il^o«, iU wn^V :i2Ht)H For Reference NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THIS ROOM 4 Gadet Su The Voice Of North Georgia College North Georgia College Library Dahlonega, Georgia Volume 1 Fall 1951 JVumber 1 Published Quarterly At Dahlonega, Georgia PAGE TWD THE CADET BUGLER BUILDING SUPPLIES . Complimenis DAHLONEGA'S CHOICE . of JIMMIE REEVES GEORGIA FURNITURE CO. FINANCE CO. \^^^.: Lf/Mgi'^ ^^' ^^i 1125 South Main Street Gainesville, Georgia Gainesville, Georgia Phone 602 1 Gainesville, Georgia Compliments of WHATLEY'S DO YOUR BANKING AT MARTIN FEED PHARMACY THE . & POULTRY CO. BANK Street of Gainesville. Georgia 1219 South Main Gainesville, Georgia DAHLONEGA 1 WHEN IN GAINESVILLE QUEEN CITY THE CADETS AND COEDS AT N.G.C. BE SURE TO VISIT HATCHERY EAT AUNT BE I FY'S 117 Railroad Avenue Phone 468-856 BREAD Gainesville, Georgia Gainesville, Georgia 1 SHARON NORTH GEORGIA J. S. SPEER JEWELRY CO. SHOE SHOP Dependable Insurance Prompt and Efficient Since 1919 Watch Repairs and Jewelry Service at Loiv Prices BANK BUILDING For Students Dahlonega, Georgia Dahlonega, Georgia Dahlonega, Georgia 1 EAT AT ... Compliments of MINTZ H. & W. WOODY'S JEWELERS CAFETERIA BARBER SHOP Gainesville, Georgia . IN GAINESVILLE Dahlonega, Georgia THE CADET BUGLER PAGE THREE JL L^adet (I5uaier Qujrtdy ALigdzinc OJ Norlh Georgia College Vol. 1 FALL, 1951' No. 1 STAFF WE PRESENT- Editor Bill Brookshire The Editor takes great pleasure in presenting the Cadet Bugler, in its new form. In the years of the past Associate Editor . Dot dejarnette the "Bugler" has been presented to the students and Alumni of North Georgia College in the form of a newspaper. The Managing Editor Carolyn Callaway great drawback in this form of presentation was that the news was always late. News Editor Bill Mundv We of the "Bugler" staff in agree- ment with the members of the administration decided that Assistant News Editors Bettye Jo Scott, Allan Ford a quarterly review was the solution for the problem of "late news." Editorial Assistants—Martin Sibley, Nicki Jackson Dixie Harbin, Marvin Lawrence and Lou Through untiring work and cooperation of the highest Vinton, and Elena Delmonte. degree on the part of the staff and the student body [ feel Literary Editors Rita Jarrard, and Donna Howard that we have given the students and alumni of North Georgia College a publication that will prove informative, Feature Editor _ Mary Shearouse beneficial, and enjoyable, now and in the years to come. The purpose of this magazine will be to make known the Assistant Feature Editors Carolyn Bowen j)rinciples and high ideals for which North Georgia College Josiah Blasingame stands, and to make known, not from a critical, but from a constructive viewpoint, the needs and fallacies of N. G. C. Exchange Editor Gay Hannah Picture Editor Jimmy Stephens In view of the fact that N. G. C. is a military college and many of its graduates enter the armed forces of the Artists Morton Patterson, Nancy Temple United States, we shall devote a large portion of the publi- cation to showing the advantages of military training and Business Manager Vic Hutchison armed might, not only for protective, but also for aggressive reasons. We hope with the support and cooperation of the Business Assistants—T. P. Lang, Wesley Phillips, Leonard students that the new Cadet Bugler will continue to grow Chafin, Thurman Anderson, Ann Nix, and improve for the benefit and enjoyment of all people and Jean Peters. connected with North Georgia College. Faculty Advisors Dr. C. C. Chadbourn. Jr. Mr. H. H. Gilbert Signed: George W. Brookshire Published quarterly by the students oj North Georgia College. Excerpts may be reprinted with credit. Address Editor-in-Chief. correspondence to The Cadet Bugler, N.G.C., Dahlonega, Ga. 3280S PAGE FOUR THE CADET BUGLER The picture ahove left indicates the practical com- At the right is a photograph of the artist's model of pletion of the first of the proposed new units the proposed men's dormitory. N.G.C. In World Affairs Status Confirmed ( 3 ) Gymnasium—Drill Hall consideration to any desires which the (4l Men's Barracks voung ladies at North Georgia College at The North Georgia College Dah- ( 5 I Classroom Building may have for a program of this nature.' as college lonega shall be continued a ( 6 ) Faculty Housing Concerning the role of North Geor- the bachelor's of arts and sciences at B. Additions to Existing Structures gia College in a National Emergency, level and as the one institution in the President Hoag continues, "Future na- ( 1 ) Library Georgia System distinguished by its (2) Infirmary tional needs in a military way cannot, essentially military organization for of course, be predicted. Should the C. Facilities men. Its emphasis for its women, in need develop for training in any field ( 1 1 Tennis Courts addition to that of the usual program of endeavor not now touched by North ( 2 ) Intramural Athletic field, of arts and sciences, shall be upon an Georgia College, the College stands including quarter mile track elementary teacher education curriculum ready to meet it within the limits of its leading to the bachelor's degree. It President Hoag continues, ''It is to be capability." shall not undertake to provide profes- recognized that the development as out- sional ]jhases of a secondary teacher lined cannot be realized in the period Notes From The education ])rogram."' This is the mis- of a few months or, perhaps, years. sion of North Georgia College as stated Rather, the over-all plan should be Dean's Office in a resolution passed by the Board of viewed as an objective toward which 1. Future plans include emphasis the college is constantlv working." Regents on January 18, 1950. upon a Department of Art, a Depart- ment of Music, and expansion in Expansion Program Status of NGC's Request Sociology and Philosophy. 2. Our hope is to develop several In order to carry out this mission For a WAC Reserve Unit Honor societies based upon leadership successfully, a program of expansion is and scholarship. Because of the interest shown by the .'^. North Georgia College has sought now being followed. Merritt E. Hoag, girls at North Georgia College con- to develop a program which will im- President of North Georgia College, cerning military training.jan application jirove its students while they are with states, "A long range campus develop- for the formation of a WAC ROTC us to the extent that they will become ment and rehabilitation plan has been unit was submitted to the Department aware of. first, a "Campus Role," then adopted by the administration with aid of the Army./ President Hoag states, a "Sectional Role," then a "National of professional architectural counsel- "The application met a favorable re- Role," which will in its very nature aid ing. The plan makes provision for the sponse on all levels, including the high- them in becoming conscious of a modernizing of existing structures plus est. However, as was known, favor- "World Role." We believe for a stu- the addition of the necessary units to able action could not be taken because dent to become interested in world ])rovide for an approximate total en- of the absence of legislation and sub- situations and the problems arising rollment of 1.000 students.'" An outline sequent federal appropriations for the from these situations, he or she must of the proposed j)rogram is as follows: activation of such a unit. The matter first develop certain qualities on the A. New units contemplated rests at this point. We locally feel campus, the area in which he lives, (1) Girls' Dormitory (construction confident that should the national em- and be definitely concerned with the Hearing completion) ergency develop to the point that such welfare of the nation. If proper ad- (2) Mens' Dormitory (construction a move would be desirable, the De- justments and instruction are made here to start 1952) partment of the Army would give early on the campus, eventually the student THE CADET BUGLER PAGE FIVE C. In World Affairs uill hiHomc aware of world siluatioiis. be appointed Comjiany Commander of Proper interest in individual initiative "A" Company if he were the best here will be refieeted as we think of qualified for the job. In a letter to I. locking Communism in the world. If th(- cadet officers and first sergeants \\f strive to give a l)alan(ed and sound ;||)poiiited at the begining of the Fall idea of American Education here, this (,U)arler. the first under the new |ilan. \\\\\ he reflected in our world attitudes Major Luttrell said: a.s we meet world problems. If we ''To you cadets in whom we ha\c emphasize and grasp the real meaning placed our trust. CONGRATULA- of freedom here as it has been passed TIONS. It is our earnest endeavor tn on to us by our forefathers, then a lia\e the strongest Cadet Corps for tbi \'. orld will react with confidence in us coming school year that North Georgi; and look to us for guidance. If a College has ever produced. We ha\r philosophy of '"he jjrofits most who chosen you as representative of the most serves best" is placed before our stu- outstanding and best qualified group dents here, it will radiate into attitudes with our Cadet Corps and belie\i toward bro\vn, red. and black men in that you will hel]) us in training and this ever-shrinking world. |iroducing the tyjie of officers our Arm\ Some of the ste])s being taken are so desperately needs. By so doing, you the formation of future plans for ex- will be making an outstanding contri- pansion and emphasis upon a Depart- bution to your country as well as carry- ment of Music.
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