A BibliographyBibliography ofof the the HistoryHistory of Inland Inland Waterways, Railways andand RoadRoad TransportTransport in the British Isles,Isles, 1996 If thethe searchessearches undertakenundertaken for this year's bibliography appearappear to to havehave beenbeen less compre-compre­ hensive than usual, it is becausebecause prioritypriority has been given toto thethe preparation preparation for publicationpublication of the Second Supplement toto OUley'sOttley's Bibliography of British Railway History, which is scheduled to appearappear in the Spring. Any deficiencies will be mademade up next year.year. Ott.)oacxOtt.xxxx refers toto an entry in Ottley's Bibliography of British railway history. t indicatesindicates that a copycopy ofof the the book book has has not not been been seen seen and and the the bibliographical bibliographical detailsdetails areare thereforetherefore rl uncertain. Any correspondence concerning the bibliography should be addressed toto Grahame Boyes,Boyes, 7 OnslowOnslow Road,Road, Richmond,Richmond, SurreySurrey TWIO 6QH, who againagain acknowledgesacknowledges thethe invaluableinvaluable support received fromfrom contributors.contributors. SECTION GG GENERALGENERAL GB TRANSPORTTRANSPORT AT AT PARTICULAR PARTICULAR PERIODSPERIODS GB2 c.1500&:.1500 -- 19001900 1 MOORE-COLYER,MOO RE-COL YER, RICHARD.RICHARD. Aspects of horse breeding and the supply of horses in Victorian Britain. Agricultural Hi8toryHistory Review vol. 43 (1995)(199S) pp.pp. 47-60. GB3 TwentiethTwentieth centuryce.tury 2 O'DONNELL, E. E. FatherFather Browne's England.England. Dublin: Wolfhound,Wolfhound, 1996. pp. 127. Album of photographs ofof everyday life, 1912.53,1912·S3, taken taken by by Frank Frank Browne,Browne, Si.S.J. pp. 93.100,93-100, On On thethe road;road; 101-8, On the rails; 109-16, OnOn the water [chiefly Norfolk Broads].Broads). GC TRANSPORTTRANSPORT IN IN PARTICULAR PARTICULAR REGIONS REGIONS OF OF THE THE BRITISHBRITISH ISLES GCBsGC1. England—SouthEDllan.-Soath We.tWest relioDregion 3 PARKHOUSE, NEILNEIL andand POPE,POPE, IAN. IAN. EdwardianEdwardian Dean Dean in in colour, colour, vol. vol. 1:1: TheThe postcardspostcards issued issued byby Tilley'sTilley's of Ledbury, circacirca 1906-1914.1906-1914. 1Witneyj:(Witney): Lightmoor Pru8,Press, 1995. pp. 44. Coloured photos, many incl. transporttransport subjects. GC1c England—SouthEDllan.-Soath Ea.tEast relloDregion 4 BARKER, THEO. Road, rail andand cross-Channelcrosl-Channel ferry. In ARMSTRONG, ALAN (ed), The economy of Kent Kent 1640-1914. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,Preu. for Kent County Council,CounCil, 1995. pp. 12S-60.125.60. Also chapterschapten on Industry and on Kent and the Sea. 5 STIDDER, DEREK. A guide to the industrialindustrial archaeology of Reigate Reigate andand BansteadBanstead Borough.Borough. Guildford:GUildford: Surrey '1 Indl HI8t.Hist. Grp, 1996. pp.pp. 32.32. 454S photos,photos, 66 drwgs, drwgs, map.map. Gazetteer ofof 129129 sites.sites. Ch. 1 (sites(sites 1-6), Roads; 2 (sites 7-40), Railways.Railways. LondonLon.o. aand •• LondonLon.on Tran.portTransport 6 BAKER, MICHAEL H.H. C.C. London TransportTransport 1933-1962. 1933-1962. Shepperton: Ianlan Allan, 1996. pp.pp. 128.128. ManyMany inns.illns. 11 A year-by-year account. 7 BANCROFT,BAN CROFT, PETER (comp). London Transport records atat thethe Public Record Office, pt 1.Alton:I.Alton: Nebulous,Nebulou8, 1996. pp. 96. A detailed lilting.listing. 8 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT. AA transporttransport strategy for London:London: summary. London, 1996. pp.pp. 24. 1111 mapsmaps &.It figs. 9 LONDON TRANSPORT PLANNING. New ideas for public transport in outer London: development of case studies. London, Sep.Sop. 1996. pp.pp. 28.28. Col.Col. figsfigs &&: maps.maps. 10 LONDON TRANSPORT. Planning London's transport: toto win as a world city. London, Nov. 1996. pp.pp. 91. Many col. filmillnl &&: maps. 11 PREMRU,PREMRU. FELICITY. Oral history at work: London Transport's West Indian workforce. BusinessBuineu ArchivesArchive8 no. 67 (May 1994) pp. S7-71.57-71. 449 GC1dGCI. E.IIEngland-West••• -We.t MidlandsMI.I•••• regionrello. 12 PURCELL, ANGELA and and CHARLES;CHARLES; and and HOBSON,HOBSON, KENNETH.KENNETH. Bewdley's Bewdley's past past inin pictures,pictures, vol. 2. BewdleyBewdley Historical ResearchResearch Grp, 1996. pp. 134. IncludesIncludes. a section on Transport. GC11GCII Englami--YorkshireEnll... -Yorktlllre 13 HALL, CHARLESCHARLES C.C. RotherhamRotherham" & District transport, vol. 1. Rotherham: RotherwoodRotherwood Press,Preu, 1996. pp. (i),[i], 216. 125 dins,iIIns, 1010 mapsmaps" & plans, plans, facsims.facsims. Gel./GClj England-NorthE.II••• -Nortb region reclon 14 HANSON, NOEL.NOEL. Wheels.Wheels. Newcastle City Libraries, 1996. pp. 24. [Newcastle(Newcastle revisitedrevisited series.]series.) A photographic record ofof transport inin NewcastleNewcastle uponupon Tyne, Tyne, 1900-60. CC2GCl ScotlandScotl••• 15 HALDANE, A. A. R. R. B. B. New New ways ways through through the the glens: glens: Highland Highland road, road, bridge bridge and and canalcanal makersmakers of the early nineteenth century.century. Repr. of 1973 edn.edn. IsleIsle ofof Colonsay: Colons ay: House ofofLochar, Lochar, 1995. pp. xvi, 247, [16](16) pl.,pI., f1dglldg map. ~, Telford's workwork forfor the the ParliamentaryParliamentary Commissioners Commissioners for Highland RoadRoad" & BridgesBridges and Caledonian Canal, 1803-23. 16 UNCLES, CHRISTOPHERCHRISTOPHER J. J. (comp). (comp). Lochaber Lochaber and and the the road road to to thethe Isles.Isles. Ochiltree:Dchiltree: RichardRichard Stenlake, Stenlake, 1996. pp.pp.96. 96. A photographic record, mostly of the pre-1920 period;period; manymany views of road transport, railway stationsstations and ferries. GC3 WalesW.les 17 ABERYSTWYTH POSTCARD POSTCARD CLUB. CLUB. Aberystwyth. Aberystwyth. Chalford: ChalfordChalford Publng,Publng, 1996. pp. 128. [Archive(Archive photographs series.]series.) pp. 33-46, The The town's town's transport transport system. system. I18t GWYN, DAVIDDAVID and and WILLIAMS, WILLlAMS, MERFYN MERFYN C. AC. guideA guide to theto the industrial industrial archaeology archaeology of of north north westwest Wales = Arweinlyfr ii archaeoleg archaeoleg ddiwydiannolddiwydiannol gogledd-orllewingogledd-orllewin Cymru. imp]:[n.p.]: A Assocn ssocn forfor Indlhal Arch.,Arch., 1996. pp. 48. 51 inns,illns, 1010 locationlocation maps.maps. Gazetteer of sites in the former county of Gwynedd as itit existed 1972-96. 19 JOHN, A.A. H.H. TheThe industrial industrial developmentdevelopment of South Wales,Wales, 1750-1850.1750.1850. Repr. of Ott. 9633. Cardiff: Merton Priory Press,Press, 1996. pp. 224. GC5 Isle"le of or Wight Wllht 20 PRIEST, RICHARD.RICHARD. Shanklin Shanklin remembered: remembered: transport.transport. Shanklin: author, 1996. pp. 26. Covers sea, road and rail. GE TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ENGINEERING ENGINEERING CE!GEl BiographiesBlolraphles of or civil elvD engineers e.llaeers 21 DAY, LANCELANCE and and McNEIL, McNEIL, IAN IAN (ed). (ed). Biographical Biographical dictionary dictionary of of the the history history of of technology. technology. London:London: Routledge, 1996. pp. xv, 844. GE3 ArchitectureArchltectare and •••• design:e.lc.: Bridges, Brl.les, viaducts, vl•• acts, building.aU.lnl 22 BOYCE, DAVID.DAVID. Bridges Bridges of of the the Kelvin,Kelvin, PartickPartick to Kirklee. Glasgow City Libraries, 1996. pp. 48. 23 PETERS, TOM.TOM. Building Building the the nineteenth nineteenth century.century. Cambridge, Ma8l./London:Mass./London: M.l.T.M.I.T. Press,Press, 1996. pp. 512. Case studies inin construction history,history, incl.incl. Thames TunnelTunnel and Britannia Bridge. GK TRANSPORTTRANSPORT AND AND THETHE NATIONNATION GK4 TransportTransport and .nd Industry, In••• try, tradetra.e andanti agriculturealrtcRltare 24 LEACH, J.J. T.T. Grin Grin Hill, Hill, Buxton, Buxton, a amajor major Derbyshire Derbyshire limestone limestone quarry.quarry. Derbysh. Arch. Jnl vol. 116 (1996) pp.pp. 101-34. A history of the the quarryquarry andand itsits useuse of packhorse, packhorse, canal and rail transport. Its rail connectionconnection was to the CromfordCromford" & High PeakPeak Rly atat Ladmanlow.Ladmanlow. GK6 ParliamentP.rll.ment and ••d governmentlover.me.t controlcoatrol 25 DEVINE, ROSEMARY ROSEMARY (comp). (comp). Index Index to to the the Local Local and and Personal Personal Acts 1850-1995. London:London: H.M.S.D.,H.M.S.O., 1996.1996.4 4 vols. pp.pp. ix, ix, 656; 656; vii,vii, 657-1308;657-1308; vii,vii, 1309-1788;1309-17118; vii, 1789-2280.1789-2280. Acts listed alphabetically by short title. 26 LAW COMMISSIONCOMMISSION and and SCOTTISH SCOTTISH LAW LAW COMMISSION. COMMISSION. Chronological Chronological table table of of local local legislation. legislation. London:London: H.M.S.O.,H.M.S.D., 1996.1996.4 4 vols.vols. 1797-1860. pp. xxviii, 676. 1861-1890. pp. x, 677-1395. 1891-1910. pp. x, 1397-2028. 1911-1994. pp. x.x, 2029-2681. SECTION C CANALCANAL AND AND RIVERRIVER NAVIGATIONS NA VIGATIONS CA GENERALGENERAL HISTORY HISTORY AND AND DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF OF INLAND INLAND WATERWAY WATERWAY TRANSPORTTRANSPORT IN THE BRITISH ISLES 27 CROMPTON,CROMPTON. GERALD GERALD (ad). (ed). Canals Canals and and inland inland navigation. navigation. Aldershot: Scolar Press,Prelll, 1996. pp. xxii, 164. Repr. of 1111 paperspapen (entered individually below)below) originallyoriginally published published in the JournalJOlirnal ofof Transport Transport History, with introductoryintroductory paper by the editor. 450 28 SIMS, JON. Air cuts. WwysWWYI World
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