NUTRITIONAL MANAGEMENT OF FEEDLOT CATTLE TO OPTIMIZE PERFORMANCE AND 1, 2, 3 MINIMIZE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT N. Andy Cole, R. W. Todd, K. E. Hales, D. B. Parker, M. S. Brown, and J.C. MacDonald 4 USDA - Agricultural Research Service, Bushland, TX and Clay Center, NE., West Texas A&M University, Canyon, and Texas AgriLife Research, Amarillo INTRODUCTION The past decade has seen an exponential growth in the cattle feeding industry in Brazil and prospects are the growth will continue in the future (Millen et al., 2009, 2011). Feeding cattle nutritionally balanced, high-energy diets in confinement can have several advantages over pastoral systems. However, there are also potential risks. The feeding of livestock in confinement leads to concentration of feed nutrients into a relatively small geographic area. The nutrients of primary environmental concern to agriculture are nitrogen (N), carbon, (C), sulfur (S) and phosphorus (P). In addition, hormones (endogenous and exogenous), antibiotics, and other feed additives may accumulate in the manure. Only a small percentage of the nutrients consumed by livestock are ultimately retained by the animal; hence, little is removed from the premises when the animal leaves the facility. Accumulation of these “excess” nutrients, the extraneous losses of these nutrients to ground water, surface water, and the 1 Presented at the IV Simposio Internacional de Producao de Gado de Corte, Viscosa, Brazil, June 7-10, 2012. 2 USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 3 The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this article is for the information and convenience of the reader. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the United States Department of Agriculture or the Agricultural Research Service of any product or service to the exclusion of others that may be suitable. 4 Research Animal Scientist / Research Leader; Soil Scientist; Research Animal Scientist; Agricultural Engineer/Research Leader; and Associate Professors, respectively. 2 - VIII Simpósio de Produção de Gado de Corte atmosphere, and removal of accumulated manure is a significant environmental concern to the cattle feeder. Nitrogen concerns revolve around both water (nitrates in surface & ground water) and air quality (ammonia – NH3, nitrous oxide – N2O, odors) issues. Carbon concerns are related to water (organic matter/biological oxygen demand) and air quality (methane – CH4). Sulfur concerns relate to emissions of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and other odorous compounds. Phosphorus concerns revolve primarily around potential contamination of surface waters. The potential hazards of misapplication of manures to farm- and pasture-land is also a concern. In the U.S., concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO)are required to develop Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMP) that address factors such as feed management, manure handling, and land application of manure (NRCS, 2000). They are also required to report / mitigate emissions of some gases and particulates. Nutrition and management practices can influence the quantity of nutrients excreted by the animal, as well as influence transformations and movements of excreted nutrients. Today, researchers, nutritionists, feedmills, and feedlot managers may be called on to play an increasingly important and vital role in helping livestock operations meet environmental challenges. Many “common” practices may have to be revised and producers may be required to balance production efficiency and net income with real and perceived environmental concerns. IV Simpósio Internacional de Produção de Gado de Corte - 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES RELATING TO ANIMAL FEEDS AND CONCENTRATED ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATIONS (CAFO): BACKGROUND AND MITIGATION STRATEGIES General In general, less than 20% of the nutrients consumed by livestock are ultimately retained by the animal; most is deposited as feces and urine. In the U.S., during a “typical” 150 day feeding period, 1,000 head of finishing beef cattle will excrete the following quantities of nutrients: 1,200 metric tonnes of dry matter (DM), 535 tonnes of C, 27 tonnes of N, 6 tonnes of calcium (Ca), 3.6 tonnes of P, 1.8 tonnes of magnesium (Mg), 1.2 tonnes of S, 6.3 tonnes of chloride (Cl), 6.3 tonnes of K, 1.4 tonnes of sodium (Na), 180 g of cobalt (Co), 12 kg of copper (Cu), 718 g of iodine (I), 120 kg of Fe (Fe), 60 kg of manganese (Mn), 239 g of selenium (Se), and 48 kg of zinc (Zn). In addition to nutrients, the waste will also contain pharmacologically active compounds (PAC: includes resides of pesticides, feed additives such as antibiotics and hormones, exogenous hormones from implants, and endogenously produced hormones), pathogens (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi) and endotoxins produced by gram negative pathogenic bacteria. In the U.S. beef cattle are typically fed in open pens with native soil surfaces. Manure is normally scraped from the pens after each group of cattle is finished. Some of the manure may be stacked in the pen to provide mounds that improve pen drainage. Manure removed from the pen may be immediately applied to fields, stockpiled for later use, or composted in windrows. Manure scraped from the pens normally has a moisture content of 30% to 50% and may contain some soil from the pen. Because the manure may sit in the pen or in stockpiles for several months before it is applied to the field, much of the N and C may be lost to the atmosphere before the manure is collected. 4 - VIII Simpósio de Produção de Gado de Corte Water Quality General Nutrients, pathogens (E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter, and Cryptosporidium: Berry et al., 2006) and PAC in manure can potentially flow from feedlot surfaces to surface waters or percolate into ground waters (Sharpley et al., 1996). Nitrogen (usually as nitrates), P, and organic matter (OM) can potentially runoff into surface waters causing eutrophication or percolate into ground water making it unsuitable for drinking. In some areas and situations, K, Na, and some trace minerals can be a concern. Feeding operations with properly designed and maintained runoff control structures (RCS) such as retention ponds (term for liquid waste storage area) and(or) lagoons (term for liquid waste treatment area) normally have little, if any, effect on surface or ground water quality. The most probable site for manure contamination of surface waters is via mismanagement at the feedlot or via runoff from fields fertilized with manure. As nutrient, pathogen, or PAC concentrations in the soil profile increase, the risk that they can leave the cropland in runoff also increases. When manure is applied to cropland at P utilization rates, the quantity of land required to dispose of manure is 5 to 10 fold greater than when manure is applied to meet crop N requirements. Decreasing manure output. Beef cattle fed high concentrate diets excrete approximately 28 kg of wet manure daily (85% moisture) per 454 kg of body weight (BW). In general, because of increased feed intake and (or) decreased ration digestibility, the quantity of manure DM produced increases as the forage content of the diet increases. The digestibility of the concentrate portion of the diet can also affect manure production. For example, steam-flaking decreases total manure DM excretion, and fecal starch content (Tucker and Watts, 1993). Hales et al (2012a) noted that manure OM excretion was 15% greater in steers fed dry rolled corn (DRC)- based diets than in steers fed steam flaked corn (SFC)-based diets. When fed at equal energy intake, OM excretion increased 10 to 25% when the concentration of distillers grains+solubles (DGS) increased from 0 to 30% of the diet (Hale et al., 2012a, b) IV Simpósio Internacional de Produção de Gado de Corte - 5 Decreasing phosphorus & other mineral losses. According to NRC (1996) most feed grains contain at least 0.3% P. Thus, if fed at 80% of the diet, the basal P content of finishing diets will be 0.25% or more. Phosphorus from protein supplements, liquid feeds, byproducts, or some forages increase this further. Erickson et al. (1999, 2002) and Geisert et al (2010) noted that performance of yearling steers and calves was not adversely affected by feeding finishing diets with P concentrations as low as 0.17%. Similarly, in growing steers, Greene et al. (2001) noted that decreasing the dietary P concentration from 0.33 to 0.22% decreased P intake 50%, and decreased P excretion by 54% without affecting average daily gain and gain/feed. Vasconcelos et al (2009) noted that replacing cottonseed meal with urea as the supplemental N source decreased dietary P concentration by 29.4% and P excretion by 20.5% without adversely affecting animal performance (Gleghorn et al., 2004). The quantity of P excreted increased with days on feed (59, 74, and 88% of P intake on days 30, 75 and 120, respectively). Thus, at present, it appears that supplementing P in most grain-based feedlot finishing diets is not necessary. By feeding more biologically available sources of minerals, it may be possible to decrease the amounts of these minerals required in the diet, and thus, decrease the quantities that are excreted to the environment. The bioavailability of different mineral sources for ruminants has not been thoroughly researched and values in the literature vary greatly. Some values for bioavailability of trace mineral sources are presented in Table 1 (Albin, 1988; Henry, et al., 1988; Greene, 1995; and Spears, 1996). 6 - VIII Simpósio de Produção de Gado de Corte Table 1 - Relative bioavailability of trace minerals from different inorganic and inorganic sources in relation to the availability of the sulfate form (Albin, 1988; Greene, 1995; Spears, 1996) Mineral Sulfate Oxide Carbonate Chloride Organic Cobalt 100 10-30 110 100 85-100 Copper 100 0-30 60-100 110 100-130 Iron 100 <10 0-75 40-95 -- Manganese 100 30-80 30-95 -- 100-120 Zinc 100 40-90 60-100 40-85 100-200 Air Quality.
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