April 25, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E639 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING UNIVERSITY OF TEN- CONGRATULATIONS TO COMBAT I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- NESSEE WOMEN’S BASKETBALL MEDICAL SYSTEMS cation and character in all her future accom- COACH PAT SUMMITT plishments. HON. RENEE L. ELLMERS f HON. DAVID P. ROE OF NORTH CAROLINA HONORING ROBERTA ROPER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TENNESSEE Wednesday, April 25, 2012 HON. STENY H. HOYER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. ELLMERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF MARYLAND Wednesday, April 25, 2012 offer my congratulations to the Men and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Women of Combat Medical Systems on the Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I rise opening of their new office in Fayetteville, Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to today to honor University of Tennessee wom- North Carolina. honor the work of a remarkable woman from en’s basketball coach Pat Summitt for her One year ago this month, Fayetteville suf- Maryland, Roberta Roper, and to express to hard work, courage, and perseverance. Pat, fered from a sudden and devastating outbreak her the appreciation felt by so many across like me, is from Clarksville, Tennessee. We of tornadoes. These storms ripped through our our state and throughout the country. share a love for basketball, and it has been an region and caused horrendous damage to In 1982, Roberta and her family faced their honor to watch her lead the Lady Vols for homes, businesses, and personal property. I darkest days when they learned that their nearly forty years. Pat’s commitment to excel- was told of the bravery of their staff and Presi- daughter, Stephanie—a talented artist and col- lence has resulted in almost 1,100 wins, mak- dent, Corey Russ, who, as a retired Delta lege student—had been kidnapped, raped, ing her the winningest basketball coach in Force medic, began treating casualties and and murdered. While struggling with her own NCAA history. handing out thousands of dollars of company personal pain and grief, Roberta learned that What is most impressive about Pat isn’t her equipment to strangers so that they could help there were no supportive services for her and .840 winning percentage or her her eight na- others in the area and transport casualties to her family as they struggled with the loss of tional championships. Nor is it her ability to nearby hospitals. their daughter. Even more devastating was run laps with, and sometimes around, her One year later, our communities continue to that the criminal justice system lacked the teams, or the intense stare that I am sure is rebuild and we can take pride in the new rights and support they needed as family still burned into the minds of some of the la- homes and buildings that have been erected. members of a murder victim. dies on her 1974 inaugural team. What im- We must continue to remember the individuals That same year, to honor the memory of presses me most about Pat is the way she that perished in this disaster and honor their their daughter and to address the inadequa- does everything in her life with heart and to legacy through the care and rebuilding of our cies between the rights of a defendant and the best of her ability. When she announced community. those of a victim of crime, Roberta and her her condition last August, I was impressed Combat Medical Systems and its employees husband, Vince, founded the Stephanie Roper both by her courage to fight Alzheimer’s in a show the dedication and determination we all Foundation. The Foundation’s mission has very public way, as well as her leadership in aspire to as we rebuild and survive in the face been to provide supportive services to crime founding the Pat Summitt Foundation Fund. of unforeseen obstacles. This courage em- victims across Maryland for thirty years. They According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 5.4 bodies the spirit of our nation and fuels our also established the Stephanie Roper Com- million Americans are currently living with Alz- economy. I commend them on their willing- mittee, the Foundation’s legislative arm, which heimer’s. By sharing her story, Pat has un- ness to give back to the community and on has resulted in over sixty laws enacted to cre- doubtedly helped to bring awareness to this the successes they have rightly earned. ate new or improved crime-victim rights and disease. I’d be one sorry fan if I didn’t also Again, I congratulate them on the opening services. point out that, despite her condition, last sea- of their new office. May God bless them, their With Roberta’s active encouragement, the son Pat still led the Lady Vols to the NCAA families, and our great nation. Maryland General Assembly created the State tournament. f Board of Victim Services in 1988. This Board offers recommendations to the legislature and Pat Summitt has left the UT community with AUJANAE VALDEZ an amazing legacy and I have no doubt she to the Governor on matters concerning state will continue to faithfully serve the University in and local efforts to assist victims of crime. In her new role as head coach emeritus. I also HON. ED PERLMUTTER 1994, Roberta was appointed as Chair of the look forward to seeing great things from her OF COLORADO Board, a position she held until her retirement son, Tyler, as he follows in his mother’s foot- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES last October. In 2002, the Foundation merged with the steps. My thoughts and prayers are with Pat Wednesday, April 25, 2012 and Tyler as they move forward on this jour- Maryland Crime Victim Resource Center, a ney together. Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise one-stop, statewide non-profit that provides today to recognize and applaud Aujanae victim services, crisis assistance, legal help, Valdez for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge f victim notification, financial help, social serv- Service Ambassadors for Youth award. ices, and links to national victim resources. PERSONAL EXPLANATION Aujanae Valdez is a 12th grader at Jefferson Roberta’s activism since her daughter’s Senior High and received this award because tragic death in 1982 led her to so many impor- her determination and hard work have allowed tant accomplishments benefitting my home HON. JIM GERLACH her to overcome adversities. state. These include the creation of the Mary- The dedication demonstrated by Aujanae land Victims of Crime Fund, legislation ensur- OF PENNSYLVANIA Valdez is exemplary of the type of achieve- ing victims and their families a place in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment that can be attained with hard work and courtroom and a voice during the sentencing Wednesday, April 25, 2012 perseverance. It is essential students at all process, the creation of new support and serv- levels strive to make the most of their edu- ices for victims and their loved ones, as well Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, unfortunately, cation and develop a work ethic which will as the ratification of an amendment to the on April 24, 2012, I missed one recorded vote guide them for the rest of their lives. Maryland Constitution guaranteeing crime vic- on the House floor. I ask that the RECORD re- I extend my deepest congratulations to tims the right to be informed, present, and flect that had I been present, I would have Aujanae Valdez for winning the Arvada Wheat heard throughout the investigatory and judicial voted ‘‘aye’’ on Rollcall 178. Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. process. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:12 Apr 26, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K25AP8.001 E25APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E640 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 25, 2012 In addition to her tireless efforts to improve stands as a moment of pride for the Jewish West Neighbors in Action, which cater to the victims’ treatment, Roberta serves as Co-Chair people, and a foreshadowing of the new Jew- homeless. He has also worked at the Rose of the National Victims Constitutional Amend- ish spirit that would rise with the State of Mary Center, West Side Community House, ment Network—a network of states working Israel just a few years later. Never again West Side Catholic Center and currently, Care with Congress to enact a Constitutional would Jews give up without a fight. With a Alliance. amendment establishing meaningful and en- state and an army, the Jewish people would fi- Because of his relentless work to support forceable rights for every crime victim in this nally have a refuge to run to in their time of those in need, today, at the Bishop Cosgrove country. need. Center, the Cleveland Tenants Organization Today, I join in honoring Roberta Roper for While we commemorate the Holocaust and the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the turning a deeply saddening and difficult trag- today, I call on my colleagues to join me in re- Homeless are coming together to honor his edy into a thirty-year movement to provide affirming our connection to the State of Israel, lifetime of service. crime victims and their families a greater and our responsibility to help Israel through its voice. most difficult times. The Jewish State ensures Mr.
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