List of Project in RADP 2018-19

List of Project in RADP 2018-19

List of Project in RADP 2018-19 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Parliament Affairs Secretariate Ministry's Own 0201-5000 Strengthening Parliament Capacity into Population ‡÷ªs‡`wbs cvj©v‡g›Um K¨vcvwmwU BbUz ccy‡jkb GÛ 73.00 and Development Issues. †W‡fjc‡g›Um Bm¨yR 30/07/19 Page 1 of 127 1 List of Project in RADP 2018-19 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Prime Minister's Office Prime Minister's Office 0301-1111 ‡UKmB Dbœqb Afxó AR©‡b RbcÖkvm‡bi `ÿZv e„w×KiY 11,698.00 0301-5822 Lump provision for development of special areas we‡kl GjvKvi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ †_vK eivÏ (cve©Z¨ PÆMÖvg 4,000.00 (except Hill Tracts) e¨ZxZ) Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 0305-5011 Support to Capacity Building of Bangladesh mv‡cvU© Uz K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ae evsjv‡`k BKbwgK †Rvbm 2,200.00 Economic Zones Authority. A_wiwU| 0305-5012 Bangladesh Economic Zones Development Project evsjv‡`k BK‡bvwgK †Rvbm †W‡fjc‡g›U cÖ‡R± (†dR-1)| 18,215.00 (Phase-I). National Security Intelligence 0321-5010 Construction of 10-storied Office Building for NSI KÝóvKkb Ae 10 (‡Ub) ÷i‡qW Awdm wewìs di 4,950.00 with 20-Storied Foundation & a Basement. Gb.Gm.AvB DB_ 20 (Uz‡qw›U) ÷i‡qW dvD‡Ûkb GÛ G †eBR‡g›U| Export Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA) 0325-0007 Construction of 4 nos. Multistoried Factory Buildings PÆMÖvg Bwc‡R‡W 4wU eûZj KviLvbv feb wbg©vY 12,561.00 at Chattogram EPZ 0325-5020 Capacity Building of the Bangladesh Export K¨vcvwmwU wewìs Ad evsjv‡`k G·‡cvU© cÖ‡mwms †Rvbm 1,160.00 Processing Zones Authority. A_wiwU| Board of Investment 0329-5010 Construction of 14 Storied Building with three KÝUªvKkb Ae 14 †÷v‡iW wewìs DB_ w_ª †eBR‡g›Um di 1,360.00 Basement for Head Office of Board of Investment †nW Awdm Ae †evW© Ae Bb‡f÷‡g›U (weIAvB) G¨vU (BOI) at Sher-e-Banglanagar, Dhaka. Gm.we.bMi. XvKv| Asrayan Projects Implementation Agency 0331-5000 Ashrayan-3 (Development of Shelter House for Total AvkÖqb-3 (†bvqvLvjx †Rjvi nvwZqv Dc‡Rjvaxb PiCk¦i 65,081.00 01 Lac Forcibly Displaced Myanmer Nationals and BDwbqb¯’ fvmvbP‡i ejc e©K ev¯‘Pz¨Ë gvbvqbgv‡ii 01 j¶ Necessary Island Security Infructure at Bhasan Char bvMwi‡Ki Avevmb Ges Øx‡ci wbivcËvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq in Char Isshor Union, Hatia, Noakhali) AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY) 0331-6530 Asrayan Project - 2. AvkªvqY-2 45,046.00 Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA) 0305-1111 ‡ecRv A_©‰bwZK AÂj, gximivB (1g ch©vq) 13,000.00 0305-5000 Establishment of Jamalpur Economic Zone. Rvgvjcyi A_©‰bwZK AÂj ¯’'vcb 6,955.00 0305-5001 Acquisition of Land for Establishment of Economic A_©‰bwZK AÂj ¯'vc‡bi wbwgË f'wg AwaMÖnY (AvovBnvRvi, 35,675.00 Zones (Araihazar, Narayangonj and Mirsarai bvivqYMÄ I gximivB, PÆMÖvg A_©‰bwZK AÂj| Economic Zone). 30/07/19 Page 2 of 127 2 List of Project in RADP 2018-19 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Cabinet Division Ministry's Own 0401-1111 Platforms for Dialogue-Strengthening Inclusion and cø¨vUdg© di WvqvjM †÷ªs‡`wbs BbK¬zmb GÛ cvwU©wm‡ckb Bb 3,945.00 Participation in Decision Making and Accountability wWwmkb †gwKs GÛ A¨vKvD‡›UwewjwU †gKvwbRgm Bb Mechanisms in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (10401-223014100) 0401-1112 Technical Support for CRVS System Improvement in ‡UKwbK¨vj mv‡cvU© cÖ‡R± di wmAviwfGm wm‡÷g B¤cÖyf‡g›U 388.00 Bangladesh 2nd Phase Bb evsjv‡`k (2q ch©vq) (10401-224000702) 0401-1114 Support to the Central Management Committee's mv‡cvU© Uz w` †m›Uªvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U KwgwUÕm cwjwm MvB‡WÝ Ab 300.00 (CMC) Policy Guidance on Child Component of the PvBì K‡¤cv‡b›U Ae w` GbGmGmGm NSSS 0401-1115 Technical Assistance for promoting Nutrition cÖ‡gvwUs wbDwUªkb †mbwmwUf †m¨vmvj wmwKDwiwU †cÖvMÖvgm 349.00 Sensitive Social Security Programmes (PNSSSP) (wcGbGmGmGmwc) 0401-5002 Capacity Development of the Cabinet Division and K¨vcvwmwU †W‡fjc‡g›U Ae `¨v K¨vwe‡bU wWwfkb GÛ wdì 1,173.00 Field Administration G¨vWwgwb‡÷ªkb 0401-5015 Social Security Policy Support Programme (SSPS) ‡mvm¨vj wmwKDwiwU cwjwm mv‡cvU© †cÖvMÖvg (GmGmwcGm)| 1,189.00 Programme. 30/07/19 Page 3 of 127 3 List of Project in RADP 2018-19 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Bangladesh Election Commission Secretariate Ministry's Own 0601-1111 Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) In Order to Apply wbe©vPb e¨e¯'nvq Z_¨ cÖhyw³ cÖ‡qv‡Mi j‡ÿ¨ B‡jKUªwbK 79,733.00 ICT in Election System †fvwUs †gwkb (BwfGg) 0601-1112 Strengthening and Capacity Development of Electionwbe©vPb Kwgkb mwPevj‡qi mÿgZv e„w× I kw³kvjxKiY 972.00 Commission Secretariat 0601-5130 Identification System for Enhancing Access to AvB‡WbwUwd‡Kkb wm‡÷g di Gbn¨vwÝs GK‡mm Uz mvwf©‡mm 65,795.00 Services (1st Revised). (1g ms‡kvwaZ)| 30/07/19 Page 4 of 127 4 List of Project in RADP 2018-19 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Ministry of Public Administration Ministry's Own 0701-1111 Vertical Extension of Circuit House in 37 Districts evsjv‡`‡ki 37wU †Rjvq mvwK©U nvD‡mi DaŸ©gyLx m¤cÖmviY 5,600.00 cÖKí 0701-1112 Construction of New Building of Tangail Circuit Uv½vBj mvwK©U nvD‡Ri feb wbg©vY 1.00 House 0701-1113 Construction of Kustia Circuit House Building Kzwóqv mvwK©U nvD‡Ri feb wbg©vY 1.00 0701-5002 Construction of Rangpur Divisional Headquarters iscyi wefvMxq m`i `ßi wbg©vY| 1,713.00 0701-5003 Extension of Cumilla Circuit House Kzwgj­v mvwK©U nvDR m¤•ÖmviY 670.00 0701-5004 Strengthening Government Through Capacity wewmGm K¨vWvi Kg©KZ©v‡`i m¶gZv e„w×i gva¨‡g miKvi‡K 4,820.00 Development of The BCS Cadre Officials (phase-2) kw³kvjxKiY (2q ch©vq) 0701-5005 Construction of Administrative Convention Centre in Lyjbv kn‡i GWwgwb‡÷ªwUf Kb‡fbkb †m›Uvi wbg©vY 525.00 Khulna City (10701-224215100) Autonomous Bodies & Other Institutions 0705-1112 Capacity Building of Government Printing Press MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us †cÖm (wRwcwc) Ges evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwU 2,235.00 (GPP) and Bangladesh Security Printing Press wcÖw›Us †cÖm (weGmwcwc) Gi mÿgZv e„w×KiY (BSPP) (10704-224189900) BPATC 0705-1111 Establishment of Automated, Digital, Encrypted we.wR †cÖ‡mi g~`ªYKvh© m¤cv`bv‡_© ¯^qswµq Gbwµ‡ÞW 2,331.00 Printing System for Confidential Section of BG PresswWwRUvj gy`ªY hšÎ ¯’vcb (10701-224189800) 0705-5000 Vertical Extension International Training Complex of wewcGwUwmÕi AvšZR©vwZK cÖwk¶Y Kg‡c­‡·i DaŸ©g~Lx m 2,033.00 BPATC ¤cÖmviY| 0705-5001 Capacity Enhancement of the Core Courses of wewcGwUwmÕi †Kvi †Kvm©mg~‡ni m¶gZv e„w×KiY| 1,000.00 BPATC. 0705-5002 Enhancement of Training Capacity of BPATC wewcGwUwmÕi cÖwk¶Y m¶gZv e„yw×KiY 3,375.00 Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy (BCSAA) 0707-5001 Strengthening of BCS Administration Academy and wewmGm cÖkvmb GKv‡Wgx feb m¤cÖmviYGes cÖwk¶Y myweav 855.00 Increasing of Training Facility. e„w×KiY| 30/07/19 Page 5 of 127 5 List of Project in RADP 2018-19 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Public Service Commission Public Service Commission 0801-1111 Establishment of 7 Regional Offices of the BPSC evsjv‡`k miKvix Kg© Kwgkb mwPevj‡qi 7wU AvÂwjK 1,934.00 Secretariat including its Strengthening Kvh©vjq cÖwZôvmn mÿgZv e„w×KiY 0801-5000 Construction of Bangladesh Public Service evsjv‡`k miKvix Kg© Kwgkb Kg‡c­· wbg©vY (7g †dvi †_‡K 4,426.00 Commission Complex (7th Floor to 10th Floor) (3rd 10g †dvi) (3q ch©vq)| phase). 30/07/19 Page 6 of 127 6 List of Project in RADP 2018-19 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Finance Division Ministry's Own 0901-5003 Inclusive Budgeting and Financing for Climate Rjevqy SzuwK †gvKv‡ejvi A_©vqb‡K miKvwi e¨q e¨e¯’vcbvi 401.00 Resilience. AšZf©yw³KiY| 0901-5014 Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) w¯‹jm di Bgc­q‡g›U Bb‡f÷‡g›U †cÖvMªvg | 39,400.00 (Phase-I) 0901-5016 Strengthening Capacity for Child Focused Budgeting ‡÷ªs‡`wb K¨vcvwmwU di PvBì †dvKvmW ev‡RwUs Bb 206.00 in Bangladesh evsjv‡`k| 0901-5017 Strengthening Public Financial Management for ‡÷s‡`wbs cvewjK dBb¨vwÝqvj g¨v‡bR‡g›U di †mvm¨vj 1,930.00 Social Protection Under SGP. cÖ‡UKkb AvÛvi GmwRwc| Autonomous Bodies and Other Institutions 0905-5000 Investment promotion and Financing Facility-2 Bb‡f÷‡g›U cÖ‡gvkb GÛ dvBb¨vwÝs d¨vwmwjwU-2 1,480.00 (IPFF-2) (AvBwcGdGd-2) 30/07/19 Page 7 of 127 7 List of Project in RADP 2018-19 Project Description Allocation (in Lakh) Internal Resources Division (IRD) Ministry's Own 1101-1111 Feasibility Study of the Project on Construction of wdwRwewjwU ÷vwW Ae w` cÖ‡R± Ab †gvsjv Kv÷gm nvDR 120.00 Mongla Custom House (11102-222004000) 1101-1112 mvZÿxiv Kv÷gm feb I †fvgiv Gjwm †÷k‡bi †fŠZ 10.00 AeKvVv‡gv wbg©vY National Board of Revenue 1103-5001 Bond Management Automation Project (BMAP) eÛ e¨e¯’vcbv ¯^qswµqKiY 294.00 1103-5002 Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project 1: evsjv‡`k AÂwjK †hvMv‡hvM cÖKí-1t b¨vkbvj wm‡½j DB‡Ûv 873.00 National Single Window Implementation and Ges Kv÷gm AvaywbKvqb †Rvi`viKiY Strengthening Customs Modernization. 1103-5012 VAT & Supplementary Duty Act, 2012 f¨vU GÛ mvwc­‡g›Uvwi wWDwU G¨v±, 2012 Bgwc­‡g‡›Ukb (f¨vU 9,513.00 Implementation (VAT : Online) Project.

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