![Hoverflies in Southern Skåne, Sweden (Diptera: Syrphidae)](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Hoverflies in southern Skåne, Sweden (Diptera: Syrphidae) JEROEN VAN STEENIS, WOUTER VAN STEENIS & BASTIAAN WAKKIE van Steenis, J., van Steenis, W. & Wakkie, B.: Hoverflies in southem Skåne, Sweden (Di- ptera: Syrphidae). [Blomflugor i södra Skåne, Sverige (Diptera: Syrphidae).] - Ento- mologisk Tidskrift 122 (l-2): 15-27. Lund, Sweden 2001. ISSN 0013-886x. Records ofhoverflies caught in southern Skåne in 1991 and 1998 are reported. The collec- ting sites are described and short notes on identification, distribution, and behaviour are given for some species. Two species, Neoascia annexa (Miiller) and Parasyrphus proximus Mutin, are reported for the first time from Sweden, and Cheilosia himantoptrs (Panzer) is reconfirmed for Sweden. Three species, Brachyopct insensilis CoIlin, Episyrphus baheatus (De Geer), and Helophilus pendulus (L.), were reared. The genitalia of Cheilosi,t canitu- laris (.Panzer) and C. himantopus, the abdomen of Neoascia annexa (Miiller) and N. tenur (Harris), and the thorax of Temnostoma vespifonne (L.) and T. meridionaLe Krivosheina & Mamaev are figured. J. van Steenis, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Department of Systematic Zor.tktgy, Norbyvägen l8D SE-75236 Uppsala, Sweden. W. van Steenis, Androsdreef 52, Nl-3562 XB Utrecht, The Netherlands. B. Wakkie, Govert Flinckstraat 265-D, Nl-1073 BZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Introduction Little has been published about the recent hover- Aphid colonies, sap-streams, mud-pools, and rot- fly fauna of Skåne, southern Sweden (Hedström holes were examined lbr larvae. The material is 1990, Bartsch 1995). In the years 1997 and 1998 deposited in coll. J. van Steenis (JSU), W. van collecting trips were made to the southern part of Steenis (WSU), and B. Wakkie (BWA). Skåne in order to get a better knowledge of the The collection of the zoological museum in hoverfly fäuna. Hoverflies were collected in May Lund was visited by the first author to study ma- 1998, June 1997,July andAugust 1998. Some of terial ol some of the species. the rare species caught in 1991 have already been Threat categories according to Gärdenfors dealt with (Steenis, J. van 1998). (2000) are given for red-listed species. For some The summers of 1997 and 1998 were rainy species notes are given to their abundance in sur- and cold. It was not possible to catch hoverflies rounding countries or to their identification. every day. In 7 out of 32 field-days the weather The scientific names of the plants are given was too bad and no hoverflies were caught at all. according to Mossberg et al. (1995). Despite the rainy and cold weather 162 species were caught, with a maximum of 60 species on one day. Collecting sites The sites visited are shown in Fig. l. The "Rikets nät" co-ordinates, dates and a short habitat desc- Material and Methods ription for each site are given below. A total of 3l Hoverflies were caught by handnetting. Of most sites were visited over the whole period; 3 in species one or more specimens were collected. May, 10 in June, 14 in July, and 16 in August. 15 Jeroen van Steenis, Wouter van Steenis & Bastiaan Wakkie Ent. Tidskr. 122 (2001) /! +-J -drJ ,4 j -'/t " * /o nqeifr0lm !'löganä$ tb - ---- i \ f). /- . ),i Flässiehoift \ / rä..*-\ \ ''i / n*rxP t''. -'/ \,q"( Krisrr;i.iåd o /\ .--- -,r\ \a 30. "-/To,nel,r1a l''4--''..'-- 15./ 16. / ,.-iinrrlshanrn I '*...-, r TrelieLr*r! -/^ 10 km Fig. l. Map of Skåne, southern Sweden. Ntrmbers indicate the collecting site-numbers visited in 1997 and I 998. Karta över Skåne. Sift'roma anger insamlingslokaler under 1997 och 1998. 1) Malmö, Oresundsbron, RN 6163-1316, bra, and Corylus avelLana standing close to- 3.VII.1998. - Ruderate area with Tanacetum gether. In summer the dense canopy makes the vuLgare, Potentilla erecta, Brassica napus, Ver- forest shadow rich, with only a few flowering bascum thapsus, Artemisia vulgaris, Stellaria herbs. sp., and Matricaria sp. 4) Måryd nature reserve, RN 6111-1346, 2) Dalby Noneskog, RN 6175-1344, 15.VI. 2O.VIII. 1998. - Meadow landscape with ponds 1991 . - Deciduous forest, 500 m north of Dalby and small streams surrounded by mixed forest. Söderskog, separated from it by an extensively Collecting was done on Rubus sp., Hieracium grazed meadow. The morain content of the earth sp., Succisn praten,sis, PotentiLLa erecta, and Ra- is higher as compared to the "Söderskog". nunculus sp. 3) Dalby Söderskog, RN 6174-1344 a) 15.VI. 5) Torna Hällestad, bicycle-path, RN 6174- 1991 b) 19.VI[.1998. - Moist, mature plant 1349,20.VII.1998. - Bicycle-path sides with species-rich deciduous forest with Quercus sp., Heracleum sphondylium, Pastinaca sativa, Ga- Fagws sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Ulmus gla- lium sp., and trees like Sall-x sp., Betula sp., 16 Ent. Tidskr. 122 (2001) Hoverflies in southern Skåne Populus tremula, Acer pseudoplatanus, and Al- with Allium ursinum, Aegopodium podagraria, nus glutinosa standing along the path. Mercurialis perennis, Petasites hybridus, Peta- 6) Krankesjön (Fig. 2, following page) a) RN sites alba, and StelLaria holostea. A small mea- 6111-1352, 13.Vrr.1998 b) RN 6115-1354, dow along the borders of the forest towards the 20.Vm.1998. - Large marsh-land area along the stream Fyle-ån with Taraxacum sp., Ranunculus borders of lake Krankesiön, with Salix sp., Be- sp., Cirsium arvensis, Anthriscus sylvestris, and tula sp., Alnus glutinosa, Viburnum opuLus, Crataegus sp. Sambucus nigra, Cirsium palustre, Angelica sp., l5) Benestadbackar, RN 6156-1379 a) 8.VII. Cicuta virosa, and Filipendula ulmaria. 1998 b) 24.V1[.1998. - Chalkland on northeast 7) Häckeberga, RN 6 I 65- 1 351 , 11 .V1.1991 . slope of Fyledalen, with many springs, small - Meadows and small streams in coniferous fo- streams, small peat bogs and shrubs. The more rest. interesting plants were Crataegus .sp., Prunus 8) Veberöd, road, RN 6168-1356, 28.VI[. sp., Rubus fructicosus, Rosa sp. and small herbs 1998. Major roadside in coniferous forest. llke Daucus carota, Bunium bulbocastanum, Syrphidae caught on Hieru< ium .sp. Galium sp., Leucanthemum vulgare, Scabiosa 9) Bredamossen, RN 6165-1359, 6.VIi.1998. columbaria, Primula veris and P. farinosa, Heli- - Small coniferous plantation with open sandy anthemum sp., Pulsatilla vulgaris, Tetragono- sites and low vegetation of lichens, mosses, -/a- lobus maritimr.rs, and Tephroseris integrifulia. sione montana, Hieracium sp., and Stellaria sp. On the foot of the slope is a bog with small Nearby is a swamp-forest with Alnus glutinosa, streams with Cirsium palustre, Filipendula uL- Populus tremulus, Betula sp., Salix sp., Heracle- maria, C altha palustris, Sc ho enu.s ferrugineus, um sphondylium, and Aegopodium podagraria. Parnassia palustris, Juncus subnodosus, Ono- l0) Rydsgårds gård, Karpadammen, RN nis repens, and several orchid species. 6156-1360, 22.VIILI998. Old castle garden, 16) Örup (Almskog, Kalkkär), RN 6155- with a few flowering plants. l38l at 25.V.1998 b) 8.V11.1998. - Örups Alm- I 1) Skogshult, RN 61 59-1 362, 22.VII.1998. skog is a deciduous Ulmus glabra-forest with Roadside in mixed forest. Quercus sp., Populus tremula, Crataegus sp., 12) Frihults hed, RN 6160-1363, 22.VllI. Rubus sp., Aegopodium podagraria, Ranuncu- 1998. - Heath area in a conif'erous forest, and a lus sp., and Urtica sp. In 1979 the Dutch Elm small brooklet with Alnus glutinosa, Salix sp., diseas spread through the forest and in 1989 the Betula sp., Potentilla palustris, and some low last elm tree died. Orups Kalkkiir is a wet chalk- Umbelliferae. land with hedgerows and shrubs bordering the l3) Skoghejdan, RN 6160-1315 a) 7.VII. Or-ups Almskog. It is extensiveley grazed by 1998 b) 23.VIII.1998. - Hilly mosaic meadow cattle. Collecting was performed on Quercus landscape with forested areas, swamps, small sp., Crataegus sp., Prunus sp., Cory-lus avella- lakes, and ponds. In the northern part a mixed na, Rubus sp., Rosa sp., Ranunculus sp., Caltha forest with streams and brooklets. Dominating palustris, Bellis perennis, Primula veris, Fili- trees in the meadow were Alnus glutinosa, Salix pendulct ulmctria, Schoenus nigricans and S..fer- sp., Quercus sp., Crataegu,r sp., and different rugincus. and Achilleu prarmica. Prunus sp. Flowering plants included Cirsium 17) Löderup seashore, Tyge Å estuary, RN palustre, Filipendula ulmaria, Aegopodium po- 6140-1394.9.VII.1998. - Sanddunes with a litt- dagraria, Heracletrm sphondylium and several le river estuary and a 100 year old coniferous other Umbell tf er ae, C altha p alustris, Ranuncu- fbrest. Flowering plants were Potentilla erecta, Itts sp., Bellis perennis, Stellaria sp., Potentilla Geranium sp., Cakile maritima, Galium sp., sp., Hieracium sp., Rubus fructicosus, Leucan- InuLa salicina, Pulsatilla vulgaris, Quercus .sp., themum vulgure. and Sr.rr'cr.sa prarensis. Populus nigra., Alnus glutinosa, and Salix sp. l4) Fyledalen (Stenby backe), RN 6159-1377 18) Hagestad mosse, RN 6141-1396, 9.VII. a) 25.Y.1998 b) 7.VII.1998 c) 24.VIILl998. - 1998. - Overgrown peat-marsh area with Deciduous forest dominatedby Fagus sylvatica, Phragmites australis, Typha sp., Salix sp., Epi- l1 (2001) .Ieroen van Steenis, Wouter van Steenis & Bastiaan Wakkie Ent. Tidskr. 122 Fig.2. Collecting site 6 (Krankeslön)(Krankesjön) (Photo J. van JSteenis, July 1998)' Ins amLin g s lokttl numme r 6 ( Kr anke sj ön ). lobium sp., Aegopodium podrtgraria, and Hera- tridactylite s, and C orynepho rus c ctne s cens. Havängs sommarby, RN 6177-1397' c leum mant e I (tzzianum. 22) 19) Bäckhalladalen, RN 6161-1406, g.Vll' 19.V1.1997 . - Shortgrazed sandy chalkhill 1998. - Hilly cattle-grazed meadow landscape grassland with a few flowering plants. with swampy areas and lakes and Potentilla sp., 23) Skepparp, N. ofVerkeån, RN 6178-1395, Galium sp., Ranunculus sp., Caltha palustris, 19.VI.I991 . -Forest-edge with floweringAego- and several orchid species. podium podagraria and Rubus sP. 20) Stenshuvud a) RN 611l-I403,24.Y.I998 24) Verkeåns nature reserve, RN 6179-1391' b) 10.VII.1998 c) RN 6169'1403,25.Vm.1998 20.YI.1991 .
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