First Class Mail U.S. Postage PAID Lancaster PA The College Reporter Permit 901 THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF FRANKLIN & MARSHALL COLLEGE MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2014 LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA VOLUME 51, ISSUE 14 Diplomatic Congress’ open forum prompts discussion of tobacco-free campus BY INDIRA RAHMAN professor and director of the Public Contributing Writer Health program; and Mike Wetzel, Last Tuesday, Dec. 2, the Diplo- associate vice-president for Facili- matic Congress (DipCon), organized ties Management and Campus Plan- the F&M Forum on Tobacco. The ning. event, which took place in Booth Topics of debate included what Ferris in the Steinman College Cen- products would be banned under a ter, was a community health initia- tobacco-free campus and how stu- tive that introduced the possibility dents, especially those who current- of a smoke-free campus. The open ly consume those products, would nature of the forum attempted to felt about it. provide an inclusive platform for Everett spoke about the health student voices on campus, and it at- implications of using e-cigarettes tracted more than 40 participants— after a student suggested exclud- smokers and non-smokers alike. ing e-cigarettes within a tobacco- The forum opened with a presen- free campus, while Wetzel shared tation by Grace Jeong ’15, chair of a rare perspective seldom heard by DipCon’s Student Health and Safe- photo by Emma Brown ’17 students: Although there have not ty Committee, who spearheaded the The five-person panel selected by the Diplomatic Congress guided each topic been instances of any open flames, effort along with committee mem- and shared their thoughts on student health on a tobacco-free campus. he said he receives dozens of com- bers. The presentation went into de- eral discussion and Q&A session viding perspectives as they pertained plaints from the campus community tail about what a tobacco-free F&M between students and panelists. to their respective field of expertise. (students, faculty and staff) about campus could look like, using infor- According to a recent F&M The five-person panel recruited by individuals smoking close to build- mation primarily gathered through campus-wide survey on the matter, DipCon consisted of Jan Masland, ings and not effectively disposing research looking at different colleg- 3.5% of 1053 respondents identified director of Health and Wellness of cigarette butts. es and universities that had either themselves as daily smokers. Education; Dr. Amy Myers, direc- This called into question the gone smoke-free or tobacco-free. Staff and faculty on the panel tor of Student Health Services and The floor was then opened to a gen- helped facilitate discussion by pro- College Physician; Janine Everett, see FORUM, page 2 New College website updated with social Porterfield speaks at White House event media interactivity, streamlined approach to inspire higher education for students BY SHIRA KIPNEES existing functionality,” said Cliatt. BY STEVEN VIERA said in a press release put out by the Staff Writer “The design of the former F&M News Editor College’s Office of Communications. On Monday, Dec. 1, after 20 website redesign was completed Dan Porterfield, president of the “As we have invested in a talent strat- months, the College launched a in 2009, based on an assessment College, spoke on F&M’s commit- egy that benefits all students, we’re completely rebuilt website to re- of needs — and available technol- ment to preparing students for col- showing other institutions it’s possible place the old website, which dated ogy — dating back now more than lege and helping them to graduate at to increase financial aid, enhance aca- back to 2009. seven years.” the White House College Opportunity demic excellence and deepen the tal- According to Cass Cliatt, vice Cliatt continued, explaining that Day of Action, held last Thursday, Dec. ent of the student body.” president for communications, the people tend to use the internet dif- 4, in Washington, D.C. Other speakers Using F&M as a model, other new website is not merely a rede- ferently today than they did a few at the event included Barack Obama, schools will attempt to provide fi- sign, but a complete rebuild of the years ago, and that people expect Michelle Obama, and Joe Biden. nancial aid and other opportunities to old website. Cliatt also explained a completely different experience Along with other leaders in higher high-achieving, low-income students that old website was nearing the from a college website. education, Porterfield pledged to join as part of dynamic recruitment efforts. end of a typical life of a website “Incorporating social media and a collaborative effort with other col- For its efforts towards enrolling and and was not meeting the new needs other forms of interactivity was in leges to help 100,000 students across retaining 100,000 students, the College of the College. its infancy seven years ago, and the nation to attend and graduate from will receive funds from Bloomberg “The old F&M website was we had not yet become the You- top-quality schools, as well as enroll- Philanthropies, which is investing $10 at the end of the typical life of a Tube generation that we are now,” ing high-achieving, undocumented million over the course of the next two website, as changes in technology Cliatt said. students under a new federal law. years, with additional funds to be al- have established a best practice of Cliatt noted that one of the major “It’s gratifying that the work of the located based on initial results. An- refreshing a website or complet- changes to the College’s website F&M community is extending an in- other organization contributing funds, ing a wholesale redesign every spiring message to others in higher two to four years — depending on see WEBSITE, page 2 education and public life,” Porterfield see EDUCATION, page 2 Inside this Issue... Opinion & Editorial Arts & Entertainment “Mourning Michael Brown Birdman features standout and Eric Garner” performances page 3 page 6 Campus Life Sports Fall dance concert showcases New college football playoff student talent spark discussion, interest page 6 page 9 Page 2 News The College Reporter Riemann’s Crime Watch Education: Grants received in support of Wednesday, Dec. 3, 3:51 p.m. — A female student reported a male higher education for students everywhere who drove past her making lewd comments on West James St. Thursday, Dec. 4, 12:00 p.m. — A student reported several items were missing from his/her car in the College Row parking lot. Friday, Dec. 5, 12:17 a.m. — Officers from the Department of Public Safety (DPS) responded to a noise complaint at 605 College Ave. Friday, Dec. 5, 12:22 a.m. — DPS responded to the report of an underage intoxicated student in Thomas Hall. The student was evaluated by EMS and released to a friend. Riemann’s Advice Gold stars to you F&M for keeping it together this week. Don’t screw it up next week at formals. Officer Johnston’s Safety Tips F&M Public Safety is even more concerned about the safety of students after the holiday break. photo courtesy of Busy schedules and numerous First Lady Michelle Obama speaks at the College Opportunity Day of Action in deadlines may cause members of advocation of Porterfield’s effort for higher education in the United States. the community to lose focus on continued from page 1 The College Opportunity Day safety. cording to the press release, is the of Action is the third time Porter- If you must be out late at night Heckscher Foundation for Chil- field has been tapped as a leader always let someone know where dren, which is committing advi- in White House efforts to improve you are going, your expected sory support and an additional $1 access and the quality of higher travel time, and how long you million over the next two years to education. Porterfield continues plan on being in that location. support the project. to use F&M as a model. Additionally, F&M will enroll “We very much had a lot to lis- a cohort of five students from the ten to and learn about the work of Deferred Action for Childhood all our colleagues from every type The College Reporter Corrections Policy Arrivals, or DACA, program. of higher education institution,” The College Reporter welcomes comments and suggestions, as well as information about substan- This initiative was created to con- Porterfield said in the press re- tive errors of fact that call for correction. Contact us via email at [email protected] or at (717) nect many of the undocumented lease. “I learned a lot from those 291-4095. students who graduate from high colleagues about how their schools The College Reporter Story Idea Submission Policy school in the United States to op- are partnering with local k-12 The College Reporter welcomes story ideas from the college community. If you have or your portunities for a college education. systems and communities.” organization has an idea for a Reporter story, email it to us at [email protected] with the subject According to the press release, a heading “Campus Story Idea” by Monday at noon the week before publication. Story ideas will be $250,000 grant from the Schuster- Junior Steven Viera is the News accepted at the discretion of the Editorial Board. man Foundation will help to fund Editor. His email is sviera@ this initiative. Website: Simple navigation improves functionality with more access to site continued from page 1 site would have to know that the and financial aid; advancement, also appointed as at-large mem- is that the website now presents Office of Auxiliary Services pro- including alumni relations and bers through a campus-wide open information organized according vides that service.
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