITED KINGDOM Konstantyn SHAMRAI Institute for Nuclear Research, UKRAINE Raghvendra SINGH Institute for Plasma Research, INDIA Konstantyn STEPANOV National Science Center, "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology", UKRAINE Masayoshi TANAKA National Institute for Fusion Science, JAPAN NodarTSINTSADZE Physics Institute, GEORGIA LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE • Anatoly ZAGORODNY (Chairman) • Volodymyr ZASENKO (Vice-Chairman) • Olha KOCHERGA (Scientific Secretary) • Volodymyr DAILIDONIS • Mykola HLUSHKO • Victor KUBAICHUK • Tamara LYSYTCHENKO • Stepan MOSKALIUK • EugenMEINAROVICH • ZoyaVAKHNENKO • Anatoly ZHOKHIN Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 14-B Metrolohichna Str. 03680 Kiev-143 Ukraine VI INVITED PLENARY TALKS IPOOl WILHELMSSON H. Fusion and Cosmos IP004 STENZELR.L. Nonlinear whistler phenomena in plasmas IP005 WEILANDJ. Progress in the theory of anomalous transport in tokamaks, drift waves and nonlinear structures IP006 YAMADAH. Study on magnetic configuration to (PPPL,USA) enhance energy confinement and high beta regime in the Large Helical Device IP007 PETROVO. Structure and transfer phenomena in dusty plasma liquid IP008 YAMADAM. Recent development of research on (NIFS, Japan) magnetic reconnection and magnetic self-organization in laboratory and space astrophysical plasmas IP009 MIZUNOA. Industrial applications of atmospheric non-thermal plasma in environmental remediation SECTION A FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS OF PLASMA PHYSICS Anomalous helicon wave absorption and parametric IT All KRAEMERM. excitation of electrostatic fluctuations in a helicon-produced plasma ITA12 DECYKV. UPIC: A framework for massively parallel PIC codes ITA21 SMOLYAKOVA. Nonlinear effects in inductively coupled plasmas vu ITA22 ZASENKOV. Particle diffusion in external field of random Langmuir waves ITA23 SATOK. Unique laser oscillations by shock-wave heated plasma and supersonic nozzle flow AOOlo TSINTSADZEN. Nonlinear dynamics of incoherent strong radiation in a plasma A002o SHAHH. Generation of vortex rings by nonstationary laser wake field A003o SIMONCHIKL. Parametric decay instability control in inhomogeneous plasma by the pump frequency modulation A004o CALLEBAUTD. Nonlinear Fourier stability analysis A005o EROKHIN N. The charges acceleration due to parametric Interaction with the ensemble of electrostatic waves of finite amplitude AOO60 DEWARR. Zonal flow generation by modulational instability A007o MORALES G. Alfvenic phenomena triggered by resonant absorption in a magnetized plasma AOO80 FRANK A. Structure and dynamics of current sheets in 3D magnetic fields with the X line and manifestations of two-fluid plasma properties A009o MIKHAILENKO V. Kinetic theory of the stability of the inhomogeneous plasmas with shear flows AOlOo HEX.T. Transport of relativistic electron beam in intense laser-plasma interaction AOllo TAKAMURAS. Statistical approach to bursty plasma fluctuations in toroidal and linear plasma devices A012o HORIUCHIR. Collisionless driven reconnection in an open system vm A014p SHTYKV. Cumulant expansions for solutions of the quantum BBGKY hierarchy A023p KURBATOVP. Jumps in current, shock waves, and hysteresis phenomena in low- pressure gas D.C. discharge plasma A030p SILINV.P. Bifurcation of the circular polarisation of harmonics generated in plasmas by pumping field A031p MEHDIPOORM. Propagation of large amplitude ion acoustic waves in a plasma consisting of two temperature electrons and electron beam A034p TARASOVM. The observation of Landau damping and diocotron echoes in a pure electron
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