THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE SEPTEM3ER 1 , 1984 '1HE WHITE HCXlSE WASHINGTON, D. C . TIME DAY 8 :00 a . m. SA'lURDAY PHONE 8• J'g ;;: a: t-~~""T~~"'"'"4 I Q. a: 8:00 '!he President and the First Iady had breakfast. ll:57 '!he President went to the Oval Office. U :06 U:ll '!he President made a Radio Address to the Nation en the d:lservanoe of Labor Day , 1984. U:lS U : 20 p '!he President talked en a CXJnferenoe line with : Cdr. Henzy W. Hartsfield, Jr., missicn cxmnander en the Shuttle Disoo'IAezy Cdr. Mi.chcel K. O::>ats, pilot, Shuttle DisCX>'IAe:ry Lt. Col. Richard L. Mullane, missicn specialist, Shuttle Disoovery Judith A. ~snik , missicn specialist, Shuttle DiSCX>'IAety Ste'\Aen A. Hawley, mission specialist, Shuttle Disoovery Ola.rles E. Walker, engineer for the McD:nnell D:>uglas Corporatien aboard the Shuttle Disoovery U :25 'Ihe President returned to the secood floor ~sidenoe. U:35 'Ihe President had 11.nch. 5:02 5 : 10 p '1he President talked with the First Lady in l'tloenix, Arizona. 7 :00 '!he President had dinner in his study. 9:15 '!he President retired. Page_l_ot_l_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE SEl"ln!BER 2, 1984 'IHE WHITE tnJSE WASHnct'CN, D. C. TIME DAY 8 :00 a . m. SlNDAY PHONE ! '!' !! g t---.....----1 a, '; .. "' 8:00 'Ihe President had breakfast. 12: 30 'Ihe President had lmdl. 2 :43 'Ihe President went to the South Grounds. 2:43 ? '1he President participated in a brief questicn and an5'.0er sessioo with ireni:>ers of the press. Menbers of the press 2:45 2:53 '1he President fl&1 by Marine helicopter fr.an the South Grounds to Andrews Am, Maryland. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A. " EST PST '!he President flew by Air Force One from Andrews Am to the 3:04 5:05 El ''lbro Marine Corps Air Station, Irvine, califomia. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "B." (Actual flying time: 4 hours, 49 minutes). 5 : 10 'Il1e President deplaned and was greeted by: Maj. Qm . Claytrn O:xnfort, Ccmnanding General of the 'Il1ird Marine Aircraft Wing Brig. Gen . Art Bloarer, Comnanding General of M2AS, El 'lbro Marine Corps Air Statioo, Irvine, califomia Brig. Gen. Chuck Pittnann, Assistant Wing Cornnander of 'Il1ird Marine Aircraft Wing Margaret Martin Brock, Califomia Reagan-Bush ' 84 Finance Co-Olairman Bruce K . Nes tanda ,'• Comcy Sui;ervi.sor, (n-Orange Co\l'lcy , califomial I.ois L\l'lroerg, Q1airman of the Orange Corney Republica 1 Party Jdln Seynour, califomia State Senator (R); Rep\blican caucus Chainran, Orange Co\l'lcy Reagan-Bush '84 Co-Chaim.an lbbert G. Beverly, california State Senator (R) ROOert K. Doman, former !Epresentative (R-californial and !Ep\blican Congressiooal candidate for the 38th District of california 5 :20 'Il1e President went to his motorcada. 5 :22 5 : 39 'lhe President rrotored from the El 'lbro Marine Corps Air Statioo to the Marriott Hotel. He was accorrpanied by his Chief of Staff, James A. Baker III. Page_l_or_2_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE SEP'l»!BER 2 , 19 84 MARRIOT!' HOmL TIME DAY IR\TINE, CALIFORUA 5 :40 p.m. SUNIV\Y PHONE ! 'F:.: 0:. a: ..• a:• 5: 40 '!he President went to his suite. '!he President was greeted outside his suite by: lb'lald Cribbet, Qmeral Manager, Irvine Marriott Ed Proenza, Director of Marl<eting, Irvine Marriott David Iwata, Director of Sales, Irvine Marriott William Countxyrran, Director of Food and Bewrage, Irvine Marriott 6: 17 6:21 p '!he President talked with Jen:y lewis, entJ?rtainer and Masb?r of U!rerronies for the Annual Labor Day Muscular C>{strq:hy Associ.atioo ' s 'Ielethoo. '!he call was broadcast owr p\blic address during the 19th annual telethon. 6 :58 7:00 R '!he President talked with Mr. lewis. 7:05 7 :13 p '!he President talked with sorreone at a local nl.llber in Irvine, califomia. '!he Signal Board operator did not haw a record of the person to v.tiom the President spoke. 'lhe President was an owmight gu:?st at the Irvine Marriott Hobel. Pag.2-01_2_ Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE SEPTEMBER 3, 1984 MARRIOTl' H<YIEL IRVINE, CALIFORUA TIME DAY 8 : 30 a .m. M:NDAY PHONE ____,. ___ I I 0:~ a::~ .. a: 8: 30 8: 32 p 'Ihe President talked with Judge H. Ted Milbum, U. S. District Judge for the F.a.stexn District of 'lennessee. 8:43 8:44 p 'Ihe President talked with Jarres F. Holdeman, attorney with Sormensdlein, carlin, Nath and R:isenthal, llM finn, Chicago, Illinois. 9:25? 'Ihe President and the First Lady went to Salon A. 9:25? 'Ihe President and the First Lady were greeted by: (bvexnor George Delicrrejian (R-cal.ifornia) Senator Pete Wilson (R-califoxnia) 9 :30? 'Ihe Presidential parcy went to Salcns B & C. 9 : 30? 9 :55? 'Ihe Presid:mt and the First Lady attended a reoepticn for California ~p\.blican Parcy and Ieagan-Bush ' 84 leader­ ship. 'Ihe President and the First Lady greeted and participated in a ~oto opportmity with approximately 70 reception guests. 9:55? 'Ihe President and the First Lady retumed to their suite. 'Ihe President and the First Lady were greeted outside their suite by: Celine Q:llazles, Adninistrative Assistant to the Director of Sales, Irvine Marriott Hotel earl Sola, Catering Mana~r, Irvine Marriott Hotel cror~ Liechty, Banquet Chef, Irvin Marriott Hotel 10 :40? 'Ihe President and the First Lady went to their rrotorcade. 10 : 45 11:02 'Ihe President and the First Lady rrotored from the Irvi~ Marriott Hotel to Miles Square Iegicnal Parle 'Ihey were acccrrpanied by: Govexnor l:eukrre j ian Janes A. Baker III, Chief of Staff 11:02 'Ihe President and the First Lady went to the offsta~ annouiC2J'lent ama (a trailer) . 11:05 11: 45 'Ihe President and the First Lady participated in a ~agan-Bush ' 84 Ca!tpaig:l Kid<.off Rally. M:mtlers of the press 11:05 'Ihe Presioont and the First Ladj went to their seats en the platfoITil. Page_l_ot_5_Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE SEPTEMBER 3. 1984 MILE'S SQUARE REGICNAL PARK IRllINE, CALIFORUA TIME DAY 11: 15? a. m. M::NDAY PHONE :p i.. u .....~~ ..... ~~--1 ~ ~ Q.• a:• 11:15? 'Ihe President was introduced by Govemor De00rejian. 11:19 ? 'Ihe President addJ:essed ai;:proximately 50 ,000 merri::>ers of the ci:o,.id gathered for the rally. 'Ihe President and the First Lady returned to their rrotor­ cad:. 11:45 12: 01 'Ihe President and the First Lady rrotored fran Miles Square Regional Pat:k to the Irvin Marriott Hotel. 'Ihey -were aoornpanied by: Govemor De001"ejian Mr. Baker 12 :OS? 'Ihe President and the First Lady returned to theii: suite. 12 :13 12:15 p 'Ihe President talked with Ricnard F. Sulu:heinrid1, attorney with Kitch, S\il.reinrid1, Saw:bier and Drutchas law firm, Detroit, Mid1igan. 12:55 'Ihe President and the First Lady returned to their rrotor­ cad:. 12:55 l: 14 '!he President and the First Lady rrotored fran the Irvine Marriott Hotel to the El 'lbro Marine Corps Air Station. 'Ihey -were aooorrpanied by: Go...emor Deukmejian Mr. Baker 1:15 'Ihe President and the First Lady were greeted by: Maj. Gen . Clayton Comfort, Conmanding General of the 'Ihird Marine Aircraft Wi ng Brig. Gen. Art Bloc:ller, Ccmnanding General of MACS, El 'Ibro Marine Corps Air Station Brig. Gen. Chuck Pittmann, Assistant Wing Ccmnand:r of the 'Ihrid Marine Aircraft Wing 1:24 2:43 '!he President and the First Lady flew by Air Force <:ne frcm El 'lbro Marine Corps Air Station to M::>ffett Field Na~l Air Stati<n, San Jose, California. For a list of passen- 9=rs, see APPENDIX "A. " 1:45? 2 : 00? '!he President rret with Rid1ard B. Wirthlin, President o f Decision Making Information, Washingtcn, D. C. 2 : 43 Air Force <:ne arrived a M::>ffett Field Naval Air Station. Page_ 2_ ot_ 5_Pages THE WHITE ~OUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN lOCATIOH OATE SEP'mf3ER 3, 1984 M>Fffi'IT FIELD NAVAL AIR STATICN SAN .))SE, CALIFORUA TIME OAY 2 :50? p.m. ~ PtiOHE ! ~ t---""T---t 0:• ct• .. a: 2 : SO? "Ihe President and the First Lady deplaned and was greeted by: Representative Ea.tin V.w. Zsdlau (R-Califomia) Capt. Jerry D. Piccinoni, Base Corrmander, Moffett Field Naval Air Statim Jarres w. Nielsen, Califomia State senator (R) Esther Greene , califomia Repli>lican Party Ccmnittee­ 'NOll\a!l Jchn 1-Ercer, Mayor of Smnyvale, califomia 2 :55 'Ihe President and the First Lady ;;ent to their notorcade. 2 :55 3: ll 'llle President and the First Lady m:>tored ftan Moffett Field Naval Air Statioo to DeJ\n za Oxrmunity College. 'llrey ,,;ere a=rrpanied by: Govemor Del.Krrejian Senator Wi lsCJ'l Mr. Baker 3:12 'lhe President and the First Lady went to the holding room. ? ? 'llle President and the First Lady met with Jarres M. Levien, sales manager for the•Northem Califomia district, Maple Tree, Inc., and fornerly with warner Brothers St:\xlios \..hen the President an actor there. 'llle President and the First Lady ;;ent to the offstage anno1r1oenen t area. 'Ihe President and the First Lady attended a Regan-Bush '84 Pally. Menbers of the press 'Ihe President and the First Lady ,,;ent to their seats oo the platform in the trad< and field area.
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